Showing posts with label Carrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carrey. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Jim Carrey Under Fire for Painting "White" Aretha Franklin

Actor Jim Carrey has been pouring his heart and soul into paintings and sharing them on social media.

Those paintings — like his unflattering portrait of Sarah Huckabee Sanders — have sometimes proven to be controversial.

He did a portrait of the late, great Aretha Franklin, but it is not going over well. Did he paint her as a white woman?

The legendary Aretha Franklin passed away at 76 years of age after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Jim Carrey, known for posting his paintings on Twitter as a form of commentary on current events, shared a portrait of her.

“Look how beautiful a life can be,’ Carrey wrote as he shared the image.

Carrey continued: “Thank you, Aretha!”

The painting that he included of the Queen of Soul, however, caused quite a stir.

Do you see what was controversial about this painting?

In life, Aretha Franklin was a dark-skinned black woman. She is one of the most famous black women on the planet.

In Carrey’s painting, Aretha’s skin looks very, very white in tone.

So much so that, without context, some would never have recognized the subject of his work.

And folks on Twitter took to the replies to notice.

This is not a unique phenomenon, unfortunately.

Whitewashing is found in fanart from all sorts of fandoms. People have drawn famous black women, from real ones like Beyonce to fictional ones like Storm or Tiana, with skin so fair that they don’t even look like tan white people.

Sometimes, there is a genuine prejudice behind it. Racism is real, and sometimes that malice makes its way into art.

In other cases, however, it comes from a lack of familiarity with how to draw or paint someone with dark brown skin.

Some art classes simply don’t train people in it. And because so many white faces dominate pop culture, a lot of white artists do not get much practice.

(As you can see, one person even tweaked the image to pay more accurate tribute to Aretha’s skin tone)

We do not think that Jim Carrey was in any way malicious or racist in his intentions.

Rather, his very light painting was the result of white supremacy’s impact on our culture and the arts as a whole.

This can be a useful learning experience for Carrey and for aspiring artists.

And if you’re ever unsure of how you’re portraying someone, you can always look up online resources — or just ask someone.

The spirit of what Carrey did was, of course, great.

Aretha Franklin touched countless hearts and minds with her incredible voice.

It is only fitting that he and other artists want to honor her and her passing.

But sometimes, people screw up — even if it’s something seemingly small. And that can come across as an unintended insult to marginalized communities.

We all need to be conscious of what we do and how we do it in order to be good people.

Otherwise, our respectful tributes seem like an insult.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jim Carrey Blasts NFL and Trump, "Corps Should Rethink Sponsors"

Jim Carrey thinks the NFL and Donald Trump are the real ”Dumb and Dumber” … and he’s attacking BOTH of ‘em for the alleged blackballing of Colin Kaepernick. “NFL — who exploits players for 3yrs then abandons them to a lifetime of pain –…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Jim Carrey Shades President Trump with "Fifty Shades of Decay"

Jim Carrey’s brush knows no executive bounds … he painted President Trump as a sexual deviant who’s halfway to baldness. The comedian posted yet another piece of his artwork on Twitter, and this time he goes after 45 in a piece Carrey…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jim Carrey Slammed for Sarah Huckabee Sanders Painting; Did He Go Too Far?

After Sean “Spicey” Spicer took his minifridge and left the White House in a huff over Anthony Scaramucci’s ill-fated hiring, his unenviable role as mouthpiece for the Trump White House fell to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now Jim Carrey, who has taken time off from acting to work on his painting, has come out with a painting of the embattled Press Secretary.

That painting is now controversial. Did he go too far?

Jim Carrey has never been shy about voicing his political beliefs.

Unfortunately, one of those opinions is that vaccines somehow cause autism, which has long been debunked by actual medical experts.

(And, quite frankly, even if it were true, autistic people have pointed out that using that to justify not vaccinating children seems to be saying that parents would rather see their child die of a fatal disease than be autistic)

Not all of his beliefs are irresponsible and medically unsupported nonsense, however.

Like most Americans, Jim Carrey is a strong critic of the Trump administration, even going so far as to dump his Facebook stock upon learning of the social media platform’s role in getting Trump to the White House.

Now, he’s expressing his political views through a different medium: art.

Specifically, painting.

Jim Carrey Paints Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey did not identify Sarah Huckabee Sanders in this painting, merely writing:

“This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!”

Reactions to this have been mixed.

Some reactions have been to call out Jim Carrey for alleged hypocrisy.

They say that painting an unflattering caricature of a woman flies in the face of what the Left (which, to many critics, is synonymous with Hollywood) claim to represent.

Others believe that the painting, unflattering though it may be, is a warranted caricature of a woman who is voluntarily and vocally aiding an indefensible regime.

To summarize their view with a Kim Kardashian quote that is now a meme: “It’s what she deserves.”

Trump fans on Twitter expressed their displeasure.

“James Woods, do you have a comment about Jim Carrey and the insulting portrait he has presented of Sarah Sanders?”

As far as we can tell, James Woods has yet to respond to this tweet. At the moment, he’s raving on Twitter about how self-driving cars are part of a government plot.

Others tweeted their condemnation of Carrey for his painting.

“What a disgraceful thing to do.”

Another alleged that this is all part of misogynistic elements within Hollywood.

“This is just one more example of how Hollyweird empowers women! #JimCarrey is just doing his portion, right Jim? He’s a has been!!”

It is worth noting that Jim Carrey did not take either of the easy routes for caricature that were open for him with Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

His painting clearly is not emphasizing her weight.

Body-shaming is body-shaming, and poking fun at an evil person for being fat rather than for the evil that they do is, uh, super problematic and distracting from the point that you’re trying to make.

(Some exceptions may apply, but you still want to tread carefully if you don’t want to indirectly insult plenty of nice people)

Jim Carrey also didn’t seem to be calling attention to the fact that sometimes Sanders’ eyes seem to be doing that thing that her father’s do.

That would have been another cheap shot, but he didn’t take that road.

Ultimately, it’s not only Jim Carrey’s Constitutional right to make art, but he may have a calling.

His non-literal paintings show a lot of skill. Specifically, he was able to so easily capture Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ likeness that he didn’t need to identify her by name — and even is caption was just a condemnation rather than a needed clue.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jim Carrey Shares Portrait of "Monstrous" Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey has apparently broken into the theme park caricature painting game — and his latest creation is quite the monstrosity … Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The actor shared a photo this weekend of a portrait he painted of President Trump’s Press…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jim Carrey: I"m Dumping Facebook and So Should You

You know how Facebook famously profited from Russia’s interference in the 2016 Presidential election? 

Jim Carrey is apparently not happy with the idea of a social media platform allegedly being so irresponsible that it may have caused the downfall of America (if not the world!).

And he’s putting his money where his mouth is.

Jim Carrey is no stranger to using his platform to share his views, no matter how controversial they may be.

He is infamous for his anti-vaxx views, which have alienated a number of former fans who feel that they cannot in good conscience support a man whose views not only ignore scientific consensus but promote actively dangerous ideas.

(Immunocompromised children can die when people in their communities aren’t vaccinated; it’s called herd immunity. Also, even if vaccines caused autism, which they don’t, the idea that someone would rather see a child dead than autistic is bone-chillingly awful)

Unlike his anti-vaxx views, however, his latest passion may garner some positive attention.

Jim Carrey is quitting Facebook, and in a statement to CNBC, the comedian and actor explains why:

“We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms.”

Oversight specifically into how Russia was able to influence the US Presidential election via social media.

“This easy access has to be more responsibly handled.”

It’s true that, when one person or company can buy a presence on a social media platform significant enough to influence the outcome of an election … that is troubling.

Carrey believes that he knows what the world needs:

“What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight is needed.”

In other words, people invest money in order to make money, but he’s calling on people to invest their wealth in ways that will enrich the world rather than destroy it.

“What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience.”

Honestly? Context aside, I have never agreed with a Jim Carrey statement so strongly in my life.

Along with a weird coloring book drawing of Mark Zuckerberg (Jim Carrey adds a lot of these to tweets; does he think that everyone makes their own memes or is he trying to start a trend?), Carrey tweeted:

“I’m dumping my @facebook stock and deleting my page because @facebook profited from Russian interference in our elections and they’re still not doing enough to stop it.”

We can’t speak to what Facebook is or is not doing to keep such a disaster from happening again. But Carrey has zero chill about this.

“I encourage all other investors who care about our future to do the same. #unf​riendfacebook”

Obviously, your average Twitter user who might read such a tweet probably doesn’t own stock in Facebook, but Jim Carrey’s fame gives him a platform that is likely to reach other like-minded folks. Some of them probably do own stock.

It’s hard to tell where culpability ends sometimes.

Twitter is notoriously bad when it comes to enforcing their own terms of service. People get menacing messages from actual literal neo-nazis, respond with a curt obscenity and report the person who’s threatening them … only for Twitter to tell them that they don’t care for such obscenities.

And there’s no doubt that Russia has thousands and thousands of bot accounts for a variety of purposes (including inflating Donald Trump’s Twitter follower count).

Is Twitter blameless just because they don’t directly profit from Russian meddling?

Or is Jim Carrey just taking aim at Facebook while staying on Twitter because Twitter is a useful tool every day and Facebook stopped being cool around when Obama was first elected, and is now mostly for old people and remembering birthdays?

We’re willing to bet that Jim Carrey takes issue with the monetary element and just isn’t willing to be a part of that any longer.

Say what you will, but Jim Carrey is a man of sincerety.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jim Carrey: Cathriona White Wrongful Death Suit Dismissed

In September of 2015, Jim Carrey’s girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide. It was tragic. And the tragedy was only compounded afterwards.

Accusing Jim Carrey of a slew of misdeeds, from allegedly surprising White with three different STDs to, per these accusations, being responsible for furnishing the drugs that led to her death.

Jim Carrey was being sued by White’s mother and by her estranged ex-husband. We say was being sued, because Carrey reportedly no longer faces these suits.

Jim Carrey and Cathriona White met in 2012, and from then on had an on-again, off-again relationship.

Tragically, in 2015, Cathriona took her own life in late September. In her suicide note, she mentioned that she and Carrey had broken up just days earlier.

What was already a sad story of a 28-year-old woman lost to suicide became even sadder when Cathriona’s estranged ex-husband, Mark Burton, brought a wrongful death suit against Jim Carrey.

The suit alleged that Jim Carrey had provided Cathriona with the drugs while knowing that she was prone to depression and might be at risk for suicidal behavior.

Brigid Sweetman, Cathriona White’s own mother, became part of Jim Carrey’s legal battle.

It was also alleged that Carrey had knowingly passed three STDs on to Cathriona White without warning her.

Jim Carrey slammed Cathriona’s estranged ex with a tasteful statement explaining that he intended to fight the allegations against him.

“What a terrible shame. It would be easy for me to get in a back room with this man’s lawyer and make this go away, but there are some moments in life when you have to stand up and defend your honor against the evil in this world.”

A lot of people might try to sue celebrities, hoping for a quick payout. Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen here.

“I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved. Cat’s troubles were born long before I met her and sadly her tragic end was beyond anyone’s control.”

More than anything, Jim Carrey hoped for the legal struggle to end.

“I really hope that some day soon people will stop trying to profit from this and let her rest in peace.”

Jim Carrey filed countersuit in 2017.

In the suit, Jim Carrey’s legal team addressed the STD claims in particular.

According to their documents, filed in L.A., it appeared that Cathriona White had used her old STD panel results as well as a friend’s to fabricate a counterfit STD panel showing that she was clean.

In reality, it appears that she had hepatisis A, herpes, and Chlamydia.

(One has to question why her loved ones would want to call attention to her STD status with a lawsuit)

Apparently, Jim Carrey’s legal team did their work well.

People now reports that the lawsuit against Jim Carrey has been dismissed.

Which means that Jim Carrey no longer faces a civil trial over Cathriona White’s death.

This is a tragic situation, but whether it was grief or greed that fueled the legal action against him, the court sided with Carrey.

After Cathriona’s tragic passing, Jim Carrey was a pallbearer at her funeral in her native Ireland.

He also put out this statement, which is a much better way to remember her than the unflattering details of any lawsuits.

Carrey said:

“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”

Beautiful words.


Jim Carrey Ends Bitter Legal Battle with Ex-GF"s Mom and Husband

Jim Carrey’s long, drawn out legal war over his ex-girlfriend’s death won’t end in a courtroom, because the lawsuits filed by Jim and her family have been dismissed … TMZ has learned. As we reported … Cathriona White’s mother and estranged…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Jim Carrey Says He Has Proof Deceased Girlfriend Phonied Records to Extort Him

The woman who claimed she became suicidal after Jim Carrey gave her herpes created an elaborate extortion scheme with fake medical records to make it seem she was clean before she met Jim … this according to new legal docs. Carrey now claims…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Jim Carrey Says Dead Girlfriend Used Bad Wax Job to Frame Him For Herpes

Jim Carrey has fired back at the mother of his former girlfriend who committed suicide, saying the girlfriend tried to extort him by falsely accusing him of giving her herpes. Jim is in a battle royale lawsuit over the death of Cathriona White, who…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Jim Carrey Defends Kathy Griffin: She"s a Comedian!

The internet has had a flurry of different emotions to Kathy Griffin’s fake beheading of Donald Trump.

Being a comedian himself, Jim Carrey has opened up about his thoughts on that gruesome imagery, and he seems to be team Kathy. 

“I think it is the job of a comedian to cross the line at all times — because that line is not real,” Carrey, 55, explained. 

“If you step out into that spotlight and you’re doing the crazy things that [Trump is] doing,” Carrey continued, “we’re the last line of defense. And really, the comedians are the last voice of truth in this whole thing. It’s impossible to get away from it.”

Carrey then went on to say that he had a vivid dream recently, and, well, basically said he could have killed Donald Trump in it. 

“I had a dream the other night I was playing golf with Donald Trump,” he recalled.

“I was standing beside him with a club in my hand, and I was considering my options when I suddenly woke up.” “It was one of those dreams where you just want to get back to sleep so you can finish it, you know?” Carrey added.


In the wake of the picture going viral across the internet, Kathy was quick to apologize for her role in the shocking imagery. 

“I sincerely apologize,” Griffin said. “I’m just now seeing the reaction to these images. I’m a comic. I crossed the line. I moved the line, then I crossed it. I went way too far.”

That apology was still not enough for Kathy to keep her lucrative job at CNN, and she was fired. Even her former co-host Anderson Cooper chimed in on his thoughts on the matter via Twitter. 

“For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.”

There is even word that Barron Trump was watching TV with Melania and that he thought the images were real. It was such a horrible turn of events, but something tells us Kathy will be more mindful with her jokes going forward. 

Hit the comments with your thoughts on the matter. 


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jim Carrey -- Late GF"s Mom Says No More Lies ... You Had STDs!!

Jim Carrey exposed his late girlfriend to herpes, chlamydia and Hepatitis A by hiding it and continuing to have unprotected sex with her … according to new docs filed by her mom.  Cathriona White’s mother, Brigid Sweetman, claims she has…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jim Carrey Responsible for Ex"s Suicide? Brand New Letters Are HEARTBREAKING

Jim Carrey is heartless.

The 2016 lawsuit that alleges he’s partially – if not completely – responsible for the death of his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, just took a turn for the worse, as it’s been revealed that White wrote Carrey multiple suicide notes in the past … 

… But Carrey apparently ignored their implications.  

TMZ released two new letters supporting White’s ex-husband’s, Mark Burton’s, lawsuit for wrongful death, and be warned: they’re hard to read. 

The outlet reported that White had written several notes throughout the duration of her relationship with Carrey, before she actually went and made good on the suicide threat (if one can actually make “good” on a suicide threat). 

The first came shortly after her father’s 2012 death. 

The second, after she discovered that he’d purportedly given her multiple STDs

The last, and final, was the night that she killed herself, overdosing on pills that were prescribed to an alias belonging to Carrey. 

White’s first letter detailed her disdain for the world around her, and for herself, saying that she was “too messed up” for anyone to love. 

The second letter – perhaps the most damning of all – read to the effect that Carrey was responsible for her decision to end her life, and said “you pulled the trigger on me,” and “your blood is on my hands.” 

However, White didn’t choose to kill herself at the time of that letter, which was a year after her first letter.  

The final suicide letter(s) read, “Jim, I thought we had chosen each other, family.” 

“I believed it meant something,” she continued, “and allowed myself to relax in your arms in the safety of being sure of one thing … us.” 

“If everything went sideways,” she wrote, “we had each other.” 

“I can go on broken-hearted and put the pieces back, I could.” 

“I just don’t have the will this time,” she said. 

In another letter, White wrote that she had a houseful of belongings, and asked that Jim’s “people” sell her belongings and give the proceeds to her family. 

“Peace and love,” she concluded the final letter, “to all your hearts.” 

We’d say “sure,” on that last bit, and what a “nice” way to end a suicide note. 

But as we said … we’re pretty sure Carrey doesn’t have a heart, let alone multiple ones. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jim Carrey -- Sued For Wrongful Death By Ex-Girlfriend"s Mom

Jim Carrey has been slapped with a lawsuit by the mother of his ex-girlfriend, claiming she OD’d after she realized he had given her 3 STDs and when she confronted him he dumped her. Cathriona White’s mom, Brigid Sweetman, claims in a new lawsuit…


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cathriona White Death: Jim Carrey Finally Breaks His Silence

Up until now, Jim Carrey has remained silent about his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, who committed suicide in September 2015.

Now, Carrey is ready to speak.  Today, he issued a statement condemning the press, according to People Magazine.

“When I came to Hollywood to make it as a comedian, I soon learned that the details of my private life would be handed out to the media like free dinner vouchers,” the statement read.

“I never dreamed that the people I love most in the world would also be on the menu. What a shame.”

White’s autopsy reveals that the 30-year-old overdosed on prescription pills, including including propranolol, the sleep aid zolpidem, oxycodone and oxymorphone.

On Tuesday, details of White’s suicide note (initially found by police) were made public, which included an apology to Carrey, whom she split up with just a few days before her death.  

Carrey and White dated on and off since 2012, after meeting on a film set.

“I’ve spent 3 days now in disbelief that you’re not here. I can go on brokenhearted and try to put the pieces back. I could, I just don’t have the will this time,” White wrote.

“I’m sorry you felt I wasn’t there for you. I tried to give you my best part.”

As for her funeral, White left instructions to the Ace Ventura star.

“I don’t really know about burial or that sort of thing. You are my family so whatever you choose will be fine.”

“Please forgive me,” she wrote.”I’m just not for this world.”

Carrey did release a statement following her death, stating that he was “deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona.

“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jim Carrey Makes Bad Poop Joke About Kim Kardashian, Fails

There are folks who love a good poop joke, and those who don’t.

But even the biggest fans of scatological humor aren’t feeling the funny Jim Carrey just made about Kim Kardashian. Not because it’s gross, but because it just doesn’t make any sense.

This entire damn week in celebrity news has been devoted to the nude selfie Kim Kardashian posted on Monday, with everyone from Amber Rose to Ellen DeGeneres weighing in. So naturally, Jim Carrey had to throw his hat into the ring.

The (former?) comedian tried to make a funny with this tweet:

Jim Carrey tweet about Kim K

If he were on a stage at the Comedy Cellar, you’d hear the proverbial crickets in the room.

Now, this could have been a funny joke, if it had been applied to the appropriate naked Kim Kardashian selfie.

Allow us to break it down for you.

“Thank you @KimKardashian for showing us where you poop” – Okay, we get this. She’s in the bathroom, i.e., “where you poop.” Fair enough.

“…and what you poop with” – Now here’s where Jim gets into trouble. He seems to be referring to her butt, because, ya know, that’s what you poop with. But in this particular naked Kim Kardashian selfie, we don’t see her butt.

“You must have very big poops!” – Again, a reference to Kim’s ass, which we all know is humongous. Big butt = big poops, surmises Jim. But again, her badonkadonk ain’t in the shot, so the joke falls flat.

You see, Jim’s joke would’ve made perfect sense if it followed Kim’s naked photo from Paper magazine – you know the one – where pretty much ALL YOU SEE is her abundant buns.

It’s almost as if Jim had the perfect comeback, but thought of it a year and a half too late.

He waited and waited patiently for another naked Kim selfie so he could drop it – but alas! – this time it was a frontal shot. But damn if he wasn’t going to use this joke he’d been saving for months!

We’re disappointed in you, Jim. If you’re going for poop humor, at least consider the butt of your joke.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ariana Grande Reveals Crush on Jim Carrey the Day After His Girlfriend"s Suicide: Awkward or Okay?

On Tuesday, Jim Carrey"s on-again, off-again girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide. The Irish-born makeup artist was just 30 years old.

Yesterday, Ariana Grande sat for an interview with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan and…revealed that Carrey is her number one celebrity crush.

We"re sure she didn"t mean for her comment to be in poor taste, but given Ariana"s history of embarrassing gaffes (and the fact that celebs virtually always get a chance to screen their interview questions in advance), you"d think she would"ve given a less cringe-inducing answer.

On the bright side, rumors of Ariana dating Justin Bieber started circulating last month, so she certainly could"ve picked a worse Canadian to crush on.

Ariana grande reveals crush on jim carrey the day after his girl

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jim Carrey Releases An Official Statement On Girlfriend"s Reported Suicide

Jim Carrey released the following statement on his on-and-off girlfriend’s tragic death:

“I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.”

[Image via AKM-GSI.]

Jim Carrey -- Girlfriend Cathriona White Commits Suicide



0929-carrey-cathorina-fame-02update_graphic_red_bar9:43 AM PT — Jim Carrey released a statement — “I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.”update_grey_gray_barJim Carrey‘s on-again/off-again 28-year-old girlfriend has committed suicide … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells TMZ, LAPD responded to a call in the L.A. area Monday night. We’re told they went to a residence and found the body of Cathriona White

Our sources say White left a suicide note addressed to Carrey which references their break up on Sept. 24. Cathriona tweeted on the 24th … “Signing off Twitter, I hope I have been a light to my nearest and dearest.”

Law enforcement tells us they believe she died from an overdose of drugs — pills were next to her body. We’re told 2 friends found Cathriona last night when they went to check on her.

53-year-old Carrey and White met in 2012, dated a few months and then split. They rekindled their relationship in May.
