Showing posts with label Swirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swirl. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Mocks Male Lingerie as Indictment Rumors Swirl

You would think that Donald Trump, Jr. would have bigger things on his mind, like his rumored engagement to Kimberly Guilfoyle or the mounting likelihood that he will be indicted.

Instead, he seems preoccupied by what kind of underwear other men are wearing.

We’re not kidding — he’s actually tweeting about it.

Okay, so this is what happened.

HommeMystere is a lingerie brand based in Queensland, Australia.

Their products include lacy undergarments designed specifically for men

The Daily Mirror ran a story on the products, discussing how some straight men wear those clothes in the bedroom with their wives or girlfriends.

Instead of just noting that the product exists like a normal person, Don Jr. decided to discuss it with his Twitter followers.

Donald Trump Jr lingerie tweet

“Maybe on Halloween or if you lose a bet really badly…” Don Jr.’s tweet reads, suggesting when he thought that such attire would be appropriate.

(Lingerie on its own is not normally considered an appropriate Halloween outfit. Just a friendly PSA)

“Ah who am I kidding,” he continues. “Not even then.”

He then asks a strange question: “Who is pushing this garbage?”

In real life, we know that the product exists because there’s a market for it. We know that Don Jr. is no business expert, but surely he understands that people create goods to sell to customers.

We’re never going to accuse Don Jr. of being some sort of master strategist, but it may be that this tweet is his version of a calculated move.

A lot of Trump’s base, rather than focusing on his lack of accomplishments, instead focuses on what they view as the alternative to Trump.

In the minds of many parts of his base, Trump is mostly just a symbol of very hardline definitions of masculinity and identity.

If he aimed to rile up Trump’s most ardent, insecure supporters, then he was successful.

“Of course it is!” one of his followers tweeted. “Nothing like a bit of deliberate identity-eroding agenda pushing in the MSM these days…every day. S–t like this is why [Trump] won.”

He might feel pressured to remind his base what the alleged alternative to his father is because, well, Don Jr. might get indicted soon.

Manafort was convicted on 8 counts. Michael Cohen flipped on Trump and agreed to a plea deal that includes prison time.

As more and more people in Trump’s orbit are targets of Mueller’s investigation, rumors swirl that Don Jr. may be one of the next dominoes to fall.

Is he afraid that he’ll face consequences for his actions for the first time in his life?

Some wonder if he is even aware of that he is in the crosshairs of justice. Others think that all of this speculation about “who’s next” is just wishful thinking.

Don Jr. being a jerk about what other people do in the bedroom is pretty standard for him. The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

It sounds like, if Kimberly Guilfoyle secretly harbors a kink of seeing her man all dolled up in lace, she’ll be sorely disappointed.

Or maybe not — if someone like Don Jr. were to do anything of the sort, he might feel a need to … what’s the opposite of virtue signaling? Malice signaling? … mock it online.

(Like your friend who says “who likes that kink” very loudly on social media and then, six months later, confides in you that they, in fact, like that kink)

But whatever Don Jr. does in the privacy of his bedroom is none of our business.

But if what he does is illegal, then it may become Robert Mueller’s business in the not-so-distant future.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Miley Cyrus-Liam Hemsworth Breakup Rumors Swirl Amidst Instagram Drama

If you love Miley Cyrus to the point that you follow all the social media fan pages devoted to all the latest gossip on the singer’s personal life, then you may have caught wind of a startling rumor over the weekend.

Several such outlets breathlessly exclaimed that Miley and Liam Hemsworth have broken up yet again.

And this time, they claimed, their source was not some bogus insider, but Miley herself, who seemed to have broken the news on her Instagram page.

If you read beyond the headlines, however, you may have found that while Cyrus has engaged in some very unusual activity on social media recently, it would require quite a leap in logic to conclude that she’s trying to send a low-key message about her love life.

Yes, Miley deleted every photo of Liam Hemsworth from her Instagram page.

But she also deleted all other content from her account and changed her profile pic to a plain black background.

Miley also blacked out her Twitter avatar, but she did not delete her tweets.

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why some fans would take this is a sign that something is amiss in Miley’s personal life.

But in all likelihood, the move has more to do with her professional life.

It appears that Miley is participating in a recent and somewhat annoying trend in self-promotion.

You see, lately, celebs have been drumming up interest in upcoming projects not by teasing their new work with tweets and Instagram pics, but by deleting (or archiving) all of the content on their pages.

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik have both taken that approach to drumming up interest in upcoming releases.

Back in April, rumors of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds getting divorced began to circulate non-stop as a result of Blake’s decision to remove all content from her Instagram page and unfollow her husband.

It was later revealed that Blake did all this to promote the release of her upcoming film A Simple Favor.

Miley Cyrus: Blank IG

(Side note: that movie still hasn’t come out yet, so we’re thinking Blake jumped the gun a bit in terms of promotional stunts.)

Not surprisingly, Miley fans are losing their minds trying to figure out what’s next for the eccentric songstress:

“The fact that she’s [deleting] all her 2013-14 posts already and is still deleting is HUGE. We are getting a proper era? Building hype?” one Cyrus enthusiast tweeted.

Yes, the world of mainstream pop music stans is a fascinating one.

Only in 2018 could a 25-year-old artist with only 5 non-Disney studio albums to her name be credited as the architect of multiple musical “eras.”

But hey, you’ve gotta hand it to her — if Miley’s goal was to drum up interest in her new music, mission accomplished!


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Usher Bisexual Rumors Swirl Around New, Herpes-Related Lawsuit

Three new people have come out and accused Usher of having sexual contact with them while he was infected with Herpes.

These three people allege that the singer never informed them of his condition.

And one of them is a man.

Late last month, court documents surfaced that detailed how an unnamed sexual partner sued Usher back in 2012 after the pair engaged in “rigorous unprotected sex,” without the artist informing this woman of his Herpes diagnosis.

After she developed her own symptoms and doctors diagnosed the victim with the same sexually transmitted disease. Usher finally admitted that he had acquired Herpes a few years prior.

(It is possible for one to carry Herpes and pass it along, even after one’s own symptoms are cured; it’s an infection that never truly goes away once you have it.)

Usher eventually settled this lawsuit for $ 1.1 million.

After news of this lawsuit hit the Internet, another woman sued Usher for $ 10 million.

She says she also slept with the star after he contracted Herpes, yet was never told by the singer that he had this disease.

She only learned of it after reading about the first lawsuit.

Now, the scandal has exploded even further.

According to TMZ, two women and one man are set to file new legal documents that claim Usher exposed them to his STD.

Lisa Bloom, the same lawyer who represented Blac Chyna amidst her revenge porn case against Rob Kardashian, says she’ll file a lawsuit on Monday in California.

She will then hold a new conference in New York City to correspond with the filing.

One of the accusers will appear at the news conference.

The two others will remain anonymous, appear in the lawsuits as Jane Doe and John Doe.

The attorney says all three individuals allege to have had sexual contact with Usher after 2012, adding that he failed to warn them he allegedly had Herpes.

Naturally, rumors of Usher’s sexuality has been circulating online ever since users discovered that a man was joining other women in this sort of lawsuit.

Usher is yet to respond to any of these accusations.

He was once married to Tameka Foster, who has denied ever being diagnosed with Herpes and who says she is perfectly healthy; and is now married to Grace Miguel.

Sources have said Miguel is sticking by her husband throughout this scandal.

She has no plans to leave him.
