Showing posts with label Caitlyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caitlyn. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Malibu Mansion Spared the Flames of Woolsey Wildfire

Caitlyn Jenner is lucky — like Powerball lucky — because her multi-million dollar Malibu home appears to have narrowly dodged any structural damage in SoCal’s raging wildfire. This aerial pic, shot Saturday morning, shows hot spots still…


Friday, November 9, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Malibu Home Burns Down in California Wildfire

Caitlyn Jenner’s home in the Malibu hills is no more — it was destroyed in Southern California’s raging wildfires … TMZ has learned. Caitlyn’s pad, which was featured on her reality show, sat on top of a ridge overlooking the Malibu beach area –…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner to Trump: Okay You Do Suck After All!

Earlier this year, Caitlyn Jenner affirmed what the rest of the world had known for years: Trump is terrible for trans rights.

At the time, she still hoped to work with Republican leadership to avoid crafting such oppressive policies.

Now, she has come forward and penned an op-ed to admit that she was wrong, and that Trump cannot be reasoned with.

In a Washington Post op-ed, Caitlyn Jenner showed that she’s willing to admit when she’s wrong, even if it took a couple of years.

“Despite the criticism I received from segments of the LGBTQ community for engaging with this administration,” Cait begins.

Caitlyn has been confronted by other trans women, including her own friends, for her erstwhile support for Donald Trump.

“I remained hopeful for positive change,” Cait explains.

“Sadly,” Caitlyn admits. “I was wrong.”

Two years after using her platform to endorse the current President, Caitlyn understands her error.

“The reality is that the trans community is being relentlessly attacked by this president,” she writes.

The recent edict from the DOJ that employers should feel free to fire their transgender employees is only the latest blow.

Cait says: “The leader of our nation has shown no regard for an already marginalized and struggling community.”

“He has ignored our humanity,” she laments.

“He has insulted our dignity,” Caitlyn continues.

“He has made trans people into political pawns,” she writes. “As he whips up animus against us.”

Cait points out that he does so “in an attempt to energize the most right-wing segment of his party.”

Since Trump has been unable to or unwilling to help everyday Americans with economic issues or in any other meaningful way, he just excites his base with bigotry.

All the while, Caitlyn notes, Trump is “claiming his anti-transgender policies are meant to ‘protect the country."”

“My hope in him — in them — was misplaced,” she admits.

“And,” Caitlyn continues. “I cannot support anyone who is working against our community.”

As she mentioned, trans people are already marginalized. And Trump’s administration has made life more dangerous for almost all of them.

“I do not support Trump,” Caitlyn affirms.

That makes a serious contrast with her MAGA-hat wearing past.

“I must learn from my mistakes,” Cait concludes. “And move forward.”

Honestly? That’s a good op-ed. She’s right about what she says.

While no one questions that Trump is a bigot, he has never seemed to have an issue with transgender people in particular.

But the architects of these monstrous policies — from Stephen Miller to Mike Pence to Jeff Sessions, and others — have a vested interest in crushing marginalized groups.

Trump allows it, in part because it will inflame his base.

He also allows it because, let’s be honest, he doesn’t seem to really know about it, and was visibly caught off guard when asked about the topic.

This is a guy who tweets at three in the morning. He likes being cheered by crowds, not actual work.

But Cait should never have supported Trump in the first place.

In part because she is trans, and her trans friends very publicly warned her that he would be a disaster.

If she had been listening to women who had been out much longer than she was — if she had listened to Candis Cayne — she wouldn’t be eating crow now.

But also, voting isn’t always about yourself. Cait may be rich and white, but she could have remembered that other people exist.

It was no secret that Trump’s administration would be a nightmare for communities of color or for women.

We hope that Cait will have her eyes open from now on.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Says She Was Wrong About Trump

Caitlyn Jenner is doing a full 180 over her previous support of President Trump, now saying she was wrong about the guy … this in the wake of mounting backlash from the LGBT community. In an op-ed piece through the Washington Post, Caitlyn says…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween Costume: Harmless or Horrible?

For the second time in just a few years, controversy has erupted over the selling of a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume.

Back in 2015, shortly after the ex-reality star fully revealed herself to be transgender, folks were given the option of going out in the dress Caitlyn wore to make this groundbreaking announcement.

At the time, the costume came with a sash that read “Call Me Caitlyn.”

A debate quickly ensued over whether this was a harmless bit of fun…

… or if the costume was using Jenner’s lifestyle as a source of mockery.

For whatever it was worth back then, Caitlyn said she did NOT find the costume to be offensive.

Now, however, she may need to issue a new statement in regard to a new Halloween get-up.

A new Caitlyn Jenner costume has hit the market, this one taking potential customers back to the days during which Jenner was known as “Bruce” and was considered, literally, as the greatest athlete in the world.

Bruce Jenner was the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.

As you can see above and below, this costume comes replete with a decathlete’s jersey (with Bruce’s number 935); a gold medal; and a pair of teeny tiny shorts.

It also comes with a wig.

Because Jenner identifies as a woman now… get it? HILARIOUS!

Really, jusy so very witty, isn’t it?

eBay originally sold the outfit for $ 44.95 prior to removing the item from its collection.

But it remains available on Amazon and on the website for Costume Agent, which is the company responsible for this idea.

A rep tells TMZ that the organization has no plans to remove the costume from its inventory; not as long as it continues to sell well.

Caitlyn Jenner wig

“It’s a costume. It’s funny,” says this rep.

However, someone from the charity Stonewall – which fights for the rights of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the United Kingdom – says differently.

“This is a reminder of how much is left to do to combat the abuse trans people face every day,” explains this rep, adding:

“This costume reduces a marginalised group to the butt of a joke. It should be taken off the shelves.”

This seems like a reasonable point of view in our opinion.

Then again, it also seems reasonable to let someone buy the costume and then mock the heck out of them on Halloween.

For being insensitive? Yes.

But also for being boring and unoriginal.

Who purchase a Caitlyn Jenner transgender costume and thinks it’s remotely creative in the year 2018?!?

charity in the United Kingdom named after the Stonewall Inn of Stonewall riots fame in New York City’s Greenwich Villag


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Partner Says Trans Leaders Got It Wrong, She Didn"t Vote For Trump

Caitlyn Jenner is being treated more harshly by her own, transgender community than the general public because they think she voted for Donald Trump … but she didn’t, according to her partner. Sophia Hutchins says a few leaders in the trans…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Partner, Sophia Hutchins, Wouldn"t Call Relationship Romantic

Caitlyn Jenner and her rumored girlfriend, Sophia Hutchins, apparently have more of a mutual partnership than a true romance … according to Sophia herself. TMZ obtained a clip of Sophia — who is also a transgender woman — doing an…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Kylie Jenner Celebrates 21st Birthday with Kardashians, Caitlyn, Scott Disick

Kylie Jenner can legally drink — and she’s a billionaire — which are 2 good reasons why there were 2 insane parties Thursday night that not only brought out the Kardashian brood in full force but reunited Scott with Kourtney and Caitlyn with Kris…


Kylie Jenner Celebrates 21st Birthday with Kardashians, Caitlyn, Scott Disick

Kylie Jenner can legally drink — and she’s a billionaire — which are 2 good reasons why there were 2 insane parties Thursday night that not only brought out the Kardashian brood in full force but reunited Scott with Kourtney and Caitlyn with Kris…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: I Want to Play a Badass B--ch Marvel Villain!

Caitlyn Jenner has accomplished a great deal in her life. In fact, Kylie Jenner credits Cait for her near-billionaire status. But, for Cait, it’s not enough.

She wents to get into acting. Rather, she wants to get back into acting.

Specifically, she wants to play a big, bad supervillainess in a Marvel movie.

Caitlyn Jenner spoke about a number of things in this week’s special Variety issue on transgender Hollywood.

The former Olympian would love to return to acting, this time “in a Marvel movie,” Caitlyn says.

Cait shares her dream: “I want to play the baddest-ass lady you’ve ever seen in your life.”

Well, that role was taken by another Cait — when Cate Blanchett played Hela in Thor: Ragnarok.

“They got the wicked queen,” Cait, who does not get into a specific role that she desires. “Or the wicked lady.”

“Just do the makeup and the outfit,” Caitlyn says. “And I got the deep voice.”

Caitlyn has acted before — before she transitioned, she played a male athlete on Murder, She Wrote.

Additionally, she was effectively playing a character every time that she pretended to be the man that society saw her as for decades.

Caitlyn says that she feared: “Did I build up this character so big that I’m stuck with Bruce for the rest of my life?”

Transitioning takes a tremendous amount of courage. Doing so as a public figure was a major challenge.

“And it scared the hell out of me,” she admits.

Cait recalls that she was considered for the role of Superman before Christopher Reeve was cast.

Cait says: “They call up: ‘Would you be interested in a screen test for “Superman”?’”

At the time, she says, she felt overwhelmed.

“It was just too much for me,” Cait admits. “I would have gone down as the most macho guy in the world, and that’s not me. It’s not even close to being me.”

This feeds her desire to play a female supervillain — to make it to the big screen in a more authentic, empowering role.

“That’s why I want to play that badass b–ch,” Cait says. “I can play that girl.”

Of course, if Caitlyn plays a supervillain, that could be potentially problematic.

Given Cait’s complicated political views — if you’ll recall, her support for Trump lost her almost all of the good will that she had obtained by publicing coming out as transgender — some fans might prefer to see another transgender actress.

After all, Laverne Cox and Candis Cayne are accomplished actresses who are not regarded as traitors within the trans community.

Cait has come around on politics after she realized what everyone else already knew — that Trump was going to oppose LGBT+ rights at every turn to appease his base and spite his enemies.

There is also the issue of casting a trans woman as a villain when so many trans folks, especially those who are younger, would rather see representation among heroes.

That said … which Marvel characters could Cait play?

Aunt May is already taken, and while we don’t yet know the plot of Spider-Man: Far From Home, we kind of imagine that it’s not going to feature Madame Web.

Besides, neither of those are villains. And we’re struggling to think of a female Marvel villain in the right age bracket who would really work for Cait.

That said, since Disney has acquired X-Men (etc) from Fox, reuniting Marvel with its best properties, maybe that creates some new options for a new character in what many fans hope will be Marvel’s run of clean slate X-Men films.

Caitlyn Jenner could portray an outspoken mutant who vocally supports the Mutant Registration Act or even some sort of Sentinel Program, only to come to bitterly regret it — too late.

Or perhaps that would be too on-the-nose?

Of course, if Cait just wanted to play a villain in a superhero film, people might suggest Granny Goodness — though she is a villain from the DC Universe.

But Granny Goodness is a role that we all know in our hearts belongs to Kathy Bates, even though the DC movies so far have either been bad, catastrophically bad, or Wonder Woman

(At least Aquaman looks like it’s going to be really good and strike a wildly different tone from the grimdark, colorless films like Dawn of Justice)

Still, it would be neat if Cait could be cast as a Marvel villain. She might not be perfect, but it would be great to get to see her live this dream.

It would be even better if they also cast a trans woman as a protagonist, to give someone else the opportunity … and to make it clear that what’s villainous about Cait(‘s character) is not that she’s transgender.

Notably, as we mentioned when Ruby Rose was cast as Batwoman, a trans actress has been cast as a trans superhero on the CW’s Supergirl.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Caitlyn Is the Reason I"m a Billionaire!

As you may have heard, Kylie Jenner’s cosmetics line is quite popular.

So popular, in fact, that Kylie is almost a billionaire as a result of her wildly successful lip kits and other products.

Of course, there’s a reason that so many have taken issue with the phrase “self-made” being applied to Kylie.

After all, Kylie has had a lot of help from her many famous family members, most notably, of course, her mom and manager, Kris Jenner.

But Kris wasn’t the only parent to raise Kylie, and it seems the 20-year-old mogul wants to remind the world that there’s another important role model in her life.

Kylie has been extremely close to her father for her entire life, and she credits Caitlyn Jenner for helping her grow into the incredibly successful adult she’s become.

Now, she’s repaying the favor by getting Caitlyn involved in her several hundred million dollar makeup empire.

In a recent Instagram story, Kylie brought Caitlyn on camera to help her introduce a new filter that allows fans to see how they would look in various lipstick shades without actually having to buy the product.

“What is an Instagram filter?” asked a slightly confused Caitlyn.

“I saw, ‘Oh Kylie is using an Instagram filter.’ What the hell is that?”

Kylie patiently explained the concept to the 68-year-old former Olympian:

“Try on all my colors and it just makes you look flawless with a little lash,” she stated.

The father-daughter duo seemed to enjoy trying on different shades together, but more important than the new product launch was the obvious bond that they share.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that Kylie has shared her love for Caitlyn on social media.

Most recently, she paid tribute to Cait on Father’s Day by posting a collage of photos of the two of them together.

“So lucky to call you my dad,” she captioned the post.

And we’re sure Cait is equally happy to call Kylie her daughter.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Amir Khan Apologizes for Calling Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce" But Still Has Pronoun Issues

UK boxer Amir Khan seems heartfelt in his apology over calling Caitlyn Jenner “Bruce” on social media the night of the ESPY’s, but he still has pronoun issues. We got Amir Friday night on Hollywood Blvd., and he seemed genuinely apologetic for…


Amir Khan Apologizes for Calling Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce" But Still Has Pronoun Issues

UK boxer Amir Khan seems heartfelt in his apology over calling Caitlyn Jenner “Bruce” on social media the night of the ESPY’s, but he still has pronoun issues. We got Amir Friday night on Hollywood Blvd., and he seemed genuinely apologetic for…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Honored by Kylie and Kendall for Father"s Day

Sunday was Father’s Day! It’s a day for celebration for some families, a bittersweet or sad day for others. Sometimes, families are complicated.

Quite a few celebrity dads received public posts from their kids.

Caitlyn’s children are all adults now, but both Kylie and Kendall took the time to honor her for Father’s Day. Take a look!

Cait is a woman and a transgender icon, but she is also and will always be the father of her six children.

That includes Kylie and Kendall.

They’re both adults and living their own lives — Kylie even has a family of her own — but she’s still closer with them than some people think.

(She loves all of her kids — even if she couldn’t attend Brody Jenner’s wedding because he got married during the first weekend of Pride Month, whoops)

On Monday, Caitlyn took to Instagram to share that she had enjoyed spending time with them for Father’s Day.

“Table is set!” Caitlyn writes. “Had a great time with my family last night for Father’s Day.”

Of course, we don’t know how many family members that does or does not include.

Is she talking about every single one of her children? Probably not.

She’s certainly not talking about Kris Jenner or the Kardashians — she’s admitted that the Kardashians don’t even speak to her these days.

Some comments were absolutely vicious, from people suggesting that she should “give up’ Father’s Day since she’s a woman to people deliberately misgendering her because they get a little thrill from being hateful online.

We’re guessing that Cait spent time with at least some family members, but didn’t want to call out anyone for not attending.

But while we don’t know whether Kylie or Kendall were there for dinner, they both showed their dad some love on social media.

Kylie decided to let her fans glimpse a sweet throwback of her and Caitlyn when Kylie was so unimaginably little.

In the captions, Kylie writes: “so lucky to have you.”

Comments under Caitlyn Jenner’s post may have included the worst dregs of humanity, but hundreds of Kylie’s commenters just wrote “Lb,” as they do under every post of hers.

Those people are imploring Kylie to “like back.” Those people are devoid of goodness.

It’s sweet of Kylie to share her own throwback post.

Especially when everyone was expecting that she would be focusing on honoring Travis Scott on his very first Father’s Day as an actual father.

(She did, to be fair, write “Happy Father’s Day” with a heart emoji for Travis)

Kendall shared this image in her stories.

“Happy Father’s Day to the soul that raised me,” she wrote above a throwback photo of Cait with her and Kylie.

That is such a sweet pic and message.

Kendall and Cait are especially close. Just earlier this year, we saw Kendall experience an anxiety attack and drive to Caitlyn’s to cool off.

Celebrity parents don’t always show their love and support for their adult children in public, but the good ones do a lot that is behind the scenes.

it’s good that, despite family tensions, Kendall and Kylie have been able to maintain that bond with with their dad.

Caitlyn Jenner waited most of her life before she publicly transitioned into living as her authentic self.

Say what you will about her, but coming out was a courageous act.

And she’s made it easier for so many transgender Americans to have a conversation with their families and coworkers about who they are.

Not all trans women would be comfortable being honored on Father’s Day or for their children to continue calling them “dad.” But Cait is fine with that label from her kids.

She is their dad. Her gender doesn’t change that.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Brody Jenner & Wife Shade Caitlyn After Dodging Wedding

Brody Jenner and his bride are back in L.A. after their kick-ass destination wedding … but they’re obviously still kinda salty about Caitlyn deciding NOT to attend. We got Brody and Mrs. Kaitlynn Carter Jenner Wednesday…


Brody Jenner & Wife Shade Caitlyn After Dodging Wedding

Brody Jenner and his bride are back in L.A. after their kick-ass destination wedding … but they’re obviously still kinda salty about Caitlyn deciding NOT to attend. We got Brody and Mrs. Kaitlynn Carter Jenner Wednesday…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Brody Jenner: The Kardashians Suck! And Caitlyn REALLY Sucks!

Just a few days ago, Brody Jenner officially gained a new member of his family when he married Kaitlynn Carter.

But it appears as if he unofficially lost another member of his family in the process.

Might Brody’s relationship with father Caitlyn have finally reached its true and final breaking point?

This is the strong impression we get after receiving confirmation that Caitlyn did not attend her son’s nuptials.

Jenner and Carter exchanged vows in Nihi, Sumba Island, which is a luxury island resort that’s about 250 miles east of Bali, Indonesia. It doesn’t get much more romantic than that.

But it also doesn’t get much more annoying and awkward when Brody’s supposedly close family members do not bother to make the trip.

Kylie Jenner wasn’t there. Kendall Jenner wasn’t there. And, most notably, Caitlyn Jenner wasn’t there.

“My two little sisters, we never even heard from them. They never even RSVP’d I don’t think,” Brody previously told People Magazine.

According to Radar Online, meanwhile, Caitlyn did not attend because he did not receive approval from girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

This couple is allegedly “inseparable,” a source says, and they already had plans for that weekend and Sophia just didn’t feel like going … so that was it.

“It was a big disappointment,” Brody tells People in its latest issue, adding of her famous dad: “Especially considering that she had known about the wedding for a year.”

An insider tells Life & Style, meanwhile, that “Caitlyn canceled her trip at the last minute,” without giving her son a reasonable explanation why.

“She said she had plans she couldn’t get out of and was too busy.”

As it turns out, Caitlyn showed up at Austria’s Life Ball with Hutchins, which is a charity event that supports people with HIV.

It’s a worthwhile cause, but at the expense of your own child’s wedding?

“Everyone was upset,” this tabloid source continues, delving into the history of father and son a bit and adding:

“Caitlyn was a distant dad [when Brody was growing up], and she hasn’t changed at all. She’s still the selfish father she always was.”

Brody, of course, it not very close to his step-siblings.

There’s a reason you’ve never seen him on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

“He calls them all his ‘fake-ass-family’ and thinks they’re just like what he calls ‘the Kar-trashians,"” says this same insider, adding:

“He’s so disappointed and hurt.”

This hurt goes back many years.

It was well documented at the time that Brody was unhappy when Kim Kardashian neglected to invite him to her 2015 wedding to Kanye West.  

“I don’t know why Brody is still talking about this,” Kim said on Keeping Up with the Kardashians shortly after this mini scandal went viral.

 “We were very strict about our wedding. There were less than 200 people there,” she continued.

“Everyone else respected that – it’s not a big deal. We love our stepbrothers. It just seems like they are always talking about this divide.”

They’re really not.

But Kim need not worry about this much anymore: we doubt Brody will be talking or thinking about any of the Kardashians or Jenners any time in the near future.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner in Austria for Life Ball While Brody Preps for Wedding Without Her

Caitlyn Jenner won’t be attending her son’s weekend wedding … because she’s more than 7,000 miles away from Bali preparing for another big event. Caitlyn touched down in Vienna, Austria Friday, where she’ll be attending Life Ball 2018 … a…


Caitlyn Jenner in Austria for Life Ball While Brody Preps for Wedding Without Her

Caitlyn Jenner won’t be attending her son’s weekend wedding … because she’s more than 7,000 miles away from Bali preparing for another big event. Caitlyn touched down in Vienna, Austria Friday, where she’ll be attending Life Ball 2018 … a…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: Skipping Her Own Son"s Wedding to Spoil Gal Pal Sophia Hutchins?!

We know that Caitlyn Jenner’s own family barely speaks to her. But that’s the Kardashian side of things.

On the other side, they still want her in their lives. In fact, Brody Jenner invited Cait to his wedding.

Curiously, Cait has said that she can’t attend — and a report claims that the blame for that lies at the feet of gal pal Sophia Hutchins.

From what a source tells RadarOnline, Sophia is holding Caitlyn back from attending her own son’s wedding.

“Cait can go to Brody’s wedding if she really wanted to.”

Caitlyn Jenner’s estimated net worth is somewhere in the ballpark of $ 100 million dollars. She can attend just about anything at any time.

“But she can’t and won’t because of her boss Sophia.”

That’s a bit of hyperbole, but … this source claims that Sophia has quickly become the center of Cait’s world.

According to this source, Cait is willing ot miss a major milestone in her son’s life.

“The truth is, Sophia’s Cait’s number one priority.”

This really fuels the rumors that these two are closer than ever.

“And they’re inseparable.”

Apparently, Cait and Sophia have a scheduling conflict with Brody.

“Brody’s wedding date and all the traveling screws up things that Cait already has planned with Sophia.”


This source says that it’s mostly Sophia’s cold feed that are keeping them from attending.

“Sophia wasn’t up for all the wedding extravaganza and because she wasn’t, neither was Cait.”

They say that Caitlyn indulges her much younger gal pal at every opportunity.

“Caitlyn spoils her rotten.”

Apparently the two of them share more than similar interests and a mutual love of dogs.

“Everything she wants: clothes, vacations, jewelry, all of Cait’s attention, she gets.”


That may lend some credence to the rumor that Caitlyn and Sophia are planning a wedding of their own.

We should note that, though some may have doubts about whether or not this can be blamed on Sophia, Caitlyn not attending Brody’s wedding is not fake news.

Cait has had a strained relationship with the children she had before marrying Kris Jenner.

Cait has been able to reconnect with some of her kids through a shared love of sports. Cait is an Olympian and she likes that sort of thing.

But since none of that interests Brody, their relationship has remained strained.

However, TMZ reports that Caitlyn did attend the bridal shower.

They also say that she does not disapprove of Brody’s fiancee or of the marriage.

But she told Brody that she can’t attend due to a business opportunity that she just can’t pass up.

And that has left Brody feeling very hurt.

It’s easy to lay the blame at Sophia’s feet, but it may be that, quite simply, family and family relationships are complicated.

Sophia and Caitlyn have a lot in common and are rumored to be in a relationship, but Cait could make time to go to her son’s wedding.

If she really wanted to.

Turning down an invitation or canceling plans can be stressful, but it is also a relief to not have to prepare for an awkward occassion. We totally understand that.

It’s sad that Cait won’t be attending Brody’s wedding.

It’s probably even sadder for Brody, since apparently neither Kendall nor Kylie even bothered to RSVP that they wouldn’t be coming.

Family is complicated.
