Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans Road Rage Incident Caught on Tape: Is It Her New Rock Bottom?

Several months ago, reports of an insane road rage incident involving Jenelle Evans began to circulate online.

As time went on, the rumors got more and more ridiculous, to the point that they would have been impossible to believe — if this were anyone other than Jenelle Evans we were talking about.

Sources claimed Jenelle pulled a gun and chased the other driver to his home.

They said there was a standoff at the man"s house that could have turned deadly.

And perhaps most shocking of all, witnesses revealed that Jenelle risked the life of her son Jace, who was riding shotgun the entire time.

Now, we"re seeing footage of the incident for the first time, and it seems the chase was every bit as terrifying as we"d been told:

1. Jenelle and Jace on the Road

Jenelle and jace on the road

We now know that Jace Evans was seated next to his mother while she pursued another driver during a shocking road rage incident. Footage from the altercation has left fans stunned.

2. Her Story

Jenelle raging on the road

Jenelle claimed that another driver cut her off, and she became irate due to the fact that he could have killed her son. So being the reasonable creature that she is, Jenelle responded by further endangering Jace.

3. Keeping Mum

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle has mostly kept silent about the incident in the months since it occurred, presumably for legal reasons.

4. Angry Evans

Jenelle evans in glasses

She’s long hinted that fans will learn the truth once MTV releases footage of the incident, and on Monday night, viewers finally got to decide for themselves.

5. That’s Her Catchphrase, Dude

Thats her catchphrase dude

“Are you f–king kidding me, dude?” Jenelle shrieked. “Oh my God. Give me your phone,” she then said to Jace.

6. Calling In the Law

Jenelle evans eye roll

“I got three cameras in my car, they got the whole thing,” she yelled at the driver. “I just called the law on you, you were tailgating me, you dumba—.”

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