Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Fetty Wap"s BM Massive Brawl Caught on Video


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Fetty Wap"s BM Massive Brawl Caught on Video

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Friday, November 16, 2018

Bride-to-Be Stunned After Future Mother-in-Law Caught Texting Lies

A bride-to-be is begging the internet for advice.

After spending what she thought was a nice day buying her wedding dress, she learned that her future mother-in-law is spreading lies about her.

Her mother-in-law called the day a “s–t show” and, having been caught, won’t even speak to to the bride. Yikes.

wedding dress generic image from Instagram 02

Most of Reddit is a cesspool, but sometimes, people looking for advice share some amazing stories.

One that really caught on and made the rounds this week concerns a bride-to-be who discovered that her future mother-in-law is a two-faced liar.

In a Reddit post that has since been locked (thanks to a salty moderator who didn’t like the story going viral).

But we know what the northern California Reddit user who goes by the handle “Bamboo2u” said about her monster-in-law

She reveals that a few relatives, including her mother and her soon-to-be mother-in-law, traveled up from southern California.

They accompanied her while she picked out her wedding dress.

“Overall we had a great day and I got the most amazing dress,” she writes. “My mom cried and my fiance’s mom cried … it was special”

wedding dress generic image from Instagram 01

Before she reveals the backstabbing, she shares some specifics from that day’s conversations.

“At lunch my mom told everyone she suggested I keep my maiden name for work only,” she writes. “And take my fiance’s name for personal life.”

She shares that this is a specific necessity for her line of owrk.

“I have a problem with clients asking to be friends on Facebook and Instagram,” she says. “Which I cannot do because it’s against my work’s rules.”

She explains: “I want to keep my personal life private from my work life.”

“My fiance’s mom agreed with my mom,” she says. “Because that is what she does for work too.”

She was filled with joy and excited for her wedding.


Those happy feelings faded when she received a scathing text from her mother-in-law.

(Her mother-in-law has been symbolically pictured here as a plant that is sometimes called mother-in-law’s tongue)

You know how you can accidentally message the wrong person, and it just makes you want to curl up into a ball and disappear?

Well, it turns out that it’s almost as bad to receive a wrong text 

“The text said the whole day was a s–t show,” she writes.

“And,” she continues, her future mother-in-law wrote “that my mom advised me to not take my fiance’s name for career reasons.”

“I’m so hurt that she would go around spreading lies about my mom,” she says. “She knows that’s not what my mom said.”

wedding cake generic image from Instagram

Obviously, that’s horrifying.

What she thought had been a pleasant day turned into a nightmare.

She told her fiance and he even confronted his mother.

When he asked his mom to apologize, she writes, the woman who will soon be her mother-in-law refused.

“Honestly, I’m more worried she is now going around to his family and saying mean things about my mom,” the woman writes.

It makes sense to feel more offended on her mother’s behalf.

wedding dress generic image from Instagram 03

“I’m not sure what to do at this point,” the woman confesses.

This is why she went onto Reddit to ask for advice.

“I saw my future mother in law the other day and she refused to look at me or even talk to me,” she reveals.

All jokes from people who despise their mothers-in-law aside, you don’t really want to not be on speaking terms with your spouse’s mom.

“But I’m the kind of person who likes to kill you with kindness,” the woman concludes. “Which seems to drive her crazy.”

Some suggest that she go on as she’s doing, but to be on guard that this could happen again.

Others think that continuing to be polite will let this woman sweep this matter under the rug — and that she should go to war over it.

But good luck for this woman’s wedding.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Danielle Bregoli Attacks Iggy Azalea with a Drink, Caught on Video

Bhad Bhabie’s got fresh beef on her hands after going off on Iggy Azalea at a Hollywood Party, savagely attacking her … with a full drink! Yeah, she hasn’t come that far from her Dr. Phil days. We got video of Bhabie (nee Danielle Bregoli) going…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham Says She Got Caught in Khabib Attack After UFC 229

Farrah Abraham feared for her life when Khabib attacked Conor McGregor’s coach, because she was right there. We got Farrah, along with Scott Disick and Sofia Richie, leaving the T-Mobile Arena Saturday night, and she apparently had great seats,…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Caught Cheating on Khloe Kardashian AGAIN?!

Two weeks from today, the Cleveland Cavaliers will travel to Minnesota to take on the Timberwolves, thus beginning their 2018-2019 season.

Fans of the team are no doubt experiencing some mixed emotions as the Cavs kick off this year’s campaign without the help of LeBron James, but surely no one is as ambivalent about the upcoming season as Khloe Kardashian.

Khloe obviously enjoys all the benefits of dating an NBA player, and she was frequently in attendance at Tristan Thompson’s home games last season.

Unfortunately, Tristan’s away games were quite another story entirely.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Tristan was caught cheating on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child last year.

To the surprise of many, Khloe did not immediately kick Tristan to the curb, and instead opted to give her baby daddy a second chance.

Over the summer, Tristan reportedly did his best to repair his relationship with Khloe, and he even got back in her family’s good graces.

But as tipoff approaches, the real test looms.

Will Tristan be able to remain loyal as his team once again hits the road?

So far, the results are less than promising. 

According to Hollywood Life, Tristan has admitted that he’s finding it very difficult to resist the temptation of courtside groupies.

“Tristan is constantly surrounded by temptation, hot chicks literally throw themselves at him, and are constantly flirting with him and vying for his attention,” a source tells the site.

“Tristan is doing his utmost to ignore it all though and to focus on what matters most, Khloe, his kids, and his career. It ain’t easy though, Tristan is young, he’s in his prime, and all the attention he gets is enough to tempt anyone,” the insider adds.

This isn’t the first time, of course, that rumors of Tristan cheating again have made their way across social media in recent weeks.

Unfortunately, it seems Khloe is blinded by love and is having a very difficult time acknowledging the evidence that Tristan might soon embark on another full-blown affair.

“Khloe just can’t let this relationship go,” an spource tells Life & Style.

“All the Kardashians are against her having another baby, but she won’t listen to them. She’s blinded by love when it comes to Tristan.” 

The source says that the Kardashians believe Tristan “is making a fool out of Khloe,” and they’re stunned that she can’t see it for herself.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news.

One insider claims that despite appearances to the contrary, Tristan has learned his lesson and is determined to do right by Khloe.

“After being caught out before and nearly losing everything he holds dearest, he’s determined to be better, to be the man he knows he can be, and to be faithful and loyal to Khloe,” says one source.

“She’s his heart and soul, and he never wants to hurt or humiliate her again.”

That’s all well and good, but as they say — the road game to hell is paved with good intentions.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Prince Harry: CAUGHT Flirting With His Ex?

We’re sure life as a member of a royal family consists of more positives than negatives.

But we also think it’s safe to say there are more downsides to palace living than most people realize.

Take Meghan Markle, for example.

Sure, she’s a global icon, and she’s so beloved that when she wears a dress to an event it sells out of stores the next day.

But her life isn’t all tiaras and photo-ops.

For one thing, there’s all that arcane royal protocol that Meghan has been forced to master.

We’re guessing that nonsense has left her longing for the comparatively simple life of a working actress.

But even worse than remembering a phone book’s worth of rules for the benefit of the half-dozen traditionalist snobs who actually pay attention to that crap is the fact that Meghan now lives her life in the world’s largest fishbowl.

We know all about the awful Markle family and if there’s ever even the slightest indication that Meg and Harry’s relationship is anything less than flawless it instantly becomes fodder for tabloid headlines all over the world.

Today, for example, it’s being widely claimed that Harry acted flirtatiously during a recent encounter with ex-girlfriend Jenna Coleman.

Yes, it’s not even one of his more recent exes, but still, the news that Harry’s eye might be wandering just a few months into married life was enough to trigger pearl-clutching all over the British Empire.

Here’s what we actually know:

There was a run-in between Harry and Jenna, who encountered one another during some recent rich people event in Amsterdam, but witnesses say it was anything but flirty.

“Harry had to walk straight past Jenna to get to his and Meghan’s table,” one onlooker tells Vanity Fair.

“It was pretty awkward and some of the other guests were commenting on it,” the source continues.

“Jenna looked down while Harry looked straight ahead, while Meghan didn’t seem to notice.”

The witness goes on to say that Harry did everything in his power to avoid Jenna:

“She sat through breakfast with a smile on her face, but Harry looked a bit uncomfortable,” claims the source.

“He’d been super friendly saying hi to everyone, but he didn’t even acknowledge Jenna.”

As you can tell, this is all pretty scandalous stuff.

Hopefully, Meg went into this thing with the knowledge that “news” like this will make the rounds pretty much every time her husband is in the company of another woman for the rest of his natural life.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Katt Williams" Atlanta Gun Incident Caught on Video

There’s video to back up Katt Williams story about the husband of a radio DJ charging at him with a gun and we just got it.  It all went down Saturday night outside the Atlanta Comedy Theater, where Wanda Smith of V-103’s ‘Frank and…


Saturday, September 1, 2018

T-Pain Caught with Gun at Atlanta Airport

5:15 PM PT — According to the Atlanta PD … T-Pain’s bodyguard was detained at the airport when a security checkpoint found a firearm in his backpack. He and the rapper were relocated to the Atlanta Police Airport Precinct to continue the…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Big Boy Hit By Drunk Idiot Driver, Caught With His Pants Down

It looks like a joke — but this was very real.  Legendary radio DJ Big Boy was rear-ended by a VERY drunk driver in Calabasas … and when he confronted the man, the guy pulled out a VODKA BOTTLE and started chugging while still behind the…


Friday, August 10, 2018

"Ace Ventura" Star Sean Young"s Alleged Burglary Caught on Video

It appears ‘Ace Ventura’ actress Sean Young was brazen in her alleged burglary … loading up an SUV with gear in broad daylight. Young was allegedly caught on surveillance video outside an NYC production set Thursday with an unidentified male. You…


"Ace Ventura" Star Sean Young"s Alleged Burglary Caught on Video

It appears ‘Ace Ventura’ actress Sean Young was brazen in her alleged burglary … loading up an SUV with gear in broad daylight. Young was allegedly caught on surveillance video outside an NYC production set Thursday with an unidentified male. You…


Tristan Thompson: Caught Cheating on Khloe Kardashian... Again?!?

It may be the NBA offseason, but a new report alleges that Tristan Thompson has not stopped being a player.

In terms of hitting on any woman that moves, flirting with them and maybe even sleeping with them, we mean.

That’s the type of player we’re writing about in this context. Just so there’s no confusion.

Indeed, while Thompson and Khloe Kardashian are very clearly together, having moved past the former’s extended period of infidelity earlier this year, Radar Online writes that Khloe may have a new reason to worry.

Her man – GASP! – may still be stepping out on her.

This would come as a major shock to everyone who assumed Thompson would never cheat ever again, we know.

But the Cleveland Cavaliers power forward was in Toronto for a basketball camp on August 9 and an employee at the training facility where the camp was being held says Thompson wasn’t there alone.

He as allegedly accompanied by “young and sexy woman,” Radar claims.

“There was a woman in Tristan’s entourage and it wasn’t Khloe,” explains this person, who works at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre.

He or she added:

“They looked like more than friends because he had his hand on her lower back when they arrived. There was definitely something there.”

Oh boy.

Oh man.

Oh, Tristan.

This anonymous source apparently went on to describe the unnamed female as “spectacularly attractive,” which doesn’t sound like positive news for Khloe.

Just when we thought the stars may be engaged, too!

Adds the Radar insider in this damaging report:

“She was a beautiful, young girl who looked as if she could be a model.

“She, along with one of his security detail, stayed in the locker room while he taught camp.

“He appeared to be in a hurry to get back to his female companion because he jetted out of the center the minute it was over.”

See, this is part of the problem with dating a professional athlete.

First, they are on the road often.

Second, there are many women out there who would willfully sleep with a basketball player simply because he’s a basketball player. It’s the allure of fame.

As far as we know, Khloe never really left Tristan, despite his penchant for sticking his penis into other women.

She gave him a cold shoulder for awhile, we’re sure, and the two likely didn’t have much contact for those first few weeks after daughter True was born.

But the impression we’ve gotten by reading the Internet and hearing from sources is that Khloe has been dedicated to making the romance work all along; largely for the sake of their child, which is a nice sentiment we guess.

“She simply can’t cut the chord and always seems to find a way to talk herself out of leaving him, even though her head tells her all day every day that it’s not right,” another source tells Radar, concluding:

“She even tried to pack her bags on numerous occasions and make arrangements to move in with her family, but when push comes to shove, she never goes through with it.”

Maybe if Tristan really is cheating, Khloe will finally find the courage to leave him.

Because she really can do so much better.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Naked Man Caught Having Sex with a Miniature Pony, Police Say

Move over, Florida Man. Oklahoma Man is stealing your act in the worst way.

Police have arrested a man after they spotted him standing up in a field and having sex with a miniature pony. Intensely gross.

The man is claiming that he only engaged in bestiality because of his medication.

Tyler Joseph Schlosser mug shot

According to police, 29-year-old Tyler Joseph Schlosser was charged on August 1 following an incident in Rogers County, Oklahoma.

Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton reports that Schlosser was spotted in a pen with a miniature pony in an area west of Inola.

This was at about 8am.

According to the affidavit, a witness told investigators that she had spotted a fully nude man there, where he was having sex with the poor pony.

And someone even caught this deplorable act on video.

miniature pony 01

(Note that we have included some photos of miniature ponies, but are of course not posting photos of the victim)

A woman was with her daughter and reported to investigators that she filmed Schlosser.

She turned over the video to police as evidence.

She says that when he noticed that he was being filmed, he stopped and walked towards her and her daughter.

That sounds … very scary. He was still naked at this point, folks.

miniature pony 02

Schlosser told police that his behavior was the result of medication.

His step-grandfather, James Hester, put forward a similar suggestion when speaking to Newsweek.

“Well, the only thing we can figure out is someone had drugged him,” Hester says. “I think somebody put something in a bottle of [soda] he had. He got sick after he bought that [soda] and he just lost it.”

“I spoke to him and he don’t know anything about what happened,” Hester reports. “He’s feeling better now. He come around.”

“Tyler’s not that kind of guy,” Hester explains. “He’s a good Christian boy. He’s not the kind of person who would do something like that.”

Miniature pony 03

Sometimes people treat bestiality cases as merely being gross or disturbing, but it’s important to remember that animals such as ponies are living beings that absolutely cannot consent to intercourse with a human.

It’s not a victimless crime. There’s the miniature pony as well as the witnesses who saw it.

We cannot think of any medication that would cause someone to do something like this.

If Schlosser really was drugged, that is awful and dangerous and whoever is responsible should be held accountable for what happened.

We always want to see justice done. Ugh, this is such an unsettling case.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Anfisa Arkhipchenko: Caught LYING About Nude Camgirl Video?!

In part two of the 90 Day Fiance Tell All special, Anfisa got grilled about a camgirl video that made the rounds on the internet.

Anfisa has given direct answers about her breast implants recently, but she was clearly not comfortable with this conversation.

In fact, she continues to claim that the girl in the video is not her, but merely a lookalike.

Whether they’re called reunions or tell all specials, these are often the highlights of any given season of reality shows.

This time, Anfisa was pressed about the surfacing of a camgirl video of a girl who looks so much like her that, if it’s not Anfisa, some suggest perhaps they were twins separated at birth.

“I’ve seen a bunch of people sending me screen shots and videos with a girl that really looks like me,” Anfisa admits on camera.

“But it’s not,” Anfisa insists.

Even some of her fellow 90 Day Fiance castmates suggest that they saw it, but that does not lessen her denials.

Anfisa goes on to say that she has “Never done that.”

Fans naturally wondered if Jorge recognizes his wife’s naked body in the camgirl video.

“No,” Jorge says. But he doesn’t leave it at that.

“I have seen this other girl that they sent pictures of and they posted up pictures and videos of,” Jorge admits. “Some porn actress.”

He says that last part almost dismissively. Is he protesting too much?

“But,” Jorge says. “It’s not my wife.”


Now, obviously, there is zero shame in being a camgirl or in doing any other type of sex work.

So many are tempted to accept Anfisa and Jorge’s denials at face value. Why would they lie?

However, some cyber sleuths on social media compared the camgirl footage and the casting video in which Anfisa applied for 90 Day Fiance.

As you’ll see in the photos below, it appears that Anfisa and her alleged doppelganger have the same furniture … and also use the same camera angles.

Take a look at this wildly non-flattering photo of Anfisa as she applies for 90 Day Fiance.

Anfisa Arkhipchenko 90 Day Fiance Casting Pic

A perfect storm of her makeup and the lighting and the camera quality makes Anfisa’s face look computer-generated in such a way that she appears to be less from Moscow and more from the Uncanny Valley.

(Say what you will about Anfisa, but she really is a pretty girl in real life)

But don’t let her face (or cleavage) distract you in this shot, because you should notice two things.

One, that cabinet in the corner appears to be the same one that you see in the .gif that you can see above.

Two, look at the couch (or perhaps a day bed) on which Anfisa is seated. Now, look at this piece of furniture from the camgirl video.

Anfisa Arkhipchenko Camgirl Pic Comparison

The lighting is very different, for better or for worse, but it appears that both pieces of furniture have the same upholstery. It’s also pretty much the same camera angle.

(We should note that the cabinet also appears in the uncropped version of this image, but, for perhaps obvious reasons, we cropped the photo)

So … is someone trying to sabotage Anfisa’s semi-happiness by using a conspicuous lookalike in a wildly boring camgirl video staged with lookalikes of her furniture?

Or is Anfisa just intent on denying that she has a job so ubiquitous that almost everyone knows someone who has done it?

As we said, there is nothing shameful about cam work. And Anfisa wouldn’t even be the first reality star find that she has a sex tape out there.

(She’d be far from the first, in fact)

If this really is footage of Anfisa from before she came to the U.S. … it’s a shame that she’s doubling down on her denials. It’s totally her business, but it could be a teaching moment for people who condemn sex work.

If this isn’t Anfisa but just someone who looks like her and also has similar furniture in a similar arrangement … is Anfisa in danger?

Is someone Single White Female-ing Anfisa?


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jax Taylor: Caught Cheating on Brittany Cartwright AGAIN?!

Last month, Vanderpump Rules star Jax Taylor got engaged to Brittany Cartwright.

Fans of the series were more than a little surprised, not because Jax has never really seemed like the marrying kind (although there is that), but because he’s seemed to go out of his way to make Brittany’s life markedly worse throughout their time together.

To be fair, Brittany might have had a better idea of what was in store if she had bothered to watch her fiancé’s show even once before moving to LA to be with him, but after seeing her hometown on her and Jax’s short-lived spinoff, we really can’t blame Cartwright for taking the first opportunity to bolt.

And besides, even Jax’s worse critics couldn’t have predicted he would behave this badly.

At first, it was just the drunken tirades and indiscriminate lying we’ve come to expect from West Hollywood’s most unrepentant sociopath.

But wasn’t long before the cheating began.

Yes, not only did Jax sleep with Faith Stowers behind Brittany’s back, he proceeded to gaslight her into oblivion long after a mountain of evidence had made it abundantly clear that Taylor definitely cheated.

But surely now that he and Brittany are engaged, Jax will make more of an effort to keeping it in his pants, right? Wellllll …

Jax and Some Dude

Apparently, this past Friday, Brittany was out of town, and Jax took the opportunity to go out partying with some of his male friends.

But in news that won’t shock anyone who’s ever watched like 5 seconds of Vanderpump, it wasn’t very long before some females got involved in the boys’ night. Allegedly.

An LA-based fan of the show tweeted and deleted accusations that she and Jax got it on in a bathroom stall.

Ya know, as one does when one is pushing 40 and newly engaged to be married.

Jax opted not to comment on the allegations, and instead went off on a random fan who brought the rumor to his attention, because uncontrollable rage is a delightful quality in a future husband.

Here’s a bit of that exchange:

Jax Taylor Tweets

“It’s all good we need haters too.. people only talk shit when they are jealous or want to be a hater, remember that haters make the world go round. Have a good one!!” Jax tweeted.

“.@talktrashy2me not being mean but we are a successful show that’s been on for many many years, people who still show hate are sad, and have to realize we aren’t going anywhere, so you might as well join The vanderpump party!!”

He added:

“This means you are a middle aged person who is not happy with the way life turned out, they never made a jump to anything bigger and now regretting it, then they see people on tv that they actually “like” mind you, you don’t troll people you hate, you ain’t foolin anyone.”

Wow. Sounds like Mr. Taylor has been getting into the pasta again.

Look, if the accusations are baseless, we can understand his frustration, but there’s still no need for Jax to go off on a fan who was merely trying to make sure he was aware of what folks are saying out there.

Oh, and dude, don’t jinx yourself by saying you’re not going anywhere.

Very few reality shows remain on the air past ten years without major cast retooling, and it’s very rare that the stars from such franchises retain anything resembling real fame after their series come to an end.

Snooki is the exception, not the rule, ya dig?

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more bad behavior from Jax and company.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans Road Rage Incident Caught on Tape: Is It Her New Rock Bottom?

Several months ago, reports of an insane road rage incident involving Jenelle Evans began to circulate online.

As time went on, the rumors got more and more ridiculous, to the point that they would have been impossible to believe — if this were anyone other than Jenelle Evans we were talking about.

Sources claimed Jenelle pulled a gun and chased the other driver to his home.

They said there was a standoff at the man"s house that could have turned deadly.

And perhaps most shocking of all, witnesses revealed that Jenelle risked the life of her son Jace, who was riding shotgun the entire time.

Now, we"re seeing footage of the incident for the first time, and it seems the chase was every bit as terrifying as we"d been told:

1. Jenelle and Jace on the Road

Jenelle and jace on the road

We now know that Jace Evans was seated next to his mother while she pursued another driver during a shocking road rage incident. Footage from the altercation has left fans stunned.

2. Her Story

Jenelle raging on the road

Jenelle claimed that another driver cut her off, and she became irate due to the fact that he could have killed her son. So being the reasonable creature that she is, Jenelle responded by further endangering Jace.

3. Keeping Mum

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle has mostly kept silent about the incident in the months since it occurred, presumably for legal reasons.

4. Angry Evans

Jenelle evans in glasses

She’s long hinted that fans will learn the truth once MTV releases footage of the incident, and on Monday night, viewers finally got to decide for themselves.

5. That’s Her Catchphrase, Dude

Thats her catchphrase dude

“Are you f–king kidding me, dude?” Jenelle shrieked. “Oh my God. Give me your phone,” she then said to Jace.

6. Calling In the Law

Jenelle evans eye roll

“I got three cameras in my car, they got the whole thing,” she yelled at the driver. “I just called the law on you, you were tailgating me, you dumba—.”

View Slideshow

Friday, July 20, 2018

Donald Trump: CAUGHT on Tape Discussing Secret Payouts to Playboy Model

If you need to do a whole bunch of shady, sleazebag stuff, you need a shady, sleazebag attorney to handle it. The only problem is that, well, your lawyer is a shady sleazebag.

On Friday, the world learned that Michael Cohen had apparently recorded Donald Trump discussing payouts to cover up his alleged affair with a former Playboy model.

Those recordings may be evidence that Trump violated campaign finance laws in the 2016 election.

Being a woman who goes public with her story of having had sex with Donald Trump can get you stalked, harassed, and threatened.

Recently, it even got Stormy Daniels arrested in a transparent sting operation that many believed was designed as part of a harassment campaign against her.

In this case, we’re talking about former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

It has now come to light that, just months before the 2016 election, Trump spoke to his attorney, Michael D Cohen, about payments made to McDougal to ensure her silence.

According to The New York Times, Cohen recorded his conversation with Trump … and the F.B.I. now has those tapes.

According to lawyers and others familiar with the tapes, the F.B.I. acquired these recordings earlier in the year.

Remember their big raid on Michael Cohen’s office? That’s when they got their hands on them.

The Justice Department is invesigating Cohen over payments to women in order to bury embarrassing stories about Trump during his Presidential campaign.

If so, it is believed that this was a violation of campaign finance law.

The Trump campaign has insisted that it had no knowledge of any such payments. Considering the amounts of money exchanged, some find this hard to believe.

Karen McDougal says that her affair with Donald Trump spanned for nearly a year, beginning in 2006.

It apparently began a short time after Trump’s current (and then, new) wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to his youngest child, Barron.

During the final months of the 2016 Presidential campaign, McDougal sold her story for $ 150,000.

Unfortunately, she sold it to The National Enquirer, a tabloid whose owner is friendly towards Trump.

After purchasing her story, the tabloid declined to publish it. This is known as the “catch and kill” method for handling scandals.

Rudy Giuliani took a break from claiming that porn stars are worthless as human beings to confirm to The New York Times that the recordings do include Trump and Cohen discussing these payments.

He says that the recordings are about two minutes long.

Giuliani claims that Trump did not know that he was being recorded … which is what most people had figured, anyway.

However, Giuliani also claims that Trump did nothing wrong. He says that Trump was discussing a totally separate deal to buy McDougal’s story.

Giuliani says that Trump considered buying McDougal’s story from the Enquirer, which would have effectively reimbursed the tabloid for buying McDougal’s unwitting silence, but that the payment was never made.

Cohen is being intensely scrutinized under suspicion of a lot of things for his work on behalf of Donald Trump.

Though he was a firm loyalist for Trump (and Sean Hannity, his other client), Cohen has recently been changing his tune, and said that he will put his family and country first.

Some are skeptical, however, and think that if Cohen is really willing to put his country first, he should tell the Justice Department everything that he knows about Trump’s illegal dealings immediately.

Others are unsure of his credibility, but are inclined to listen to evidence such an an audio recording.

Some suggest that this revelation about Trump discussing payouts to McDougal might lead to his downfall. It might seem unimportant compared to Trump kissing Putin’s ass in what many consider to be an act of treason.

But breaking election laws is still serious. It matters.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Halsey Dumps G-Eazy, Hints That She Caught Him Cheating

Well, it’s official.

After a year of dating, singer Halsey and rapper G-Eazy have officially called it quits.

Halsey stunned fans by making the announcement on Instagram earlier this week.

“I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel the need to inform my fans,” the 23-year-old wrote.

“G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart. I’m eager to continue the upcoming passage of time dedicating myself to my art and career, and the duration of my tour.”

She added:

“I wish him the best. Thanks for respecting our privacy at this time.”

It was a typical boilerplate amicable breakup announcement — but it wasn’t along before Halsey complicated the situation with a cryptic tweet:

Halsey Tweet

As fans were quick to point out, “pumpkin eater” is generally preceded by the words “Peter, Peter” or “cheater, cheater,” and unless Halsey was watching Family Guy or dreaming of Dinklage at the time of the tweet, the former doesn’t really make sense.

The singer didn’t speak up to set the record straight when fans started speculating that this was her way of suggesting G-Eazy had been unfaithful.

And this seems to be a situation in which her silence speaks volumes.

Whatever the case, Halsey wasted no time before posting a “revenge body” bikini pic on the ‘Gram.

Of course, her followers might be reading into this one too deeply.

It’s hotter than Satan’s taint in most of the US right now, and really, anyone who’s outdoors wearing anything more than swimwear this week is clinically insane.

So it’s possible Halsey simply decided to post a photo in which she’s wearing a bikini, and there’s no vengeful motive behind it.

It’s also possible that we’ve devoted entirely too much thought to a Halsey bikini photo.

Anyway, despite the fact that the couple enjoyed collaborative success with the hit single “Him & I,” members of Halsey’s inner circle are reportedly thrilled about the split.

It seems some were opposed to the relationship from the start, and their feelings only intensified after G-Eazy was arrested for assault and possession following an altercation in a bar back in May.

Besides, couple duets are great, but we all know the real money is in breakup songs.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Matt Roloff: Caught LYING to Little People, Big World Fans!

Little People, Big World fans are still reeling from the news that someone bought the farm — well, the house — in which family patriarch Matt Roloff had been residing.

Matt had made it appear that he was searching high and low for a new home to buy with girlfriend Caryn Chandler. A new home in Arizona.

But an explosive new report says that his house hunt was all a sham. Take a look:

RadarOnline got their hands on some documents and report that they prove that Matt Rolof and Caryn Chandler lied about when they purchased their Arizona vacation home.

Weird, right?

The couple also allegedly lied about how they bought the property, which might be even weirder.

The tabloid got their hands on Maricopa County property records.

According to those papers, Matt Roloff purchased his new home in Surprise, Arizona all the way back in May of 2017.

That’s more than a year ago. That’s the month in which Jackson Roloff was born.

Now, home purchases tend to be a slow thing.

The deed, RadarOnline reports, was only finalized last week, on June 13.

It was Caryn’s parents, Roger and Michele Bryngelson who signed over their home to Matt Roloff.

“For valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is herby acknowledged, ROGER AND MICHELE BRYNGELSON, husband and wife, the Grantor herein, hereby conveys and warrants to MATT ROLOFF, the Grantee herein,” the documents read.

The paper continues: “All of Grantor’s right, title and interest in and to the following described property situated in Maricopa County, Arizona.”

Matt reportedly put down a cash payment of $ 110,000. The house’s total sale value was $ 375,000.

Roger and Michele have apparently moved to a nearby residence.

So the inexplicable fakery comes in a couple of forms.

First, the timing — since it appears that Matt knew last May that he was going to buy this house.

Second, the idea that they had to search to find one at all. Because, again, the plan to buy Caryn’s parents’ home is at least as old as Jackson Roloff. And maybe older.

So yes, these two will be spending a solid chunk of the year in Arizona.

(Don’t worry — Matt isn’t moving there full time)

But, unlike what Caryn told fans, it doesn’t seem like they didn’t spend their winter break on a house hunt.

They had already begun the process of buying it … half a year earlier.

As we mentioned, Matt sold the house in which he had spent a great deal of time since his split with Amy.

In fact, he flipped the house.

“About a month or so ago I promised you all I would share a complete tour of the house I fixed up,” Matt wrote on Instagram.

“At the time,” Matt says. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to move into it or sell it… I actually did a bunch of the work thinking it would be my home one day…”

Matt continues: “Then plans change. Someone offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse so within an hour or so I sold it.”

“Now I’m all motivated to become a Little Flipper man,” Matt jokes. “Nah!!! I want to retire.”

He did a beautiful renovation and sold the three-bedroom house that is located just 15 minutes from Roloff Farms.

So … why did Matt and Caryn try to pull the wool over the eyes of Little People, Big World fans?

Maybe they just wanted to keep their lives in Arizona private and separate from their role as reality stars. That’s understandable.

But then … why would they even mention it at all if they’re not going to be honest about it?

We can’t know for sure.

It’s like Jacob Roloff famously said years ago when he stormed off of the show and off of the farm:

So much about Little People, Big World is phony.
