Monday, July 25, 2016

Leah Messer Bikini Photo Draws Concern, Criticism

Leah Messer is no stranger to criticism.

The Teen Mom 2 star has been lambasted on social media for everything from her prescription drug abuse to rushing her daughters off to school without breakfast.

So in a way, we guess it might be something of a relief for Leah to be ridiculed for something that has nothing to do with her allegedly unfit parenting.

But of course, it’s much more likely that this latest round of abuse from random strangers on social media is just as nightmarish as all the others.

Leah went swimming in an above-ground pool that appears to be in a parking lot over the weekend, because West Virginia. (Just kidding, WV peeps!)

And it seems a lot of her social media followers feel that Leah is looking unhealthily gaunt these days:

“Jesus! eat a burger gf!” wrote one fan.

“Leah has always been thin, but she was a healthy thin,” another commented.

“This is just too thin especially with her bones sticking out in her chest.”

It’s true that Leah has always been thin, but she does seem to be skinnier than usual these days.

Of course, this is social media we’re talking about, so it wasn’t enough for fans to make that observation, they also had to follow it up with absurd conclusions.

Some believe that Leah’s drug problems are back.

Others speculated that criticism she received during the past season of TM2 coupled with the recent pressures of buying and moving into a new home are taking their toll on Leah.

Frankly, we have no idea, but we’re gonna go ahead and say it:

Leah looks just fine.

It’s the people clogging up her comment board with body-shaming hate that we’re really worried about!