Showing posts with label Depp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Depp. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Johnny Depp Files New Legal Docs Claiming Proof He Never Struck Amber Heard

Johnny Depp has just filed legal docs citing new evidence that he never beat then-wife Amber Heard … a claim she made during their acrimonious divorce.
Depp filed the docs in the U.K., where he’s suing The Sun for defamation in connection with an article calling him...
Johnny Depp Files New Legal Docs Claiming Proof He Never Struck Amber Heard

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Lily-Rose Depp and Timothee Chalamet: Dating!

While Johnny Depp continues his slow collapse into a morass of self-parody, man jewelry, and strategically ripped denim, his daughter is still attempting to build a life and career for herself far removed from her father’s increasingly long shadow.

And she’s well on her way with her first A-list romance:

Timothee Chalamet and Lily-Rose Depp

According to E! News, Lily-Rose Depp confirmed that she’s dating actor Timothee Chalamet this week by laying on the PDA during a date night in NYC.

Okay, so Chalamet might not be a household name just yet, but the young actor has already built up one hell of a resume.

With an Oscar-nominated performance in Call Me By Your Name and a memorable turn in Lady Bird to his credit, it’s only a matter of time before someone casts him as a Jedi or a superhero.

Tim and Lily

This kid is so talented we’re willing to overlook the obnoxious spelling of his first name, which is the highest praise we can think of.

Neither party has spoken publicly about the relationship so far, but onlookers say their interactions Monday night left little doubt that they’re an item.

“They were very sweet together,” an eyewitness shared with E! News.

“They wrapped their arms around each other in line and linked arms the entire time,” the source added.

“They seemed very happy to be together.”

An insider tells E! that the couple dined on peasant fare, enjoying “fried chicken at a fine dining restaurant.” 

“When they left, they stopped on a street corner and shared another passionate kiss,” the onlooker added. 

“They huddled together in the rain but loved being outside and were laughing and smiling the entire time. They seemed very into each other.”

The enthusiasm about this stylish new couple is reflected in the comments Gen Z-ers are posting on social media:

“THEYRE SO CUTEEEE,” one fan commented on Instagram.

“Omg omg omg omg yassss,” wrote another user.

We hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but Timothee is in for a hard slog if these two get serious.

That’s not a knock on Lily, but rather a hard fact about her increasingly unhinged dad.

Lily is obviously set for life, but Timothee is just starting out as an actor, and being forced to apologize for every dumb thing Johnny Depp says is a burden no one should have to bear.

But that’s a concern for way down the line.

We’re just throwing out there because we’re old and crotchety and we need to pass the time until the prune juice kicks in.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Johnny Depp: Amber Heard Beat the Sh-t Out of Me!

When Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finalized their divorce back in January of 2017, the actors signed a nondisclosure agreement that prevented them from speaking to the press about their marriage.

Sources say both parties considered it the best path forward, as it would enable them to focus on their careers and avoid public conjecture about their personal lives.

But unquestionably, no one benefited as much from the arrangement as Depp.

Heard had accused Depp of abuse, and photos of the injuries she allegedly sustained at his hands stunned the internet.

In the current climate of Hollywood, it seems very likely that if we knew all of the details of Depp’s behavior toward Heard in the final months of their marriage, he would never work again.

And that’s a large part of why those details were supposed to be forever buried by that NDA.

Which is why it’s so bizarre that Depp continues to make counter-claims against Heard, thus dragging the whole messy situation back out into the open.

Back in June, he hinted at being unfairly denigrated by Heard in a bizarre, rambling Rolling Stone interview.

And this week, Depp spoke with British GQ and claimed it’s not possible that he could have been physically abusive toward Heard, as he’s not that “dumb.”

“To harm someone you love? As a kind of bully? No, it didn’t, it couldn’t even sound like me,” Depp told the magazine.

Lawyers for Heard promptly issued a statement accusing Depp of continued psychological abuse:

“Mr. Depp is shamefully continuing his psychological abuse of Ms. Heard, who has attempted to put a very painful part of her life firmly in her past,” their statement reads.

“One need only look at the physical evidence to draw the proper conclusion.”

Depp’s attorneys quickly shot back with a statement of their own, claiming that they’ll soon reveal in a London courtroom that Heard was violent toward Depp on multiple occasions:

“In UK court proceedings next month, we will be submitting clear evidence of the violence committed serially against him by Ms. Heard and the serious injuries that he suffered,” Depp’s lawyer Adam Waldman said in a statement released on Wednesday night.

“We will also submit overwhelming evidence that Ms. Heard faked the abuse allegations against Mr. Depp.”

This is not the first time that Depp has claimed he was physically abused by Heard.

The actor previously claimed Heard punched him in the face in front of multiple witnesses after flying into a rage because he was late to a party.

He also says Heard defecated on his bed as an act of revenge.

Again, we’re baffled as to why Johnny would air all this dirty laundry in public.

But we’re guessing those closest to both Depp and Heard wish they would simply cut ties with one another for good.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Johnny Depp: There"s No Way I Could Have Abused Amber Heard!

There was a time — not all that long ago, in fact — when people actually looked forward to the promotional tours that preceded the release of Johnny Depp’s big-budget studio films.

Depp was Hollywood’s most charming oddball, and fans loved the idea of the notoriously press-shy actor being lured away from much cooler pursuits — presumably smoking opium with Keith Richards or something — to provide a sharp contrast to the sunny demeanor of some bubbly morning show host.

But a whole lot has changed since the days when Depp used to mumble his way through pre-taped interviews with Matt Lauer.

And needless to say, it’s all been bad.

Over the past few years, the once-beloved actor’s reputation has taken one hit after another.

Last year, Depp sued his management team, and the bizarre court battle that ensued painted a picture of a drug-addled egomaniac who’s prone to bullying and endangering the less powerful for the sake of his own amusement.

In June, Rolling Stone published an interview with Depp that seemed to confirm suspicions that years of heavy substance abuse and a number of toxic personality traits had caused the 55-year-old to transform into a sort of sad self-parody.

But nothing did more damage to Depp’s public image than his ugly divorce from Amber Heard.

Heard accused Depp of savagely beating her, and secretly recorded video (below) showed a heavily-intoxicated Depp berating his then-wife.

Most actors would have embarked on an apology tour after something like that, but Depp maintained his innocence, and in a shocking new interview with British GQ, he’s doubling down and once again claiming that Heard is the real bully:

Asked point-blank if he ever hit abused Heard, Depp had this to say:

“To harm someone you love? As a kind of bully? No, it didn’t, it couldn’t even sound like me.

“So, initially, I just kept my mouth shut, you know? I knew it was going to stick on me and it would get weirder. Keep going, you know? Go nuts. I ain’t going to get into a pissing contest with someone about it.

“Spit out what you need to spit out and, you know, my attorneys will take care of the rest. I never went out and spoke about the sh-t.”

Yes, it seems that in the classic fashion of Hollywood egomaniacs throughout history, Depp believed his attorneys would make the whole mess go away.

He went on to offer up one of those “well, why didn’t she report it sooner?” arguments that we’ve been hearing entirely too much of lately:

“Why didn’t that person speak to the police? I mean, they spoke to the police, but the police saw nothing and they offered her an emergency medical technician,” Depp said.

“She said no. Police see nothing on her. Police see nothing broken in the place, no marks, and then they offer her an EMT to have a look at her and she says no and I don’t know if it was the next day or a couple of days later, but then there was a bruise,” he added.

“There was a red mark and then there was a brown bruise…. She was at a party the next day. Her eye wasn’t closed. She had her hair over her eye, but you could see the eye wasn’t shut.”

Depp concluded his comments on Heard by stating that it would be “stupid” to hit her, and adding:

“I might look stupid, but I ain’t f–king stupid.”

We’re not sure about that, Johnny … you’re certainly sounding awfully stupid these days.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Johnny Depp: Amber Heard Punched Me In the Face Because I Was Late to Her Party

Johnny Depp has been in the news a lot lately and — spoiler alert! — it’s not because of his incredible career comeback.

Quite the opposite in fact, as Depp’s torturously slow meltdown has made him a major tabloid staple in recent months.

The Summer of Johnny Drama began when photos of Depp looking frail and gaunt made their way around social media.

From there, we were treated to Depp’s bizarre Rolling Stone interview, in which it was revealed that he spends most of his time padding around a massive London mansion smoking hash and blaring Marilyn Manson, which is the ideal existence if you’re a 15-year-old goth, but is more than a little sad if you’re a 55-year-old dad getting stoned with people who are paid to hang out with you.

Of course, the beginning of Depp’s very public downfall was his ugly divorce from Amber Heard.

During the split, it was revealed that Depp was often abusive toward Heard, even going so far as to physically attack her in such brutal fashion that she was left bruised and bloody.

Depp and Heard both signed non-disclosure agreements which prohibit them from speaking to the press about their marriage or divorce.

Sounds like a net positive for Depp, but for some reason, the actor has decided to open the dark sarcophagus of his past and spill the foul red fluid of his sh-tty behavior all over an unsuspecting populace.

Apparently, Johnny was extremely pissed off by a UK tabloid’s account of his marriage, and he’s decided to sue for libel.

In doing so, he’s offered his version of events, which leans very heavily on the old “actually, she was the abuser!” narrative.

According to court documents obtained by The Daily Mail, Depp claims Heard once humiliated him by drunkenly socking him in the face at her own birthday party.

“Ms. Heard, who had been drinking, became aggressive and violent… punching him twice in the face,” Depp’s attorneys write.

They go on to claim that Depp “defended himself by grabbing Ms. Heard’s arms to stop her punching again and told her to stop,” adding:

“He pushed her away on to the bed and told her he was leaving and that she should not follow him.”

Yes, Johnny’s playing the “real victim” card these days, and to the surprise of no one who’s not named Johnny Depp, it’s triggering bullsh-t detectors all over the world.

In fact, the response from Amber’s lawyers basically consists of them going, “Look at this guy. You really gonna believe him?” 

“These allegations are totally false,” their reply reads.

“One needs only read the recent Rolling Stone article about Mr. Depp and the lawsuit filed against him by a location manager, among many other recent news stories and lawsuits, to understand his state of mind.”

If Depp’s lawyers are smart they’ll just shrug and say touché.

We’d almost feel bad for them … if they weren’t defending Johnny Depp.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Johnny Depp Changes Amber Heard Knuckle Tattoo Again, SCUM to SCAM

Johnny Depp is throwing out all the rules on exes and tattoos, ‘cause he’s changed his Amber Heard-inspired knuckle ink yet again … and added a dash of chaos. Fellow Hollywood Vampires bandmember Tommy Henriksen posted a photo of Depp’s…


Monday, July 9, 2018

Johnny Depp Is Being Sued For Paying a Guy to Punch Him

The strange saga of Johnny Depp took another bizarre turn today courtesy of a lawsuit filed by a location scout on his latest film.

In documents filed this week, Gregg “Rocky” Brooks details an assault on the set of City of Lies, a movie in which Depp plays a cop investigating the murder of the Notorious B.I.G.

(Have we mentioned Johnny’s life is very strange these days? Because we really can’t stress that enough.)

An egomaniacal and probably intoxicated star attacking a low-level crew member wouldn’t be all that strange on its own.

But there’s a twist here:

Brooks says Depp not only assaulted him, he also offered Brooks $ 100,000 to punch him in the face.

Yes, if you’re in the right place at the right time, Johnny Depp will apparently offer you six figures to clean his clock.

And all you college grads are whining about the lack of job opportunities in this country!

Brooks’ story goes something like this:

Johnny hired a few of his pals to work on this movie because apparently no one ever says “no” to Johnny Depp.

Probably as a result of the fact that the set was now lousy with post-middle age cronies in Keith Richards attire, the shoot ran long.

When Brooks attempted to inform Depp that it would soon be time to wrap it up, the actor lost it:

“Who the f-ck are you?” Depp asked, probably quite literally.

“You have no right to tell me what to do.” 

Brooks says Depp then jabbed him in the ribs twice, but the assault failed to elicit a reaction.

This caused Depp to get even angrier and led him to make the offer that makes this story so deliciously odd:

“I will give you $ 100,000 to punch me in the face right now,” Johnny reportedly shouted in Brook’s face.

To our utter shock, Brooks says Depp’s breath reeked of alcohol.

Obviously, we don’t have any solid proof that Johnny Depp was drunk on this movie set, but … Johnny Depp was drunk on this movie set.

That may sound like a smear, but in a way, we’re defending him.

If dude acts like this when he’s sober then he’s even more far-gone than we thought.


Johnny Depp Sued For Attacking Crew Member on Biggie Smalls Movie

Johnny Depp attacked a member of the crew on a movie shoot, telling the crew member he’d give him $ 100k to punch him in the face … and now the crew member wants his money in the form of a lawsuit. Gregg “Rocky” Brooks was hired as a location…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Johnny Depp Opens Up About Drugs, Debt, Divorce In Bonkers Interview

What"s the trouble with Johnny Depp?

It"s a question that fans and former fans have been asking for the past two years.

It"s also the intriguing title of a new Rolling Stone piece that purports to offer some answers.

Journalist David Rodrick spent three days — well, nights, as Depp keeps vampire hours — hanging out with the increasingly controversial actor, and it seems there was no topic that wasn"t up for discussion.

Depp"s massive debt and recent legal battles, his ugly divorce from Amber Heard, and his prodigious appetite for inebriants were all addressed in a wide-ranging conversation that helped to shed some light on Depp"s demons.

Is this Johnny showing the world his vulnerable side?

Or have we all just been taken in by a man who"s made a very nice living off his ability to manipulate the emotions of others by transforming himself?

Decide for yourself with this list of the most bonkers revelations from Johnny"s most candid interview to date.

1. One Mean Mom

Johnny depp red carpet image

“My mom was maybe the meanest human being I have ever met in my life,” Depp tells Rodrick at one point, adding that his mother often struck her and hurled objects at them.

2. A Traumatic Childhood

Johnny depp interview photo

“There were irrational beatings,” says Depp. “Maybe it’s an ashtray coming your way. Maybe you’re gonna get clunked with the phone.”

3. A Complex Relationship

Johnny depp premiere photo

“She could be a real bitch on wheels,” Depp says of his mother, before noting that his first major purchase after gaining fame was a house for the woman who raised him.

4. An Attempt to Deflect?

Johnny depp and amber heard picture

Many have interpreted Depp’s comments about his enduring love of his mother despite the abuse she inflicted as an effort to deflect allegations that he was abusive to his former wife, Amber Heard.

5. "Slim" to "Scum"

Johnny depp drunk with amber heard

Depp signed a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits him from talking about Heard — but Rodrick notes that a tattoo on Johnny’s hand that used to feature Heard’s nickname, Slim, has been altered to read, “Scum.”

6. Speaking of Abused Women…

Amber heard and johnny depp in black and white

Depp goes on to comment on the #MeToo movement and the accusations against “goliath Shrek thing” Harvey Weinstein. He’s no fan of Harvey, but his remarks aren’t exactly in perfect alignment with contemporary feminism, either.

View Slideshow

Friday, June 15, 2018

Johnny Depp: Hiding Deadly Disease From Fans?

Last week, fans were shocked by photos of Johnny Depp looking gaunt and frail while on tour with his band in Europe.

If you haven’t seen the image in question, just imagine what Johnny would look like if he had spent the past few months preparing for a live-action sequel to the Corpse Bride.

Or, ya know … you can just see for yourself in the pic below:

Look, Depp superfans are a real and terrifying bunch, and we know better than to needlessly provoke them, so before you scroll down to the comments to excoriate us for cracking jokes about a dying man, let us make one thing clear:

Johnny Depp is probably not dying.

In fact, he’s probably just fine.

In fact, his reps have already issued a statement claiming that he’s losing weight on purpose and is healthier than he’s been in years.

But none of that will stop the Australian tabloids from working their readers up into a lather with claims that Depp is on his deathbed.

In case you’re not familiar, Aussie tabloids make British tabloids look like freakin’ New York Times in terms of journalistic integrity, which is really saying something, as British tabloids have been putting US tabloids to shame in terms of, well, shamelessness for the past couple decades.

Basically, just think of everything Donald Trump has said about the mainstream media in the past two years and know that all of those things are actually true of the Aussie tabloids.

Anyway, one scandal sheet from Down Under has demonstrated an obsession with Johnny’s well-being that’s matched only by every single Hot Topic clerk on the planet. 

In a piece with the admirably restrained and subtle title of “What’s Killing Johnny?” a magazine that’s apparently known only as NW claimed that sources close to the actor are deeply concerned that he’s on his last (fatally skinny) legs.

“His friends are worried he’s keeping quiet about a serious illness,” says an almost certainly made-up “insider.”

“It’s well known that he’s a heavy drinker and the fear is his frail appearance could be linked to drugs or booze… or both.”

The insider claims that one illness in particular has Johnny fans concerned:

“Many are worried he possibly has liver cancer or something because he’s so skinny and has got, like, no hair now.”

Lol at the claim that “many” people jumped to that same ultra-specific conclusion.

“Johnny’s looking slimmer than usual. Must be the liver cancer,” cried the masses in unison.

We guess the folks at NW can skate by on a technicality here, as Johnny Depp will almost certainly not live forever, and is thus dying, in a sense.

But if we know Johnny — and we don’t — he’ll be shambling across the stage like the reanimated cadaver of his idol Keith Richards long after everyone has stopped caring or paying attention.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Johnny Depp: I Look Like This on Purpose! I"m Not Dying!!

In recent photos, Johnny Depp has looked gaunt and frail. That’s bad news if you’re a fan.

But if you’re the sort of person who happens to be concerned with Depp’s well-being, there is good news! Sources claim that he’s totally healthy, all appearances to the contrary.

So … that settles it?

Recent photo ops with fans have shown that Johnny Depp looks, well, worse for wear. Fans have remarked that the 54-year-old looks gaunt, older than his age, and even withered.

Is his health in decline?

From what a source tells Us Weekly, Johnny Depp’s health is totally fine.

“Johnny is healthy and enjoying his time on the road with his band [Hollywood Vampires].”

The band has been touring abroad, which is where so many fan photos have left fans alarmed and critics filled with schadenfreude.

An additional source tells the tabloid that Depp “purposely lost weight because he’s on tour and is trying to stay in shape.”

But clarifies that he “doesn’t have any major health issues or anything.”

Despite the harrowing accusations of domestic violence against Johnny Depp, he continues to have a large number of fans.

(That’s not actually surprising. Celebrities have diehard fans who will defend them no matter what. Hell, even Bill Cosby still has supporters)

These fans have left comments on social media, expressing their concern.

“I think my hero looks ill.”

It’s one thing to admire an actor despite their behavior. It’s another to call them your hero.

“You are one of my favorite actors and I enjoy watching you in [movies] I hope you truly are okay.”

These folks are fans — they’re not trying to be shady. They’re genuinely concerned.

“Johnny you are looking really lean. Hoping your health is good.”

Some comments were a bit more … blunt.

“This is healthy?”

Kyler Clark is a Nashville-based photographer who works as Alice Cooper’s assistand and who has been documenting the adventures of Hollywood Vampires.

On June 3, he wrote:

“He is FINE.”

You can practically feel Clark’s exhasperation.

“We move around a lot at an erratic pace and we are all f–king exhausted.”

Sure … we can understand that.

“Does ANYONE look great as soon as they open their eyes? Does anyone look great when they are sleeping?”

Well, most people don’t look like a wraith has been siphoning off their life force while they slumber. Especially when they’re posing for photos with fans.

“What about when they’ve been on a plane every day for the last month bouncing around the world? No. I know I don’t.”

Some folks couldn’t help but connect Depp’s worse-for-wear appearance with his lawsuit.

Depp’s bodyguards are suing him, claiming that he failed to pay them for months on end.

The guards allege some out-of-control drug use, where they were even tasked with wiping cocaine off of Depp’s face. Yikes.

All things considered, though, that’s not the worst accusation against Depp.

His alleged drug use played a role, ex-wife Amber Heard says, in his alleged domestic violence against her during their marriage.

Even fans who disbelieved Heard, the witnesses, and text message evidence were alarmed when Johnny Depp was accused of attacking a crew member on a film set.

Some wonder if this alleged rampant drug use is impacting both his behavior and his physical appearance.

Depp remains a controversial figure.

His central role in the upcoming The Crimes of Grindelwald film from the Harry Potter franchise is the reason that some lifelong, diehard Harry Potter fans will not be seeing it.

But it is understandable that those people who are his fans are concerned about his health.

Is it true that he’s just tired from nonstop travel and not being as young as he used to be?

Is it really the result of drug use? Or is Depp just not aging as gracefully as he might.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Johnny Depp Appears Gaunt, Frail In Shocking New Photos

One of the many, many perks of being a world-famous movie star is getting to spend time with your idols.

And so, Johnny Depp has lived with Hunter S. Thompson and jammed with Keith Richards.

Unfortunately, it looks like all those decades of keeping pace with the world’s hardest partiers is beginning to take a toll on Johnny.

That’s a photo of Depp that was posted online by a fan this week.

The actor appears considerably more gaunt than usual, and fans took notice in a major way.

Depp was in Russia, touring with his band, the Hollywood Vampires, and he posed for pics with fans who likely shelled out quite a few rubles for the opportunity.

Not surprisingly, those fans then posted the images to their social media accounts.

And as with past Russian Facebook activity, the effects of the posts were immediately felt on a global scale.

Depp quickly became a trending topic, with some fans expressing concern and others dismissing those concerns.

Johnny Depp Is Thin

“He looks pale here. Hope he’s okay,” commented one IG user.

“Johnny Depp looks so bad, omg, is he ill or something?” wrote another.

“Please please tell me that Johnny Depp is just prepping for a movie and not that he is sick cause he doesn’t look so good here,” remarked.

“He looks like is this for a new movie. He is fine and not sick,” wrote another fan, who may be onto something.

Depp has several new films set for release, including the Harry Potter spinoff The Crimes of Grindelwald, and City of Lies, in which he plays an LAPD officer investigating the murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G.

It’s unlikely that either of those movies necessitated any sort of physical transformation from Depp, but a more low-profile project entitled Richard Says Goodbye may have required Depp to shed some pounds.

According to a description of the film, Depp plays “a world-weary college professor” who receives a “life-changing diagnosis.”

Based on that description and the title of the project, we’re guessing that diagnosis isn’t seasonal allergies.

Depp defenders are clinging to the “it’s for a role” defense, but as many have pointed out, it’s equally possible that the actor’s lifestyle is simply catching up to him. 

Depp will turn 55 next week, and he’s shown little interest in putting his hedonistic ways behind him.

In fact, according to a pair of recent lawsuits, he’s going at it harder than ever.

Depp is being sued by his management team in response to the allegations that the firm nearly bankrupted him.

In one court document, attorneys claim that Depp’s many wild expenditures included spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.

In a separate lawsuit, Depp is being sued by two former bodyguards for creating a “toxic and unsafe” work environment.

The former employees allege that one of their many bizarre job responsibilities was ensuring that there was no cocaine residue on Depp’s face during public appearances.

Like so many others, we’re hoping that Johnny’s frail appearance these days is the result of method acting, not health issues.

Fortunately, fans can take heart in the assurances of audience members on Depp’s current tour who claim he appears to be in good spirits — and good health.

“Just saw #JohnnyDepp in concert in Hamburg. He looks healthy, happy and he had so much fun. … How pictures can deceive an impression,” wrote one such fan.

Reps for Johnny have declined to comment on the situation.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Johnny Depp Gets Shaved and Braided for Hollywood Vampires

Johnny Depp’s shaved off a lot of his famous flowing locks, and what’s left is his new take on the mohawk ‘cause … rock ‘n’ roll, baby! Johnny’s taken the sides all the way down to his scalp but, instead of just rocking your standard mohawk, he’s…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Johnny Depp Accused of Drunkenly Attacking Crew Member on Film Set

It wasn’t all that long ago that Johnny Depp was one of the most beloved and sought-after talents in Hollywood.

But those days have been washed away in a tidal wave and enough rum to keep the Black Pearl afloat.

At this point in his career, Depp is at best a walking punchline and at worst a menacing threat to loved ones and co-workers.

And lately, the public image so carefully constructed by his many handlers has been crumbling faster than ever, in large part because the managers, handlers, and security guards who have served as the living barrier between Depp and the press have been abandoning their posts in fear for their professional reputations and in some cases, their lives.

Just last week, several bodyguards filed suit against Depp claiming that he created a “toxic and unsafe” work environment in which hard drug use and reckless misuse of firearms were daily occurrences.

(Someone should tell Johnny he can stop studying up for that Hunter S. Thompson role anytime now.)

And because Depp’s specialty these days is finding new rock bottoms, this week brought news of yet another violent incident:

While filming the movie LAbyrinth in Los Angeles, Depp decided to take over directing a scene set on an actual city street, even going so far as to cast two of his friends in significant roles.

It went about as well as you would expect:

“Johnny’s friends were in the scene, and it just turned into way more than it should have been,” a production insider on set tells Page Six.

Sources say the day went long, and the shooting permit expired, but Depp refused to stop filming.

When a location manager informed director Brad Furman that the scene needed to wrap immediately, Furman responded, “Tell that to Johnny Depp!” 

One crew member decided to do exactly that, approaching Depp and telling plainly, “This is the last shot.”

At that point, Depp – who, according to the witness, had been “smoking and drinking all day on set” – became irate and started shouting at the crew member.

“He was 6 inches away, yelling, ‘Who are you? You have no right!’”

When the crew member calmly attempted to defuse the situation, Depp reportedly swung on him, landing a “weak blow” to the ribs that had little effect.

But Depp didn’t stop there, of course.

He allegedly continued to berate the crew member and challenge him to fisticuffs, at one point bellowing, “I’ll give you $ 100,000 to punch me right now!”

Depp’s camp has yet to comment on the situation, but his 

“Johnny Depp is a consummate professional, great collaborator and a supporter of other artists,” he said in a statement.

“He always treats the crew and people around him with the utmost respect. Movies can be stressful, and nonevents often become exaggerated. We all love stories — there isn’t one here.”

This is just the latest in a long line of professional entanglements for Depp who’s currently being sued by his former management team after alleging that the group brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.

The firm says Depp’s financial issues have more to do with his $ 30,000 a month wine habit.

We’re no legal experts but that sounds like a solid argument.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued By Bodyguards: He Made Us Wipe the Coke Off His Face!

In case you haven’t been keeping up with the sad downward spiral of Johnny Depp in recent months, allow us to quickly fill you in:

Basically, over the course of the past year, the once-beloved actor has gone from brooding weirdo with mystique, a la Edward Scissorhands, to perennially-inebriated shyster who you wouldn’t trust to look after your houseplants, a la some unsettling combo of Captain Jack Sparrow and Depp’s Hunter S. Thompson caricature from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

We won’t even get into Depp’s truly ugly divorce from Amber Heard, with its myriad allegations of physical and psychological abuse.

Instead, we’ll focus on the other legal entanglements that should keep Johnny occupied for his remaining years.

It all started when Depp sued his management team for allegedly allowing him to spend himself to the brink of bankruptcy.

(At a certain level of wealth, you’re literally not accountable for anything you do.)

The management group countersued, claiming that Depp is a habitual liar who spends $ 30,000 a month on wine (seriously).

As we’ve seen time and again in 2018, once a rich and powerful person gets called out in a legal setting, people begin to realize that they’re not actually invincible/

And – taking a cue from his management team – Depp’s security guards are getting in on the act and suing the actor for the astonishing sum of $ 25 million.

Does their case have any merit?

That remains to be seen – but in the meantime, the disgruntled guards are doing a number on Depp’s already battered reputation with some shocking tales of misbehavior.

The bodyguards claim they were initially paid by a private security firm, but when Depp fell on hard times, they agreed to a deal where he would pay them directly – and they were immediately punished for their loyalty.

“Depp began making sudden and drastic changes to his staff and management team, causing a significant financial crunch for everyone surrounding Depp, except for Depp himself,” read court documents obtained by Page Six.

“Plaintiffs were loyal to Depp and his family and understanding of the financial hurricane Depp was in.”

The papers go on to allege:

“Plaintiffs found themselves in situations that required more than what a bodyguard would be expected to do.”

And what were they asked to do? 

Basically act as Depp’s personal chauffeurs/babysitters/drug mules/personal assistants.

Lawyers claim the guards “were asked repeatedly to drive vehicles that contained illegal substances” and “open containers” and “were asked to monitor unstable individuals in [Depp’s] life and entourage.”

Their duties were eventually expanded to include serving as the “primary caretakers” of Depp’s children, and occasionally removing the cocaine from his immaculately-manicured mustache.

“Often times Plaintiffs were forced to protect [Depp] from himself and his vices while in public, becoming caretakers for him,” the suit claims.

“A[n] incident at a local nightclub involved Plaintiffs alerting Depp of illegal substances visible on his face and person while preventing onlookers from noticing Depp’s condition.”

The guards go on to claim that Depp created a “toxic and unsafe work environment” that eventually forced them to quit.

As evidence, they cite an incident in which the actor’s head of security shot himself in the leg “while playing with his weapon in a small control room on Johnny Depp’s property.”

Hey, if “playing” with guns while coked out of your guard makes us toxic and unsafe, we don’t want to be whatever the opposite of toxic and unsafe is!

Anyway, you can stop researching that Fear and Loathing role any time now, Johnny.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued by Ex-Bodyguards for Unpaid Wages, Toxic Work Environment

Johnny Depp used and abused a couple of his security guards, then screwed them over on payday … according to a new suit. The now former bodyguards, Eugene Arreola and Miguel Sanchez, claim they took personal jobs with the actor in early 2016 after…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Johnny Depp Jams With Joe Perry, Slash & Duff McKagan

Q: What’s better than Johnny Depp and Joe Perry jamming onstage together? A: Depp, Perry, Slash AND Duff McKagan shredding on stage together! It happened Tuesday night at the Roxy on Sunset, where Perry was holding a release…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Harry Potter Director Defends Johnny Depp Against Abuse Claims

Back in the early 2000s, Johnny Depp’s transition from oddball indie darling to blockbuster franchise star was the talk of Hollywood.

Not only had Depp made the leap from the arthouse to the A-list, he did so following a late-nineties slump that saw him headlining such forgettable fare as Don Juan DeMarco and The Nick of Time.

Yes, it wasn’t all that long ago that it seemed Johnny Depp could do know wrong–but now those days seem like a distant memory.

These days, Depp’s legal battles make more headlines than his acting triumphs, and many once-faithful fans have fled like rats from a sinking pirate ship.

Most recently, Depp’s lawsuit against his management team, shed light on several less-than-flattering aspects of the 54-year-old’s personal life.

The tabloids focused on more amusing aspects of the court documents, such as Depp’s $ 30,000-a-month wine habit and chronic inability to show up to set on time (which the defendants insist has made him nigh-unemployable).

But the filings also addressed an even darker chapter from Depp’s recent past–shocking allegations of abuse made by the actor’s ex-wife, Amber Heard.

Heard says Depp struck her on multiple occasions, and she offered photographic proof in court, including photos of a black eye and several bruises she says she received at his hands.

She also submitted into evidence footage that she secretly filmed during a drunken tirade by her then-husband (below).

Normally, accusations such as these would be enough to derail even the most beloved movie star’s career.

But for whatever reason, Depp has emerged unscathed, assuming the central role in yet another franchise targeted at children with the upcoming Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, part of the ongoing Harry Potter saga.

Fans have expressed outrage over Depp’s continued involvement in the series of films (He briefly appeared in 2016’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.) but Warner Bros. currently has no plans to replace him.

Shockingly, director David Yates has now come out with what many consider an indefensible statement in support of Depp:

“Honestly, there’s an issue at the moment where there’s a lot of people being accused of things, they’re being accused by multiple victims, and it’s compelling and frightening,” Yates said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something. I can only tell you about the man I see every day:

“He’s full of decency and kindness, and that’s all I see. Whatever accusation was out there doesn’t tally with the kind of human being I’ve been working with.”

Yates continued:

“By testament, some of the women in [Depp’s] life have said the same thing — ‘that’s not the human being we know.’

“It’s very different [than cases] where there are multiple accusers over many years that need to be examined and we need to reflect on our industry that allows that to roll on year in and year out.

The director concluded:

“Johnny isn’t in that category in any shape or form. So to me, it doesn’t bear any more analysis. It’s a dead issue.”

Obviously, Yates is using languages that’s common to those who defend abusers, reasoning that since he’s never seen Depp’s violent side, it must not exist.

Others involved in the franchise have chosen to remain mum on the issue of Depp, including J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels.

Twitter users have even reported being blocked by Rowling after asking about Depp.

Interestingly, Rowling purchased Depp’s yacht earlier this year for several million dollars, and the two are said to have hit it off.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
