Showing posts with label Portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portrait. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Candid Family Portrait, Leaves Followers AWWW-Inspired

Audrey Roloff is here to keep it real, folks.

Say what you want about the Little People, Big World cast member, but Audrey really can be counting on to pretty much always do just that.

Even when it means she takes grief for saying something truly controversial, such as feeding your baby formula is a sin.

The TLC star didn’t get nearly as scandalous with her latest Instagram post, however.

She didn’t get scandalous at all, in fact.

She just got all cute and comfortable and cozy with the two people who matter most in her life: husband Jeremy and daughter Ember.

“We woke up like this,” Audrey wrote as a caption to the photo above, adding in more detail:

“Just thought I’d keep it real and throw this photo in your feed to add some variety to all the cute 4th of July pics. We camped out on the farm last night.

“It was our first time sleeping in a tent with Ember and she was a happy camper!”

As she so often does, Roloff concluded by tossing in the following hashtags: #journeyofjerandauj #emberjean #beating50percent.

Audrey and Jeremy have both been very generous with their Ember Jean photos.

The child was born in September and the entire family needed a bit of time to adjust initially, with Audrey admitting that breastfeeding was both challenging and painful for awhille.

But she always had Jeremy’s support.

And husband and wife communicated well throughout, remaining there for each other at all times and, of course, there for their daughter as well.

Upon Ember turning nine months old, Jeremy shared a photo on Instagram and wrote the following:

I’ve realized that kids give you something to measure time with. And in measuring time, I realize how quickly it goes. Reminds me yet again of one of my favorite quotes: “how we spend our days, is of course, how we will spend our lives.”

Just a reminder to live the day how you’d like to live your life.

Pretty great stuff, right?

Audrey, meanwhile, has been extremely candid not just with first-thing-in-the-morning photos, but also about what she had learned as a mother.

“Motherhood has taught me focus less on body-image and more on being an image-bearer,” Roloff opined, for example, adding:

“I am also now capable of getting myself ready in less than 5 mintes, which is an added bonus.”

She also formerly wrote about the concept of “grace,” specifically:

“Motherhood has taught me to give myself loads of grace for all the things I see other mothers doing that make me feel less-than.”

Audrey is also aware that she’ll face judgments for her actions, especially as a public figure, but she can’t let them get to her.

“I’m learning that people will always critcize what you’re doing wrong (they might even write you letters with lists of things you should or shouldn’t be doing),” she once wrote, concluding:

“But I’m not letting that make me bitter, I’m letting it make me brave.”

Amen, Auds.

Keep sharing those pics please! We love em!


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jim Carrey Shares Portrait of "Monstrous" Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Jim Carrey has apparently broken into the theme park caricature painting game — and his latest creation is quite the monstrosity … Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The actor shared a photo this weekend of a portrait he painted of President Trump’s Press…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Michelle Obama Meets 2-Year-Old Girl Who Was Awed by Her Portrait

Michelle Obama came face-to-face with the toddler who went viral for staring at the ex-First Lady portrait — and the new dynamic duo had a dance party that deserves to go viral, too. Mrs. Obama met up with 2-year-old Parker Curry … the…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Barack and Michelle Obama"s Portrait Unveiled at Smithsonian

Barack Obama’s still as smooth as ever … hailing 2 women — including his wife — with a single breath. Barack and Michelle Obama were at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery Monday in D.C. for the unveiling of their portraits. The…


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Barron Trump Portrait Headed to the White House

Barron Trump is getting what may be a First Kid’s first … an unofficial portrait with doting daddy, Donald that’s destined for The White House. TMZ broke the story … artist Barry Wingard painted portraits of Donald and…


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Prince George Birthday Portrait: Released, Quite Possibly the Cutest Thing in History

There’s cute, like when dog owners turn their best friends into precious memes.

There’s really cute, like when little kids express love in adorable, innocent fashion.

And then there’s super duper extraordinarily so-very-endearing-we-just-want-to-scream-all-day-in-delight cute, like when Prince George turns four years old and his family releases the following photo in celebration:

Altogether now: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

The very sweet child, whose birthday is on July 22, is smiling from ear to ear in the picture above, while wearing a cute striped button-up shirt.

“The Duke and Duchess are delighted to share a new official portrait of Prince George to mark His Royal Highness’s fourth birthday tomorrow,” Kensington Palace shared on Instagram on Friday afternoon.

Added the Royal Family in this statement:

“The photograph was taken at Kensington Palace at the end of June by Chris Jackson.

The Duke and Duchess are very pleased to share this lovely picture as they celebrate Prince George’s fourth birthday, and would like to thank everyone for all of the kind messages they have received.”

Prince William and Kate Middleton are parents to George and a two-year old daughter named Charlotte.

They have made a point to keep the children far away from the spotlight, rarely exposing them to a curious public and/or an irritating group of paparazzi.

Every now and then, however, around the holidays or around their birthdays, the beloved couple will unveil a new official portrait such as the one featured here.

George arrived in 2013 at 4:24 p.m. local time and weighed 8 lbs 6 oz at the time of his birth.

His proud parents carried him out to meet the press a day later for his first set of pictures, figuring they might as well get the deed over with on their own terms, lest anxious photographers try breaking down the gates of their home.

Shortly thereafter, as depicted below, the Royal Family posed for a set of memorable portraits as a unit, George included.

Later this year, George will start pre-kindergarten at a private school in London.

He had previously attended nursery school at Westacre Montessori School near his family’s home in Anmer Hall in Norfolk, England.

“George is very lively and Charlotte is very ladylike,” Prince William has said of his kids. “They’re both delightful of course.”

As for whether or not William and Kate will soon add to their brood?

Give the rumors a rest, will ya, people?!?

Let’s just focus on the precious kids they have right now!


Monday, February 13, 2017

Donald Trump Humilates Self with Inauguration Portrait

We should probably amend the headline above, we know.

After all, one must be capable of feeling shame in order to be humiliated.

And, of all the qualities Donald Trump has exhibited ever since become a candidate for President of the United States, one likely stands out among all the rest:

Complete and utter shamelessness.

So that’s our mistake, we’ll readily admit.

But it’s nothing compared to the mistake Trump and his team just made in releasing the Commander-in-Chief’s official inauguration portrait.

The portrait features Trump, his very awkward smile and the following words:

No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach. 

Sounds great, right? Sounds like a nice and inspiring message, one that folks across both aisles can agree on?

Sure. Except Trump included a misspelling in the message.

It’s a common typo (mistaking one form of “too” for the another form of “to”) for anyone just learning to master the English language, but it’s not the sort of typo that should be made by the leader of the free world.

Or a fifth grader, really, for that matter.

Here. We’ve highlighted the snafu below:

oops in portrait

The photograph went on sale by the Library of Congress shop for $ 16.95, with a sales plug that said this portrait “captures the essence of Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency of the United States.”

That’s pretty much accurate, isn’t it?

Over the last year or so, Trump has written the following words on Twitter:

“Payed,” big “shoker,” “loose” instead of lose, “big honer” and “leightweight choker.”

Earlier this month, his administration also released a list of terrorist attacks that it claimed the media has not paid proper attention to over the years.

On this rundown, the word “attacker” was repeatedly misspelled as “attaker.”

But nothing, of course, will ever top the time that Trump Tweeted about a diplomatic crisis, claiming that China committed an “unpresidented act.”

trump typo

Along these forehead-slapping lines, Trump nominated Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education and Congress confirmed the wholly unqualified candidate last week.

On Sunday, the Department of Education Tweeted about civil rights activist “W.E.B. DeBois,” which anyone with an actual education knows by his real name, W.E.B. Du Bois.

The department realized its mistake and went on to offer its deepest apologies… but it also misspelled this Mea Culpa as “our deepest apologizes.”

This all really happened.

We’d say it was some kind of strategy to make Trump and his loose grip on spelling look a bit better, except THESE PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY AND COMPLETE F-CKING MORONS AND THEY HAVE NO STRATEGY.

We’re all screwed.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Blac Chyna Shares Adorable Family Portrait, Totally Nude Photos: DANG, GIRL!

Remember back in the day when your mom would load up you and your siblings, or your cousins or your cats or whatever, and head down to the Sears Portrait Studio for a good old-fashioned family portrait?

OK, then remember how a few hours later, your mom would take all her clothes off, slap on some body paint and show off the goods for Instagram?

No? Maybe that’s only Blac Chyna’s family then.

As you can see above, Chyna brought her kids — four-year-old King Cairo, the son she shares with Tyga, and two-month-old Dream Kardashian, the baby she had with Rob Kardashian — for a seriously old school photo shoot.

That subtle grey backdrop, those classic poses …

Where did she take these photos and how did the build that time machine?

She captioned the photo “Unconditional [heart emoji],” which is sweet.

It’s also a little telling that Rob wasn’t in on the portrait, but let’s not dwell on the relationship drama right now.

Instead, let’s dwell on the weirdness of how, just a few hours after posting that precious family photo, she shared this one:

If you’re unable to click on that super NSFW link, or if you need someone to hold your hand through this madness, then let’s break this down.

That’s Blac Chyna, totally nude, not a stitch of clothing in sight. Not one single stitch.

There’s a bit of body paint there, but just the tiniest bit — not enough to really cover up anything.

So, you know, not like Kylie’s now-legendary body paint photo, the one she shared back in November.

Are we sensing a little bit of renewed rivalry?

It’s hard to say, but yeah, probably — this is Blac “WHY ARE YOU TEXTING BITCHES?!” Chyna we’re talking about.

As a bonus, she shared one more photo, also insanely NSFW.

And this one has nipples!

There’s a couple of different angles to this, so put your ogling aside for just one moment and let’s delve into this.

One: she looks amazing. She looks absolutely incredible, especially for just having had a baby a couple of months ago.

Two: check out that backdrop. Yeah, it may be a struggle to get your eyes off Chyna’s bod and to that muted, boring piece of fabric, but just try …

That’s the same backdrop used for her family portrait, right? Just with different lighting.

That Chyna … girl sure knows how to multitask, we’ll say that much.

OK, OK, we’ll say one more thing: damn, girl, you are looking so good!


Friday, August 5, 2016

Charlie Sheen Shares Nude Portrait of Donald Trump

Charlie Sheen and Donald Trump are like the opposite of peanut butter and chocolate.

No one wants to see these two come together in any way, shape or form.

But Sheen gave the Internet little choice on Friday, jumping on Twitter to share a message about the Republican nominee for President, along with a rather lewd photograph.

“wake up America! the rest of the world did so, long ago…”  Sheen wrote to his 11.6 million followers, seemingly making it clear that he’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

Which is fine on its own.

It’s the most sane decision Sheen has probably made in years.

But Sheen included with this simple Tweet a portrait of Donald Trump naked, small penis and all, that was drawn awhile back by artist Illma Gore.

We’ve cropped out the penis, but here’s a look at the portrait in question:

Back in May, Gore wrote the following about this piece of “art” in a discussion with The Guardian:

“For two months I have been under attack by Donald Trump and his supporters for painting the presumptive Republican nominee with a small penis.

“I’ve received death threats, rape threats and anonymous phone calls demanding I remove the image from my social media accounts or risk going to court.

“And last week, as I was walking in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, a Trump supporter punched me in the face.”

We all know how Trump feels about the size of his hands, so… yeah. We bet he’s very sensitive when it comes to his private parts.

Trump is losing considerable ground to Clinton in the polls these days.

Multiple national polls have him down by double digits, following a week in which Trump insulted the parents of a dead soldier… refused to endorse Paul Ryan or John McCain… and kicked a baby out of a press conference.

Really. He did this:

He also accepted a Purple Heart from a veteran, stating that it was “easier” to just be handed the medal than to earn it in combat.

Again: really. He did this.

Whether it was due to these shenanigans or any other number of ridiculous things he’s done or said, Trump has somehow managed to lose the support of the one person crazier than he is.

A year ago, remember, Sheen Tweeted the following:

“If Trump would hv me, I’d be his VP in a heartbeat. #TrumpSheen16.”

Honestly (and sadly), Sheen would likely earn Trump more votes than Mike Pence will as his running mate.

Fast forward to this August and Sheen recently Tweeted the opposite:

“Hey Trump, ‘A farce or comedy is best played; a tragedy is best read at home Abe Lincoln.’ America please WAKE UP! #AnyoneButTrump.”

We’re not sure what it is about Trump that brings out the referencing of certain areas, but Clint Eastwood recently dropped the P word when talking about the real estate mogul.


Is it Election Day yet?!?

Charlie Sheen Shares Nude Portrait of Donald Trump

Charlie Sheen and Donald Trump are like the opposite of peanut butter and chocolate.

No one wants to see these two come together in any way, shape or form.

But Sheen gave the Internet little choice on Friday, jumping on Twitter to share a message about the Republican nominee for President, along with a rather lewd photograph.

“wake up America! the rest of the world did so, long ago…”  Sheen wrote to his 11.6 million followers, seemingly making it clear that he’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

Which is fine on its own.

It’s the most sane decision Sheen has probably made in years.

But Sheen included with this simple Tweet a portrait of Donald Trump naked, small penis and all, that was drawn awhile back by artist Illma Gore.

We’ve cropped out the penis, but here’s a look at the portrait in question:

Back in May, Gore wrote the following about this piece of “art” in a discussion with The Guardian:

“For two months I have been under attack by Donald Trump and his supporters for painting the presumptive Republican nominee with a small penis.

“I’ve received death threats, rape threats and anonymous phone calls demanding I remove the image from my social media accounts or risk going to court.

“And last week, as I was walking in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, a Trump supporter punched me in the face.”

We all know how Trump feels about the size of his hands, so… yeah. We bet he’s very sensitive when it comes to his private parts.

Trump is losing considerable ground to Clinton in the polls these days.

Multiple national polls have him down by double digits, following a week in which Trump insulted the parents of a dead soldier… refused to endorse Paul Ryan or John McCain… and kicked a baby out of a press conference.

Really. He did this:

He also accepted a Purple Heart from a veteran, stating that it was “easier” to just be handed the medal than to earn it in combat.

Again: really. He did this.

Whether it was due to these shenanigans or any other number of ridiculous things he’s done or said, Trump has somehow managed to lose the support of the one person crazier than he is.

A year ago, remember, Sheen Tweeted the following:

“If Trump would hv me, I’d be his VP in a heartbeat. #TrumpSheen16.”

Honestly (and sadly), Sheen would likely earn Trump more votes than Mike Pence will as his running mate.

Fast forward to this August and Sheen recently Tweeted the opposite:

“Hey Trump, ‘A farce or comedy is best played; a tragedy is best read at home Abe Lincoln.’ America please WAKE UP! #AnyoneButTrump.”

We’re not sure what it is about Trump that brings out the referencing of certain areas, but Clint Eastwood recently dropped the P word when talking about the real estate mogul.


Is it Election Day yet?!?