Showing posts with label Huckabee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huckabee. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Offers Update on Trump Attending McCain"s Funeral

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says it’s unclear if Donald Trump will attend Senator John McCain’s funeral — but here’s what we’re hearing … don’t hold your breath. We got the Press Sec. leaving Reagan National Sunday and asked for some thoughts on…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Monday, July 9, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says Restaurant Confronters Should Calm Down

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has some words for folks confronting Trump associates in public — especially at restaurants — and it starts with c … CHIIILLLLL OUT. We got President Trump’s Press Sec. Sunday in D.C., where we asked if the country should…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Diane Warren Trashes Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Donald Trump

Diane Warren thinks Sarah Huckabee Sanders is reaping what she was sowing by spewing hate and lies, and has zero sympathy for Trump’s mouthpiece. We got the legendary songwriter Tuesday night at Craig’s in WeHo Tuesday and…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TMZ Live: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Weight Shamed

ON TODAY’S SHOW Meek Mill Shut Down By Judge  Terry Crews: Gives Emotional Testimony Before U.S. Senate  Heather Locklear: ‘Overdose’ Meltdown  George Lopez Selling Anti-Melania Jacket


Claudia Jordan Shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders Over Weight Post-Red Hen

Claudia Jordan just took the Red Hen controversy with Sarah Huckabee Sanders to a new level … shaming the woman over her weight as justification for her getting booted. We got the ex-‘RHOA’ star arriving at Catch in WeHo Monday night, where…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Bryan Cranston Jokes About, Then Decries Restaurant Booting Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Bryan Cranston’s got a theory on why members of President Trump’s administration keep getting driven out of restaurants … but he’s only kidding. We got the “Breaking Bad” legend at LAX Saturday and told him about Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting…


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant … on moral grounds. The waiter at The Red Hen said, “I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Chokes Up When Kid Asks About School Shootings

Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally cracked … she got very emotional when an intrepid young (very young) reporter asked what the Trump administration was doing to prevent school shootings. The school kid, Benje Choucroun, was reporting for “TIME…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Anthony Scaramucci Says Michelle Wolf"s Sarah Huckabee Roast Was Ridiculous

Anthony Scaramucci says comedian Michelle Wolf crossed the line when she went after Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ looks at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner … calling the roast ridiculous. We got the Mooch outside Catch Monday night and…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Goes Off on James Comey in White House Press Briefing

James Comey is a blatant liar who the American people see right through — and his book is trash … according to the White House Press Secretary. Sarah Huckabee Sanders followed Donald Trump’s lead in dealing with the former FBI Director during…


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Trump"s Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Shops at Walmart

Sarah Huckabee Sanders became just another Walmart shopper over the weekend. President Trump’s mouthpiece hit up the superstore Saturday in her hometown of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. She blended in to the crowd of shoppers, wearing no makeup and…


Trump"s Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Shops at Walmart

Sarah Huckabee Sanders became just another Walmart shopper over the weekend. President Trump’s mouthpiece hit up the superstore Saturday in her hometown of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. She blended in to the crowd of shoppers, wearing no makeup and…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jim Carrey Slammed for Sarah Huckabee Sanders Painting; Did He Go Too Far?

After Sean “Spicey” Spicer took his minifridge and left the White House in a huff over Anthony Scaramucci’s ill-fated hiring, his unenviable role as mouthpiece for the Trump White House fell to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now Jim Carrey, who has taken time off from acting to work on his painting, has come out with a painting of the embattled Press Secretary.

That painting is now controversial. Did he go too far?

Jim Carrey has never been shy about voicing his political beliefs.

Unfortunately, one of those opinions is that vaccines somehow cause autism, which has long been debunked by actual medical experts.

(And, quite frankly, even if it were true, autistic people have pointed out that using that to justify not vaccinating children seems to be saying that parents would rather see their child die of a fatal disease than be autistic)

Not all of his beliefs are irresponsible and medically unsupported nonsense, however.

Like most Americans, Jim Carrey is a strong critic of the Trump administration, even going so far as to dump his Facebook stock upon learning of the social media platform’s role in getting Trump to the White House.

Now, he’s expressing his political views through a different medium: art.

Specifically, painting.

Jim Carrey Paints Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey did not identify Sarah Huckabee Sanders in this painting, merely writing:

“This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!”

Reactions to this have been mixed.

Some reactions have been to call out Jim Carrey for alleged hypocrisy.

They say that painting an unflattering caricature of a woman flies in the face of what the Left (which, to many critics, is synonymous with Hollywood) claim to represent.

Others believe that the painting, unflattering though it may be, is a warranted caricature of a woman who is voluntarily and vocally aiding an indefensible regime.

To summarize their view with a Kim Kardashian quote that is now a meme: “It’s what she deserves.”

Trump fans on Twitter expressed their displeasure.

“James Woods, do you have a comment about Jim Carrey and the insulting portrait he has presented of Sarah Sanders?”

As far as we can tell, James Woods has yet to respond to this tweet. At the moment, he’s raving on Twitter about how self-driving cars are part of a government plot.

Others tweeted their condemnation of Carrey for his painting.

“What a disgraceful thing to do.”

Another alleged that this is all part of misogynistic elements within Hollywood.

“This is just one more example of how Hollyweird empowers women! #JimCarrey is just doing his portion, right Jim? He’s a has been!!”

It is worth noting that Jim Carrey did not take either of the easy routes for caricature that were open for him with Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

His painting clearly is not emphasizing her weight.

Body-shaming is body-shaming, and poking fun at an evil person for being fat rather than for the evil that they do is, uh, super problematic and distracting from the point that you’re trying to make.

(Some exceptions may apply, but you still want to tread carefully if you don’t want to indirectly insult plenty of nice people)

Jim Carrey also didn’t seem to be calling attention to the fact that sometimes Sanders’ eyes seem to be doing that thing that her father’s do.

That would have been another cheap shot, but he didn’t take that road.

Ultimately, it’s not only Jim Carrey’s Constitutional right to make art, but he may have a calling.

His non-literal paintings show a lot of skill. Specifically, he was able to so easily capture Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ likeness that he didn’t need to identify her by name — and even is caption was just a condemnation rather than a needed clue.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jim Carrey Shares Portrait of "Monstrous" Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey has apparently broken into the theme park caricature painting game — and his latest creation is quite the monstrosity … Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The actor shared a photo this weekend of a portrait he painted of President Trump’s Press…


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mike Huckabee Thinks Twitter"s New 280 Limit Is Good For Trump & America

Mike Huckabee thinks America will only benefit from Donald Trump having more characters to defend himself on Twitter … and sounds like Huckabee thinks it’ll prevent another covfefe.  We got the former Arkansas governor and two-time…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mike Huckabee Gushes Over Daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders Like a Kardashian

Mike Huckabee might be better at cheerleading for his kid than Kris Jenner is for hers … ‘cause he was raving about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the job she’s doing for Trump. We got the former Arkansas gov. and two-time presidential hopeful…


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ari Fleischer Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders Got it SOOOO Easy!!!

Former Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says his former job is a walk in the park … which means Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci and Sarah Huckabee Sanders missed the memo. We got W’s former mouthpiece Wednesday leaving Michael’s in NYC, and he was…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dep. White House Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Clashes with Reporter Over "Fake News"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on the attack over “fake news” — citing the CNN debacle — then got raked over the coals by a White House reporter. The Deputy White House Press Secretary chastised CNN over its retracted story … which connected…


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mike Huckabee Parodies Adele, Attempts to Win Over Iowa

We really thought we had seen every Adele parody or performance there was to see.

Remember that marching band that put a unique spin on the smash hit "Hello?"

Or the dog who belted out these lyrics (sort of) with all the emotion of the artist herself?

But now Mike Huckabee has come along and taking this single in a brand new direction.

Just days ahead of the Iowa Caucuses, the Republican nominee for President has released a video in which he tweaks this beloved track to appeal to voters on February 1.

Titled “Hello, Huck,” the song references numerous towns in Iowa, while suggesting that visitors try the pork chops and/or baked beans.

There’s talk of Iowans not being for sale and how there’s no difference between Obama and Hillary and how, if Bernie Sanders wins, Huckabee is gonna die.

It"s well produced, we can say that much.

And we"d much rather hear this from Mike Huckabee than another passionate defense of the Duggars.

Huckabee actually won the Iowa Caucuses in 2008, but he has little to not chance of repeating that victory this time around.

But that"s okay. He clearly has a future as an Adele impersonator if this whole President thing does not work out for him.

Ready to say "Hello" to Huck? Do so (at your peril!) below:

Mike huckabee parodies adele attempts to win over iowa