Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

Friday, July 7, 2017

Kardashians React to Rob Drama with Sexy Selfies, Ice Cream Promotion and a Makeup Tutorial

According to a recent report, the Kardashians are very angry at the moment.

The entire family is basically irate at Rob Kardashian for taking a private feud with Blac Chyna as public as humanly possible, calling out his baby mama for allegedly cheating on him and even for supposedly taking a lot of drugs.

Rob has taken his venting to such an inappropriate (and possibly illegal) extreme that he got kicked off Instagram.

So it makes sense that Kris Jenner and company would be upset at Rob for two reasons:

1. He’s hurting their brand.

2. He may be hurting his relationship with seven-month old Dream in terms of how frequently Chyna will allow him to spend time with her going forward.

But while the anger on the Kardashian-Jenner side may be legitimate and present, you’d never know it by taking a look at various family members’ social media feeds.

We’ll start with Kylie Jenner.

A mere couple days after Rob blasted Chyna in a way rarely seen before in Hollywood, the teenage reality star acted like everything was just dandy and normal.

Just like she does nearly ever hour, Kylie shared a few racy images and videos on her Snapchat and Instagram pages, the most notable of which included her wearing a tight shirt and eating a banana,

Because of course, right?

Elsewhere, Khloe Kardashian shared a Twitter picture of herself pushing an ice cream cart. For some reason.

“Ice Cream Please!!!” Khloe penned as a caption to this seemingly random image, not really explaining why she posted it online.

And very obviously not saying a word about her troubled brother while doing so.

What about Kim Kardashian, you may be wondering?

She has often clashed with Rob, even giving him the boot from her wedding weekend a couple years ago after he allegedly caused some sort of scene.

It was this incident that prompted Kardashian to really withdraw from his family back in the day, as he left social media for about a year and went completely radio silent.

Ironically, it was his relationship with Blac Chyna that helped Rob get back on his feet, lose a lot of weight, gain self-confidence again and reunite with his loved ones.

But anyway.

Kim spent yesterday giving her Snapchat followers a makeup tutorial and pushing her new line of beauty products:

Rob, meanwhile, has not posted on Twitter since Wednesday afternoon.

He isn’t permitted to post on Instagram at the moment.

It’s possible he’s spoken to a lawyer and is finally aware that his actions crossed a few significant lines and we may not hear from him again for a very long time.

His relatives will just keep going about their regular, everyday tasks until then we guess, praying that Kardashian doesn’t do anything stupid, such as relapse or even attempt suicide.

The guy is very easy to make fun of and he screwed up royally in this case.

But it’s also pretty clear he has a few mental problems. He likely needs help. Let’s hope he gets it.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner Makeup Routine: A Step-by-Step, Very Expensive Tutorial

Kylie Jenner clearly is not an expert when it comes to running a business.

But the teenager behind the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit should be an expert when it comes to putting on makeup, right?

To educate her legion of followers, the reality star recently went through a comprehensive makeup tutorial on Snapchat.

What did we learn from it?

It"s VERY time-consuming to look like Kylie Jenner on a daily basis… and it"s even more bank-breaking.

1. The First Step

The first step

Mixing the items seen here – Make Up Forever Ultra HD’s ($ 43; with Naked Skin’s One and Done ($ 34; – will cost you $ 77. And we’re just getting started.

2. Step Two

Step two

Kylie then defines her brows, using Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Caramel to do so. This costs $ 21 at

3. A Product Placement

A product placement

Kylie was clearly paid a lot of money to include this close-up of Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Caramel.

4. Step Three

Step three

Kylie then puts Becca Ultimate Coverage Concealing Cream ($ 32, on, directly below and above her brow to define them.

5. Here is That Becca Ultimate Coverage Concealing Cream!

Here is that becca ultimate coverage concealing cream

Another product placement for which Jenner earned serious bank.

6. Oh No!

Oh no

This is not a #FirstWorldProblem, people. This is serious!

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