Showing posts with label Sucks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sucks. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Teresa Giudice: My Husband Getting Deported Just Sucks!

Teresa Giudice talked more candidly than ever before today about the very unusual and unfortunate situation affecting her family.

Appearing as a guest on Good Morning America, the Real Housewives of New Jersey mainstay discussed her husband’s deportation at length.

(It really is true: Joe Giudice will be deported back to Italy after he’s released from prison in 2019 because he committed a felony and he never became a U.S. citizen, despite moving here for good as a child.)

Teresa described the sentencing, which a judge handed down last month, as “heartbreaking” during her spot on GMA.

She then elaborated as follows:

“Very sad. The girls are really upset. You know, it’s hard for them … Adults can handle anything. It’s hard for children to go through this. They’re asking themselves, ‘Why is this happening to me?’

“Like, ‘I want my daddy to come home."”

Teresa and Joe are parents to a quartet of daughters:

Gia, 17, Gabriella, 14, Milania, 12, and Audriana, 9.

Both Gia and Milania have made public pleas for the deportation ruling to be overturned, with the former writing on Instagram:

“My father is no threat to society. He is one of the most warm hearted people I know.

“My father did his time. And learned from his mistakes. Isn’t being in there supposed to make you realize your mistakes so you can become a better person?”

Teresa, meanwhile, says she’s been getting support herself from Gia, saying on Good Morning America:

“I tell her every day she’s like the rock of her sisters. She’s helping me, you know, explain things to them – because my third daughter is having a really hard time with this.”

In 2014, Teresa and Joe each pleaded guilty to 41 counts of fraud, including mail, wire and bankruptcy fraud.

Moreover, Joe admitted that he did not pay approximately $ 200,000 in taxes.

It totally sucks that four young girls will be living far apart from their father, but it’s hard to have too much sympathy for rich people who break the law and try to game the system.

Teresa served 11 months behind bars in 2015; Joe’s 41-month sentence started the following year.

Then, on October 10, a judge found the restaurateur “deportable and ineligible for any kind of relief,” ordering him to leave the United States when his sentence concludes in March.

Giudice has said she will remain by Joe’s side even when he leaves the country, but various insiders have said otherwise.

They predict a divorce.

“I never thought I would be in this position,” Teresa said on GMA, adding:

“We’ve been through a lot. I’ve gone through ups and downs, like being angry – but listen, I have to stay strong.

“I have four beautiful daughters that, you know, they need their mommy.”

What’s the plan moving forward?

Where will Teresa go from here?

“Just take it one day at a time,” she concluded this morning. “That’s it.”


Monday, October 29, 2018

90 Day Fiance Recap: This Place Sucks!

Talk about a freezing cold welcome…

On 90 Day Fiance this week, Larissa was introduced to her new home with Colt, expressing extreme disdain for the residence and its surroundings as soon as she arrived.

Elsewhere, Leida and Asuelu lamented their initial days in America as well.

Let’s get to the recap, shall we?!?

90 dayers


It started off okay for these day, as Larissa finally made it to the United States and couldn’t wait to begin her life with Colt.

The only problem?

She hated pretty much everything about Las Vegas the moment she experienced it, perhaps most notably the fact that Colt dared to pick her up from the airport without flowers in his hand.

“When I saw him without nothing in his hands, I thought, ‘What’s going on?’” she said.

When she at last got in the car and got to see Sin City itself, Larissa was unimpressed that it didn’t look like Beverly Hills or New York.

colt guy

And she wasn’t shy about these feelings, either.

“In the future, I’d like to not live here,” she told Colt, explaining:

“My dream was to move to a place completely different than Brazil and here is like a nightmare.”

This reaction obviously annoyed and stressed out Colt, but he figured his new would eventually used to her new home — even though she did compare it to Mars.


These two made up after their awful first night together, as Jon took his better half to dinner at one of his friend’s homes to introduce them to his fiancee.

“It’s a lot of pressure to meet his friends and family,” Fernanda admitted.


Jon made note that his friends like to push his buttons, and this definitely held true over an awkward meal.

The pals questioned the coupke’s age difference, along with Fernanda’s motives to move to the U.S.

They also mentioned the tension between the U.S. and Mexico because of President Donald Trump‘s proposed border wall. Yikes!

“I know they want to defend their country and I want to defend mine,” Fernanda said, as the conversation eventually settled down and everyone grew happy that Fernanda was with Jon.


The former finally arrived in the United States. and, wow, did he make an entrance.

At the airport, he tore off his shirt and did a dance while chanting to celebrate Kalani’s birthday.

However, she wasn’t exactly a fan of this reaction.


“I hated that he just danced in the middle of LAX in front of everybody,” Kalani explained. “I guess I’m just going to have to teach him how to act in public in America.”

Or not. This guy is hilarious!

When Asuelu finally got to see his son, it didn’t go smoothly either.

The baby wouldn’t stop crying because he didn’t know his dad, which was actually really sad to witness.

“I can’t even imagine as a father what that would feel like, to have all of this anticipation and months of not seeing your kid and your kid’s just like, ‘Who are you? Bye,’” Kalani said.


Ashley was in Jamaica to help Jay prepare for his visa interview. This was a big deal, for obvious reasons.

Jay was pyshced to start his life with her, but he did have concerns because Ashley backed out of a pair of engagements in the past.

“Ashley, she ran away from two engagements because they wasn’t perfect for her and I’m kind of worried that she might run away from mine,” Jay said.


It didn’t really help when Jay received his via, and then Ashley made a joke.

About leaving him!

“We have 90 days to get married in the U.S., something I’ve ran from for so long,” Ashley said to Jay. “Don’t make me get my Nikes out.”

Oh vey.

Too soon, Ash. Way too soon.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Khloe Should Totally Dump Tristan Because He Sucks!

Khloe Kardashian may be offended when fans dare to offer her advice, but she’s happy to offer words of inspiration.

Recently, she shared a cryptic message — and fans think that she could be considering a breakup with Tristan Thompson.

It looks like Kourtney might be quietly encouraging Khloe to dump him.

Khloe Kardashian shared one of those inspirational posts that are so popular for moms to share on social media.

It was lengthy, but we’ll give you a few samples to give you the general idea.

“Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you,” the advise read.

The inspirational message also advised: “Choose friends who you are proud to know.”

One line was of particular interest, however, because it reminded fans of her relationship with Tristan Thompson.

“Relationships should help you, not hurt you,” the message read.

Kourtney Kardashian likes Khloe

Kourtney liked her younger sister’s post so much that she screencapped it and shared it on her own page.

She even added some annotations.

“YES YES YES…” Kourtney wrote atop the screenshot.

Kourtney’s notes continued: “This makes all the difference.”

A lot of fans latched on to Kourtney’s enthusiasm.

Is she trying to give Khloe a not-so-gentle nudge to dump Tristan?

If you’re thinking that this can’t be about him, because his cheating scandal was six months ago, keep some things in mind.

Reports say that Khloe is still concerned that Tristan will stray, especially when his sports career takes him out of town.

But she knows that Tristan can’t cheat if she follows his every move.

“Khloe is looking to ease her mind a little bit with the NBA season starting,” a report claimed.

The source continued: “and actually is anticipating to join Tristan on some away games.”

She’s said to want to be there “especially when there is a couple in a row because she would like to keep tabs on Tristan.”

Khloe, sources say, “wants to be there so nothing happens and he isn’t out late night with any girls.”

That brings us back to the quote that Khloe shared — the one that Kourtney loved so much.

“Relationships should help you,” the message reads. “Not hurt you.”

If you’re making yourself sick to your stomach and rearranging your schedule just to chaperone your boyfriend … is that helping you?

It sure sounds like it’s hurting you.

And while that report of Khloe’s concerns is unconfirmed, there’s no question that Tristan’s scandal embarrassed her in front of the world.

That sure sounds like a hurtful relationship.

Khloe is pretty savvy about social media, but that doesn’t mean that nothing slips by her.

It is possible that Khloe wasn’t thinking about that one line at all when she shared the inspirational message.

(That would show a lack of self-awareness, but we have to remember that love can make people blind to how their romance is perceived)

It is even possible that Kourtney wasn’t latching on to that one line.

Kourtney has had her very famous relationship issues in recent years, and may have been appreciating the post as a whole.

Tristan Thompson seems to be here to stay in Khloe’s life, for now.

Khloe’s fans who still harbor anger against Tristan for betraying and humiliating her while she carried their child don’t like that.

But we all need to be wary of projecting our own wishes and values onto celebrities.

Khloe loves Tristan, and Kourtney may be totally supportive of that, despite everything.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Teen Mom 2 Sucks Without My Big Dumb Husband!

So just in case you missed this, David Eason has been fired from Teen Mom 2.

It happened several months ago after he went on an awful, homophobic Twitter rant, and MTV has refused to budge on it, no matter how much whining Jenelle Evans has done.

And it"s been a whole, whole lot of whining.

It actually took a long time for Jenelle to sign on for the new season of the show, she was complaining so much about so many things.

But at long last, she agreed to keep filming, so that"s what she"s doing now.

However, that doesn"t mean she has to like it …

1. Gross

Jenelle dave eason

OK, so just in case you needed a refresher, if you haven’t seen this dynamic duo in a hot minute, this is Jenelle with her husband, David Eason.

2. Basically

David eason eff you

David is the worst.

3. Impressive

David eason picture

David is so awful that he managed to get fired from Teen Mom, a series that has featured people high on heroin, physically abusing their significant others, and neglecting their children.

4. Something to Consider

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

Think about it: how bad do you have to be to get fired from a network who has employed the likes of Jenelle, Amber Portwood, and Ryan Edwards?

5. For Real Though

Farrah abraham is rendered speechless

Like, Farrah Abraham starred in a porno, got a DUI, treated the crew like garbage, fought with producers, fought with her fellow cast members, and they still tried to make things work with her before she left the show.

6. So …

David eason greets cops shirtless

But when David when on his disgusting little homophobic rant, MTV was done.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Donald Trump on Taylor Swift: Her Music Sucks!

Years ago, Taylor Swift released an album titled "Red."

Nevertheless, this beloved solo artist stunned the universe this week when she made her political opinion known for the first time in her professional life, revealing herself to be…

… a democrat!

Or at least to be supporting a pair of democrats in her home state of Tennessee: Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives.

Cooper is running against Marsha Blackburn, who Swift wrote on Instagram has a voting record in Congress that "appalls and terrifies me," explaining thusly:

"She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape.

"She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry.

"These are not MY Tennessee values."

Asked about these comments on the White House lawn on Monday afternoon, President Trump said, sort of humorously:

“Let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now."

He added more specifically:

"Marsha Blackburn is doing a very good job in Tennessee. She’s leading now substantially which she should.

"She’s a tremendous woman. I’m sure Taylor Swift doesn’t know anything about her."

Swift actually outlined her take in a very detailed, calm and fair manner.

But she"s been pilloried by republicans nevertheless, of course.

They apparently think Kanye West is a well-educated political guru who should be listened to and respected when it comes to his opinion…

… but Swift is a vapid moron whose viewpoint she be scoffed at, naturally.

“So @taylorswift13 has every right to be political but it won’t impact election unless we allow 13 yr old girls to vote,” Mike Huckabee tweeted for instance. “Still with #MarshaBlackburn.”

Okay, but — who wants to do the math for the former Governor and explain to him how old Taylor Swift fans who started following her after the release of her first album in 2006 are now?


Donald trump on taylor swift shes a moron and i now hate her mus

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jill Duggar: Derick Dillard Doesn"t Have a Job and He Kind of Sucks, But I Still Love Him!

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard, what a couple, right?

And we don’t mean that in a good way.

Jill’s all right for the most part, we guess, but Derick … that’s where the trouble lies.

Because Derick is the worst.

He’s homophobic, and he also has a bizarre, disturbing fascination with Jazz Jennings, a lovely child with her own TLC show who also happens to be transgender.

At this point, we can’t even count how many times he’s talked about Jazz — who, again, is a child — in cruel, hateful ways.

He got so obsessed with insulting her that TLC fired him and Jill from Counting On last year.

And yes, Derick will swear up and down that they weren’t fired, he just decided their family needed to quit the show, but … come on.

If all of that wasn’t enough to prove his awfulness, he also attacked survivors of the Parkland school shooting more than once, because they were a little too liberal for his taste.

That’s what his problem boils down to, essentially: he’s extremely conservative, but in the dumbest, most offensive way possible.

Another thing about Derick is that he doesn’t seem to work, but whenever anyone brings it up, he’s quick to tell everyone that he has a job, thank you very much.

Except he’ll never say exactly what that job is.

A funny thing happened last month, though, and that funny thing is that Derick began attending law school.

He seems to be really into the whole thing, which is good — if he ends up being a lawyer, he could probably stop asking Duggar fans for money.

But in a new post she made on Instagram, Jill is still acting like he has a job.

Let it go already, guys.

Along with the above photo, she wrote “Love this man! He gets up early to head out before traffic gets bad, works all day, then comes home after most people and puts more energy to invest in our boys and me!”

“You’re still my fave!”

She added nauseating hashtags like “forever mine,” “man of my dreams,” “you’ve got my heart,” and “I’m so in love,” and “grateful wifey,” because she loves him, OK?

Here’s the problem.

They’ve both been so weird for so long about Derick working, and so defensive whenever anyone says he’s unemployed.

If he stays home to take care of the kids, that’s fine, you know? If they’re living off Duggar money, it’s all right.

But even though Derick is in law school, and even though he’s flat out said that these days, he’s either sleeping, in class, or in his school’s library, Jill’s still going on about how he “works all day.”

Yeah, law school is hard work, we imagine, but we all know what’s happening here.

And her Instagram follwers were quick to call her out.

Several of them asked if he was working, and one straight out told her “He doesn’t work though.”

“Full time college is not a job!” another explained. “Does it pay him? No.”

“His ‘job’ is law school,” someone else wrote, “and their only source of income is the excessive **link in bio** posts. He’s not remarkable in the slightest.”

For another explanation, one person theorized that “Jill uses ‘working’ to describe anytime Derick steps over the threshold into the world.”

Hilariously, another of Jill’s followers said that “She is so desperate for him to look good, you’d think he discovered penicillin.”

Like we said, it’s great that Derick is setting himself up for a good career by going to law school, and we’re sure it is hard work.

But why is it so insanely difficult for anyone in this family to admit that the man is unemployed?


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Two-Pump Trump: Stormy Daniels Says Prez Sucks in Bed, Wants to Bang Ivanka

As President of the United States, Donald Trump has a historically low job approval rating, having never once topped 50 percent.

According to adult film actress and frequent Trump foil Stormy Daniels, his performance in the sack also leaves a lot to be desired.

In an interview published Tuesday in Vogue, Daniels – who famously alleges a 2006 tryst with Trump – opens up about their encounter.

Well, what little there was of it, anyway.

“How many details can you really give about two minutes?” she says, asked by the magazine to describe boning Trump.

When the interviewer asked if it was really just two minutes, Daniels wasn’t sure, adding: “Maybe. I’m being generous.”

Damn. That’s gotta hurt, Donnie.

We suppose it’s not altogether shocking. Trump doesn’t spend much time working nowadays, prefering to watch TV and use Twitter.

Two minutes is an eternity for him to pay attention to anything, and living such a sad, lonely sedentary lifestyle can’t be good for virility.

In any case, the porn star – who is famously suing Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen – has never shied away from calling him out.

Their affair, which allegedly took place after a celebrity golf tournament, and not long after he married Melania, was … boring, she says.

“It was textbook generic,” she said of the sexual experience. “It wasn’t like, ‘Oh my God, I love you.’ He wasn’t like Fabio or anything.”

Regarding Trump’s relationship with Melania, Daniels says that Trump told her not to worry about his life … well, that aspect of it.

One thing Trump loves to talk about is his hot daughter Ivanka, to whom he likened Stormy. That’s gotta be flattering … or creepy.

“He bragged about his daughter [Ivanka] quite a bit though. He was very proud of her, which is nice,” Stormy recalls.

“He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, someone beautiful and smart like his daughter,” Daniels added.

“I guess that’s a compliment.” 

This is a guy who mused about his other daughter Tiffany Trump’s boobs when she was an infant, so it’s something, alright.

Stormy claims that Trump was somewhat star-struck in meeting her, and even asked for an autograph after their encounter.

Dear Donnie, that was the least exciting 45 seconds of my life, but hey, it’s tough without a condom. Love, Stormy xo

The blowback from Trump’s affair with Daniels has lasted a hell of a lot longer than he does in bed, as evidenced by last week.

His former lawyer, Cohen, now admits paying off Daniels in the weeks before the 2016 election to keep quiet about the affair.

Saying that he did so at the direction of Trump, Cohen pleaded guilty to felony charges and faces several years behind bars.

Daniels took a victory lap, and with the help of her ubiquitous lawyer Michael Avenatti, we’re guessing it won’t be her last.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Khloe Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: Cleveland Sucks! We"re Living in LA!

Many were shocked when Khloe Kardashian made the decision not to dump Tristan Thompson after he was caught repeatedly cheating on her.

But perhaps no one found the news more surprising than Tristan himself.

You have to figure that dude thought he would be promptly kicked to the curb after footage of him canoodling with various strippers and NBA groupies made the rounds online.

And yet, all these months later, he and Khloe are still an item.

But if you were worried about Tristan getting off scot-free, fear not.

While it’s certainly true that he did plenty of getting off, it looks like he’s paying the price for all of that extra-marital activity.

For starters, Khloe and Tristan are in couple’s therapy these days, and we imagine those sessions consist of Tristan staring blankly at a wall and wishing death on J.R. Smith while Khloe and the therapist just unload on his ass.

On top of that, Tristan can kiss his carefree days in Drew Carey country goodbye.

Yes, it seems that just like LeBron before him, Tristan is moving to LA.

But while King James made the leap in hopes of securing another ring, Tristan did so because Khloe is holding all the cards these days.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the Kardashians issued Khloe an ultimatum — dump Tristan, or we’re dumping you.

They seem to have mellowed on that stance, but it still can’t be totally comfortable for Thompson to be living in the heart of Kard clan country.

Khloe, on the other hand, is loving every second of it.

She recently took to her personal website to gush about the joys of life in Calabasas:

“I’m over the moon about being home!” Khloe wrote.

“Of course, I missed my actual house immensely while I was in Cleveland — there’s nothing like enjoying your own home.”

Khloe went on to state that the best part of the experience is watching baby True interact with her cousins:

“I’m most excited about being so close to my family,” she added.

“Getting the kids together and having True do all of her classes with her cousins is a great feeling!” 

As for Tristan, well — he’s reportedly making the best of it.

Sources say the situation remains uncomfortable, but he’s managing to get along with Khloe’s mom and sisters.

One of the few upsides to being a bad Kardashian boyfriend is that it’s almost impossible to be the worst Kardashian boyfriend.

Sure, Tristan is bad, bus is he worse than, say, Scott Disick? Hardly.

Khloe and Tristan will reportedly spend the entire NBA offseason in LA, and then temporarily relocate to Cleveland.

We’re sure Thompson is counting the days.

In fact, he might be the only one looking forward to this Cavs season.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Shaq Starts "Barkley Sucks" Chant During DJ Gig

Shaquille O’Neal got an ENTIRE nightclub to chant “Barkley Sucks” during a DJ gig in D.C. — and the trolling didn’t stop there!  Shaq was performing at Echostage as DJ Diesel — when he decided to clown his “Inside the NBA” co-host with a…


Wizards Star John Wall Still Sucks At Baseball

NBA star John Wall is one of the most incredible, talented athletes on planet earth — but when it comes to baseball, he stinks.  Remember … the Washington Wizards star threw arguably the worst first pitch in MLB history about seven years…


Friday, July 13, 2018

NFL"s Thomas Jones Rips Papa John"s, Your Pizza Sucks!

Ex-NFL star Thomas Jones says he’s off Papa John’s pizza for life — not only because of the n-word scandal … but also ‘cause he thinks their pies taste like ass. “Never in my life [will I buy Papa John’s pizza again],” Jones told us in NYC ……


Farrah Abraham: Tyler Balitierra Sucks! Stormy Daniels Is a Hero!

It"s been an interesting week for the adult film industry.

Come to think of it, there probably aren"t too many boring weeks when you get naked in front of strangers for a living, but this one has been particularly eventful.

Two of the world"s most famous sex workers came under fire in very different ways, and they"re both speaking out in defense of themselves and their colleagues.

On Wednesday night, Stormy Daniels was arrested while performing at a strip club in Ohio.

That same day, Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra criticized Farrah Abraham, his former co-star who was fired as a result of her live online sex show.

Now, Farrah is speaking out in defense of porn stars and strippers everywhere — and it"s all just as amusing and confusing as you would expect:

1. Farrah on Cam

Farrah abraham cam girl

Even though she was raking in a ton of cash from TMOG and her many side businesses, Farrah decided last year to start performing in live online sex shows.

2. The Veteran

Farrah backdoor teen mom

As fans know, it wasn’t her first foray into the adult entertainment world — Farrah has previously starred in a “sex tape” with the unforgettable title of Backdoor Teen Mom.

3. Free From Farrah

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra on dr oz

Sitting for an interview with Dr. Oz this week, Tyler Baltierra revealed that he and the rest of the cast are very glad to be free of Farrah.

4. Tyler Speaks Out

Tyler speaks out

Baltierra stated that he and the rest of the cast feel that Farrah’s lifestyle doesn’t align with the values of the show and that she served as a bad role model for TMOG’s younger audience members.

5. Team Tyler

Team tyler

Baltierra even gave a shout-out to the producers who kicked Farrah to the curb. “We had a lot of admiration and respect for how our production company handled it,” he added. “It was a good way to get it heard and do that they did.”

6. Farrah On the Warpath

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Farrah, of course, is suing MTV’s parent company Viacom for wrongful dismissal. And she recently a completely batsh-t statement to TooFab in response to Tyler’s comments and the events of this week.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Bachelorette Recap: Man, Chris Sucks So Much!

Becca Kufrin finally lost it this week on The Bachelorette.

Did she read a few write-ups on the Internet about how she’s sort of boring and this season is a snooze? Maybe.

But it’s more that a couple men on the episode pissed Becca off to such a degree that she reacted by making an unprecedented decision…

Let’s start with the worst of them all: Chris.

He went into the group dead determined to make up for his behavior last week… only to get into an argument with Lincoln before the outing even got underway.

These suitors went at it over who would prevail on a two-on-one date, followed by Chris threatening Lincoln and accusing his foe of body-shaming him.

The two children men then actually debated each other at the Virginia capitol, as ABC gave them an actual platform to be all immature and combative.

Chris said Lincoln was all nasty, aggressive and offensive and added that Becca would be disgusted if she saw the guy he was when she wasn’t around.

Et tu, Lincoln?

At the after-party, Lincoln told Becca that he felt threatened by Chris and claimed Connor as well.

Chris – who was adamant he had done nothing wrong and was angry he kept having to defend himself – denied being emotionally abusive or physically threatening, yet Becca was irritated by the while situation and had to take some time to herself before she could speak to any of the other men.

She thought she was on this show to play footsie with potential husbands, not play mediator between petty self-cented douche canoes.

Later in the episode, a cocky Chris went to Becca’s hotel room, prepared to basically reboot their relationship.

The Bachelorette, though, was disturbed by how Chris had acted, not to mention the negative things she had heard about him.

As a result, she decided to send him home before the rose ceremony, labeling Chris a “very angry person” and explaining that he wasn’t the kind of guy with whom she wanted to spend her life.

And Chris responded with calm and understanding, right?

Nope: he proved Becca’s point by storming out and barely saying goodbye.


Becca got very personal with Jason, telling him about her dad’s death during their one-on-one date after he told her about his grandmother’s battle with Alzheimer’s.

Turns out, Becca’s father got sick when she was 14.

The doctors told him that he only had six months to live, but he managed to hold on for another five years.

Becca opened way up about watching her father take his last breath, and she felt like Jason could relate to how this experience made her appreciate her relationships in general, along with life itself.

Not surprisingly, Becca gave Jason a rose and noted that she could see herself ending up with him… FOREVER.

Meanwhile, Becca struggled to move past the events of the group date during her one-on-one date with Leo.

She just couldn’t push out of her mind how Chris and Lincoln had ruined everything with their rivalry.

However, once she talked to Leo about how she was feeling, the two had a decent time together.

With family also on his mind, Leo explained to Becca how he never felt good enough because he thought he let his father down, but she gave him a reason to keep his head raised high for at least another week, giving him a rose.

Still, in the end, Becca was too stressed out from the group date to even host a cocktail party.

She made the unusual choice to cancel this event — and then sent Lincoln and Connor packing during the rose ceremony.

Can you blame her?

Go ahead and read through our section of The Bachelorette spoilers if you wish to see what happens next.

And click below to watch The Bachelorette online if want to relive what happened last night:


Monday, June 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Mommy-Shaming is Real and It SUCKS!

You’d think that when it comes to Khloe Kardashian, people would be kind enough to give her a little bit of a break, after everything that’s been happening with her.

After all, the girl hasn’t exactly had it easy lately.

Sure, she’s rich and famous and beautiful and all that, so she’s got that stuff going for her.

But she also just welcomed a baby with a man who’s been very publicly cheating on her for at least her entire pregnancy.

And that can’t be easy.

Tristan Thompson’s infidelity was revealed just days before Khloe gave birth to their daughter, True, and while it wasn’t clear at first if she’d stay with him or not, we’d say it’s clear now.

She’s still living with him in Cleveland, and she’s been publicly showing her support of him at his NBA games.

It’s always seemed like Khloe has a real “stand by your man” mentality, for better or for worse — just think about how long she stayed with Lamar Odom, knowing now how bad things must have been for her.

You may think that’s admirable, you may think it’s dumb, but the point remains that she’s in a tough situation, and she can’t be in the greatest place right now.

That’s why it’s important to show just a little bit of empathy — or why it should be important, anyway.

But, as she revealed on Twitter, not everyone has been so kind to her lately.

To go back a bit, Khloe revealed on her app last week that while she is breastfeeding her daughter, she’s also supplementing with formula.

In promoting one of those fancy bottle makers, she explained that “Technically I don’t need something like this because I breastfeed, but because I don’t produce enough milk, I also have to give a bottle with every feeding.”

“And, with the formula I use, I have to give True the bottle within 30 minutes of making it, so it’s been amazing to have this machine make it for me.”

She said that the machine is great because “when I’m exhausted and can’t even keep my eyes open in the middle of the night, it’s a total lifesaver.”

But instead of picking up on the wild idea to spend nearly $ 200 on a machine that mixes up a bottle of formula — something most people can do with their hands — people picked up on the fact that Khloe is supplementing with formula.

And if you know the internet, then you know that some of those people were jerks about it.

The reaction wasn’t all bad though — one kind soul tweeted “Mad respect to @khloekardashian for opening up about supplementing with formula.”

And Khloe herself responded!

“Mommy shaming is real!” she wrote. “But the truth is I’ve tried and tried and tried to breast feed only and it wasn’t working for me.”

“I feel fortunate that I am able to still breast-feed but with the help of formula. Breast-feeding is something I really wanted to do. Just am not fully able.”

Oh, the dreaded mommy-shaming …

There are so many awful parents in the world, you know? And so many genuinely dumb decisions that typically good parents make.

As the months and years go on, we’re sure we’ll see Khloe put True in a questionable outfit, or make some carseat mistake, or say something a little inappropriate.

Let’s just wait until then to get in our criticism, all right? There’s no need to shame her for the way she feeds her child.

Breastfeeding can be hard, struggling to breastfeed when that’s what you really wanted must be even harder, and struggling to breastfeed when you’re also dealing with your boyfriend stepping out on you every chance he gets?

Let’s just all be so nice to Khloe, all right?

At least for a little while.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Brody Jenner: The Kardashians Suck! And Caitlyn REALLY Sucks!

Just a few days ago, Brody Jenner officially gained a new member of his family when he married Kaitlynn Carter.

But it appears as if he unofficially lost another member of his family in the process.

Might Brody’s relationship with father Caitlyn have finally reached its true and final breaking point?

This is the strong impression we get after receiving confirmation that Caitlyn did not attend her son’s nuptials.

Jenner and Carter exchanged vows in Nihi, Sumba Island, which is a luxury island resort that’s about 250 miles east of Bali, Indonesia. It doesn’t get much more romantic than that.

But it also doesn’t get much more annoying and awkward when Brody’s supposedly close family members do not bother to make the trip.

Kylie Jenner wasn’t there. Kendall Jenner wasn’t there. And, most notably, Caitlyn Jenner wasn’t there.

“My two little sisters, we never even heard from them. They never even RSVP’d I don’t think,” Brody previously told People Magazine.

According to Radar Online, meanwhile, Caitlyn did not attend because he did not receive approval from girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

This couple is allegedly “inseparable,” a source says, and they already had plans for that weekend and Sophia just didn’t feel like going … so that was it.

“It was a big disappointment,” Brody tells People in its latest issue, adding of her famous dad: “Especially considering that she had known about the wedding for a year.”

An insider tells Life & Style, meanwhile, that “Caitlyn canceled her trip at the last minute,” without giving her son a reasonable explanation why.

“She said she had plans she couldn’t get out of and was too busy.”

As it turns out, Caitlyn showed up at Austria’s Life Ball with Hutchins, which is a charity event that supports people with HIV.

It’s a worthwhile cause, but at the expense of your own child’s wedding?

“Everyone was upset,” this tabloid source continues, delving into the history of father and son a bit and adding:

“Caitlyn was a distant dad [when Brody was growing up], and she hasn’t changed at all. She’s still the selfish father she always was.”

Brody, of course, it not very close to his step-siblings.

There’s a reason you’ve never seen him on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

“He calls them all his ‘fake-ass-family’ and thinks they’re just like what he calls ‘the Kar-trashians,"” says this same insider, adding:

“He’s so disappointed and hurt.”

This hurt goes back many years.

It was well documented at the time that Brody was unhappy when Kim Kardashian neglected to invite him to her 2015 wedding to Kanye West.  

“I don’t know why Brody is still talking about this,” Kim said on Keeping Up with the Kardashians shortly after this mini scandal went viral.

 “We were very strict about our wedding. There were less than 200 people there,” she continued.

“Everyone else respected that – it’s not a big deal. We love our stepbrothers. It just seems like they are always talking about this divide.”

They’re really not.

But Kim need not worry about this much anymore: we doubt Brody will be talking or thinking about any of the Kardashians or Jenners any time in the near future.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Dad Sucks!

In less than 24 hours, Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry, thus becoming the newest member of the British Royal Family.

Obviously, planning a wedding is always hectic, and planning a royal wedding is stressful in a way that few of us could ever imagine.

And Meghan has to deal with the additional drama of watching her own family members do their damnedest to ruin the biggest day of her life.

Meghan’s siblings have been denigrating her to anyone who will listen.

Her father decided not to attend the wedding, seemingly because he was embarrassed by a minor “scandal” involving the sale of paparazzi photos to tabloid media outlets.

Needless to say, it’s not a great situation.

Fortunately, for the former actress, her soon-to-be-in-laws are as supportive as her family is obnoxious.

An insider tells Hollywood Life that Meghan has had difficulty keeping it together over the past few days but has benefited tremendously from her close relationship with Kate Middleton.

“Meghan is doing her best to keep it together with the help of Harry and her future sister-in-law,” the source says

“Kate has stepped up to calm down Meghan as last-minute wedding changes are turning her into a nervous wreck. Kate has taken Meghan by the hand to help guide her through her final days leading to the wedding.”

Yes, Meghan has reportedly stepped in as the official fixer of the Royal Wedding 2.0.

“From helping with family issues, to royal duties and obligations, Meghan has been leaning on Kate who has been through it all and is a rock of support,” the insider adds.

“Meghan feels like Kate is the only one whom she can really relate to during her wedding crisis because she can understand what she is going through. Meghan is grateful for Kate’s support.”

Apparently, Kate’s influence is paying off.

Not only is the bride-to-be more at ease, her siblings seem to have taken note of the fact that most of the world is very much Team Meg.

“Give her a chance! I’ve always been vocal about the things I admire about her and the public has taking [sic] this too far,” Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Grant, tweeted this week.

She then shifted the blame to one of her other siblings, writing:

“My brother needs to stop the alcoholism and lies.”

Oh, man. “Publicly trash-talking your siblings is bad! Just ask my drunk-ass loser brother over here!”

Never change, Sam.
