Showing posts with label Selfies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selfies. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard Support the Troops By Taking Selfies

For many people, one of the most infuriating things about the Duggar clan is their inability to practice what they preach.

They claim devotion to the teachings of Jesus, and yet they dedicate their days to amassing wealth.

They insist on privacy when it’s convenient, yet they’ve made careers out of sharing the details of their private lives on social media.

And, as many have pointed out in recent years, they talk a big game about their support for the US military, despite the fact that none of the Duggar men (and there are many) have ever served a day in the military.

Obviously, you can support the troops without having served in the armed forces, but some folks are accusing the Duggars of supporting the military only in a performative, insincere fashion.

Over the weekend, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard attended a fundraiser for veterans.

Jill posted the above pic, along with the very lengthy caption below:

“To all American military veterans and their families, THANK YOU, we love you and are supporting and praying for you!!! We were able to attend a veteran’s gala hosted by @getitatsamsnwa (thanks @davidlaningham & @sierrajodominguez for your help and @cldilla for watching the boys!)

“It was such a powerful night! Our returning military often fight their greatest battles after they return from the field and it’s our job as civilians to do whatever we can to raise awareness and reach out in support.

“There are so many organizations that help us do just that, one amazing one is the REBOOT Alliance!

“What are your favorite ways to support our troops and their families?

We probably don’t need to tell you that several folks answered that question with something along the lines of “by actually serving in the freaking military!”

The issue of why the family has no involvement with the US military despite their constant talk of supporting the troops is a common subject of inquiry on Duggar-themed message boards.

Responding to the question of whether a Duggar would ever enlist, one fan on the Free Jinger site responded:

“No, never. They’d have to interact with ‘commoners’ plus take orders from someone other than Daddy.”

Others pointed out that serving would put the Duggars in contact with folks who engage in such sinful activities as swearing, smoking, and drinking.

None of this is to say that Jill and Derick were wrong to pose for selfies at a swanky event designed to raise money for veterans.

It’s just odd that there are so many Duggars and none of them seem to have any interest in serving.

Maybe they should get over their fear of f-bombs and Marlboros so that they can serve their country.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Stormy Daniels Fears For Her Safety, Bans Selfies at Book Signing

Stormy Daniels is living in fear of Donald Trump supporters … so much so, the ex-porn star is banning everyone from taking selfies with her at her book signing.  Stormy is signing copies of her book, “Full Disclosure,” Thursday night at the…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

P.O.V. Bikini Selfies -- Guess Who!

These sexy stars have reinvented the traditional selfie and given us a view all their own! Sneak a peek of the sizzlin’ summer pics by sliding into our gallery of P.O.V. bikini selfies, and see if you can guess the babe showing off her…


Friday, June 22, 2018

Kim Kardashian: I"m Done with Selfies! No, Seriously!

Guys … something has happened.

Something so strange, something we never could have possibly anticipated.

Kim Kardashian doesn’t care about selfies anymore.

No, no, we know, it’s a bit of a shock to hear, and if you need to take some time to recover from this news, we’d completely understand.

After all, this is the woman who had to be scolded by her mother because she wouldn’t stop taking selfies with a digital camera while they were taking her sister to jail.

This is the woman who, just a few years ago, released an entire book of selfies.

How could she be done with them? How could Kim Kardashian of all people not like selfies anymore?

Let’s allow her to explain herself.

In a new interview, Kim made her astonishing statement — “I don’t take selfies anymore. I don’t really like them.”

When asked why, she struggled to explain herself, but eventually she said that she just moved on.

“It’s not all about sitting there taking selfies,” she said. “I used to spend so much of my time taking selfies.”

It’s safe to say she’s a little busier now than she was during her selfie heyday, if only because she’s got three young children now that need her attention.

Four, if you include Kanye.

The interviewer told Kim that he has a 17-year-old daughter, and that she and her friends are “tethered to their phone,” and she seemed familiar with the idea.

But now, she said, “I would just like to live in real time a little bit more.”

“I don’t mind pictures,” she added, “but I’m not on my phone the way I used to be.”

She’s also not as into glam the way she used to be — she said that now “I definitely love the days where I have no hair and makeup, and I wake up and just relax.”

“That’s me being in mom mode with the kids. I love that side. To me, that’s super beautiful.”

What has 2018 done to Kim Kardashian?!

Honestly, it seems like she’s been changing ever since she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in 2016 — before that, she definitely wasn’t over selfies.

As you’ll likely remember, several people her selfies were actually the reason she was targeted in the robbery, since she always shared photos showing off such expensive jewelry.

Kim even blamed herself for what happened, and to this day, she still doesn’t wear much jewelry.

And, as we just learned with this new interview, she doesn’t take many selfies anymore, either.

She’s actually telling the truth, too.

We had a look through her Instagram feed, you know, for science, and besides some cute selfies with her kids, the last real selfie she took was a bikini pic on April 15th.

Before that, she posted one in March, and before that, one in February.

We can all agree that’s a far cry from the amount of selfies she used to post, right?

All this selfie stuff, plus her newfound passion for social justice as shown by her work in helping free Alice Johnson, plus her statement that she may one day consider running for office

There’s a brand new Kim Kardashian in town these days, and we don’t know about you, but we’re sort of living for it.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Selfies Out with Alex Rodriguez at Yankees Game

You think Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez can go 9 innings without a selfie? Hell no!  The power couple (along with J Lo’s mom) hit up Yankees Stadium on Thursday night to watch NY take on the Boston Red Sox …. and you know they had to post…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Bombarded For Selfies on Capitol Hill

Kourtney Kardashian was just like any ol’ senator or congresswoman walking through the hallways of the Capitol Tuesday in a suit and on a mission to change the law … until she was bombarded for selfies. The eldest Kardashian didn’t say much on…


Kourtney Kardashian Bombarded For Selfies on Capitol Hill

Kourtney Kardashian was just like any ol’ senator or congresswoman walking through the hallways of the Capitol Tuesday in a suit and on a mission to change the law … until she was bombarded for selfies. The eldest Kardashian didn’t say much on…


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Stormi and Me: Kylie Jenner Shares First-Ever Selfies with Precious Daughter!

Kylie Jenner is here with a new round of self-portraits.

But these aren’t your typical Kylie Jenner self-portraits.

They don’t feature the reality star in lingerie or some skimpy outfit or anything.

In fact, our eyes are barely on Kylie at all in this three-image pictorial… and that’s because the selfies are dominated by a certain adorable face lying right next to her mother.

Indeed, Jenner has snapped and shared her first-ever selfies with daughter Stormi Webster, who was born to the 20-year old and baby daddy Travis Scott back on February 1.

The young first-time mother didn’t include much of a caption with the snapshots, simply writing ““Stormiiiiiiiii♥” alongside each one.

These are some of the clearest glimpses we’ve gotten yet at the eight-week old, who insiders say has totally and completely stolen Kylie’s heart.

In a recent Twitter Q&A with fans, Kylie said her favorite part of her daughter is, well, “all of her,” but if forced to choose, she’d go with Stormi’s little toes.

Over the past few weeks, Jenner has posted multiple pictures of the tiny human’s various tiny body parts, but rarely photos as precious at these.

Just check out the second selfie, for instance:

Earlier this month, Jenner also took to Instagram to upload a heartfelt picture of her grandma Mary Jo Campbell holding Stormi, writing at the time as a caption:

“I mean.. does it get any better than this?”

Even Scott is smitten, much to the surprise of critics who didn’t think the rapper would be a very hands-on father.

Heck, some people out there thought he’d even leave Kylie due to her pregnancy.

But they were wrong.

Scott is reportedly very involved in his kid’s life and even has Kylie now thinking she wants to marry him someday soon.

But we’re not here to speculate on the future of Kylie and Travis as a couple.

That’s for another time.

We’re instead here to marvel over little Stormi and to applaud Jenner for taking so well to motherhood.

We still doubt she actually planned to get pregnant and we still question why she’s so very consumed with losing all her baby weight.

But we can’t deny that she seems focused on being the best parent she can possibly be.

And she takes a few moments to also pose for some sizzling snapshots (below) while Stormi naps or something, who are we to judge?

We might as well just sit back and enjoy, right?


Monday, February 19, 2018

Beyonce & Blue Ivy Snapping Selfies at NBA All-Star Game

Beyonce showed Blue Ivy how it’s done in the selfie department during the NBA All-Star Game, but to be honest doesn’t look like the kid needs any advice.  Mother and daughter sat courtside Sunday evening at Staples Center along with…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Meghan Markle Needs Royal Refresher on Selfies

Meghan Markle said last Friday, “We’re not allowed to do selfies” … saying it’s a Royal thing, but we did some checking and looks like she needs to update her Royal etiquette pamphlet Turns out her fiance, Prince Harry, is in the selfie game, so…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Rain Brown: See the Alaskan Bush People Star"s Selfies That Get So Much Hate!

Alaskan Bush People has captivated viewers and fans for years and years.

For the youngest member of the Brown family, Rain, the series has gone on for half of her life.

Despite her youth, though, Rain or "Rainy"s" social media presence is quickly working to make her among the most recognizable members of the Brown family.

Her full name is Merry Christmas Katherine Raindrop "Rainy" Brown, which is honestly amazing … especially considering the fact that she was born in November. It wasn"t even Thanksgiving yet when she was born, on November 23rd, 2002.

Rain"s Instagram following by her "Rainbows" — what she calls her fans — is booming. She"s unfortunately gotten some hate, but she"s not the only one of her siblings to be targeted by trolls.

A lot of that hate was related to her selfies during her mother"s battle with lung cancer, but as you look through these photos, you"ll see that there"s nothing offensive in them. At all.

Rain Brown is a treasure and, frankly, the internet is lucky to have her.

1. She’s so popular!

Rain brown

On August 1st, Rain Brown gave a shout-out after reaching the milestone of 2,000 fans or “Rainbows,” as she calls them. She’s NOW up to over 21,000 Instagram followers.

2. Can you believe that people send her hateful comments?

Rain brown selfie

Rain snaps selfies and people work up the nerve to troll her in her Instagram comments. Let her live her life!

3. Always stop and smell the flowers!

Rain brown on instagram

Rain’s follower count has been blowing up this summer, groiwng more than ten times under two months.

4. Rain loves hanging with her siblings!

Gabe brown bird brown rain brown in target

Gabe and Bird are Rain’s older siblings, but they’re not too cool to hang out with her. Even if “hanging out” happens at a Santa Monica Target.

5. The only daughters in the whole family

Rain brown with bird brown

Rain and Bird each have a whole mess of brothers, but they have only one sister. That’s an important bond.

6. Rain Brown and Gabe Brown

Rain brown and gabe brown

Though Gabe has seemed to grow camera-shy lately in terms of Alaskan Bush People, he and Rain are two of the most visible Browns on the interwebs.

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Monday, August 7, 2017

Life of Kylie Premiere Recap: Inner Struggles, Deep Thoughts and Bathroom Selfies

Kylie Jenner’s new reality show Life of Kylie debuted Sunday, with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star striking out on her own.

We’ve got all the highlights from it right here in case you missed the landmark TV event that was Life of Kylie Season 1 Episode 1 …

Those tuning in to watch Life of Kylie online can expect a lot of introspection and Jenner waxing philosophical about life in the limelight.

Jenner’s social media fame and celebrity are unmatched, but whether this formula for a show can sustain fan interest is another story.

In essence, Life of Kylie explores the behind-the-scenes … well, life of Kylie Jenner that you don’t see online, such as our girl’s friendships.

Chief among those friendships is with Jordyn Woods.

The premiere showed us exactly how Kylie and Jordyn made California high school student Albert Ochoa’s celebrity dream date come true.

Ochoa’s prom featured quite the pair of celebrity guests, which is a really cool thing about fame. But being famous has a downside, too.

Kylie scoffs at those who say she leads a charmed life.

“[I] laugh. In their face. Nobody has a perfect life,” she said. “The only different thing about me is probably just that I have nice things.”

“But what you realize when you get there – when I know I could buy any car, any house – is that that happiness lasts two seconds.”

“That’s not real happiness [or] where I find happiness.”

“I’m so blessed that I got to experience this at such a young age and learn that, so now I can find what really is going to make me happy.”

Of the fact that she has a public persona on display at all times, she says, “There’s an image that I feel constantly pressured to keep up with.”

“In order to stay relevant for the public, I have to be on Instagram and I have to be on Snapchat just keeping people entertained.”

“And then there’s who I really am around my friends.”

“That’s who I want you guys to get to know. It’s way easier for me to post on Snapchat or Instagram than it is to be out in public.”

So she’s … kind of an introvert then!?

“I just feel like for so long I’ve been putting on this different persona to the world … I felt like I started to depend on social media.”

“Feeling the need to post all the time. I feel like I have to keep up this idea of who I am. I think I lost a lot of parts of myself.”

“My funny side … when I was 14 I used to post all these funny videos all the time, just me being like, super weird and funny and myself.”

“I feel like once I started getting a little bit bigger, then people really started to … everyone says mean things sometimes, it’s just how social media is.”

“It’s a really mean, negative space. Every single day I see something negative about me. When that started happening, that really affected me.”

“So I was like: ‘I’m not going to show people that side of me anymore.’ I’m kind of putting up a version of myself to the world that isn’t fully me.”

In that sense, Kylie Jenner – the most popular young woman on the ENTIRE Internet, you could argue – feels like something of an outcast.

“I have a soft spot for the outcasts because I guess I was the outcast in a lot of ways, growing up. I still feel like an outcast,” she says.

“I can’t relate to a lot of people. I had to get home-schooled, not because I wanted to but because I missed so much when I was working.”

“It’s hard to feel normal. I started filming when I was 9 years old. I really don’t know what it’s like to not have everyone know who I am.”

“I don’t know what it’s like to live a normal life, where people  don’t know who you are, to get out of the car and not have everyone stare.”

“I feel like when you grow up on camera, people think that they know you because you’re on social media so much and you’re on reality TV.”

“I for sure didn’t choose this life, but I’m not going to say that I’m totally innocent, because I am keeping up this lifestyle.”

“I know I’m making myself more famous by having an Instagram and posting photos, but I’m not that type of person where I want all the attention.”

“I don’t like that. It actually freaks me out, because it reminds me that I’m ‘Kylie f–king Jenner.’ A lot of people have it worse than me.”

“It’s just a lot to handle. Sometimes, I’m like: ‘This is it. I’m insane.’ I feel like this fame thing is going to come to an end sooner than we think.”

“I’m getting the bug again, where I just want to run away. I just don’t know who I’m doing it for. The new goal in my life is to just live.”

In conclusion, the increasingly relatable 19-year-old says:

“I live the most extraordinary life, and I’m very grateful. But the moments I feel completely normal and just a 19-year-old girl, it’s the best.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean she’s going reclusive yet.

Kylie is as known for her selfies as anything, and for good reason, though she adds that it’s harder than you might think to perfect the art.

“Posting a selfie is really hard because it’s a lot of pressure. It has to be perfect. I check the comments right when I post.”

“If they’re like: ‘What the f–k is this Kylie?’ then I delete that s–t super fast and reevaluate my decision!” Kylie reveals.

It’s a hard life, but someone’s gotta head it ….


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kardashians React to Rob Drama with Sexy Selfies, Ice Cream Promotion and a Makeup Tutorial

According to a recent report, the Kardashians are very angry at the moment.

The entire family is basically irate at Rob Kardashian for taking a private feud with Blac Chyna as public as humanly possible, calling out his baby mama for allegedly cheating on him and even for supposedly taking a lot of drugs.

Rob has taken his venting to such an inappropriate (and possibly illegal) extreme that he got kicked off Instagram.

So it makes sense that Kris Jenner and company would be upset at Rob for two reasons:

1. He’s hurting their brand.

2. He may be hurting his relationship with seven-month old Dream in terms of how frequently Chyna will allow him to spend time with her going forward.

But while the anger on the Kardashian-Jenner side may be legitimate and present, you’d never know it by taking a look at various family members’ social media feeds.

We’ll start with Kylie Jenner.

A mere couple days after Rob blasted Chyna in a way rarely seen before in Hollywood, the teenage reality star acted like everything was just dandy and normal.

Just like she does nearly ever hour, Kylie shared a few racy images and videos on her Snapchat and Instagram pages, the most notable of which included her wearing a tight shirt and eating a banana,

Because of course, right?

Elsewhere, Khloe Kardashian shared a Twitter picture of herself pushing an ice cream cart. For some reason.

“Ice Cream Please!!!” Khloe penned as a caption to this seemingly random image, not really explaining why she posted it online.

And very obviously not saying a word about her troubled brother while doing so.

What about Kim Kardashian, you may be wondering?

She has often clashed with Rob, even giving him the boot from her wedding weekend a couple years ago after he allegedly caused some sort of scene.

It was this incident that prompted Kardashian to really withdraw from his family back in the day, as he left social media for about a year and went completely radio silent.

Ironically, it was his relationship with Blac Chyna that helped Rob get back on his feet, lose a lot of weight, gain self-confidence again and reunite with his loved ones.

But anyway.

Kim spent yesterday giving her Snapchat followers a makeup tutorial and pushing her new line of beauty products:

Rob, meanwhile, has not posted on Twitter since Wednesday afternoon.

He isn’t permitted to post on Instagram at the moment.

It’s possible he’s spoken to a lawyer and is finally aware that his actions crossed a few significant lines and we may not hear from him again for a very long time.

His relatives will just keep going about their regular, everyday tasks until then we guess, praying that Kardashian doesn’t do anything stupid, such as relapse or even attempt suicide.

The guy is very easy to make fun of and he screwed up royally in this case.

But it’s also pretty clear he has a few mental problems. He likely needs help. Let’s hope he gets it.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kendall Jenner Flaunts Bikini Body and Great Hair in Summer Selfies

You wouldn’t normally think that wearing even part of a shirt on top of a bikini could somehow make your pic even hotter.

Leave it to Kendall Jenner to reliably look hot no matter what she’s doing. These two new photos really embody that.

Those abs are gonna kill us.

Try as she might, Kendall can’t quite compete with her sisters’ curves, but she has her own body-type.

And she’s just ridiculously gorgeous.

Like, she’s not a supermodel by accident.

While her more problematic siblings are being accused of stealing designs or doing weird stuff to promote their business, Kendall just goofs around with friends.

And models.

Modeling, more than most of the Kardashian clan, resembles what most of us consider to be a real job.

(Reality stars work hard and are followed by cameras all day, and that’s a lot, but it doesn’t fit traditional concepts of a job, okay?)

And the worst thing that Kendall’s ever done is, what, star in a dumb Pepsi commercial?

Actors and models are supposed to basically be just action figures who act out the vision of the writers and directors.

It’s kind of hard to lay that controversy at Kendall’s feet.

Kendall’s whole minding-her-own-business-while-being-hot thing works.

And then there’s this photo:

She captioned this one: “Rest of 2017.”

A mirror selfie is a little less polished, of course, than her bikini photo.

But she still looks all kinds of gorgeous.

-Those legs.

-That leopard print (it looks great in moderation, but let’s keep it from coming back in style, please).

-That form-flattering white with ruffles.

-Don’t ignore the wine glass in her off-hand.

-That hair.

She has this hair in both of the new photos, and we’re kind of feeling a little obsessed.

Given her caption, we wonder if she’s going to keep this style for the rest of the year.

Could we be so lucky?

Kendall’s no stranger to having good hair, of course.

None of the Kardashian girls are.

We’re definitely crediting Kris Jenner for being a good influence in that department.

Growing up on camera probably didn’t discourage them from being selective about their hair, though.

But this hair looks fun and stylish.

It also looks intensely practical for dealing with summer heat.

Southern California is too hot at the best of times and blazing hot at the worst.

You have to find a way to cool off.

And if you’re not willing to forego all of the hair on your head like Kendall’s friend Cara Delevingne has recently, there are other options.

You don’t even need to get an undercut, though those look amazing.

A huge, stylish updo or whatever Kendall wants us to call this could work for casual and polished looks.

Maybe don’t wear it to a board meeting or into a courtroom, but other than that, it looks pretty darn versatile.

Maybe, when they tire of controversies, Kendall’s siblings will learn to calm down and quit stirring up backlash.

Yes, the Pepsi commercial caused backlash, but that can happen to anyone.

And Kendall didn’t mastermind it.

Her role was just being super hot, like in every job that she takes.

We’re glad that she’s keeping cool enough to enjoy a glass of wine this summer.

The worst parts of summer are when it’s too hot for you to drink.

Unless you live in a place that tends to be on fire during the summer.

That’s worse.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Divorce Selfies Are Now a Thing. Check THESE Out!

On average, about one out of every two marriages in the United States of America ends in divorce.

That may come as a depressing shock to fans of being in love.

But perhaps you"ll be comforted to know that many of these same couples that split are on solid enough terms that they pose for a selfie immediately after signing the paperwork.

Oh, yes, divorce selfies are now a trend.

Some are happy. Some are angry. Some are very, very awkward.

Scroll around below to see former husbands and wives pose for the camera together, one final time…

1. You Can’t Please Everyone

You cant please everyone

But one half of this former couple looks psyched to be free.

2. Or Maybe You Can Please Everyone

Or maybe you can please everyone

Both customers here look pretty satisfied, don’t they?

3. A Sense of Humor to The End

A sense of humor to the end

Reads the caption to this photo: “Typical us, we accidentally wore the same shirt to divorce court. Divorce final today, but I’ll always love this man.”

4. Let’s Never Speak of This Again

Lets never speak of this again

I’ve already forgotten you.

5. Some Things are for the Best

Some things are for the best

Reads this caption: “After 6 years of separation, we are officially divorced! #divorceselfie #getalongbetternowthanwhenwelivedtogether #amicabledivorce #finallygotaroundtoit #ievenlikehisgirlfriend.”

6. We Aren’t Sure How to Feel

We arent sure how to feel

So we’ll go for both emotions.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

27 Selfies That Did NOT Go According to Plan

Here comes the… KA-BOOM!

In the following picture gallery, we"ve amassed some of the most outrageous selfies ever uploaded to the Internet.

Not due to the subject of the self-portrait himself or herself.

But due to the hilarious nature of the photo bomb taking place in the background. Scroll around to see what we mean…

1. Excuse Me!

Excuse me

Come on. Can’t you do this elsewhere?

2. Come Hither…

Come hither

It’s hard to be seductive when THAT is taking place behind you.

3. Oh, Crap

Oh crap

This kid is smiling because he’s NOT the one pooping for a change.

4. A Story in 3 Photos

A story in 3 photos

Yup. This is how we’d react, too.

5. A Full Moon

A full moon

Dogs are a man’s best friend, right? No one said anything about dogs liking women.

6. There’s a Butt Back There

Theres a butt back there

And this one doesn’t belong to a canine.

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Tom Brady Came FACE-TO-FACE WITH SUSPECT ... In Super Bowl Selfies (PHOTOS)

The man who allegedly stole Tom Brady’s Super Bowl jersey has been up close and personal with Tom, Robert Kraft and other Super Bowl stars for years … and TMZ Sports has the photo proof.  Mauricio Ortega made a habit of snapping selfies with…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

President Trump"s Grandson Allegedly Captured in Selfies with Secret Service

President Trump’s grandson was allegedly photographed while he slept by Secret Service agents tasked with protecting him. The agents were reportedly riding in a motorcade last weekend with Donald Trump Jr.’s 8-year-old son when the incident went…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Justin Bieber Birthday Tribute: Sexy Selfie(s) Alert!

Justin Bieber likes to turn the camera on himself.

Ever since he struck it mega huge, the singer has snapped photos of himself without a shirt on… himself in the recording studio… and himself with MANY beautiful women.

Don"t focus on them, however. Focus on the perfect specimen of a singer smiling next to them in the following series of Justin Bieber selfies.

Couldn"t you just eat him right up?!?

1. Justin Bieber Shirtless Selfie

Justin bieber shirtless selfie

Justin Bieber shirtless alert! Justin Bieber shirtless alert! Justin Bieber shirtless alert! There’s nothing else to say about this sizzling snapshot.

2. Justin Bieber Selfie

Justin bieber selfie

Justin Bieber does not lack for tattoos. Do these make him look tough? Sexy? Or both?

3. Justin Bieber Shirtless Style

Justin bieber shirtless style

This just in: Justin Bieber clearly works out. Often.

4. Ready to Snowboard

Justin bieber new selfie

Bieber is on a snowboarding trip with his friends in this cute selfie.

5. Justin Bieber Snowboarding Selfie

Justin bieber snowboarding selfie

Hi there, Justin Bieber! The artist snaps a selfie here while on a snowboarding trip with his pals.

6. Justin Bieber Sad Selfie

Justin bieber sad selfie

Cheer up, JB! Just look in the mirror! You’re hot!

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sexy Pregnant Selfies -- Guess Who!

There must be something in the water because Hollywood’s hottest stars like Beyonce, Amal Clooney and Hannah Jeter are poppin’ up pregnant. Check out the glowing gallery of hot mamas and see if you can guess the belly-baring babes…
