Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard Support the Troops By Taking Selfies

For many people, one of the most infuriating things about the Duggar clan is their inability to practice what they preach.

They claim devotion to the teachings of Jesus, and yet they dedicate their days to amassing wealth.

They insist on privacy when it’s convenient, yet they’ve made careers out of sharing the details of their private lives on social media.

And, as many have pointed out in recent years, they talk a big game about their support for the US military, despite the fact that none of the Duggar men (and there are many) have ever served a day in the military.

Obviously, you can support the troops without having served in the armed forces, but some folks are accusing the Duggars of supporting the military only in a performative, insincere fashion.

Over the weekend, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard attended a fundraiser for veterans.

Jill posted the above pic, along with the very lengthy caption below:

“To all American military veterans and their families, THANK YOU, we love you and are supporting and praying for you!!! We were able to attend a veteran’s gala hosted by @getitatsamsnwa (thanks @davidlaningham & @sierrajodominguez for your help and @cldilla for watching the boys!)

“It was such a powerful night! Our returning military often fight their greatest battles after they return from the field and it’s our job as civilians to do whatever we can to raise awareness and reach out in support.

“There are so many organizations that help us do just that, one amazing one is the REBOOT Alliance!

“What are your favorite ways to support our troops and their families?

We probably don’t need to tell you that several folks answered that question with something along the lines of “by actually serving in the freaking military!”

The issue of why the family has no involvement with the US military despite their constant talk of supporting the troops is a common subject of inquiry on Duggar-themed message boards.

Responding to the question of whether a Duggar would ever enlist, one fan on the Free Jinger site responded:

“No, never. They’d have to interact with ‘commoners’ plus take orders from someone other than Daddy.”

Others pointed out that serving would put the Duggars in contact with folks who engage in such sinful activities as swearing, smoking, and drinking.

None of this is to say that Jill and Derick were wrong to pose for selfies at a swanky event designed to raise money for veterans.

It’s just odd that there are so many Duggars and none of them seem to have any interest in serving.

Maybe they should get over their fear of f-bombs and Marlboros so that they can serve their country.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Derick Dillard Comes Clean: We"re Breaking All of Jim Bob"s Rules!

We’ve known for some time now that Derick Dillard is not Jim Bob Duggar’s favorite son-in-law.

In fact, it’s been said that Jim Bob flat-out doesn’t like Derick — and frankly, it’s not hard to see why.

After all, other than Josh, no one in the Duggar clan has done more to compromise the family business than Derick.

The clearest evidence of Derick’s ineptitude is the fact that he got fired from Counting On and convinced his wife, Jill Duggar, to quit the show as a gesture of solidarity.

But leaving his family without a source of income was just the first in a long line of eff-ups for Derick.

From there, Derick’s bigoted social media tirades continued unabated, as he attacked other TLC stars such as Jazz Jennings ad Nate Berkus in the sort or ignorant tirades for which he’s become famous.

Jim Bob and company probably didn’t object to the belief system behind Derick’s unhinged rants, but the Duggars likely took issue with the public nature of his hate speech.

After all, not unlike the evangelical church that seems to have served as his business model, JB built an empire that’s based on strict adherence to a set of mostly arbitrary rules.

These days, Jim Bob’s offspring — particularly his daughters — are flouting his guidelines left and right, and the patriarch reportedly blames the men they married.

Jinger Duggar began wearing pants in defiance of the family dress code after she was granted permission by her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

And now, Jill Duggar is allowing her kids to enjoy secular entertainment — a massive no-no in the Duggars’ world.

And not surprisingly, it seems the Duggars believe Derick is squarely to blame.

And it seems D-Dill may have just confirmed their suspicions on social media.

Earlier this week, a fan asked Derick, “Why don’t you guys get a TV?”

“How do you know we don’t have one?” Derick replied.

If you’re a longtime Counting On fan, then you’re probably already aware that the Duggars grew up in a house without television.

In recent months, Jill and Derick have taken flak for allowing their children access to such popular children’s characters as Peppa the Pig.

That may seem like just about the most innocent thing imaginable, but the Duggars are of the belief that all children’s entertainment that all children’s entertainment should have to do with fire and brimstone.

That way, kids like Henry and Spurgeon will understand why their dad is going to hell.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Jill Duggar: I Love Derick Dillard More Than I Love Our Kids!

So Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard …

Things have been pretty weird for them lately, huh?

Well, they’ve been weird for years, but that’s just how things go in Duggar relationships.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that things have been different.

It all started several months ago when rumors began swirling that Derick was cheating on Jill.

The rumors started with anonymous claims about his unfaithfulness, then when Duggar fans and haters began to notice, that’s when things really started heating up.

And Jill and Derick haven’t done too much to fight those rumors — quite the opposite, actually.

A couple of months ago, Jill shared a photo of her bible, and everyone quickly noticed that she had an entire passage about adultery highlighted.

In the caption of that photo, she wrote that she was praying for Derick, which … not a great sign.

Last month, she shared another photo of more reading material — this time, she had a book about boundaries and creating them with toxic people in your life.

Interesting, right?

But now, in a brand new post, she’s changing her tune a bit.

And it sure is nauseating.

Along with the photo, she wrote a sickeningly sweet caption that she kicked off with a “man of my dreams” hashtag.

(Sad dreams, Jill, but OK.)

She then thanked him “for being my man and my best friend!”

“Love you!” she continued. “When I count my blessings, you’re at the top of my list!”

“So grateful to God for you!”

She wrapped things up with some kiss emojis and a “so in love” hashtag.

For one, it’s kind of strange that she straight up said that Derick is her number one blessing, huh?

Like, “sorry, Israel and Samuel, Mommy loves Daddy more than you.”

For two, pretty much no one was here for this silliness.

“In what universe does a girl/young woman ‘dream’ of marrying a lazy, bigoted, chronically unemployed grifter who drifts from job to job and resorts to GoFundMe scams to support her and her kids?” one of her followers asked.

Another person said that instead of being the man of her dreams, Derick is more likely “a man of your nightmares!”

“I am not really sure what you see in that man,” yet another doubtful fan wrote.

“He is soo full of himself!! The god I believe in would not hate or chastize a person for being gay or transgender.”

Other people pointed out that everything Jill said is really the kind of thing that would be much more meaningful if she actually said it to Derick instead of posting about it on social media.

Still others insisted that she’s just trying to talk him up because everyone hates him.

One of those people said that “Jill has to make him ‘look good,’ it’s a way of being in denial to herself that she is with the wrong person.”

“But she has no choice bc of her family and their values of marrying strangers and arranged at that.”

But whatever her motivations were for posting this, or however mistaken she may be, Derick is still into it.

“Aw, I’m blessed beyond measure by you babe, and I’ll love you forever,” he responded to Jill on Twitter.

“Thanks for being the best wife and mom to our boys! We all love you so much!”

The thing is that no matter what anybody thinks about any of this, and really no matter what Derick does, Jill is never going to leave him.

And how frustrating is that?


Friday, October 19, 2018

Jill Duggar: Did She Just Confirm That Derick Dillard Is Cheating?!

The past year has not been particularly kind to Jill Duggar.

It all started back in November of 2017, when Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, which unfortunately left the couple with two kids to raise and no source of income.

One would think that after such a precipitous fall from grace, Derick would be forever on his best behavior, but thus far that hasn’t been the case.

These days, Derick is in law school and taking steps toward once again supporting his wife and kids, but the months since his termination have been tumultuous for reasons that go far beyond financial instability.

Derick has been accused of cheating on Jill, and the fact that neither party has addressed those rumors has only added to the public scrutiny of their relationship.

Earlier this week, Jill posted the photo below, which shows her reading a self-help book entitled Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

“Reading a little during bath time. lol #momlife #orangebathwater #boundariesbook,” Jill captioned the pic.

As In Touch Weekly points out, many of Jill’s followers commented that they had also enjoyed the book and found it especially helpful for mending fractured relationships.

“Very good for dealing with toxic family members or friends!” wrote one such fan.

Others noted that Jill could very much benefit from the lessons about independence, and Derick often seems to treat her as his doormat, even going so far as to make Jill attend his law school lectures to assist in taking notes.

“A great time to say ‘no’ is going to your husband’s school. That is a good boundary to work on, Jill,” commented one follower.

“Her father controlled her life until she married her husband,” added another fan.

“She NEEDS to read this book.”

As many others pointed out, this is not the first time that Jill has used her Instagram page and her choice of reading materials to throw subtle shade at her controversial husband.

Jill recently posted a photo of her Bible, in which the section about adultery has been highlighted in its entirety.

Like we said, neither Jill or Derick has confirmed or denied that Derick was busted cheating recently — and in all likelihood, they never will.

But that doesn’t Jill is above throwing a little shade with her Instagram posts.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Throws Major Shade at TLC and Jim Bob Duggar!

Hard to believe, but it’s been almost a full year since Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On.

Fans are mostly of the opinion that the show is better off without D-Dill, though that might have less to do with his camera presence and more to do with the reason he was axed from the show.

Back in November of 2017, Derick went on a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings and was promptly kicked to the curb by his bosses at TLC.

It’s almost like corporations aren’t big on their employees harassing one another on social media. Weird.

Anyway, Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and now the Dillard clan has no real ties to the show that made them famous.

For a while, it looked as though the Jill and Derick were hoping to be invited back to the show, but now it seems they’ve come to terms with the fact that that’s never gonna happen.

Derick is attending law school; Jill is working as a midwife (despite a lack of proper certification), and it looks like they’ll eventually be able to support their two children without much help from Jim Bob and Michelle.

Despite that, it seems Derick is still harboring some bitterness toward the network that both started ended his television career.

During a recent Twitter Q&A Der even went so far as to accuse TLC execs of interfering with his relationship with his in-laws.

“Do you not attend events they film if possible (like Lauren/Josiah’s tea party) or do they just edit around you?” one fan asked.

“TLC is probably not going to invite us if they don’t want us there,” Dillard replied.

Yes, Derick seems to be suggesting that it’s the network — not the Duggars themselves — who decide the guest list for their family events.

Obviously, this is his way of trash-talking not only TLC, but also his father-in-law.

Jim Bob has repeatedly claimed that despite the massive debt his family owes the network, he retains full autonomy on the Duggar compound.

Derick’s claim that it’s TLC who execs that decide who to invite to family functions pokes a major hole in that idea.

Of course, this is Derick’s M.O.

He throws a little bit of shade and — unless his target is someone as vulnerable as a teenage girl — he then turns tail and refuses to answer any follow-up questions.

Derick seems to live in a fantasy world of his own device, in which his famous father-in-law is an ineffectual nobody, and the decision to leave a cushy reality show gig was his and his alone.

“We were going in a different direction as a family and decided to stop doing filming,” Dillard once claimed in an interview.

“Thank you; we hope you are encouraged in some way by our journey, especially our reliance upon our savior, Jesus Christ.”

Mind you, we know for a fact that Derick was fired, but he’s so used to fans believing everything he says that he has no problem tossing out whatever BS pops into his head.

It’s an interesting and surprisingly effective strategy.

So clearly, the guy has learned a thing or two about public relations and cult mentality in his years as Jim Bob’s son-in-law.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Derick Dillard Lashes Out After Jazz Jennings Rebuffs Anti-Trans Attacks

Former Counting On star Derick Dillard seems unable to stop his bigoted social media attacks on trans teen TV star Jazz Jennings.

Fortunately, Jazz doesn’t care what Derick thinks, which is what the kids call a big mood.

But even though Jazz is doing her level best to ignore his hate, Derick is firing back and doubling down on his claim that Jazz’s very existence is some form of child abuse.

Derick Dillard still doesn’t have a job, and some wonder if that might be why he has so much extra time to tweet hateful things about Jazz Jennings and the trans community.

In a recent interview, Jazz, who underwent gender confirmation surgery known as bottom surgery in June, said that she has a don’t-feed-the-trolls approach to Derick’s vitriolic tweets.

She says that he’s just trying to elicit a reaction, and that she’s not going to give him what he wants.

A Twitter account that appears to primarily exist to attempt to engage with various celebrities asked Derick if he has a response.

Derick, seemingly thirsty for the attention, was only too happy to reply.

“I just speak out against child abuse, and especially those who promote it, because it’s the right thing to do,” Derick claims in a tweet.

“It’s just absolutely awful,” he has decided. “And should not be celebrated.”

Obviously, parents supporting their trans children are doing the literal opposite of child abuse.

But if you think that it’s hypocritical for a member of the extended Duggar family to make Derick’s statement, you’re not alone.

Fans laid into Derick on the subject of child abuse.

Fans had some serious questions for Derick.

“Do you think blanket training is child abuse?” asked on person on Twitter.

Blanket training, a practice of teaching months-old babies to obey their parents by using pain and fear, is advocated by Michael and Debi Pearl.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are tied to this abusive practice.

“You should speak out against Michael and Debi Pearl. Children have actually died at the hands of parents upholding the Pearls view of ‘child rearing.’ That’s child abuse,” says another tweet.

“Teaching parents how to physically abuse infants and children,” the tweet continues. “Speak out against them.”

But the practice of hitting babies to break their will at a young age isn’t the only child abuse scandal in the Duggar family.

“You seemed to have no problem appearing on a TV show of a family that forced their sexually abused daughters to appear on Fox News,” accused another tweet.

The tweet went on that the girls were forced “to say that none of them even knew what their brother was doing to them because they were all asleep, when the police report told a different story.”

Another tweet also brought up Josh Duggar, asking: “So, when are u gonna speak up about your in laws promoting child abuse by protecting ypur brother in law?”

That tweet continued: “Or does that not matter because they believe in God? You’re a hypocrite and a hateful man. You don’t get to hide behind god as a way of disguising that.”

Child abuse is an extremely upsetting subject. Countless children every day live in fear of a family member or supposed “caregiver.” The world does not do enough to protect its children. 

Fortunately, Jazz, who will be 18 on October 6, 2018, has a loving and supportive family who have cheered her on as a girl and as an advocate.

We only wish that more transgender children received love and support instead of responses like Derick’s.

While Derick’s anti-trans attacks on Jazz saw him booted off of Counting On, the good folks over at The Ashley note that I Am Jazz begins airing its fifth season in 2019.

It sounds like she’s right to ignore Derick’s social media vitriol. She doesn’t need it to stay relevant — but he does.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jill Duggar: Derick Dillard Doesn"t Have a Job and He Kind of Sucks, But I Still Love Him!

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard, what a couple, right?

And we don’t mean that in a good way.

Jill’s all right for the most part, we guess, but Derick … that’s where the trouble lies.

Because Derick is the worst.

He’s homophobic, and he also has a bizarre, disturbing fascination with Jazz Jennings, a lovely child with her own TLC show who also happens to be transgender.

At this point, we can’t even count how many times he’s talked about Jazz — who, again, is a child — in cruel, hateful ways.

He got so obsessed with insulting her that TLC fired him and Jill from Counting On last year.

And yes, Derick will swear up and down that they weren’t fired, he just decided their family needed to quit the show, but … come on.

If all of that wasn’t enough to prove his awfulness, he also attacked survivors of the Parkland school shooting more than once, because they were a little too liberal for his taste.

That’s what his problem boils down to, essentially: he’s extremely conservative, but in the dumbest, most offensive way possible.

Another thing about Derick is that he doesn’t seem to work, but whenever anyone brings it up, he’s quick to tell everyone that he has a job, thank you very much.

Except he’ll never say exactly what that job is.

A funny thing happened last month, though, and that funny thing is that Derick began attending law school.

He seems to be really into the whole thing, which is good — if he ends up being a lawyer, he could probably stop asking Duggar fans for money.

But in a new post she made on Instagram, Jill is still acting like he has a job.

Let it go already, guys.

Along with the above photo, she wrote “Love this man! He gets up early to head out before traffic gets bad, works all day, then comes home after most people and puts more energy to invest in our boys and me!”

“You’re still my fave!”

She added nauseating hashtags like “forever mine,” “man of my dreams,” “you’ve got my heart,” and “I’m so in love,” and “grateful wifey,” because she loves him, OK?

Here’s the problem.

They’ve both been so weird for so long about Derick working, and so defensive whenever anyone says he’s unemployed.

If he stays home to take care of the kids, that’s fine, you know? If they’re living off Duggar money, it’s all right.

But even though Derick is in law school, and even though he’s flat out said that these days, he’s either sleeping, in class, or in his school’s library, Jill’s still going on about how he “works all day.”

Yeah, law school is hard work, we imagine, but we all know what’s happening here.

And her Instagram follwers were quick to call her out.

Several of them asked if he was working, and one straight out told her “He doesn’t work though.”

“Full time college is not a job!” another explained. “Does it pay him? No.”

“His ‘job’ is law school,” someone else wrote, “and their only source of income is the excessive **link in bio** posts. He’s not remarkable in the slightest.”

For another explanation, one person theorized that “Jill uses ‘working’ to describe anytime Derick steps over the threshold into the world.”

Hilariously, another of Jill’s followers said that “She is so desperate for him to look good, you’d think he discovered penicillin.”

Like we said, it’s great that Derick is setting himself up for a good career by going to law school, and we’re sure it is hard work.

But why is it so insanely difficult for anyone in this family to admit that the man is unemployed?


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jill Dillard: Drilled on Instagram Over Child-Proofing, Christian Music Choices

Once again, Jill Duggar’s parenting skills as the mother of two continues to hear it from her “fans” over literally every photo.

The Counting On veteran shared a photo of herself installing some baby-proof locks on her kitchen cabinets … so what’s the issue?

Her two sons, Samuel Dillard and Israel Dillard, are one and three years old. In other words, she’s being slammed for child-proofing …

… later than people think she should have!

“A long over due project!” Jill writes.

“Since Samuel has been walking, he keeps getting into the kitchen cabinets! Finally getting the cabinet locks put on! #writeitdowntocrossitoff.”

People who follow her on Instagram routinely criticize Jill Duggar’s parenting, and to be fair, some of her decisions are a bit questionable.

This, though? Fans (we use the term loosely) seem to be reaching a bit if they’re ripping on Silly Jilly’s supposedly overdue precaution. 

Others took the opportunity to mock Derick Dillard, her oft-maligned and disgraced husband who was fired from Counting On.

Some choice comments in that vein:

“Yes they (well she was, her lazy ass husband does nothing but spew hate) were very busy creating horrid recipes!”

“Good old Derick couldn’t do it because he is as useless as the letter G in Lasagne. I should really get around to that.”

Hey, Derick’s going to law school now, people. Everybody just take a deep breath and leave this upstanding citizen alone!

All kidding aside, some supporters of Jill weighed in with more positive feedback. One of them even felt a little inspired:

“We’ve had the child proofing stuff for 2 months and my husband hasn’t done it. So maybe it’s time I do it myself!!”

“Thats so cool,” another said. “With Jessa it took her and Jinger to do it. Are you both going to see Jinger and her baby?”

“Jill looks like a loving, caring woman. I am usually good and judging people just by looking into their eyes,” another fan said.

“So to the negative people, find something to do! You are not Jill’s friend you’re just a fan. You’re not an admin on her page!”

“You’ve such an over inflated sense of the worth of your own opinions. Tell us, has Jill ever posted something you haven’t commented on?”

Well, that’s just way too logical for the Internet.

In addition to getting dragged for her parenting, Jill also revealed that she was listening to music during her DIY chores.

There were some strong opinions there, too.

“Listening to some praise music on my fave [90.9 KLRC] app,” Dillard included in her caption to the photo at the top of this article.

“I was under the impression that music with a beat, which Hillsong undoubtedly has, was not permitted by Jim Bob,” one fan commented.

Others blasted her because Hillsong’s message doesn’t mesh with her fundamentalist lifestyle … others still just blasted her faith.

At the end of the day, the Duggars are human.

There’s plenty to criticize, and we’ve been there. But to a point we also need to agree to disagree or just let folks live a little.

Is Jill endangering her kids’ lives here? Really?

Or is she actually doing something that, by definition, is designed to do the EXACT OPPOSITE and keep the little ones safer?

When we’re harping on someone child-proofing her kitchen just because it took her longer than it conceivably could have?

Might be time to rethink your own life. Or at least take a look at some of Jill’s mom’s far more questionable practices (above).

Seriously, some dubious stuff in here.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Derick Dillard: Yep, I"m Going to Law School!

Remember how we told you that Derick Dillard thinks that God wants him to go to law school?

At the time, that was based upon some leaked information. But now, it’s official. Derick has announced that he’s going to become an attorney.

So, we’ll ask again: do you want this guy as your lawyer?

On Instagram, Jill Dillard wrote “Exciting announcement!”

She linked to the family website, where she shared the news.

“We are excited,” they wrote. “To announce our future plans!”

Fans should be excited, too — because Jill and Derick won’t be begging them for more cash to fund their mission work.

“We will be remaining stateside for now,” they reveal.

They go on to write that they’ll be remaining in the U.S. “as Derick is beginning law school at the University of Arkansas.”

Though this news broke about a month ago thanks to some cyber sleuths, this is the first that Derick and Jill have announced it.

“We look forward,” the message continues. “To seeing how God will continue to direct our family in this new chapter of life!”

Since they’re not asking fans to fund his newfound interest in the law, it is widely believed that Derick may be paying the $ 16,000 per year law school tuition.

A few fans have also suggested that perhaps Derick has found some ultra-conservative groups to fund his education, but that’s purely speculation.

Instagram commenters met this news with … mixed responses.

“Good luck derek,” one wrote. “If u don’t anything nice to say, then don’t say it.”

That sentiment came up a lot — but also got shot down by people who say that Derick himself does not live by any such creed.

“I highly doubt he would turn away a gay client,” one commenter asserted. “Just because someone identifies as Christian, does not mean they are homophobic.”

That’s absolutely true — but Derick’s own views towards the LGBTQ+ community are infamous.

“You see nothing wrong with Derick’s actions and words?!” one commenter asked another. “I bet if Jazz was your family member you would feel differently!!”

Not every comment was political! Some commenters were, well, a little hornier than you’d expect.

“He looks more handsome all dressed up,” wrote one thirsty followers. “However that time when his hair was so long he did look good too.”

But yes, a lot of the comments were arguments.

One person suggested that the country needed more attorneys in order to defend religious liberties.

“There is a separation of church and state in this country that needs to remain intact,” another commenter responded. 

“By your logic,” they continued. “Then the need for more Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc., lawyers are needed as well. And just so you know, I’m a Christian minister.”

“Regardless of the motive behind it,” wrote another. “What Derrick did was blatant, unprovoked, hateful bullying.”

That same commenter continued: “Just because he’s a man of god does not make him better or smarter or put him in a position to tell others how to live their life.”

Religious discourse can be very interesting on its own, but it shows the anxieties that Derick and Jill’s followers have. 

What sort of attorney would Derick be? Not, one imagines, a civil rights attorney.

Many believe that he’s just setting the stage for an attempt at a political career.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar to Derick Dillard: Stop Being So Homophobic!

By now, we’re all very familiar with the very strict courting rules that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar apply to all their children.

No kissing before marriage. No public displays of affection at all. No revealing outfits. And so on and so forth.

But a new report also indicates that the couple is trying to impose a pretty simple rule on son-in-law Derick Dillard, and it goes something like this:


According to Radar Online, it’s not necessarily that Jim Bob and Michelle disagree with many of Dillard’s most controversial opinions…

… it’s that he voices these opinions on social media and makes everyone associated with him look terrible as a result.

“Everything that Derick has said has caused the family bad press,” says a Radar insider.

The whole Duggar family, especially the famous matriarch and patriarch, are now “pissed off” about it, this source continued.

Dillard’s run of open intolerance started about a year ago when he constantly dragged transgender reality star Jazz Jennings on Twitter.

His comments have included how bring “‘transgender is a myth,” and that “gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Despite Jennings never really responding to these offensive remarks and always taking the high road when asked about Dillard, Derick has continued with the attacks.

In response to Jazz undergoing gender confirmation surgery, for example, Dillard blasted this procedure as a form of child abuse.

TLC fired Derick months ago for being a bigoted jerk and relatives such as Jeremy Vuolo have seemingly hurled shade in his direction as well.

Most recently, Dillard offers online praise to a baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake.

The Radar Online insider says that Dillard’s in-laws have attempted to respect the fact that Derick is married to Jill, but they have decided to confront him because “they don’t like what he is doing.”

It’s one thing to simply possess the views espoused by Dillard.

It’s another to drag his relatives down with him as he publicizes each and every one of them.

Derick Dillard and Jazz Jennings

The source explains to Radar that the Duggars are concerned about “what he says and how he says it.”

And this message has possibly gotten across because Dillard has made his Twitter account private, while tampering down his most controversial of takes of late.

We have no doubt he’s still hugely homophobic, but he’s seemingly realized that it’s been causing him personal and professional distress to shout this fact from the virtual rooftops.

Maybe if he can learn that fact, he can someday learn those in the LGBT community are just regular people and that one’s sexual preference has nothing to do with what type of person one is and…

… sorry, nevermind.

There’s a better chance of Jim Bob and Michelle encouraging their kids to engage in premarital sex than there is of this happening.

Dillard married Jill Duggar on June 21, 2014.

The couple are parents to a three-year old son named Israel and a one-year old son named Samuel.

We hear that he may soon start attending law school in Arkansas, which would be an interesting move for him, huh?

Anyway, the guy is close-minded and ignorant and sucks a lot.

Anyone care to disagree?
