Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chris Brown Back in the U.S. After Paris Rape Case Drama


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Chris Brown Back in the U.S. After Paris Rape Case Drama

Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Adam Silver on Jimmy Butler Drama with Timberwolves, "They Gotta Work It Out"

NBA Commish Adam Silver has obviously been following the drama between Jimmy Butler and the Minnesota Timberwolves … and tells TMZ Sports, “They gotta work it out.” Butler requested a trade during the off-season — and hasn’t gotten it — and…


Friday, October 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Laughing Off Baby Mama Drama With Jen Harley

You gotta give it up to Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley for going to hell and back without losing their sense of humor.  Ronnie and his baby mama have been through more ups and downs than every boardwalk roller coaster on the…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Konfessions of Some Drama Queens

The klaws kame out on the Season 15 premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as Kim and Khloe ganged up on sister Kourtney like never before.

These sisters klashed over the family’s annual Khristmas kalendar, with Kim peeved that Kourtney wasn’t making herself readily available and Kourtney irritated that Kim didn’t komprehend she has three kids for whom to kare.

So… did this feud get resolved on Sunday night’s brand new installment?

We started with Kim suggesting to her siblings that they attend some counseling in order to work through a few rather clear issues.

“We all communicate really weird and we just don’t ever express what’s really bothering us and we all walk on eggshells around each other,” Kim explained.

Kourtney objected, but this storyline was in the script, so Kim insisted:

“Well we’re all going to therapy together, so it’s happening. Because we all need to communicate with a mediator and we don’t have that mediator.”

Enter that mediator!

The sisters awkwardly sat around at Khloe’s house and tried to put everything on the table for a change, as opposed to shoving it under a rug.

Said Kourtney to the professional at one point:

“I’m the one who invented mean fighting … I’m just not wanting to fight like that anymore. … I don’t want to spend my time around people that are mean and putting me down.”

From there, revealed to the mediator that Kourtney has been insecure, adding:

“But it’s also an insecurity I’ve never seen from her before.”

(NOTE: This was all filmed many months ago, long before Kourtney split from Younes Bendjmina.)

Kim, meanwhile, was taken aback by Kourtney’s claim.

She wasn’t buying the story that Kourtney was somehow the relaxed sister; or that she had been making any effort of late to let things go.

Quite the opposite, Kim argued:

“You’re preaching that you just want this Zen life and that you’re so positive and you don’t want to fight, but then most of the time you’re arguing about stuff that’s like, ‘Again?"”

Seemingly not eventrying to be cruel, just to explain where she was coming from, Kim labeled Kourtney as “always anxious and insecure.”

Said Khloe in this emotional session:

“Kourtney and I have a really special bond, I haven’t felt that from her in the past couple months and that’s been frustrating for me.

“I do feel a major disconnect between her and I specifically, and I would like to understand what that is.”

Kourtney sat and listed and waited patiently.

But she admitted that she didn’t think her sisters were “genuinely” happy for her.

“It’s like everything is…the show’s more important, work’s more important,” an emotional Kourtney confessed. “Maybe traveling isn’t a priority to you, but it is to me.”

Kourtney has the biggest family of all three siblings and admittedly works the least, but what’s wrong with that?

Why be “resentful” of her lifestyle, as Kourtney accused Kim and Khloe of being toward her?

“We honestly want Kourtney to take her trips, we want Kourtney to live her life and do whatever she wants to do,” Kim later claimed in a confessional, adding:

“We just want her to be held accountable and be responsible that when you take a job and you’re getting paid to do something that you honor that, because all of us do.”

In the end, Kourtney simply said that work wasn’t a priority for her like it is for her sisters and she didn’t understand why they focused on such petty issues.

Conversely, Khloe and Kim said that Kourtney simply wasn’t understanding their side of the issue.

Little was resolved.

“Whatever Kourtney is going through, it’s just so much deeper than me and Khloe and until Kourtney is ready to talk about it we can’t push her or try to be aggressive,” Kim later concluded camera.

“She’s going through a lot of life changes right now and we just have to let her go through that.”

Sure, either that or Kourtney just wants to hang out with her children.

To relive this drama, and to see what sort of prank Khloe pulled off with Scott Disick, use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Catch up on all you missed!


Monday, July 16, 2018

Miley Cyrus-Liam Hemsworth Breakup Rumors Swirl Amidst Instagram Drama

If you love Miley Cyrus to the point that you follow all the social media fan pages devoted to all the latest gossip on the singer’s personal life, then you may have caught wind of a startling rumor over the weekend.

Several such outlets breathlessly exclaimed that Miley and Liam Hemsworth have broken up yet again.

And this time, they claimed, their source was not some bogus insider, but Miley herself, who seemed to have broken the news on her Instagram page.

If you read beyond the headlines, however, you may have found that while Cyrus has engaged in some very unusual activity on social media recently, it would require quite a leap in logic to conclude that she’s trying to send a low-key message about her love life.

Yes, Miley deleted every photo of Liam Hemsworth from her Instagram page.

But she also deleted all other content from her account and changed her profile pic to a plain black background.

Miley also blacked out her Twitter avatar, but she did not delete her tweets.

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why some fans would take this is a sign that something is amiss in Miley’s personal life.

But in all likelihood, the move has more to do with her professional life.

It appears that Miley is participating in a recent and somewhat annoying trend in self-promotion.

You see, lately, celebs have been drumming up interest in upcoming projects not by teasing their new work with tweets and Instagram pics, but by deleting (or archiving) all of the content on their pages.

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik have both taken that approach to drumming up interest in upcoming releases.

Back in April, rumors of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds getting divorced began to circulate non-stop as a result of Blake’s decision to remove all content from her Instagram page and unfollow her husband.

It was later revealed that Blake did all this to promote the release of her upcoming film A Simple Favor.

Miley Cyrus: Blank IG

(Side note: that movie still hasn’t come out yet, so we’re thinking Blake jumped the gun a bit in terms of promotional stunts.)

Not surprisingly, Miley fans are losing their minds trying to figure out what’s next for the eccentric songstress:

“The fact that she’s [deleting] all her 2013-14 posts already and is still deleting is HUGE. We are getting a proper era? Building hype?” one Cyrus enthusiast tweeted.

Yes, the world of mainstream pop music stans is a fascinating one.

Only in 2018 could a 25-year-old artist with only 5 non-Disney studio albums to her name be credited as the architect of multiple musical “eras.”

But hey, you’ve gotta hand it to her — if Miley’s goal was to drum up interest in her new music, mission accomplished!


Friday, July 13, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fires More Staff, Shudders Website Amidst Relapse Drama

It’s been three weeks since the world learned that Demi Lovato relapsed after six years of sobriety, and it seems the recovery process has been a long and difficult one for the troubled pop songstress.

To her credit, it wasn’t the tabloids that publicized her latest struggles with substance abuse but Demi herself.

In June, she released the song “Sober,” which detailed her fall from the wagon with heartbreaking and surprisingly personal lyrics.

Unfortunately, the release of the song did not signal the start of Demi’s long road back to sobriety, as many had hoped.

Instead, those who know her best say Lovato is still drinking and has no immediate plans to get clean.

“Demi has gone off the rails,” a source tells Radar Online.

Equally troubling is the fact that the singer has reportedly been severing ties with those who wish to help her.

Demi fired her manager earlier this week, and it seems she’s ended her relationship with several other staffers in the days that followed.

“She’s completely dropped her family members, friends and everyone in the sober community, including all of the people at CAST [Demi’s former recovery program],” the source claimed.

“And now she is cutting off her staff who have worked with her forever.”

As Radar reports, Lovato also shut down her website earlier this week.

The site is now back up and running, but the hiatus left many with the impression that Demi is badly in need of some time away from the spotlight.

The fact that Lovato is cashing in on her relapse by actively promoting “Sober” on her social media pages has led some to label her a hypocrite:

“She is making money off her relapse,” says the insider.

“But she is a walking contradiction, because she is does not have a game plan to get clean right now.”

Friends and family already staged an informal intervention, but sadly, it seems their concerns fell on deaf ears.

“[They] suggested to her that she should get some help and go to rehab,” the source claims.

Clearly, Demi didn’t heed that advice.

On social media, Lovato has been the subject of a massive outpouring of concern, but unlike in years past, she seems to have little interest in communicating directly with fans.

Here’s hoping she’s able to find the help she needs before it’s too late.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: FIRED From Jersey Shore Over Jen Harley Drama?!

If you watched the inaugural season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation or even just paid passing attention to any of the cast member’s social media pages, then you know the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley has made Ron’s relationship with Sammi Giancola look downright stable by comparison.

In fact, the whole situation has been more Jerry Springer than Jersey Shore.

On the show, the couple mostly kept things civil, despite the well-publicized incident in which Ronnie got handsy with a French Fry.

In real life, Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter, and it briefly looked as though they had every intention of trying to make things work.

But then Ortiz-Magro’s famously volatile (and allegedly steroid-fueled) temper became an issue, and the new dad launched a virulent and incessant tirade of irate tweets against Harley.

In other words, Rahn refused to Stahp.

He called Harley a “c-m dumpster” and publicly accused her of cheating.

She responded by calling him a deadbeat dad and accusing him of engaging in his own infidelities.

The situation came to a head last week when Jen allegedly dragged Ronnie alongside her car and was arrested on assault charges.

The cast is currently filming a second season of JSFV, and needless to say, Ronnie’s situation has complicated the production process.

Shooting began in Vegas, the city that both Ronnie and Jen currently call home.

For obvious reasons, this turned out to be a mistake.

Ronnie got in a fight on the second day of filming, forcing production to shut down for the day.

The operation has now relocated to the crew’s original stomping ground of Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

But according to a new report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Ronnie did not make the trip with the rest of the cast.

The situation has led to rumors that Ronnie was fired from the show due to his tumultuous relationship with Harley.

Sources have confirmed, however, that that’s not the case, and Ortiz-Magro is simply taking time to recover from injuries he suffered during the car dragging incident.

“His family flew there to be with him,” one insider told US Weekly.

“He’s recovering from his injuries. He was hurt pretty badly and needs the time to heal.”

Police determined that Ronnie was blameless in the incident, as he was attempting to get out of Harley’s car when she began to drive away.

“He asked [her to] pull over and let him out of the car,” the source told Us.

“She stopped, and Ronnie tried getting out and got caught in his seatbelt. Jen started driving away, dragging Ronnie…Ronnie’s face was bloodied and bruised, and he’s got a nasty road rash.”

Sounds like we’re in for another season of serious Ronnie drama, but fear not — there will be plenty of comic relief as well.

The Dirty Hamster herself, Angelina Pivarnick, was reportedly spotted touring Seaside with the rest of the guidos.

She’s not exactly a fan favorite, but we may need Angelina’s absurdity to help keep things light in future episodes.

Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up for what promises to be a drama-packed season.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Shahs of Sunset: Trailer Teases Drama, Loss, and a Wedding!

Shahs of Sunset is returning for its seventh dramatic season, and we have the trailer.

We already knew that Mercedes Javid married David Feight, but this video teases plenty of wedding drama. Also, other drama.

And some sadness. And a couple of fights, because hey, why not?

Shahs of sunset trailer 01

Before we get into MJ"s fun misadventures (and the sadness), let"s cover the roster.

First, the returning stars:

Reza Farahan, Mercedes "MJ" Javid, Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi and Mike Shouhed are all back.

And we"ll be seeing more of Destiney Rose, who is still a newbie on the series.

Then there"s the new cast member, Nema Vand, who describes himself as a "white-washed Persian." Hey, so long as he"s the one saying it, right?

Remember when we openly questioned if Asa Soltan Rahmati was done with the series?

She"s sticking around … but only in a recurring capacity. It happens.

Shahs of sunset trailer 02

The bride-to-be is very excited about her wedding to her long-time lover, but she is the first to acknowledge that she had once ruled it out entirely.

"Remember me?" MJ asks the camera. "The one who said never?"

In case you"ve forgotten, the trailer cuts to footage of MJ saying exactly what she thinks of marriage — a stressful and expensive prelude to divorce.

Clearly, she has now changed her tune.

"Guess what, mother f–kers?" She asks. Don"t worry — it"s rhetorical. "I’m getting married!"

She sure is!

While we knew that she tied the knot already, this trailer shows us that the wedding didn"t exactly go smoothly.

Shahs of sunset trailer 03

Meanwhile, Mike Shouhed has a heart-to-heart with his mother.

Sometimes, when others reach life milestones, you realize that your life hasn"t led where you had imagined that it would.

He laments that he is not married with children already, as that is where he believes that he should be at this point in his life.

(We"re guessing that he"s really regretting cheating right about now)

His mother assures him that he"ll find the right person in time.

Oh, speaking of major life decisions, Reza Aslan and his husband, Adam Neely, seem to have hit a bump in their relationship.

The trailer hints that these two are at odds over whether to have children — with Reza being against it.

But … we need to circle back to MJ.

The trailer certainly does.

Mercedes javid releases her fathers ashes

MJ"s lowest point in this trailer is dealing with her father"s death.

Unfortunately, that sorrow becomes almost comical — almost — as her attempt to scatter his ashes over the water goes awry.

The wind blows some of her father"s own remains back into her face, which is unpleasant on many levels. All levels, really.

Reza doesn"t take it well, either.

For the record, it is our understanding that Federal law prohibits any spreading of human remains along any coastlines unless you are three miles or more out at sea.

So … that"s another layer to this very uncomfortable scene.

Shahs of sunset trailer 04

MJ has more to do, by the way.

It looks like we"ll be seeing at least one fight between MJ and GG.

And then we get just a tease of some sort of mini-catastrophe at her wedding, which is every bride"s nightmare.

The trailer is punctuated perfectly by Reza"s "what happened?"

Shahs of Sunset is a gift, folks.

Usher and tameka raymond

Shahs of sunset trailer teases drama loss and a wedding

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jersey Shore Halts Filming In Vegas Due to Ronnie Magro-Jen Harley Drama

Oh, that Rahn. Will he ever stahp?

That’s likely the question on the mind of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s castmates today, as the Jersey Shore crew was forced to stop filming ahead of schedule due to ongoing drama between Ronnie and his baby mama, Jen Harley.

Until yesterday, the cast was in Las Vegas filming a second season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

The title isn’t terribly apt in Magro’s case, as Vegas is his home turf these days.

So it was a bad choice of locale for reasons that go beyond the irony of filming a show with “Shore” in the title in the middle of a landlocked state.

You see, if you’ve been watching the current season of JSFV, you know that Ron and Jen’s relationship isn’t the greatest.

During his time in South Beach, Ronnie cheated on Jen with a French woman who was unimaginatively dubbed “French Fry.”

But that was only the beginning of their problems.

Shortly after that episode aired, Ronnie accused Jen of cheating on him, in a wild Instagram rant in which he also called her a “c-m dumpster.”

In the weeks since, Harley and Ortiz-Magro broke up and got back together several times, so it should’ve come as no surprise to Shore producers when their relationship drama dominated the first few days of filming in Vegas.

Maybe that was the plan. Maybe the plan backfired.

Whatever the case, the plan was scrapped when — to use the parlance of Shore’s current season — Ron spiraled and quickly spun out of control.

Last week, Magro got in a fight with another guest at a Vegas hotel.

Just days later, MTV pulled the plug on filming in Vegas and sent the cast back to the Garden State.

“They cannot wait to get the hell out of the desert and be away from everything surrounding Ronnie and Jen,” a source close to production tells Radar Online.

The situation had apparently gotten so bad that the cast was considering holding an intervention in response to Ron’s self-destructive behavior.

“They are all adults now, and they cannot watch Ronnie destroy his life anymore,” says the insider.

Hey, the guy’s been fun to watch this season, but he’s a 32-year-old dad now. 

Maybe he should cool it on the Ron-Ron juice for a bit.


Monday, June 11, 2018

KUWTK Season 15: New Babies! New Drama! New Footage!

Things have really changed.

So says Kim Kardashian in the first trailer for new episodes of her family"s beloved/totally hated reality show.

And this may be the understatement of the century.

Since we last saw Kim and her siblings on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kylie Jenner has given birth to a baby.

Khloe Kardashian has also given birth to a baby.

And Tristan Thompson has been revealed as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cheater.

So, yes, as Kim notes above: Things have really changed. A lot.

But one thing has remained the same on Keeping Up with the Kardashians: The drama and the bond between sisters.

The latter, however, will be tested a bit on Season 15.

"Have you looked on the Internet? Do you see what people say about me compared to you?" a salty Kourtney asks Kendall Jenner at one point in the following trailer.

In promoting upcoming installments, meanwhile, Kim linked to this video and wrote:

"Probably our most rude argumentative fighting season we"ve ever had and I still hold my ground and am not backing down LOL."

Responded Khloe to this Tweet, in a Tweet of her own:

"You"ve turned into a f-cking savage."

Up until this point on the show, no one had even acknowledged that Kylie was expecting her first baby.

So fans are clearly anxious to see whether Stormi Webster or baby daddy Travis Scott will make appearances on Season 15.

Elsewhere, Kourtney will be dealing with all the drama surrounding Scott Disick and Sofia Richie; while eyes will remain keenly focused on poor Khloe and her future as a mother/girfriend of a cheater.

Will she stick by Thompson"s side?

Will new episodes give us an idea of what she is leaning toward doing?

"Sooner or later, you guys are gonna realize how much you all mean to one another," Kris Jenner notes in this preview, which promises that this season will take viewers "behind the headlines."

And, as always, there have been plenty of those when it comes to the Kardashians.

Ready to keep up with them once again?

Get your first look at Season 15 below!

Keeping up with the kardashians season 15 first dramatic look

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Divorce Drama Unfolds on Facebook!

Pretty much from the moment they got married, rumors of Jenelle Evans and David Eason getting divorced have been circulating non-stop.

And the couple has done much to encourage those reports, often engaging in public fights on social media.

Thus far, they"ve reconciled each time, but fans think their latest lovers" quarrel will lead to the Easons calling it quits.

Here"s what we know so far …

1. A Late-Night Spat

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

As is so often the case with these two, their latest fight took place very late at night.

2. An Odd Start

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

The fight began in unusual fashion, when fans noticed that both Jenelle and David had removed their relationship statuses from their Facebook profiles.

3. Facebook Shade

Jenelle eason david eason

The passive aggression continued from there, with Jenelle changing her cover photo from a picture of Eason to a picture of her with her kids.

4. Quick to Comment

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

“Nice! Make sure I’m not in the picture…That will make him mad!” Eason commented on the pic.

5. Back and Forth

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

Eason quickly deleted the comment, but he wasn’t done making his feelings known. Later, Jenelle posted a meme reading, “The better you treat her, the longer you keep her.”

6. Another Comment

Jenelle evans and david eason pic

David quickly commented, “Awwwe, too bad you’re not sweet to me.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

TMZ Live: Kate Spade Drinking & Depressed Over Separation Drama

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim Kardashian: Helps Free Imprisoned Grandma  Mira Sorvino Slams Harvey Weinstein  Whitney Houston: The $ 95,000 Bible Pam Anderson: Pardon WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange!


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Olivia Munn Finally Dishes on Aaron Rodgers Family Drama

It has been over a year since Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn split. They had been together for three years.

Time has passed. Aaron is dating again. And Olivia is opening up about what she knows about his family situation.

"I"ve kind of avoided speaking about him for a long time, but …"

As you"ll hear in the video below, Olivia Munn appeared on the SiriusXM show, Andy Cohen Live.

"I met one brother, the one who was on The Bachelorette. I was friendly with Jordan."

She sounds nervous to be addressing such a touchy subject.

"I met the parents only a couple of times."

Only a couple of times in three years? That … is more or less what we"ve expected, given all that we"ve heard.

"Before he and I started dating he had not spoken to one of the brothers and his parents for eight months."


While some rumors suggested that Aaron broke up with Olivia for his family"s sake, she says that, if anything, she encouraged them to be closer.

"My last day on ‘The Newsroom’ I spent my day in the trailer just encouraging him to have an open conversation with his parents."

And she says that it worked.

"And they had a really nice conversation and then they started coming out my first year in Green Bay in 2014."

She talks about how delicate the relationship between fame and the family can be.

"I do believe that family and fame and success can be really complicated if their dreams are connected to your success."

And there"s more than a little overlap between Aaron"s career and his family.

"They [the Rodgers family] are all into sports and Aaron is one of the best, if not the best, quarterbacks to play the game."

I"m not personally sure how to rank a quarterback or any professional athlete, but I"ll take her word for it.

"Their work has a direct connection to what he does."

Aaron"s father played football, as Olivia mentions, and now works as a sports chiropractor. 

"There’s a lot of complications."

She doesn"t spill every last detail.

"I don’t think either side of the road is clean."

While she"s not willing to say that either Aaron or his family are free of wrongdoing, she does ultimately pick a side.

"But I do think it’s not OK if you try to stand on someone’s shoulders then throw dirt in their face, that’s what I think."

It sounds like she"s Team Aaron, in the end.

In general, the conversation between Andy and Olivia was about complicated families and what changes when one of them is thrust into the spotlight as a celebrity.

It has been a widespread topic of conversation in recent weeks, given the Royal Wedding and Meghan Markle"s horrifying extended family.

(To be clear, MegMar"s mother is amazing)

Olivia talks about how there"s no real parallel to Aaron"s family troubles within her own family, because their worlds don"t collide.

She talks about her mother being a tiny Asian woman who exists totally outside of the sphere of Olivia"s work.

J.K. Rowling"s husband is a doctor.

Chris Evans" father is a dentist.

A lot of celebrities make it work with their families. But some, inevitably, cannot handle being thrust into the spotlight. It can bring out the worst in people.

it is so sweet to hear that Olivia tried to get Aaron and his family to mend fences.

Obviously, some people"s issues with their parents transcend family feuds; if someone is toxic or abusive, you have every right to cut them off.

it sounds like, in this case, the bad blood arose from a number of complicated factors.

As Aaron"s brother Jordan revealed on The Bachelorette:

"It’s just kind of the way he’s chosen to do life, and I chose to stay close with my family, my parents, and my brother."

That mess sounds too complicated to be fixed by any one person. Olivia included.

Hear her describe all of that and more in this video:

Olivia munn dishes on aaron rodgers family drama

Friday, May 11, 2018

Marcia Clark"s New Legal Drama TV Show "The Fix" Gets Picked Up by ABC

Marcia Clark just took a big step toward no longer just being known for a real-life legal drama … and making it big in Hollywood with a TV version instead. The famed O.J. Simpson prosecutor’s new show, “The Fix” — which has been described as…


Marcia Clark"s New Legal Drama TV Show "The Fix" Gets Picked Up by ABC

Marcia Clark just took a big step toward no longer just being known for a real-life legal drama … and making it big in Hollywood with a TV version instead. The famed O.J. Simpson prosecutor’s new show, “The Fix” — which has been described as…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Oprah Sued for Allegedly Ripping off TV Drama for "Greenleaf"

Oprah jacked the idea for a TV show about a powerful family and their megachurch and didn’t even try to hide it … according to a new suit. A screenwriter named Shannan Lynette Wynn and a pastor she teamed up with to create a TV drama called…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Pics While Khloe Deals With Cheating Drama

Right now, most of the Kardashian family has put a halt to their perpetual posting on social media. Why? Because Khloe Kardashian is in labor.

Oh, and she’s embroiled in a scandal because her baby daddy Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on her.

But unlike her sisters, Kylie Jenner keeps posting pics like nothing’s happening. What gives?

Kylie and Khloe have always been close, right?

Both of them found themselves being the subject of terrible jokes based upon their appearances years ago, in the early days of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

And both of them underwent radical body transformations that not only changed their looks and self esteems but revolutionized their brands.

These days, Khloe is known for her fitness obsession.

And Kylie is known for her epic curves and serious booty.

Kylie Jenner succinctly captioned this epic booty pic, shared on Wednesday, writing:

“Hump day.”


The next photo was taken in the same place but at a different angle.

This time, she’s advertising all of her curves … even though she is thoroughly covered from head to toe.

And speaking of “advertising,” she’s also showcasing Kylie Cosmetics, as she reveals in her captions:

“Wearing DOLCE matte lip today just in case you were wondering.”

Kylie looks great, but that’s not the issue.

Kourtney and Kim have both taken their endless barrage of bikini pics to a grinding halt.

Khloe is in labor with her first child.

Unlike most of the family, Khloe has been living out in Cleveland. That’s not a choice that many would make, but that’s where Tristan Thompson lives.

And Khloe thought that the two of them would be spending their lives together.

TMZ reports that Kris Jenner is already in Cleveland to be with Khloe while she goes through labor and gives birth. Kris is also likely there to console Khloe in the face of this horrible cheating scandal.

Kim and Kourtney are reportedly ready to fly out at a moment’s notice. For the birth of their niece, but also for the 

But … why isn’t Kylie focusing on Khloe?

One explanation may be that Kylie just can’t up and fly out to Cleveland, even if Khloe is giving birth right this minute.

Because Kylie has her own baby, Stormi Webster. Kim has a husband — and Chicago is her third child. Kylie is a first-time mom, and can’t like the idea of flying out without her baby.

(Khloe of course cannot fly at this stage of pregnancy, assuming that she hasn’t already given birth)

So maybe Kylie figures that, if she can’t be there for Khloe in person and doesn’t have any bags to pack, she might as well keep promoting her brand on social media.

There’s a more worrisome possible explanation, however.

Perhaps Kylie believes Khloe’s baby daddy when he claims that he never cheated on Khloe.

If so, she must figure that she shouldn’t stop posting to Instagram because of “fake news” about Khloe.

Let’s hope not, but we should remember that Kylie has displayed some worrisome naivete in recent years.

Honestly, you can see vapor trails in the sky under that booty pic, which reminds us that it was just a couple of years ago that Kylie would post “chemtrails” conspiracy theory material on social media.

So … yes, Kylie might be gullible enough to doubt multiple videos from multiple sources that appear to show Tristan Thompson cheating on a very pregnant Khloe Kardashian.

But we sure hope not. Kris, at least, should talk this out with her daughters.

And maybe Kylie had scheduled those posts but, if so, she might want to pausa the rollout of more posts for a day or two or she might come across looking insensitive to her sister’s plight.

But we’re sure that she cares about Khloe more than she cares about posting pics.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Gets in on Ryan Edwards Drug Drama, Slams Mackenzie Standifer!

Kailyn Lowry is on Teen Mom 2, obviously, but just like so many of us, she can"t seem to escape all that"s going on with the OG crew.

Which makes sense — there"s a whole, whole lot going on with those crazy kids.

For example, this week Ryan Edwards has provided us with enough drama to last a whole entire year, at least, with the news that he impregnated Mackenzie Standifer.

Which, of course, was followed swiftly with the news that he was arrested for violating his probation.

Like we said, there"s a lot going on, and with Kailyn throwing herself in the middle of it, there"s so much to discuss.

So let"s get right into it!

1. Unfortunate

Ryan edwards mug shot

So things aren’t going so great for Ryan Edwards right now, as you can probably tell by that new mug shot of his.

2. Tsk Tsk

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Earlier this week, Ryan was arrested at his home for violating his probation, because apparently at some point in time he was arrested for possession of heroin. He was just in jail for a few hours before being released on bail, and from over here, it looks pretty bad.

3. Hmmm …

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

But as Mackenzie explained in a statement, “everything is fine,” because the original arrest, the one for possession of heroin, happened last April, and as for what just happened, it was all planned because “part of his case was he had to be booked.”

4. Sure, Mackenzie

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Obviously that makes absolutely no sense at all — he was arrested for violating his probation, so why would that be part of the original plan? And if it WAS planned, why wouldn’t he surrender himself to police, why would they have to come to his house to arrest him? In what way is any of this fine?

5. Oh Girl …

Mackenzie standifer picture

It’s also odd because at the last Teen Mom OG reunion, Mackenzie claimed that she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until that fateful scene when he was nodding off on the drive to their wedding, which happened in May. So what, did she just miss his arrest the month before that? If you’re going to lie, Mack, at least try to come up with a decent story.

6. What is the Truth?!

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Also, a news station from Ryan’s hometown of Chattanooga reported that the original arrest for heroin happened on March 12th, so perhaps he’s not as sober as Mackenzie would like us to think.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott: Headed For Divorce Amidst Breakdown Drama?!

It’s been a rough week for troubled actress and heiress Tori Spelling.

It all started when Spelling suffered a breakdown at her home in Encino over the weekend.

At first, it was reported that Spelling was hospitalized in connection with the breakdown, but now, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

While police were called to the scene and neighbors reported that “several units” arrived at the home Spelling shares with husband Dean McDermott, it now appears that she’s remained at home in the days since the incident.

There’s been a good deal of speculation about the cause of Spelling’s breakdown, but thus far, the mother of five has remained tight-lipped on the matter.

But it seems hasn’t been quite as concerned with Tori’s privacy.

Several insiders have spoken to media outlets, and accounts concur that Tori was driven to the point of mental collapse primarily by stress related to her dire financial situation and her crumbling marriage.

“Tori and Dean have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for the past six weeks,” a family insider claimed.

“Things have been very bad at home between them.”

It seems Dean’s desire to put some distance between himself and Tori is so profound that he’s willing to forego the luxury of a bed:

“Tori has been sleeping in the master bedroom, while Dean sleeps on the floor in one of their son’s rooms,” says the insider.

“He just doesn’t even want to be near Tori!”

To hear the source tell it, the main issue driving the couple apart is money.

The couple’s worsening financial situation has been well-documented over the course of the past year.

Spelling has been sued by creditors, and McDermott’s unpaid child support to the mother of his first son nearly landed the actor behind bars.

Or perhaps we should say “former actor.”

Yes, it seems Dean’s recent lack of work is one of the main reasons the couple is so destitute.

In fact, Tori believes the blame for her current woes rests primarily with Dean.

“Tori has had enough of Dean’s moaning about not being a working actor,” says the source.

“Yes, Dean is involved in taking care of their kids, but he needs to step up and be the provider.”

Hm … so now that’s two wives in a row who believe Dean is a deadbeat.

At a certain point, you sort of stop wondering if he’s beeing demonized unfairly.
