Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Nathan Griffith Accuses Jenelle Evans of Child Abuse, Reveals Her Teen Mom 2 Salary in Shocking Rant!

It"s been quite a month for Jenelle Evans.

Beginning with her refusal to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Florence, it"s been one controversy after another for Evans and her husband, David Eason.

In the days since the storm subsided, Jenelle has been accused of stealing a dog and pilfering charitable donations that were meant for her neighbors in need.

And believe it or not, those allegations pale in comparison to the charges that Nathan Griffith has now leveled against his ex.

1. Hurricane Queen

Jenelle eason bikini photo

Jenelle seems to be living the high life in the wake of Hurricane Florence. But all the while, she’s been sending very mixed messages to her fans.

2. What Hurricane?

Jenelle evans dude shirt

At first, Jenelle was criticized for downplaying the impact of the storm. She refused to evacuate despite warnings from local governments, and she used the #WhatHurricane hashtag when boasting about how much fun her kids were having.

3. Changing Her Tune

Jenelle evans gaze

Shortly thereafter, however, Jenelle complained that she had run out of food and gas and was quickly growing desperate.

4. A Gift From the Food Gods

Groceries for jenelle

When Evans posted this pic of “free” food that her family had received from a charitable organization, fans were quick to point out that the packages were distributed based on income, which should have disqualified self-proclaimed millionaire Jenelle.

5. Nathan on the Case

Nathan griffith profile pic

For months now, Jenelle has been locked in a bitter custody battle with Nathan Griffith, and it seems she may have just given her ex the ammo he needs in order to claim victory.

6. Nate Goes Off

Nathan griffith and kaiser smiles

After learning of Jenelle’s suspicious behavior in the wake of Florence, Nathan decided to share some information about the Teen Mom 2 star’s very sketchy existence.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is She Still In Love With Nathan Griffith?!

If you"re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you"re probably aware that the custody battle between Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith seems to get uglier by the day.

And if you have even a cursory knowledge of how our legal system works, you also know that it would be wise of Jenelle to refrain from publicly commenting on her relationship with her ex until after the courts have had their say.

But for some reason, Mrs. Evans-Eason is chronically incapable of keeping her mouth shut on the topic of Nathan.

We"re used to Jenelle making bad decisions, but the frequency with which she repeats this one idiotic choice borders on astonishing.

Some fans have concluded that Jenelle is "obsessed" with Nathan.

And others insist they know exactly why that is.

Check out the gallery below for some information that might help you to make sense of this baffling situation …

1. Happier Times

Jenelle evans and nathan griffith photograph

Jenelle and Nathan’s relationship may have been brief, but it yielded a child — 4-year-old Kaiser — which means these two are forever bound to one another.

2. Stuck In the Middle

Nathan and kaiser being tough

Sadly, young Kaiser has been caught in the middle of a custody battle that now ranks as one of the most bitter in Teen Mom history.

3. Airing Her Laundry

Jenelle evans photoshopped ad

Earlier this week, Jenelle publicly complained about Nathan yet again, this time alleging that he had skipped a scheduled visit with Kaiser.

4. The Right Move

Nathan griffith profile pic

Nathan is doing the smart thing in this situation by waiting until his day in court to hash things out with Jenelle. But hat doesn’t mean the Carolina Hurricane isn’t getting roasted on Twitter.

5. Ashley Steps In

Ashley lanhardt image

Nathan has been dating Ashley Lanhardt for over a year, and she happily stepped in to put Jenelle in her place this week.

6. What Really Happened

What really happened

“Tell him bc he’s always ‘sick’ u won’t let him see his daddy on his scheduled weekends,” Ashley tweeted in response to Jenelle’s claims.

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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Nathan Griffith Doesn"t Care About Our Son!

It sure has been an eventful summer for Jenelle Evans, huh?

Between all the weird gun stuff, her battle with MTV over her contract, and several custody issues, it"s a miracle she"s found the time to enjoy the season (in her pool that still doesn"t have a fence)!

Oh, and speaking of those custody issues … you know how Nathan Griffith, the father of her second child, Kaiser, recently filed for full custody?

Yeah, Jenelle has a few things to say about that.


1. So Much Rage

Jenelle evans in glasses

Jenelle has been fighting with SO MANY PEOPLE lately, right? And yeah, she’s never exactly been a cool, calm, and collected person, but it’s just been too much these past few months.

2. All This Over David?

David jenelle eason

She’s been raging about how MTV fired David Eason and how they refuse to film him, because apparently she can’t do her job without him by her side, literally, at all times.

3. Uhhh …

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

You know how a lot of people go to work without their spouses? And sometimes they even go on business trips alone, or if they do bring their significant others, they just pay for all their expenses out of their own pockets? Yeah, that kind of life simply isn’t for our Jenelle.

4. What a Tragedy

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

MTV fired David over his nasty homophobic tweets, and as we saw on the season finale of Teen Mom 2, they refuse to film when he’s present. Jenelle has thrown many fits about this, but MTV isn’t budging.

5. Contracts Though

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

But the thing is that Jenelle is still under contract, so she can throw as many fits as she wants, but she’s still obligated to film the show.


Jenelle evans eye roll

What’s this got to do with Nathan? Not much, honestly, but it’s been a big part of Jenelle’s life lately, and we really have to set the stage for the latest custody battle, you know.

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Friday, August 3, 2018

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans Did Drugs While She Was Pregnant!

Folks, it"s going down!

The custody battle between Nathan Griffith and Jenelle Evans is getting uglier by the day, and by the time it"s all over, you may have an even lower opinion of Teen Mom 2"s most nefarious villain — if that"s even possible.

Earlier this week, we reported that Griffith has filed for full custody of his son, Kaiser.

Not only that, in court documents, Nathan has demanded that Jenelle"s husband, David Eason, be prohibited from having any contact with Kaiser.

It"s a shocking move, and Griffith will need to make a strong case in court in order to pull it off.

And it looks like he"s already laying the groundwork with a startling new accusation …

1. Jenelle Plays Mom

Jenelle and sons

If you’ve ever seen a single episode of Teen Mom 2, we don’t need to tell you that Jenelle Evans is not exactly mom of the year material.

2. Saving the Day?

Nathan griffith and kaiser smiles

Now, her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, is fighting for custody of Jenelle’s middle child, Kaiser. And he’s pulling out all the stops to convince the judge that Evans is an unfit parent.

3. Griffith vs. Evans

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

Custody battles are generally ugly affairs, but the all-out war between Jenelle and Nathan is taking it to the next level.

4. Eason Is the Reason

David eason allergic to shirts

Not only does Nathan want full custody of Kaiser, he also wants David to be prohibited from having any contact with the boy.

5. Shocking Allegations

Jenelle evans david eason kids easter

Nathan has accused David of striking Kaiser so hard that he’s left bruises on multiple occasions.

6. Baby Mama Drama

Jenelley evans

Of course, Nathan maintains there’s more than one unfit parent in the Evans-Eason household. In fact, he claims Jenelle has been putting her children’s lives at risk since before she even met David.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Nathan Griffith Files For Full Custody of Kaiser, Demands David Eason Stay Away From His Son!

The fallout from Jenelle Evans" insane road rage incident has officially begun.

According to a new report from The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Jenelle"s second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, has filed for sole custody of his son, Kaiser.

In court documents, Nathan argues that Jenelle and her husband, David Eason, have created an unsafe environment for their children due to their drug use and anger issues.

In addition to petitioning for a change in his custody arrangement, Nathan wants the court to prohibit David from having any contact with David.

Needless to say, this situation has the potential to get very ugly.

Here"s what we know about the battle so far …

1. Father and Son

Nathan and kaiser being tough

Nathan currently has partial custody of Kaiser. Teen Mom 2 fans have long suspected that he would eventually file to alter that arrangement.

2. Making Moves

Nathan griffith and kaiser smiles

According to The Ashley, Nathan filed paperwork last Tuesday in hopes of being granted sole physical custody of Kaiser.

3. What Prompted the Move?

Jenelle raging on the road

Many fans have assumed that the Nathan’s legal action is the result of new information about an incident in which Jenelle chased another driver to his home, where she brandished a weapon. But that might not be the case …

4. Two Bad Parents

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

It seems Nathan simply feels that the environment in Jenelle’s home is unfit for children, due in large part to David Eason and his famously explosive temper.

5. Concerns For Kaiser

Jenelle nathan and kaiser

In his filing, Griffith claims that a “substantial change has occurred” in Kaiser, and he believes that Eason is primarily to blame.

6. Nathan vs. David

Nathan griffith david eason split

Griffith argues that Eason is a “violent person who is a danger to [Kaiser].” He adds that Eason will have “a detrimental effect on the minor child unless the custody order is modified.”

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is Nathan Griffith Getting Custody of Kaiser After Road Rage Incident?!

So, uh, how about that Teen Mom 2 episode this week, huh?

Pretty wild stuff.

We saw Chelsea Houska dealing with the pain of having Adam Lind as her child’s father, and Kailyn Lowry going through some co-parenting issues of her own.

Leah Messer got the bad news that her disabled daughter had lost her aide at school, and Briana DeJesus was visited by a very dramatic Javi Marroquin while healing from her plastic surgery.

But even with all that going on, all anyone has been able to talk about is what went down with Jenelle Evans.

Because it was absolutely terrifying.

In her first scene of the episode, she was seen driving Jace home after his therapy session when she started developing a bit of road rage.

A man in a big white truck was driving too closely behind her, she felt, so she retaliated by going slow and not allowing him to pass her.

But he managed to go around her anyway, and when he did, he pulled in front of her and slammed on his breaks.

And that’s when she really flipped out.

She immediately called the police, but then she decided to take matters into her own hands by following the guy to his house.

As she pulled up there, she took out a gun she had hidden and placed it beside her, just in case she had a chance to act like even more of a jackass.

The man blocked her in so she couldn’t leave, and he hit the side of her car a bit, which made her even more upset.

She tried pulling around him and ended up accidentally hitting his mailbox.

MTV made the decision to edit this bit out, but they did show a black screen with text explaining that she pulled out her gun then.

She did manage to get away from the guy’s house unscathed, but as she was driving along, she was pulled over by a police officer who wanted to talk to her about the incident.

She started crying and embellishing the story to make herself sound like the victim — you know how Jenelle does.

And we’ll have to wait until next week’s episode to see the aftermath.

The whole thing was pretty insane to watch, especially because the whole time, poor Jace was right next to her, clearly being traumatized.

But according to a new interview from Nathan Griffith, there may be one good thing to come out of this mess.

Yep, sounds like the custody battle is back on!

Nathan told TMZ that he feels like Jenelle’s footage “helps me in my situation of getting custody of Kaiser because it shows an unstable environment and a very hectic situation instead of being calm … escalating where it could be potentially more hazardous.”

“It shows that that the child might be in danger of being in a hostile situation like that and not making sound judgment to keep the children safe.”

… Yeah, that’s pretty much Jenelle’s signature move.

Nathan also said that he wants to “investigate further into the raw footage,” which would be neat.

Seriously, how great would it be if she actually faced consequences for this kind of reckless behavior?

“I am afraid that if she carries a loaded weapon inside a vehicle and she keeps it that accessible without a lock on it, it’s very dangerous to be around children,” he continued.

“Especially if they don’t know to always treat your gun like it’s always loaded.”

If Kaiser gets scolded for simply asking to go to the bathroom, for some reason we have a hard time believing that Jenelle and David would take the time to teach him gun safety.

We also saw Jenelle step out of her car to speak to the police officer with no concerns about leaving a loaded gun right next to Jace, so …

We really don’t blame Nathan one bit for being concerned.

Another issue he had with the footage, he said, was that “Depending on the situation, that guy could have had a gun too, and it could have been an all-out brawl.”

“Children could have been hurt. She could have been hurt … It could have been a nasty situation and bloodbath.”

It’s actually kind of a miracle that she wasn’t hurt.

We know that the man she chased down did have a gun of his own, and that when he saw her following him home, he alerted his neighbors, who also had guns.

He’s even said that the only reason he didn’t pull his gun out was that he saw Jace in the car.

(Real quick — how sad is it that this complete stranger showed more concern for Jace than Jenelle did?)

Nathan feels so strongly about all of this that he was even willing to go on record saying that he agreed with David — which, if you know their history, is pretty remarkable.

Remember in the episode, Jenelle called David to tell him what had happened, and he immediately told her that she shouldn’t have followed a grown man back to his house?

“I don’t agree with David a lot,” Nathan acknowledged, “but he made a strong statement. She shouldn’t be following, not just a grown man home, she probably shouldn’t have followed somebody home period, especially with her aggressive personality.”

It really does sound like he’s planning on taking this issue to court, and if you throw the footage in with with that whole thing earlier this month where there was a CPS investigation after Nathan found suspicious bruises on Kaiser

Maybe Jenelle will lose custody of her second child, too.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Nathan Griffith: I Have PROOF That Jenelle Evans Beats Her Kids!

Fans of Teen Mom 2 have known for years that Jenelle Evans’ parenting is shoddy at best, abusive and criminally negligent at worst.

But this past week has provided more evidence than ever before that Jenelle is unfit to raise children.

It all started when Evans’ 4-year-old son Kaiser was dropped off to spend the weekend with his father, Nathan Griffith.

Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, claims she immediately discovered several bruises on the boy.

And when she asked how he got so banged up, Kaiser reportedly blamed his controversial stepfather.

“I received my child and he has marks all over him,” Griffith told the dispatcher.

“We asked him about it and he said David hit him with a stick.”

At the end of the weekend, Nathan and Doris refused to return Kaiser to his mother, but were eventually forced to do so when an emergency CPS investigation turned up no conclusive evidence of abuse.

Despite considerable protest Kaiser is now back with Jenelle and David in what his father fears is an abusive situation.

But that doesn’t mean Nathan and Doris are giving up the fight.

“Columbus County CPS has an open investigation on them still,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

And Nathan says he has evidence that will convince investigators that Jenelle should be stripped of all custody and visitation rights.

Insiders say Nathan took photos of five different bruises on Kaiser’s body before he returned the boy to Jenelle.

It’s unclear why this evidence didn’t persuade the original investigator that the 4-year-old is being abused, but Nathan is reportedly confident that the photographs will be enough to have Jenelle stripped of all custody and visitation rights.

Of course, as longtime followers of this conflict know, Nathan has been trying to have his son removed from Jenelle’s home for almost a year, thus far to no avail.

The custody battle began back in September of 2017.

At the time, Nathan accused both Jenelle and David of using corporal punishment that left “bruises and markings on the child that are unusual and more than normal scrapes that a toddler may have.”

Nathan also accused Jenelle of smoking pot while pregnant, something that she later admitted to.

Shortly after Nathan’s original documents were filed, he accused Eason of punching Kaiser on more than one occasion.

Eason has denied the allegation.

David recently took to Instagram to attempt to explain Kaiser’s bruising to the public:

“You couldn’t ask for a better kid,” Eason wrote.

“Kaiser is more active than the rest and tends to be a little clumsy but he is a bruiser and nothing stops him when he is having a good time!” 

Needless to say, the comment aroused more suspicions than it allayed.

It remains to be seen if Nathan is actually in possession of sufficient evidence to prove to the court that Jenelle is an unfit mother.

Of course, some would say MTV already has thousands of hours of proof.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how terrible a mom Jenelle really is.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans-Nathan Griffith Custody Battle Takes Shocking Turn

Week after week, Jenelle Evans continues to shock Teen Mom 2 fans with her negligent, abusive parenting.

But believe it or not, a judge has determined that while Jenelle"s parenting skills are highly questionable, there"s not enough evidence against her to remove son Kaiser from her home and place the 4-year-old with his father, Nathan Griffith.

According to The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Nathan"s mother, Doris Davidson, recently attempted to keep Kaiser at her home without Jenelle"s permission.

And on Tuesday evening, Jenelle was finally able to take the boy back.

So that particular battle may be over — but you can be sure the war is just getting started.

Here"s the latest:

1. Jenelle and Her Boys

Jenelle and sons

Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s been raised by his grandmother since birth. Now, she’s fighting tooth and nail to retain primary custody of Jace’s younger brother, Kaiser.

2. Birthday Boy

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

The last fans saw of Jenelle and Kaiser together was when the two of them celebrated his fourth birthday last week.

3. Unfair Criticism?

Jenelle evans and kaiser at daycare

At the time, Jenelle received a fair bit of flak from fans for taking Kaiser to daycare on his big day. Others pointed out that many young children enjoy celebrating with their friends at school, and it may have been his decision to attend.

4. The Standoff

Jenelle evans son kaiser with dog

After his birthday celebration, Kaiser was dropped off at Doris’ in order to spend the weekend with Nathan’s family. Davidson refused to return the boy to Jenelle after the weekend was through, claiming she had reason to believe he was being abused.

5. Proof of Abuse?

Jenelle and kaiser evans summer chillin

Doris claims she found bruises on Kaiser’s body. She says she’s long suspected that he’s being abused by his stepfather, David Eason.

6. The Carolina Hurricane

Jenelle evans takes a lot of drugs

When Doris refused to bring Kaiser to the custody drop on Sunday night, Jenelle did what she does best and lost her temper in a major way.

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Friday, June 8, 2018

David Eason Caught Harassing Nathan Griffith, Hurling Homophobic Slurs

Yesterday, we reported on the encouraging news that Nathan Griffith wants to fight David Eason.

Nathan would most likely make short work of Jenelle Evans’ husband in the ring, and since Eason was recently accused of punching a toddler, we would very much like to see that happen.

Nathan Griffith, David Eason Split

Nathan has every reason to want to clean David’s clock (the aforementioned toddler is Griffith’s son, Kaiser), so we weren’t all that curious about the motives when he issued his challenge.

But as it turns out, he has even more cause to hate Eason than we initially thought.

As you may recall, Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling homophobic slurs at fans of the show in a bizarre social media meltdown.

Far from having learned his lesson about hate speech, it seems David is still targeting epithets at those who have incurred his ire.

These days, that means he’s saying horrendous things to Nathan.

We know this because Griffith’s girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, recently took to Twitter in an effort to put a stop to the harassment.

“Jenelle, I would text you but you have me blocked,” she tweeted to Evans.

“Please check your husband and tell him to stop harassing my man calling him a ‘f-g boy’ over text. We are enjoying our night with family on the water and his random harassing texts are unnecessary. Thank you.” 

It’s times like this that we like to remind you that David Eason is a 29-year-old grownup who is responsible for the care and upbringing of five (5) children.

We’ll pause while you weep for the future.

Anyway, by blocking all communication from Nathan and Ashley (because why would you ever need to hear from the person you share a child with?), Jenelle and David have put all of their asinine feuds and dirty laundry on public display.

Earlier this week, Nathan took to Twitter to chastise Jenelle for claiming that he wishes to contact her only because he hopes to win her back:

“JENELLE! Get over yourself!” he wrote. 

“I talk the same way to my ex-wife. It does not mean I want you back. Once again, I have a child with you.

“I ask all the time about Kaiser. It’s you that stalks and harasses then texts me the next day about something totally irrelevant to Kaiser.”

Hopefully, David is looking at Nathan’s impossible situation and taking notes, because this is the future he created when he made a baby with Jenelle Evans

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the extent to which David and Jenelle deserve each other.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Nathan Griffith to David Eason: Let"s Fight, You Punk B-tch!

As with Jenelle Evans’s previous boyfriends, Nathan Griffith was not exactly a hit with viewers during his time on Teen Mom 2.

But Jenelle has dedicated her life to finding new rock bottoms.

And that’s how she wound up with David Eason, arguably the worst baby daddy in the storied history of the Teen Mom franchise.

Currently, Jenelle is locked in a custody battle with Nathan, and based on what we’re hearing out of court, things are getting extremely ugly.

Like, “ugly even by Jenelle Evans standards” ugly.

The latest documents have Griffith accusing Eason of punching Kaiser, Nathan’s 3-year-old son with Jenelle.

Not surprisingly, Nathan is less than pleased by these allegations.

And so, he hopes to settle the score with David not in court — but in the octagon:

“DAVID! I begged @mtv to host a mma fight for us and because of you they can’t now. Fighting words?!?!?” Nathan tweeted this week.

Please, I would love to. I want a perfectly legal, conscience [sic] decision (on your part) and good fight.”

Griffith added:

“I know if it’s in a ring, the moment you come at me… Imma clean that clock of yours and then maybe you can think straight!” 

“I know you all would love to start a fundraiser to see this fight. And if you get it together, I know I’ll be there and show up to fight for 

Obviously, this is awesome for many reasons.

First and foremost is the fact that Nathan Griffith wants to kick David Eason’s ass, which he could very easily do.

(Take away his guns and David isn’t such a tough guy.)

But there’s also the fact that Nathan apparently talks like a 79-year-old Korean War vet when he’s pissed off.

(We’re totally stealing “I’ll clean that clock of yours!”)

Yet another reason this situation absolutely rules?

Jeremy Calvert is getting in on the act.

We’ve known for quite some time that Calvert hates Eason, and it seems that just like the rest of us, he wants to see David weep like a frightened child as fists of rage rain down upon his skull.

“Sh-t, I’ll host it,” Jeremy said in reference to Nathan’s fight tweet.

Calvert was among the many who called for Eason to be fired from Teen Mom 2 after he launched a bizarre, homophobic tirade on social media.

And this is not the first time that Jeremy has encouraged Nathan in his ongoing battle against David.

“If Nathan don’t [sic] try to get his kid, I don’t know what to tell that dude,” he tweeted earlier this year.

“I would have already been in court… even if I had to empty my savings account out, I’d go broke.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how badly David needs to get his ass whupped.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

David Eason Accused of PUNCHING Stepson Kaiser Griffith!

David Eason has never been a favorite with Teen Mom 2 fans, but somehow, he keeps finding ways to become even less popular.

In fact, he might be the most hated baby daddy in the show’s history – which is really saying something.

Eason was fired by TM2 producers back in February after launching a homophobic tirade on social media.

Despite the fact that he no longer appears on camera, however, David still plays a major role in Jenelle Evans’ storylines, and he manages to keep sinking to new lows in the estimation of the show’s fans.

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, David pissed off millions of viewers in absentia when he was accused of punching his 3-year-old stepson Kaiser Griffith.

“He told me David punched him one time,” the boy’s father, Nathan Griffith, claimed.

“It does seem he has tendencies to be a violent person.”

And Griffith wasn’t the only one accusing of Eason of abusing his youngest stepson.

Jenelle’s mother – Barbara Evans, who has primary custody of her grandson Jace – stated that she’s also caught wind of David being violent with Kaiser.

“I’m pissed off. Jace tells me the other day Kaiser pulled his diaper down and had poop and David got mad and was spanking him so hard,” she said during last night’s episode.

“Jenelle says it’s a lie. Jenelle always protects the man she’s with. She’s putting this guy again over her children.”

Jenelle, of course, was quick to deny the allegations:

“He doesn’t touch the kids like that,” she said.

“David punches Kaiser in the face. He plays around! That’s what Kaiser means. She’s taking this out of proportion. Everything is fine and everyone else thinks it’s not.”

We suppose it’s possible that there was some confusion over Kaiser’s account of what happened at home.

But it seems less likely that his 8-year-old brother would have trouble describing the situation clearly.

Note that Jenelle has been quick to dismiss comments made by Kaiser, but hasn’t addressed Jace’s remarks.

We’re not saying that that necessarily means Eason is abusing his stepchildren.

But nothing that we’ve seen in his behavior gives us any reason to doubt that David has violent tendencies.

This is, after all, the same man who has unleashed shocking barrages of verbal abuse at poor Jace right in front of MTV camera crews.

Does everyone who verbally berates their children necessarily abuse them physically as well?

No, but being caught doing the former makes us much more likely to believe you’re capable of the latter.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more shocking behavior from the Evans-Eason household.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Nathan Griffith: You"ll Never See Our Son Again!

It"s hard to imagine how Jenelle Evans could possibly have time for all of her feuds.

She must wake up in the morning and immediately get to feuding.

She must cancel plans so that she can stay home and post Instagram videos defending David Eason for bullying 8-year-old girls on social media.

The whole thing would be impressive if it weren"t an obvious indicator of dangerous psychosis.

The latest target of Jenelle"s wrath is Nathan Griffith, the ex-fiancee with whom she"s still locked in an ugly custody battle over son Kaiser.

Jenelle thought she finally had Nathan beat over the weekend, and we all got to watch as the hilarity unfolded.

1. Happier Times

Nathan griffith jenelle evans selfie pic

Jenelle and Nathan didn’t last very long as a couple, and thankfully, they never made it to the altar. But they’re forever linked as a result of their 3-year-old son, Kaiser.

2. A Bitter Split

Jenelle evans and nathan griffith

The breakup between Jenelle and Nathan was an ugly one, and the two of them have proven chronically inept when it comes to working out a civil co-parenting relationship for the sake of their son.

3. Simultaneous Battles

Jenelle evans mother

Currently, Jenelle is waging a war on two fronts: She’s fighting her mother for custody of her oldest son, Jace, and she’s fighting Nathan for custody of Kaiser. Neither battle is going in her favor.

4. The Upper Hand

Nathan griffith shirtless

Conventional wisdom as of late has been that Nathan is certain to emerge victorious thanks to Jenelle’s controversial marriage to David Eason and her increasingly erratic behavior. Perhaps that’s why Evans attempted to sieze an opportunity this week.

5. Crashing the Party

Nathan griffith with ashley lanhardt

Over the weekend, Nathan helped celebrate the birthday of his girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt. He also had custody of Kaiser, so when Jenelle saw party pics on Instagram, she flipped.

6. Jumping to Conclusions

Jenelle evans cracked out

Jenelle decided to interrupt the celebration by contacting David and his mother, Doris Davidson, in order to check on Kaiser’s safety and ensure that Davidson was supervising the visit. Of course, many believe Evans had an ulterior motive…

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