Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Johnny Depp Wants to Sue Amber Heard For HOW MUCH?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce hasn’t received much tabloid coverage in recent weeks, but it seems the proceedings are still getting uglier by the day.

At this point, it seems Depp is more concerned with protecting his privacy than his assets.

We’ve already reported on his efforts to silence Heard with a non-disclosure agreement, but it now looks as though he’s even more  intent on preventing her from talking to the press than we previously thought.

For the past week, Depp’s team has been hesitant to comply with Heard’s attorney’s requests for financial records.

It’s not hard to see how the documents would be relevant to the proceedings, but Team Depp claims they’re concerned that details about his earnings and investments will be leaked to the public.

So now they’re offering Heard a compromise of sorts by stating that they’ll release the records – if she and her lawyers agree to an arrangement in which they’ll be forced to fork over $ 100,000 every time they violate the terms of a strict confidentiality clause.

Not surprisingly, Heard’s attorneys are not eager to accept an arrangement that could wind up costing their client an enormous sum of money.

In fact, they’ve gone so far as to describe Depp’s latest moves as “blatant threats”:

“[Depp] and his counsel’s demand for the execution of these two non-disclosure agreements which impose undue financial hardships and burdens on [Heard] are nothing but blatant threats by [Depp] and are illustrative of his continued attempts to thwart real progress in this case,” states new documents obtained by People magazine.

“In reality, it has been, and continues to be Depp who refuses to be forthright with his financial information and has stymied resolution of this case…[Depp] has been stonewalling the progress of this case, by refusing to provide the most basic financial documents.”

This back-and-forth has been going on for weeks, with each side accusing the other of drawing out the divorce and leaking info to the press.

Depp’s team has been accused of providing media outlets with information that paint Heard in a negative light, so if his team continues pushing for the $ 100,000 deal, you can expect Heard’s people to reciprocate.

Whatever the case, it’s looking like Depp and Heard won’t be reaching a settlement any time soon.