Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump’s Inauguration speech was actually a rallying cry for white nationalists … and she blurted that out on national television. HC was being interviewed by CBS Sunday, reflecting on her election loss (again)…
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Friday, March 31, 2017
George W. Bush Sums Up Trump Inauguration Speech in Epic Fashion
It wasn’t all that long ago that George W. Bush was the most hated figure in global politics, and for the millions who lost loved ones in the wars he started or terrorist attacks he failed to prevent, he probably retains his place at the top of their sh-t lists.
But for most Americans, negative feelings toward Dubya have softened over the years, particularly as his proverbial Clubber Lange has been replaced by a much more menacing Ivan Drago in the task of pummeling the Rocky that is the American electorate.
We guess Mickey is Bernie Sanders in this analogy and Adrian is … Elizabeth Warren? We didn’t really think this through.
Anyway, the point is, Bush was bad, but Trump is much, much worse, and George seems to be relishing the role of “no longer the 21st century’s greatest villain.”
You may have seen Bush struggling mightily with his poncho at Trump’s inauguration, but it seems that was only one of the awesomely hilarious activities he engaged in that day,
The other was succinctly summing up Trump’s address, the 2016 election, and the current state of society as only he can.
According to a report published in New York Magazine this week, at least three individuals heard Bush remark on Trump’s speech thusly:
“That was some weird sh-t.”
Yes, in just five words, Bush uttered the perfect title for every future history book about the times in which we live.
He wasn’t known as the most articulate commander-in-chief during his time in office, but we defy anyone to offer a more perfectly apt two word description for Trump’s time in office than “weird shit.”
And, of course, the sh-t is only getting weirder by the day.
Was it bizarre to hear a newly-sworn-in president coin the term “American carnage” in front of a sparse crowd on a gray, drizzly day in D.C.?
Of course it was, but it wasn’t nearly as outlandish as everything that’s followed.
As we write this the most bonkers recent development is that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has sought immunity in exchange for testifying in the ongoing investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia.
But what’s really crazy is that in all likelihood, by the time you read this, something even more batsh-t will have happened!
Yes, Bush’s comments are undeniably amusing but the weirdness of the sh-tstorm that we’re currently living in is definitely growing tiresome.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Jackie Evancho Says Inauguration Performance Boosted Career, Expects to Sing at White House Again (VIDEO)
Jackie Evancho is all about performing for President Trump … and says she might be back at it this summer for Memorial Day or Fourth of July celebrations at the White House. The singer nailed “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Trump’s inauguration in…
Jackie Evancho Says Inauguration Performance Boosted Career, Expects to Sing at White House Again (VIDEO)
Jackie Evancho is all about performing for President Trump … and says she might be back at it this summer for Memorial Day or Fourth of July celebrations at the White House. The singer nailed “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Trump’s inauguration in…
Monday, February 13, 2017
Donald Trump Humilates Self with Inauguration Portrait
We should probably amend the headline above, we know.
After all, one must be capable of feeling shame in order to be humiliated.
And, of all the qualities Donald Trump has exhibited ever since become a candidate for President of the United States, one likely stands out among all the rest:
Complete and utter shamelessness.
So that’s our mistake, we’ll readily admit.
But it’s nothing compared to the mistake Trump and his team just made in releasing the Commander-in-Chief’s official inauguration portrait.
The portrait features Trump, his very awkward smile and the following words:
No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach.
Sounds great, right? Sounds like a nice and inspiring message, one that folks across both aisles can agree on?
Sure. Except Trump included a misspelling in the message.
It’s a common typo (mistaking one form of “too” for the another form of “to”) for anyone just learning to master the English language, but it’s not the sort of typo that should be made by the leader of the free world.
Or a fifth grader, really, for that matter.
Here. We’ve highlighted the snafu below:

The photograph went on sale by the Library of Congress shop for $ 16.95, with a sales plug that said this portrait “captures the essence of Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency of the United States.”
That’s pretty much accurate, isn’t it?
Over the last year or so, Trump has written the following words on Twitter:
“Payed,” big “shoker,” “loose” instead of lose, “big honer” and “leightweight choker.”
Earlier this month, his administration also released a list of terrorist attacks that it claimed the media has not paid proper attention to over the years.
On this rundown, the word “attacker” was repeatedly misspelled as “attaker.”
But nothing, of course, will ever top the time that Trump Tweeted about a diplomatic crisis, claiming that China committed an “unpresidented act.”

Along these forehead-slapping lines, Trump nominated Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education and Congress confirmed the wholly unqualified candidate last week.
On Sunday, the Department of Education Tweeted about civil rights activist “W.E.B. DeBois,” which anyone with an actual education knows by his real name, W.E.B. Du Bois.
The department realized its mistake and went on to offer its deepest apologies… but it also misspelled this Mea Culpa as “our deepest apologizes.”
This all really happened.
We’d say it was some kind of strategy to make Trump and his loose grip on spelling look a bit better, except THESE PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY AND COMPLETE F-CKING MORONS AND THEY HAVE NO STRATEGY.
We’re all screwed.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Donald Trump Brags About Inauguration Day Pic with Wrong Date (PHOTO)
President Trump proudly flaunted a photo from his inauguration, but there’s one problem — it has the wrong date on it! The portrait — by Panoramic Visions Photography — touts “The Ceremony of President Donald J. Trump” going down on January 21st,…
Donald Trump Inauguration, Some Ticket Holders Denied Entry
Donald Trump may have been closer to his crowd estimate for his inauguration than first thought … at least by a few dozen people, but maybe even more. Turns out a bunch of people with general admission tickets were instructed to go to various…
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Caitlyn Jenner Returns From Donald Trump"s Inauguration With No Words (VIDEO)
Caitlyn Jenner was left speechless from Donald Trump’s inauguration in D.C. … literally, she couldn’t muster a word. We got Caitlyn arriving at LAX Saturday, where paps swarmed her. She doesn’t have much to say — about the ceremony or the…
Donald Trump Inauguration Compared to Other D.C. Crowds (PHOTO GALLERY)
The furious debate over the size of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd involves a lot of eyeballing. There have been a lot of defining events at the National Mall over the years, and in each one there has been a very rough estimate of the size of the…
Donald Trump Inauguration Compared to Other D.C. Crowds (PHOTO GALLERY)
The furious debate over the size of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd involves a lot of eyeballing. There have been a lot of defining events at the National Mall over the years, and in each one there has been a very rough estimate of the size of the…
Tomi Lahren Says "Intolerant Left Tried to Beat My Ass" At Inauguration (VIDEO)
Tomi Lahren says it’s no wonder a lot of Donald Trump supporters were no-shows at the inauguration, because she says she was attacked by a left wing mob right in the street. We got the super conservative talk show host in D.C.…
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Donald Trump Inauguration Press Secy Defends Crowd Reports (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s team is continuing to try and dispel reports of his low Inauguration crowds … this time, his Press Secretary Sean Spicer came to Trump’s defense. Spicer held a press conference Saturday where he claimed the crowd to witness…
Donald Trump Inauguration Press Secy Defends Crowd Reports (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s team is continuing to try and dispel reports of his low Inauguration crowds … this time, his Press Secretary Sean Spicer came to Trump’s defense. Spicer held a press conference Saturday where he claimed the crowd to witness…
Donald Trump Claims Media"s Lying About Inauguration Crowd Numbers (VIDEO)
Donald Trump says his Inauguration brought crowds of over a million people, and the outlets claiming it was only 250k are just full of it. Trump was at CIA Headquarters in Virginia Saturday and vented his frustrations about the alleged false crowd…
Donald Trump"s Inauguration Cake Was A Copy Job
Donald Trump’s Inauguration cake baker just fessed up to copying a design made just a few years ago for Barack Obama’s swearing-in. Celeb baker Duff Goldman created an Obama-inspired Inauguration cake 4 years ago. When he saw a pic of Trump…
Julie Bowen BASHED for Barron Trump Inauguration Jokes: What Did She Say?
Most of Hollywood is very unhappy that Donald Trump is now President of the United States.
It’s true. See what a significant number of celebrities had to say about Trump being sworn in to office on Friday NOW.
But Julie Bowen is under particular fire from the social media community for the way in which she went about making her anti-Trump feelings known.
The Modern Family actress live-blogged the inauguration, focusing a great deal of her commentary on Barron Trump, the 10-year old son of Donald and Melania.
She didn’t insult the child or anything. Not really.
But many followers still thought Bowen was out of bounds in even bringing Barron into the picture.
“I think Barron is on his Gameboy. Can’t say I can blame him,” Bowen wrote as a caption to the following image.
She sort of invited confused criticism with this quip.
Wrote one critic quickly after the photo went live: “Gameboy…..is he at the 1988 inauguration?”
And this was one of the more tame responses Bowen received for her posts.
“Barron, a voting majority shares your horror. #barronforpresident,” Bowen captioned the next picture, implying that Barron was disgusted his father is now Commander-in-Chief.
“He is a 10-year old boy. Lay off him,” shot back a commenter, while another added:
“What is your problem? Are you an adult? You should feel ashamed bashing a child! Would you like it if someone was talking shit about your boys? Grow up!!”
From there, Bowen continued to hint that Barron is ashamed of his dad.
“When your dad is boppin’ his head to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. #dadshame #barronforpresident,” she wrote.
Cue the backlash!
“Eww don’t make fun of a child! You’re no better than him for doing this,” penned a follower.
Another expounded on the critiques offered above, penning a pretty long reply to Bowen that reads:
“It takes a big woman to make a fun of a child. If you don’t support Trump, why post anything at all, especially, his innocent child. I guess that makes you feel good about yourself. I wonder how you would feel if someone starting putting your kids out there and make fun of them???
“I’m done with you, UNFOLLOW and not watching anymore. You shame me coming from Maryland.”
Lastly, Bowen shared the snapshot below and wrote: “Hey @CNN! Don’t box the Barron!”
We’ll just rundown a handful of the more pointed comments left on Bowen’s page in response to this line of joking and insulting:
And done with self-centered celebrities that think it’s okay to have the “wit” to make fun of a 10 year old.
I will officially stop watching your show. No matter who you voted for it is what it is and time to quit bitching and come together as a country for the greater good. But to call out a ten year old boy on social media is a new low.
I cant believe @itsjuliebowen posted this! disgraceful!!!! You just lost a fan. Go back living in the world of Hollywood… Unbelievable!
Karmas a BITCH just like you. Mocking a child, you’re PATHETIC.
You are hateful Julie. All of my friends have unfollowed you today. As a mother, how cruel of you to pick apart a 10 year old child.
Was Bowen really slamming Barron at all with any of these comments?
Does it matter? Should she refrained from mentioning him at all, given his age?
“I love that Barron is a kid being a kid,” she wrote in her defense after the criticism continued last night.
“My kids would be a horror show at a public event! Just trying to keep it light.”
Alt-Right Founder Now a Target After Trump Inauguration Attack (VIDEO)
The self-proclaimed founder of the alt-right movement says he’s gotta watch his back now that riots are breaking out over Donald Trump … especially since he got socked twice at the inauguration. The American white…
Donald Trump Inauguration Speakers Got Loads of Goodies (PHOTOS)
Donald Trump’s inauguration speakers — from reverends, rabbis and bishops to Jackie Evancho — walked away from the historic day with way more than a memory … like some gold to spruce up their swag bag. We got hold of a bag that included gold…
Friday, January 20, 2017
Donald Trump, Mysterious Inauguration Misstep By Soldiers (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s inaugural speech did not go off without a hitch — there was a clear fumble by the military — but everyone’s clammed up. Trump began speaking and a minute and a half later, 8 men in uniform walk the steps and flank the prez from…
Donald Trump, Mysterious Inauguration Misstep By Soldiers (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s inaugural speech did not go off without a hitch — there was a clear fumble by the military — but everyone’s clammed up. Trump began speaking and a minute and a half later, 8 men in uniform walk the steps and flank the prez from…