Showing posts with label Tape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tape. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

Omarosa Drops NEW Donald Trump Tape: Listen Here!

We"re very sorry to report that Omarosa Manigault-Newman has not left the spotlight.

Not yet, at least.

And not any time soon, we"re guessing.

The former Apprentice contestant, who became a White House official, who was then fired from her post and is now a best-selling artist peddling a book about the mental instablity of Donald Trump, appeared on The View Monday morning.

She came equipped with two things:

1. A new secret recording she made while an admistration employee.

2. Some very strong feelings on the President.

"When Donald Trump got bored, which was very often because his attention span is very short, he would sometimes try and figure out what meetings were happening in the White House and he would crash those meetings," Omarosa says in the video featured here.

She said as much in order to set up the aforementioned recording.

In it, President Trump is meeting with members of his communications team and saying that Hillary Clinton was actually the candidate who conspired with the Russians during the 2016 election.

He has said this in public many times, of course.

I think Hillary is getting killed now with Russia," Trump says in this recording, which is just the latest of many Omarosa has released.

The real Russia story is Hillary and collusion. Somebody told me, Hope, you told me it was $ 9 million they spent on the phony report.

Also of note in this appearance, Omarosa says Clinton was "robbed" of the presidency, something she admits to being "complicit" in facilitating.

"I discovered Donald Trump was an arsonist trying to burn down this country and in some way I was complicit in handing him matches and giving him more fuel for his fires," she said, adding:

"At some point you have to stop a toxic relationship. I regret that I was so complicit.

"Hillary Clinton was robbed and I was a co-conspirator in that robbery. I will regret that for the rest of my life … [helping] this con man get into office."

Better late than never to make this confession… we guess?

In her book, Omarosa GOES OFF on pretty much everyone related to Trump.

In this clip, though, her target is just the President himself.

Check it out now.

Omarosa drops new donald trump tape admits to conspiracy against

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Johnny Bananas-Hannah Teter Sex Tape Leaks Online

Former reality star John Devenanzio — better known as Johnny Bananas — got his start on The Real World: Key West way back in 2006.

But while his castmates faded into obscurity, Bananas has stubbornly clung to his last shred of fame, and amazingly, he’s actually managed to hold onto a modicum of relevance.

Johnny Bananas

He still appears on new seasons of The Challenge, but at 44, Johnny’s drama is starting to seem increasingly absurd, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how much longer he’ll be a draw for MTV’s increasingly youthful audience.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that J-Nanners has officially entered the sex tape phase of his career.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Johnny stars — alongside his ex-girlfriend, Olympic snowboarder Hannah Teter — in a very explicit video posted today on the uber-oddly-named porn site Celeb Jihad.

As though having your most intimate moments plastered all over the internet isn’t degrading enough, Mr. Bananas’ banana doesn’t even receive top billing.

In fact, the site doesn’t mention Johnny at all, and is instead promoting its new “Hannah Teter Sex Tape.”

A teaser posted by Celeb Jihad reads as follows:

“Olympic gold medal winning snowboarder Hannah Teter appears to have just had the sex tape video and nude photos below leaked online.”

As you can see, that sentence has the vague taint of having been run through a translator until it sounded like something written by a red-blooded American perv, and not some Moscow-based bot that’s become sentient and grown weary of posting the same fake news stories day after day.

This doesn’t appear to be a case in which either party had any previous knowledge that the tape would be leaked.

In fact, according to The Ashley, Johnny was in the middle of a live interview with People magazine at the time the footage went public.

As is so often the case with this sort of thing, Twitter quickly went bonkers as word of the explicit video went viral.

Bananas and Teter have yet to comment on the release themselves, but we’re guessing they’re both feeling a bit exposed today.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans Road Rage Incident Caught on Tape: Is It Her New Rock Bottom?

Several months ago, reports of an insane road rage incident involving Jenelle Evans began to circulate online.

As time went on, the rumors got more and more ridiculous, to the point that they would have been impossible to believe — if this were anyone other than Jenelle Evans we were talking about.

Sources claimed Jenelle pulled a gun and chased the other driver to his home.

They said there was a standoff at the man"s house that could have turned deadly.

And perhaps most shocking of all, witnesses revealed that Jenelle risked the life of her son Jace, who was riding shotgun the entire time.

Now, we"re seeing footage of the incident for the first time, and it seems the chase was every bit as terrifying as we"d been told:

1. Jenelle and Jace on the Road

Jenelle and jace on the road

We now know that Jace Evans was seated next to his mother while she pursued another driver during a shocking road rage incident. Footage from the altercation has left fans stunned.

2. Her Story

Jenelle raging on the road

Jenelle claimed that another driver cut her off, and she became irate due to the fact that he could have killed her son. So being the reasonable creature that she is, Jenelle responded by further endangering Jace.

3. Keeping Mum

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle has mostly kept silent about the incident in the months since it occurred, presumably for legal reasons.

4. Angry Evans

Jenelle evans in glasses

She’s long hinted that fans will learn the truth once MTV releases footage of the incident, and on Monday night, viewers finally got to decide for themselves.

5. That’s Her Catchphrase, Dude

Thats her catchphrase dude

“Are you f–king kidding me, dude?” Jenelle shrieked. “Oh my God. Give me your phone,” she then said to Jace.

6. Calling In the Law

Jenelle evans eye roll

“I got three cameras in my car, they got the whole thing,” she yelled at the driver. “I just called the law on you, you were tailgating me, you dumba—.”

View Slideshow

Friday, July 20, 2018

Donald Trump: CAUGHT on Tape Discussing Secret Payouts to Playboy Model

If you need to do a whole bunch of shady, sleazebag stuff, you need a shady, sleazebag attorney to handle it. The only problem is that, well, your lawyer is a shady sleazebag.

On Friday, the world learned that Michael Cohen had apparently recorded Donald Trump discussing payouts to cover up his alleged affair with a former Playboy model.

Those recordings may be evidence that Trump violated campaign finance laws in the 2016 election.

Being a woman who goes public with her story of having had sex with Donald Trump can get you stalked, harassed, and threatened.

Recently, it even got Stormy Daniels arrested in a transparent sting operation that many believed was designed as part of a harassment campaign against her.

In this case, we’re talking about former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

It has now come to light that, just months before the 2016 election, Trump spoke to his attorney, Michael D Cohen, about payments made to McDougal to ensure her silence.

According to The New York Times, Cohen recorded his conversation with Trump … and the F.B.I. now has those tapes.

According to lawyers and others familiar with the tapes, the F.B.I. acquired these recordings earlier in the year.

Remember their big raid on Michael Cohen’s office? That’s when they got their hands on them.

The Justice Department is invesigating Cohen over payments to women in order to bury embarrassing stories about Trump during his Presidential campaign.

If so, it is believed that this was a violation of campaign finance law.

The Trump campaign has insisted that it had no knowledge of any such payments. Considering the amounts of money exchanged, some find this hard to believe.

Karen McDougal says that her affair with Donald Trump spanned for nearly a year, beginning in 2006.

It apparently began a short time after Trump’s current (and then, new) wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to his youngest child, Barron.

During the final months of the 2016 Presidential campaign, McDougal sold her story for $ 150,000.

Unfortunately, she sold it to The National Enquirer, a tabloid whose owner is friendly towards Trump.

After purchasing her story, the tabloid declined to publish it. This is known as the “catch and kill” method for handling scandals.

Rudy Giuliani took a break from claiming that porn stars are worthless as human beings to confirm to The New York Times that the recordings do include Trump and Cohen discussing these payments.

He says that the recordings are about two minutes long.

Giuliani claims that Trump did not know that he was being recorded … which is what most people had figured, anyway.

However, Giuliani also claims that Trump did nothing wrong. He says that Trump was discussing a totally separate deal to buy McDougal’s story.

Giuliani says that Trump considered buying McDougal’s story from the Enquirer, which would have effectively reimbursed the tabloid for buying McDougal’s unwitting silence, but that the payment was never made.

Cohen is being intensely scrutinized under suspicion of a lot of things for his work on behalf of Donald Trump.

Though he was a firm loyalist for Trump (and Sean Hannity, his other client), Cohen has recently been changing his tune, and said that he will put his family and country first.

Some are skeptical, however, and think that if Cohen is really willing to put his country first, he should tell the Justice Department everything that he knows about Trump’s illegal dealings immediately.

Others are unsure of his credibility, but are inclined to listen to evidence such an an audio recording.

Some suggest that this revelation about Trump discussing payouts to McDougal might lead to his downfall. It might seem unimportant compared to Trump kissing Putin’s ass in what many consider to be an act of treason.

But breaking election laws is still serious. It matters.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Teairra Mari"s Revenge Porn Suit is Done if She Leaked Sex Tape, Says Ex

Teairra Mari’s revenge porn lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend is going nowhere fast … according to the ex, who maintains SHE leaked their sex tape, and therefore has NO case. Akbar Abdul-Ahad tells us, although Teairra’s going forward with…


Teairra Mari"s Revenge Porn Suit is Done if She Leaked Sex Tape, Says Ex

Teairra Mari’s revenge porn lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend is going nowhere fast … according to the ex, who maintains SHE leaked their sex tape, and therefore has NO case. Akbar Abdul-Ahad tells us, although Teairra’s going forward with…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Milan Christopher Accuses Teairra Mari of Leaking Own Sex Tape

‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Milan Christopher insists his castmate Teairra Mari’s revenge porn case is NO case at all … because he claims SHE, not her ex-bf, leaked the sex video behind the lawsuit. Quick refresher … Milan’s the…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Teairra Mari"s Ex Swears He Didn"t Leak Sex Tape, Plans To Countersue

Teairra Mari’s ex-boyfriend, Akbar Abdul-Ahad, says she’s pointing her finger at the wrong guy when it comes to who leaked her sex tape … because it’s not a guy at all … it’s a woman. Akbar is being accused of hacking into Teairra’s…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Teairra Mari Sues 50 Cent and Ex-BF for Sex Tape Leak

‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Teairra Mari made good on her tearful vow to sue her ex-boyfriend and 50 Cent for posting her sexually explicit video and photos. In the suit, Teairra says her ex, Akbar Abdul-Ahad logged into her Instagram account and…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

"L&HHH" Star Teairra Mari Calls Out Boyfriend for Leaking Sex Tape

Teairra Mari is really conflicted over what to do about her recently leaked sex tape — so much so, she hasn’t even dumped the guy she believes is responsible! The “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood” star told us on Thursday’s “TMZ Live” … she’s…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Teairra Mari Sex Tape Appears On Instagram: Is She a Victim of Revenge Porn?

As a singer, actress, and former star of both Love & Hip-Hop: New York and Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood, Teairra Mari has developed quite an impressive resume.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t her professional achievements that made her a trending topic on Twitter today.

Mari’s Instagram followers were stunned this afternoon when a number of very explicit video and several intimate photos appeared on her page.

The content was quickly deleted, but sadly, the damage had already been done.

Several media outlets reposted the images and video, and as of this writing, more than 15,000 people have tweeted about the situation.

Sadly, Mari’s story is one we see all too often these days.

Yes, it seems that like Blac Chyna and so many others before her, the 30-year-old was victimized as part of jealous ex’s quest for revenge.

The alleged culprit is Mari’s former boyfriend Akbar Abdul.

Though Mari did not call Abdul out by name, she did post a lengthy statement to Instagram indicating that she has identified the person who hacked into her account.

The statement reads as follows:

“Recently, my social media was compromised by someone who I thought was deserving of my love and trust.

“That person proved to be untrustworthy and posted footage of what in the moment was private and sacred.

“Moving forward, I recognize the need to be more private and discerning.

“My hope is for women to remain strong and dignified when they find themselves having to address hateful and juvenile by former lovers who find it difficult to act in an adult manner.”

Mari added:

“Revenge Porn is a crime in California and I will be in pursuit of justice.” 

Prior to her relationship with Akbar, Mari dated Ray J, the singer perhaps best known for his relationship with Kim Kardashian.

Clearly, if Abdul believed he was going to become a famous sex tape star in his own right, he was sorely mistaken.

Here’s hoping justice is served swiftly.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Kevin Hart"s Sex Tape Partner Feels Vindicated by J.T. Jackson"s Arrest

Montia Sabbag, the woman in the sex tape with Kevin Hart, says J.T. Jackson was on her short list of people possibly behind the extortion … and now she feels fully vindicated. The ex-strip club bartender was with her attorney, Lisa Bloom, Friday…


Kevin Hart"s Sex Tape Partner Feels Vindicated by J.T. Jackson"s Arrest

Montia Sabbag, the woman in the sex tape with Kevin Hart, says J.T. Jackson was on her short list of people possibly behind the extortion … and now she feels fully vindicated. The ex-strip club bartender was with her attorney, Lisa Bloom, Friday…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kevin Hart Alleged Sex Tape Extortionist Charged with Crime

The man who allegedly tried to coerce Kevin Hart into paying him for a sex video has been charged with extortion. Jonathan Todd Jackson faces 2 felony counts — attempted extortion and extortion by threatening letter. Jackson is accused of trying to…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Paris Hilton: My Sex Tape Leaking Was Like Being Raped

Paris Hilton is known for her looks, her brand, her reality television career, and even for acting and music. Unfortunately, she is also known for a leaked sex tape.

In a new documentary, the businesswoman is opening up about that intensely public violation of her personal sex life.

She says that the feeling was akin to a sexual assault.

For the past few months, Paris Hilton’s fans have been noticing that her account has been tweeting some very on-point, recent memes.

It’s no coincidence that she appears in the documentary, American Meme.

That documentary has now premiered at Tribeca Film Festival.

And in it, she addresses the 2004 leaked sex tape of her with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon. And Paris is not mincing words.

“It was like being raped.”

Leaked sex tapes, like leaked nudes and revenge porn, are a tremendous violation of someone’s privacy and sex life.

“It felt like I’d lost part of my soul and been talked about in such cruel and mean ways.”

She was heartbroken.

“I literally wanted to die at some points. I was like, ‘I just don’t want to live,’ because I thought everything was taken away from me.”

Despite her sexy image, Paris is really not prone to promiscuity, and she worried that the entire world misunderstood her.

“I didn’t want to be known as that.”

At a post-screening Q&A session, Paris talks about how she rose to fame.

“I felt like the world was introduced to me through The Simple Life.

Technically, she first garnered attention thanks to a photoshoot with her sister, but people “got to know” her on reality television.

Which, she reminds us all, was still fairly uncommon at the time.

“There was no reality television back then, so it was very new.”

Reality television really took off during the 2007-2008 writer’s strike that saw many shows canceled before their time, and saw networks eager to fill time slots with programming that did not require writers.

“There was no social media, so I basically created this character that was basically what I thought the audience wanted.”

Paris is both intelligent and talented, but she built her brand on a very different image.

“Like, ‘Oh, she’s rich, so she needs to be a spoiled airhead’ — basically what the producers told me to do.”

Still speaking at the Q&A, Paris says of the director:

“When Bert told me about this film, he basically said, ‘Paris, you’re the O.G. of all this."”

She really is. Remember, Kim Kardashian was once basically just her sidekick.

“I really trusted him and was very vulnerable about things I had never spoken about before.”

Not everyone gets to see the real Paris.

“And basically just wanted to show the real me, because I don’t think I ever have before.”

It’s good that she was able to put herself out there.

During the documentary, Paris reveals the struggles that she has encountered after having risen to fame whens he was so young.

“It’s like I’ve been 21 for the last two decades.”

That might not sound like a curse, but it doesn’t really help people to know or respect her.

Paris also shares little details about herself and her thoughts.

She mentions that she is afraid that there’s no afterlife, which she says would be bad because: “that’d be so boring.”


Paris refers to her engagement to actor Chris Zylka and her enthusiasm for where her life is heading.

“I’m very excited for the next phase of my life and to start a family and find true happiness.”

Given how pampered Paris’ dogs are, she has a nurturing soul and will make a wonderful mother.

“Because yes, this is so much fun — I love what I’m doing, it’s great being in Ibiza every summer DJing until eight in the morning.”

“But sometimes it gets a little tiring.”

Paris is 37. We get it.

“I’m still going to continue being the girl boss I am, but I’m also going to be a mom, and I can’t wait for that day.”

Paris and Chris Zylka have both appeared on The CW as actors.

Zylka was one of the stars of The Secret Circle, a massively underrated series.

Paris herself was a guest star on Veronica Mars back when it was called The WB, and she later guest starred as an old world god who had shapeshifted into the Paris Hilton on Supernatural, back before the series jumped the shark.

Chris Zylka has also appeared in films, from indie hits like Kaboom to blockbusters like The Amazing Spider-Man.

Paris Hilton has appeared in cameos in films like Zoolander and taken on larger, more involved roles, such as in Repo: The Genetic Opera.

This is a talented couple, and they each deserve happiness.


Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Engages in Epic, Vicious Fight with Girlfriend Over Her Sex Tape

Welp, that sure was ugly.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and girlfriend Jen Harley welcomed a baby girl into the world earlier this month.

But the couple engaged in a vicious fight over the weekend via Twitter that was decidedly NOT welcomed by anyone hoping these two would make stable co-parents.

The 32-year old Jersey Shore veteran got things started on Saturday when he took to his Instagram Story and lashed out at Harley.

In extremely cruel fashion.

“Note to self, can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE, if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter,” he actually wrote about the mother of his daughter, adding:

“Not all people can be saved when they are so far gone. All you can say you did ur best and keep it moving.”

Yikes and WTF, right?

Ronnie added the hashtags #Facts and #YeahhhhhhBuddyyyy to his angry post.

ronnie fightpic

In a follow-up post/poll, Ronnie articulated exactly why he was taking issue with Harley.

He asked followers to vote “yes” or “no” to the following question:

“If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

Please, “#GiveMeYourThoughts,” Ronnie asked.

So there it is; there’s the problem at stake.

Ronnie apparently discovered at least one sex tape Harley made with an ex-boyfriend, which, we must admit, has to be awkward.

As awkward as airing one’s dirty laundry in public in this manner?


We guess not, based on Ronnie’s actions and logic.

Ortiz-Magro then shared an image of his head Photoshopped into a poster for Dwayne Johnson‘s movie Rampage, which he changed to read “Ronpage.”

Moreover, the reality star posted a text exchange with Deena Nicole Cortese in which she took his side in this argument.

Wow that’s insane,” Cortese wrote. “What girl even keeps that lol.”

It’s a fair question, we guess.

But Harley chose not to answer it on Instagram.

Instead, she shot back in her own story by writing: “Can’t turn a coke head into a father! Yeahhh buddy.”


Oh gosh.

This may get worse before it gets better, huh?

Ronnie and Jen got together in July of 2017.

They actually shared videos of each other drinking and partying on Saturday before these insults flew, making it apparent they weren’t sober when they decided to go public with their disagreement.

“So excited to be a #Father. Words can’t describe the feeling,” Ortiz-Magro wrote about becoming a dad less than a month ago.

He added at the time:

“You live your life not ever really knowing the meaning of true love until you have a child. True unconditional love. You love your significant other, you love your family.

“I have to say I understand when everyone said you’ll understand ‘when you have a child of your own or when you become a parent.’

“I know I have still tons to learn but I’m excited for this new journey & chapter in my life with my beautiful girlfriend & my daughter.”

What a nice sentiment.

Perhaps Ronnie ought to think of his daughter the next time he calls her mom a “hoe” in front  of the entire Internet.

To see what Ortiz-Magro has been up to on MTV this spring, click the video below to watch Jersey Shore online.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Did He Make a Sex Tape With His PREGNANT Side Piece?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian while she was still pregnant with his daughter.

At first it seemed as though the news couldn’t get much worse, but now we know that’s definitely not the case.

Khloe welcomed her first child earlier this month, but when news of Tristan’s infidelity went public, she was still pregnant with baby True.

Just days before the delivery, TMZ published damning video evidence that showed Tristan hooking up with random women while traveling with his team in D.C. and New York.

Needless to say, Khloe was likely not very happy with the revelation or the fact that she had to learn of her boyfriend’s cheating at the same time as the rest of the world, all while six months pregnant.

But to the surprise of many, she didn’t immediately break up with Tristan.

However, that doesn’t mean he’s in the clear. 

According to insiders, Khloe is giving Tristan the chance to make it up to her, but she’s also holding off on offering him any sort of forgiveness until she does some digging and finds out if he has anymore skeletons in the closet.

“Khloe is waiting to see how many more, if any, side pieces will come forward before she decides whether or not to take back Tristan,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“She fears that Tristan may have random women across the country, in every NBA town. If that is the case, then Khloe will close the door on any chance of keeping her family together.”

Specifically, it seems Khloe is concerned that there’s more bad news yet to come, and she doesn’t want to be blindsided by Tristan’s shady ways a second time.

“She is also nervous about something else embarrassing coming out like a sex tape or more pictures of him with other women. Khloe has her team investigating the situation, hunting for any more mistresses and if they find any, it’s over for good,” the insider claims.

And it seems there’s one fear in particular that’s keeping Khloe up nights these days,

“She is terrified at the thought of Tristan possibly having gotten another woman pregnant,” says the source.

It’s not hard to see why that specific scenario is Khloe’s ultimate concern.

After all, Tristan seems to be the fertile type.

He welcomed a child with ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig while he was already dating Khloe (Craig was several months pregnant when Tristan and Khloe met.), and one of his alleged side-pieces has already revealed she’s expecting.

The woman didn’t say if the child is Tristan’s or not, but it’s probably smart of Khloe to hold off on welcoming him back into her life.

For her sake, we kind of hope she and Tristan can work things out.

But also sort of hope she kicks his cheating ass to the curb.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tristan Thompson Actually Made a Sex Tape. We Nearly Saw It.

Note to Tristan Thompson:

You really need to be more careful when it comes to sexual partners and videotape.

Over the past couple days, it’s become evident that Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian (while she was pregnant!) due to the presence of recording devices.

First, Thompson was seen on security footage getting VERY close and VERY comfortable with two women at a Washington D.C. hotspot.

This occurred back in October, toward the end of Khloe’s first trimester.

Then, Thompson was seen on different security footage, entering a New York City hotel around 5 a.m. on a Sunday, leading a woman with whom he had made out earlier in the night.

This occurred at the very end of March, toward the end of Khloe’s third and final trimester.

(It’s safe to assume that Thompson later entered the woman herself, if you know what we mean by this remark.)

Meanwhile, according to The Blast, Tristan actually has experience with sex and video dating back to 2016… which is when he supposedly made a sex tape with ex-girlfriend Jordyn Craig!

She is pictured here:

The aforementioned website states that Thompson and Craig filmed their flesh pounding at some point in 2016.

The video then resurfaced in November of 2017 after Craig she it was stolen off her cellphone after she took the phone in for service

Thankfully (for her, not for Internet users), Craig was able to work with a Los Angeles-based attorney to secure the sex tape and “destroy it,” according to this source.

It adds that Thompson was aware the sex tape was out there and nearly on the market.

We do not know, however, if Khloe was ever aware such footage existed of her baby daddy.

Craig, for those not up the speed, actually gave birth herself in December of 2016 to a son she conceived with Thompson.

The Cleveland Cavaliers power forward reportedly dumped her while she was pregnant in order to date Kardashian.

Sound sort of familiar?

Shortly after this cheating scandal went viral late Tuesday night, Craig appeared to address the situation via a message on Instagram.

“If you respect yourself and you respect others, you would never make light of the misfortune of anyone, nor would you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others,” Craig wrote, adding simply:

“Wishing peace for everyone.”

That’s a pretty classy response, no?

She could have thrown shade. She could have taunted Khloe with some kind of I-Told-You-So reply.

Instead, she took the high road.

As for where things go from here for Thompson and Kardashian, we really have no idea.

The latter has been living in Cleveland for the past few weeks, waiting to give birth in the city in which Tristan lives.

She had every hope that he would be a hands-on father and the two would raise their little girl together, as a happy couple.

But now? After all we’ve learned about Thompson and his penis?!? Such a scenario seems impossible to envision.

Heck, can you imagine if it’s true that Thompson even knocked up one of his side pieces?

We feel very sorry for Khloe in all of this.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tristan Thompson Alleged NYC Chick Posts Sex Tape

The woman claiming she spent the night with Tristan Thompson in NYC this weekend posted and quickly deleted a sex tape and a number of raunchy text messages allegedly with the NBA All-Star. Tristan was seen in a video with the woman — who goes by…
