Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jill Dillard: Drilled on Instagram Over Child-Proofing, Christian Music Choices

Once again, Jill Duggar’s parenting skills as the mother of two continues to hear it from her “fans” over literally every photo.

The Counting On veteran shared a photo of herself installing some baby-proof locks on her kitchen cabinets … so what’s the issue?

Her two sons, Samuel Dillard and Israel Dillard, are one and three years old. In other words, she’s being slammed for child-proofing …

… later than people think she should have!

“A long over due project!” Jill writes.

“Since Samuel has been walking, he keeps getting into the kitchen cabinets! Finally getting the cabinet locks put on! #writeitdowntocrossitoff.”

People who follow her on Instagram routinely criticize Jill Duggar’s parenting, and to be fair, some of her decisions are a bit questionable.

This, though? Fans (we use the term loosely) seem to be reaching a bit if they’re ripping on Silly Jilly’s supposedly overdue precaution. 

Others took the opportunity to mock Derick Dillard, her oft-maligned and disgraced husband who was fired from Counting On.

Some choice comments in that vein:

“Yes they (well she was, her lazy ass husband does nothing but spew hate) were very busy creating horrid recipes!”

“Good old Derick couldn’t do it because he is as useless as the letter G in Lasagne. I should really get around to that.”

Hey, Derick’s going to law school now, people. Everybody just take a deep breath and leave this upstanding citizen alone!

All kidding aside, some supporters of Jill weighed in with more positive feedback. One of them even felt a little inspired:

“We’ve had the child proofing stuff for 2 months and my husband hasn’t done it. So maybe it’s time I do it myself!!”

“Thats so cool,” another said. “With Jessa it took her and Jinger to do it. Are you both going to see Jinger and her baby?”

“Jill looks like a loving, caring woman. I am usually good and judging people just by looking into their eyes,” another fan said.

“So to the negative people, find something to do! You are not Jill’s friend you’re just a fan. You’re not an admin on her page!”

“You’ve such an over inflated sense of the worth of your own opinions. Tell us, has Jill ever posted something you haven’t commented on?”

Well, that’s just way too logical for the Internet.

In addition to getting dragged for her parenting, Jill also revealed that she was listening to music during her DIY chores.

There were some strong opinions there, too.

“Listening to some praise music on my fave [90.9 KLRC] app,” Dillard included in her caption to the photo at the top of this article.

“I was under the impression that music with a beat, which Hillsong undoubtedly has, was not permitted by Jim Bob,” one fan commented.

Others blasted her because Hillsong’s message doesn’t mesh with her fundamentalist lifestyle … others still just blasted her faith.

At the end of the day, the Duggars are human.

There’s plenty to criticize, and we’ve been there. But to a point we also need to agree to disagree or just let folks live a little.

Is Jill endangering her kids’ lives here? Really?

Or is she actually doing something that, by definition, is designed to do the EXACT OPPOSITE and keep the little ones safer?

When we’re harping on someone child-proofing her kitchen just because it took her longer than it conceivably could have?

Might be time to rethink your own life. Or at least take a look at some of Jill’s mom’s far more questionable practices (above).

Seriously, some dubious stuff in here.
