Johnny Depp has just filed legal docs citing new evidence that he never beat then-wife Amber Heard … a claim she made during their acrimonious divorce.
Depp filed the docs in the U.K., where he’s suing The Sun for defamation in connection with an article calling him...
Johnny Depp Files New Legal Docs Claiming Proof He Never Struck Amber Heard
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Johnny Depp Files New Legal Docs Claiming Proof He Never Struck Amber Heard
Friday, January 11, 2019
Ne-Yo Don"t Compare R. Kelly to MJ, Please ... Only Proof for 1 of "Em
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Ne-Yo Don"t Compare R. Kelly to MJ, Please ... Only Proof for 1 of "Em
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Jill Duggar: PROOF She and Her Family are Broke?!
OK, so we’ve definitely discussed the state of Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard’s finances before.
Many, many times.
Nobody’s trying to be nosy — not any nosier than celebrity gossip tends to be, anyway — but they’ve brought the topic up themselves a lot over the past few years.
And it literally never goes over well.
The thing is that the Duggar family has money, and everybody knows it.
They’ve had their own reality show for the past 10 years — 17 Kids and Counting debuted on TLC in September of 2008.
It eventually became 18 Kids and Counting, then 19 Kids and Counting, but it was cancelled in 2015 after Josh’s molestation scandal.
By the end of that year, however, the first episode of their spin-off, Counting On, aired.
So it’s not like they were ever “out of work” for any real length of time.
Since the whole family has been on popular reality shows for ten years (and counting, get it?), they’re reasonably well off.
Like, they have about eight private planes.
They’re doing all right.
Still, Jill and Derick have gotten into a habit of asking fans for money.
And that’s just not a good look.
Time and time again, they’ve set up GoFundMe pages, asking for donations for their mission trips.
Whenever they got criticism for it — which was every single time they did it — they always defended themselves by saying that missionaries get donations, it’s just a thing that happens.
Which is true, sure, but missionaries are rarely also TV stars.
These days, their family is pretty settled in Arkansas, so they can’t really do such easy money grabs anymore.
… Or can they?!
Alyssa Bates from Bringing Up Bates, that show that’s basically 19 Kids and Counting with a different family, posted a giveaway on her Instagram account on Friday.
The rules of the giveaway were to follow her and then tag three people in the comments.
From those entries, she’d pick 28 people to win a gift card — $ 10 gift cards to Starbucks and Chick-fil-A, and $ 10 iTunes gift cards.
As she explained in the caption on her post, this is just a way for her to “show my appreciation to you guys for your constant love and support.”
You can already see where this is headed, can’t you?
Jill actually entered the giveaway.
She was already following Alyssa, since the Bates and the Duggars are friends.
But she tagged two of her sisters, Jessa and Jinger, as well as her sister-in-law, Anna.
“Hey biz!” she added, using a nickname for Alyssa. “Super nice of you!”
And it’s all just kind of odd.
The giveaway was obviously intended for fans, as most giveaways are.
Surely the vast majority of her followers who have entered it are fans of the show who would appreciate a little treat like this.
Not, you know, people who have been famous for a decade.
Yes, she was fired from the family’s show after Derick’s super weird rants about Jazz Jennings and transgender people in general.
And sure, Derick doesn’t have a job right now, and she’s staying home with the kids while he goes to law school.
But still, the Duggars were able to afford raising 19 children.
And on top of that, they’ve likely dropped a few million dollars just on private planes.
Can Jim Bob really not throw Jill some cash if she wants some Starbucks money that bad?
It’s weird to say, but we kind of hope that Jill just doesn’t understand that this is tacky.
After all, that’s still better than her just being that broke.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Molly Hopkins: Luis Getting Remarried is Proof He Was USING ME!
Former 90 Day Fiance couple Molly and Luis are over. So over, in fact, that one of them has already moved on.
Luis got married just a few months after their divorce, and now Molly is speaking out.
She says that this marriage is proof that he was just using her to get into America.
Molly Hopkins spoke to Us Weekly and says that Luis Mendez’s wedding is evidence that he is no good.
“I feel it clearly shows he was possibly using me and my finances to get here,” Molly says.
“Because,” she reasons. “Our divorce was final in May.”
Their divorce was May 4. Luis then got married in September, just four months later.
“So he either already knew her and had a plan all along and I’m a fool,” Molly explains.
“Or,” Molly says. “We are both fools if she doesn’t know him.”
That makes sense. It does seem like either Luis had this woman on the side all along, or has simply moved on.
Molly warns that Luis is not to be trusted “because I met Jekyll in the Dominican [Republic] and got Hyde here, or vice versa.”
(For the record, Hyde is generally the bad guy)
“Either way,” Molly wishes. “May it work out.”
She explains that she gives this union her blessing “because I’m glad he’s gone.”
As we previously reported, Luis gushed about his new bride.
“I love this girl so much,” he shared. “She’s amazing.”
Luis has yet to reveal his new wife’s identity.
“The most amazing part was meeting her,” he raved. “Because she changed all life to happiness.”
He says that he and Molly “have no contact.”
Despite the contentiousness of their relationship, Luis doesn’t seem to outwardly harbor any ill will towards his ex.
“I just want to be happy,” Luis claimed.
That said, he wants to keep his distance.
If Molly has a response to his marriage, he said, “I don’t want to know anything about it.”
“But,” Luis continued. “If she wants to congratulate me, it’s OK.”
Before speaking out, Molly did go on Instagram live and acknowledge that Luis had gotten married.
“Oh yeah, for all of you who care,” Molly said. “I totally got used, but it’s all good
“Yeah, he’s married to someone else,” she acknowledged. “She looks older than me, from the Dominican Republic.”
“So all the people who thought I was crazy, his situation was pretty lovely,” Molly said of their erstwhile relationship.
“I mean, we were together for two years, so it’s all good,” Molly concluded. “Oh God, it doesn’t hurt at all. I’m good. I’m so good.”
At one point, it appeared that Luis was accusing Molly of abusing him during their marriage.
Domestic violence is extremely serious.
Even before that, a lot of people were convinced that Molly was no angel — but that Luis was just trying to use her.
Some would say that two bad apples deserve each other.
We would say that the entire world is better off with one fewer toxic relationship.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Jenna Cooper: Here"s the Proof that JORDAN Faked Those Cheating Texts!
Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball’s Bachelor in Paradise cheating scandal didn’t end when they broke up.
While Jenna has fired back, saying that she’s a victim of fraud, Jordan has all but accused her of blackmailing him through her attorneys.
Now, she is hitting back even harder, and accusing Jordan of having faked the text messages for publicity’s sake.
Over the weekend, Us Weekly spoke to Jordan Kimball about this entire situation.
“It is what it is,” the model states simply.
When it comes to the emails he shared that he clearly viewed as a blackmail attempt, he says: “I said nothing about it.”
“The email was sent to me,” Jorday explains. “I got phone calls from the firm.”
“It was an attorney representing her,” Jordan says, who told him to publicly exonerate Jenna or the firm would go public with what they know.
Jordan says that he’s heard from her attorneys, but that’s about as personal as it gets these days.
“I’ve heard nothing back” from Jenna, Jordan says. “And her family stopped — I guess you could say bashing me online.”
“They have said nothing,” he says. “She has said nothing. It’s behind us.”
“I no longer feel I need to defend myself,” Jordan claims. “It is what it is.”
But … is it? Because Jenna released some evidence for the entire world to see.
When other Bachelor ladies rallied to Jenna’s defense, Lauren Burnham assured the world that she’d seen proof that Jenna wasn’t a cheater.
It’s not that people realistically believe that Reality Steve fabricated text messages out of thin air.
Instead, people believe that someone close to Jenna, someone who knew her texting style and phone number, faked them and sent them to him.
And Jenna’s electronic devices got a clean bill of health — with an examination that proves she never cheated.
“A comprehensive forensic examination of Jenna’s devices by an independent third-party expert, Jenna’s publicist Steve Honig begins.
Honig continues: “has definitively confirmed none of the text messages in question came from Jenna’s phone.”
“Given the conclusive findings of the forensic report,” Honig says. “Jenna’s team is considering all options available to Jenna relating to the fraudulent texts.”

Jenna’s publicist’s statement continues, and begins to paint a troubling picture of her former love.
“After the cameras stopped rolling, Jordan’s demeanor toward Jenna changed dramatically,” Honig reveals.
“He let it be known there was only room for one celebrity in the relationship,” Honig says.
Jordan reportedly made it clear that “he was more successful and famous than her, she would never make as much money as him or amount to anything in life.”
“She was belittled and made to feel insignificant and worthless,” Honig says. “He continues to disparage her to this day.”
“As painful as this has been for Jenna,” Honig concludes. “She is glad he showed his true colors before they were married and began building a life together.”
Protus3 is a Raleigh-based security service to which Jenna turned to prove her innocense. They examined her iPhone, iPad, and iCloud storage.
“An analysis of the messages and data ranging from June 11, 2017, through September 18, 2018, on all devices,” the Protus3 report says.
The report continues, revealing that the test “did not reveal any of the text messages alleged to be created by Ms. Cooper.”
As we mentioned, the analysis would have turned up any messages, even deleted ones, that she sent on any of her devices.
Protus3’s analysis also showed that certain keywords showed up in Jenna’s messages to Jordan and in the allegedly fabricated texts that make her look like a cheater.
Protus3 just reports as a third party on the contents of the examination, but Jenna’s attorneys have made their theory clear.
They believe that Jordan faked the texts and then sent them to Reality Steve with enough details about Jenna to make the texts look authentic.
But, as Protus3 notes, screenshots — no matter their source — cannot be authenticated with the level of certainty that comes with screening a device.
It’s not clear what they believe was Jordan’s motive.
Was he allegedly trying to milk the Bachelor Nation for sympathy that could carry him forward in his reality career?
Was he just trying to end their relationship without appearing to the public as “the bad guy?”
Or is Jordan just another victim in all of this, and the texts were fabricated by someone else?
Monday, August 27, 2018
Donald Trump: Actual Proof of Secret Love Child Revealed?!
There was a time when if you read a headline asserting that the President of the Unitd States of America was hiding an illegitimate child from the world, it was safe to assume it was utter BS.
But this is the Trump era — a time when the line between celebrity gossip and legitimate news has become blurred to the point of disappearing entirely.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon.
It’s partially due to Trump’s tendency to dismiss every outlet that criticizes him (read: every legitimate news source on the planet) as fake news.
And it doesn’t help matters that Trump spent most of his life pursuing perverse adolescent fantasies — as though Richie Rich grew up and started doing a lot of blow with Charlie Sheen — which means there’s a lot of very real dirt on the guy.
But the biggest reason for the ascendancy of tabloids as fonts of legitimate information is the fact that Trump has been in bed with such sordid scandal sheets as the National Enquirer for so long that the editors have become members of his inner circle.
As you’ve likely heard by now CEO of American Media Incorporated — which owns the Enquirer and several other less-reputable media outlets — has been granted immunity by federal prosecutors in exchange for providing information about Trump.
It’s long been believed that Pecker was instrumental in helping to bury numerous stories that might be detrimental to Trump’s reputation, including allegations of an affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal.
Now, another insider whose account of illicit behavior by Trump was buried by Pecker is making his voice heard.
Dino Sajudin a former doorman at NYC’s World Tower claims he has knowledge of an affair between Trump and an ex-housekeeper at the tower.
Sajudin says the affair resulted in a child, and AMI wrangled him into a contract that forced him to keep the information to himself.
Now, Sajudin’s attorney, Marc Held, says he has been released from his contract with AMI and is ready to tell his story.
“Mr. Sajudin has been unable to discuss the circumstances regarding his deal with American Media Inc. and the story that he sold to them, due to a significant financial penalty,” Marc revealed to CNN.
“Just recently, AMI released Mr. Sajudin from the terms of his agreement and he is now able to speak about his personal experience with them, as well as his story, which is now known to be one of the ‘catch and kill’ pieces.
“Mr. Sajudin hopes the truth will come out in the very near future.”
As for why he waited until now to speak out, Held says Sajudin could have been sued for the amount of $ 1 million for violating his contract.
“He’s a blue-collar worker and a million dollars would have ruined him for life,” Held claims.
Sajudin’s is reportedly one of AMI’s “catch and kill” stories, obtained by the company for the sole purpose of preventing other outlets from making them public.
“Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump’s illegitimate child,” reads one portion of the contract obtained by CNN.
According to the agreement, AMI doesn’t owe Dino any compensation, as his revelations were never printed in any of their publications.
Thus far, Trump has yet to speak out on the doorman’s allegations.
But if we know our president, a tweet or twenty are on their way.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Kailyn Lowry: PROOF That She"s Back with Chris Lopez?!
Kailyn Lowry’s relationship with Chris Lopez has been such a roller coaster ride, hasn’t it?
It’s honestly been a little exhausting, and we’re not even the ones in the relationship.
Of course, there hasn’t been an actual relationship for most of the time we’ve known Chris existed, has there?
From what we’ve heard, Kailyn met Chris in college, and they were friends for a while before they started hooking up.
And even though Kailyn became pregnant in late 2016, she and Chris never really had any great romance — she said on Teen Mom 2 that he had another girlfriend at the time.
Also on the show, we watched her struggle quite a bit with how uninvolved Chris seemed to be during the pregnancy.
She’d call him to invite him to appointments, and he wouldn’t show, and then when she was on vacation and was hospitalized for possible preeclampsia, he ignored her calls.
But when their son, Lux, was finally born, he did show up at the hospital, and he even took them home from the hospital.
He helped out for a bit, but before too long, he was gone again.
In this season of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn has accused him of being an “Instagram dad” — of just being around enough for pictures to share on social media so he looks good.
She also dealt with a bit of a custody battle with him over Lux.
It’s been very, very messy.
However, there’s been some evidence lately that things are actually good between these two now, despite everything.
More than good, even.
Speculation began a few weeks ago when Kailyn was tweeting about Lux’s first birthday party — at one point, she wrote “I was going to have a Coco theme party for Lux but Chris and I decided to change it last minute.”
That means they planned their son’s birthday party together, and as we saw in the photos she shared, Chris even showed up to the party.
They sure have come a long way, huh?
But of course, attenting their kid’s first birthday party together could just be good co-parenting, right?
It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re together.
No, some other posts she’s made recently do more to prove that.
This week, Kailyn shared a video on Instagram of her oldest son, Isaac, walking into his newly redecorated room, looking all precious and excited.
In her caption, she thanked Chris, which seems weird, right?
Other people thought so, too, and in a Q&A, also on Instagram, one of her followers asked her “Why did Chris help with Isaac’s room?”
“I guess the better question is why wouldn’t he have helped?” she responded.
… No, the better question is definitely the first one. It doesn’t make sense for Chris to work on Isaac’s room, Isaac isn’t his kid and, unlike Javi Marroquin, he never got that close to her other children.
As far as we can tell, the only reason that Kailyn would just assume Chris would help with things like that would be if they’re together again.
And in another answer in a Q&A, she pretty much confirmed it.
This time, someone asked “What’s your sex life like?”
“Only if it’s w you babyyyyy,” she replied.
And she tagged Chris.
How much more proof do we need that Kailyn and Chris are giving things another go?
Looks like she may make things work with her one true love after all!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Josh and Anna Duggar: Proof That Their Marriage Is a Sham?
Last week, Josh and Anna Duggar celebrated an anniversary.
The usually private couple to Instagram to share their special occasion with fans:
“Josh and I celebrated our 10-year engagement anniversary,” Anna captioned the pic above.
“The past 10 years have been a wonderful adventure.”
Yes, these two were so eager to celebrate a decade together that they jumped the gun and marked the occasion of their engagement, not their wedding.
Clearly, they’re still head over heels for one another, right.
Well, not so fast, says body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass.
Dr. Glass says Anna’s stance and facial expression convey that she’s uncomfortable being so close to Josh and is forcing herself to look happy for the camera’s benefit.
“She has a tight smile,” Dr. Glass says.
“Her eyes are not smiling. She’s gritting her teeth. It’s very contrived.”
Dr. Glass even goes so far as to claim that one can reach a definitive conclusion regarding Anna’s feelings toward Josh based on the photo:
“Anyone with eyes can see there’s no love there,” she says.
Glass also analyzed the video below, in which several members of the Duggar clan congratulate Jinger Duggar on her pregnancy:
Once again, Dr. Glass, says, Anna’s posture and movements are evidence that she’s uncomfortable being so close to her husband.
“It’s rehearsed,” she says.
“This is what she’s told to do. He has his hands on her to guide her to do it right.”
Glass adds:
“He has both hands on her shoulders, like a control thing.”
According to Dr. Glass, the video essentially serves as evidence that Josh and Anna’s wedding is a sham:
“She’s uncomfortable. She’s rocking back and forth. It’s so phony and contrived.”
As longtime followers of the Duggar clan know, Anna has good reason to feel uncomfortable.
Many fans expected Anna to leave her husband after the Josh Duggar sex scandals went public back in 2015.
She stood by her husband’s sign amidst claims of pedophilia and incestuous behavior, but she was soon punished for her loyalty when it was revealed that Josh had used the Ashley Madison website in order to find a partner with which to cheat on Anna.
Divorce is strictly forbidden in the Duggars’ world, which likely explains why Anna has chosen not to end her marriage.
But that doesn’t mean she’s happy about it.
Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Nathan Griffith: I Have PROOF That Jenelle Evans Beats Her Kids!
Fans of Teen Mom 2 have known for years that Jenelle Evans’ parenting is shoddy at best, abusive and criminally negligent at worst.
But this past week has provided more evidence than ever before that Jenelle is unfit to raise children.
It all started when Evans’ 4-year-old son Kaiser was dropped off to spend the weekend with his father, Nathan Griffith.
Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, claims she immediately discovered several bruises on the boy.
And when she asked how he got so banged up, Kaiser reportedly blamed his controversial stepfather.
“I received my child and he has marks all over him,” Griffith told the dispatcher.
“We asked him about it and he said David hit him with a stick.”
At the end of the weekend, Nathan and Doris refused to return Kaiser to his mother, but were eventually forced to do so when an emergency CPS investigation turned up no conclusive evidence of abuse.
Despite considerable protest Kaiser is now back with Jenelle and David in what his father fears is an abusive situation.
But that doesn’t mean Nathan and Doris are giving up the fight.
“Columbus County CPS has an open investigation on them still,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.
And Nathan says he has evidence that will convince investigators that Jenelle should be stripped of all custody and visitation rights.
Insiders say Nathan took photos of five different bruises on Kaiser’s body before he returned the boy to Jenelle.
It’s unclear why this evidence didn’t persuade the original investigator that the 4-year-old is being abused, but Nathan is reportedly confident that the photographs will be enough to have Jenelle stripped of all custody and visitation rights.
Of course, as longtime followers of this conflict know, Nathan has been trying to have his son removed from Jenelle’s home for almost a year, thus far to no avail.
The custody battle began back in September of 2017.
At the time, Nathan accused both Jenelle and David of using corporal punishment that left “bruises and markings on the child that are unusual and more than normal scrapes that a toddler may have.”
Nathan also accused Jenelle of smoking pot while pregnant, something that she later admitted to.
Shortly after Nathan’s original documents were filed, he accused Eason of punching Kaiser on more than one occasion.
Eason has denied the allegation.
David recently took to Instagram to attempt to explain Kaiser’s bruising to the public:
“You couldn’t ask for a better kid,” Eason wrote.
“Kaiser is more active than the rest and tends to be a little clumsy but he is a bruiser and nothing stops him when he is having a good time!”
Needless to say, the comment aroused more suspicions than it allayed.
It remains to be seen if Nathan is actually in possession of sufficient evidence to prove to the court that Jenelle is an unfit mother.
Of course, some would say MTV already has thousands of hours of proof.
Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how terrible a mom Jenelle really is.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Beyonce is Pregnant Again: All the So-Called Proof!
Some Beyonce rumors pop and then go away after a few hours.
Like the claim that this singer has been carrying on affair with LeBron James.
But other Beyonce rumors crop up… and then continue cropping up, with dedicated members of the Beyhive convinced something or other about the artist is true.
This ended up being the case following lots of chatter of a Jay-Z affair.
And some are now absolutely sure it"s the case when it comes to talk that Beyonce is pregnant with baby number-four.
On what are supporters basing this theory? For the most part, on many of the outfits featured below.
Scrol down to see what we mean…
1. Beyonce and Jay-Z are on Tour Again

2. Just Look at This Pose, People!

3. Remember the Blue Reveal?

4. Other Concert Goers Chime In

5. Just Look at Those Videos!

6. Blazers and Capes, You Guys!