Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Diddy Had Unbreakable Bond with Kim Porter Even After Breakup

Diddy is destroyed over the death of his ex, Kim Porter … because even though they broke up years ago they were still a very tight family.  Sources close to Diddy say he never stopped interacting with Kim, despite breaking up way back in…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Shawn Booth Breaks Silence on Kaitlyn Bristowe Breakup: I"m in Agony

They were one of the couples that seemed to have beaten the odds, but Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn Bristowe are over.

Now, Shawn is opening up to fans with a heartfelt message.

He’s thanking them for their support — over the years and now, as he experiences real emotional pain.

Shawn Booth took to Instagram to deliver a heartfelt message about his not-so-secret breakup with Kaitlyn Bristowe.

“I just want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of my relationship with Kaitlyn over the years,” he writes.

After nearly three years together, the couple accrued a lot of fans.

“You’ve made me feel incredibly special,” he shares.

Shawn continues, noting that fans have made him feel “supported, and very loved.”

“So from the bottom of my heart,” Shawn continues. “Thank you.”

Shawn writes: “It truly means a lot.”

He’s thanking fans for more than just their support during the relationship.

Shawn appreciates the outpouring of respect that has flowed from the Bachelor Nation following their split.

“And,” Shawn says. “Thank you to everyone who has sent their love & support during this painful time.”

He gushes: “I love you guys.”

According to a recent report by People, Shawn isn’t the only one feeling heartbroken.

Kaitlyn’s in the same boat.

“This was the last thing Kaitlyn wanted,” and insider reveals.

According to the source: “she was willing to fight for the relationship.”

Ultimately, however, she and Shawn realized that they had lost their forward momentum.

“But,” the insider laments. “There was nowhere for it to go.”

“It’s only natural to think about the next steps when you’ve been together for three years,” the source explains.

“Kaitlyn,” the insider says. “Wants to be married and have kids.”

“But,” the source notes. “It didn’t seem like they were on the same page.”

Kaitlyn is two years older than Shawn. She is 33, he is 31.

Did that slight age difference make her the one who wanted to settle down first?

Fans cannot help but wonder.

Despite this key difference, the report says that neither of them simply quit on the other.

“It wasn’t one of them who broke things off,” the source reports.

In other words, it sounds like this painful decision to break up after nearly three years together was mutual.

According to the insider, Kaitlyn and Shawn are still “on good terms.”

That is great. But Kaitlyn is not doing so well internally, apparently.

“She’s devastated,” the source reports.

“There is a lot of hurt,” the insider says.

The source notes that “Kaitlyn tried to make it work.”

“She never thought this would end,” the insider concludes.

The hardest thing about relationships is that they inevitably end, one way or the other.

After three years of engagement, Shawn and Kaitlyn still have their memories of happiness, at least.

In time, those should be a source of comfort as the reasons for their conflict fade.

Who knows? Maybe they’ll even get back together, though we don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

Only time will tell.


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Ariana Grande vs. Pete Davidson: Whose Side Should You Take In This Ugly Breakup?

From the very beginning, many of us predicted that the Ariana Grande-Pete Davidson romance wouldn"t last very long.

But even the most skeptical among us never thought it would flame out this quickly and in such spectacular fashion.

Not only have Pete and Ariana broken up just months after announcing their engagement, it seems they"re now venting their frustrations with one another publicly — Davidson through his comedy, and Grande via indignant tweets.

It"s a messy situation that gets more confusing with each new piece of information that comes to light.

But fear not, reformed Grandson "shippers, your friends at The Hollywood Gossip are here to help you make sense of this increasingly bitter breakup:

1. Downhill Fast

Ariana grande and pete davidson at the vmas

Pete and Ariana’s relationship went from storybook romance to petty feud faster than you can say “Piggy Smallz.”

2. Surprise After Non-Surprise

Ariana grande on pete davidson

The breakup itself didn’t come as much of a shock. After all, couples who move as quickly as Pete and Ari tend to favor intensity over longevity.

3. A Bitter Split

Ariana grande with pete davidson

Fans were caught off-guard, however, when it became clear that Pete and Ariana did not part ways on amicable terms.

4. A Reversal of Opinion

Pete davidson takes on kanye west

Ariana stans who were previously head-over-heels for both Pete Davidson and “pete davidson” (Grande’s song paying tribute to her then-boyfriend) now found themselves seething with rage toward the SNL comic.

5. Keeping Mum

Ariana grande and pete davidson affection

At first, Pete and Ariana kept the details of their split on the down-low. Now, however, the truth is out — and it’s unpleasant.

6. Getting Ugly

Pete davidson jokes about ariana grande breakup

On a promo for this week’s episode of SNL, Davidson made a joke about his short-lived relationship with Grande.

View Slideshow

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halsey Hosts Halloween Party With Gotham City Villains Theme Post Breakup With G-Eazy

Halsey looks like she’s doing just fine post-breakup with G-Eazy … having the time of her life at her annual Halloween bash.  As you can see, Halsey went with a Gotham City villains theme … dressing as Poison Ivy. She danced the…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

G-Eazy And Halsey Breakup Again

G-Eazy and Halsey are calling it quits on their relationship … again.  The on-again, off-again couple are breaking up for the second time in just over 3 months. The breakup is social media official … they stopped following eachother on IG.…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cassie Ventura Shades Diddy on Social Media After Breakup

The on-again, off-again romance between Cassie Ventura and Diddy seemed like it would never end. 

Now, however, it seems that they’re off-again for good (for now). 

And Cassie has something to say about it — in the form of a cryptic message that she posted to Instagram.

Cassie and Diddy used to break up all of the time.

One time their breakup resulted in the police being called after Diddy ran off to snoop through Cassie’s phone, but they got back together.

Now, though, it looks like they’re on the outs.

In fact, Diddy is dating again.

He was reportedly spotted with model Jocelyn Chew at Drake and Migos’ concert in Los Angeles less than two weeks ago.

It appears that Cassie doesn’t care for that at all.

Cassie Ventura ig f these hoes censored

Taking to Instagram, she shared a message that many perceived to be a jab at Diddy.

Or, more precisely, it may be a jab at any woman who might appear on his arm or flock to try to date him after this final split.

“F–k these hoes,” Cassie shared.

Of course, it may be that she was just sharing a post directed at no one in particular, or very vaguely at people she doesn’t like.

(Like when any Millennail or Gen Z person participates in that “it’s over for you hoes” meme)

Naturally, a lot of her fans and followers connected her words with Diddy and their still recent split.

Cassie and Diddy have been romantically linked since 2007, but went public with their romance in 2012.

Either way, that is a very long time to be entangled.

According to a report by People, this split didn’t leave the two of them on bad terms.

“The decision was amicable and they remain friends,” the insider says.

Remaining friends is well and good, but sometimes those bitter feelings rise up when the other party moves on.

“Cassie is going to focus on her music and acting career,” the source reports.

Reports say that, all appearances to the contrary, Diddy is still single.

We don’t expect either Cassie or Diddy to directly comment on this.

They were famously reluctant to speak on their relationship while they were together, so we don’t expect that to change post-split.

But there are little signs that may indicate that there’s more animosity than sources are willing to disclose.

For example, Cassie has unfollowed Diddy on Instagram.

That could point to bad blood … or to her disinterest in seeing her famous ex’s face pop up on her social media.

So far, all that we really know is that their breakup is confirmed. That’s it.

But consider that Cassie gave Diddy the best years of her life — she is believed to have dated him from her early twenties and she is now 32.

With that in mind, it is easy to imagine that there may be some resentments, even if they are never voiced publicly.

In the mean time, fans and followers are going to read into every little move that either of them make — in real life and on social media.

We think that Cassie probably knows that.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kevin Wendt on Astrid Loch Breakup: Sorry, I"m the Worst!

After watching Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon"s engagement happen right in front of him, Kevin Wendt remained in Paradise … for a little while.

This week, he broke up with Astrid, catching her totally off guard. The two of them went home.

Now, they"ve both taken to social media to address the breakup and how fans have responded.

Astrid loch annoyed

If you"ve already seen this week"s Bachelor in Paradise recap, you know that Kevin Wendt totally blindsided Astrid Loch by breaking up with her.

The one thing that she had asked him to not do to her was to catch her off guard and embarrass her like that.

The two of them were about to get to do a fantasy date when Kevin got caught up in his feelings and confessed that there was something missing from their relationship.

He rambled about how their lifestyles are different and brought up bad experiences with fantasy dates in the past.

It … was not fun for him, it was less fun for Astrid, and it left Bachelor Nation viewers cringing.

Kevin wendt on the beach

Astrid and Kevin went home.

Now that the episode aired, Kevin is free to comment on it. And he"s had all of the time since the breakup was filmed to reflect upon that moment.

"My own worst enemy," Kevin admits in the caption of a photo of him on the beach in front of the sunset. "Me."

He also shared another photo of him and Astrid, definitely no longer in paradise.

"Real life," he writes in the caption. "Real people."

Astrid loch and kevin wendt

"06.21.18," Astrid"s own post on the subject begins.

"The longest day of the year," she writes. "And my favorite day in Mexico."

The photo beside this caption is of her with Kevin"s head draped in her lap.

"I’ll never forget watching this sunset and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world," Astrid says.

Astrid concludes: "This is how I’ll always remember paradise."

Kevin wendt and astrid loch

Astrid also addressed her fans on Twitter.

"Love you all…" her tweet begins, addressing the outpouring of sympathy and emotional support that she had received from the Bachelor Nation.

"if you wanna make me feel better," she suggests. "Follow me in Instagram so I can at least make money on ads."

That is incredibly honest and a little funny. And, you know, she has a point.

Breakups are rough, but it sounds like she"s going to be okay.

Ashley iaconetti and jared haibon pic

Some fans have been speculating that Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon"s proposal in Paradise may have weighed heavily upon Kevin"s mind.

We"re not suggesting that he broke up with Astrid to try to woo Ashley back, of course.

But seeing your fairly recent ex get engaged right in front of you can really make an impact.

(We all saw Kevin"s face as he responded to that, right?)

Doubts can fester and insecurities can mount. We hope that Kevin"s head and heart are in a better place now.

Kevin wendt admits hes his own worst enemy after astrid loch bre

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Partying Non-Stop Following Younes Bendjima Breakup?

Depending on which source you believe, it’s been either three months or three weeks since Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima broke up.

Basically, it sounds like the couple was on and off all summer and finally called it quits for good sometime in August.

Whatever the case, these two are now officially dunzo.

We’ve heard the obligatory rumors of Kourtney and Younes getting back together, but the consensus among those who know them best seems to be that the relationship has run its course.

But just because both parties agree that its best if they move on without one another, that doesn’t mean the process has been easy.

In fact, insiders are now telling Radar Online that Kourtney has been relying on a number of unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope with her latest breakup.

And it seems family and friends are concerned that the mother of three may be endangering her life.

“Instead of focusing on her family like she should be, Kourtney is just partying non-stop,” a source tells the outlet.

The insider didn’t go into any detail regarding the nature of Kourt’s partying, but it seems the reality star has had a difficult time getting over the relationship, in large part due to her confused feelings toward Younes.

Sources say she suspects her ex of cheating on her and knows that the relationship was not healthy — but she still feels drawn to the young male model in a way that she finds difficult to define.

“Younes did her dirty on so many occasions and she knows it,” the source says.

“The fact that she still continues to hang out with him infuriates her sisters.”

But while Kourtney continues to seek closure by spending time with Younes, she’s reportedly well aware that getting back together with him would be a disastrous decision.

“She is torn between love and what she knows is right,” the insider claims.

“She is not thinking with a clear head right now.”

Unfortunately, it seems those closest to Kourtney are growing increasingly frustrated with her inability to definitively cut ties with Younes.

“She is just feeling really desperate right now and it does not look good on her,” says the source.

Sounds like Kourt’s carrying on the proud Kardashian tradition of being irresistibly drawn to awful men.

If anyone should understand, it’s her sisters.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ben Affleck Confirms Breakup With Lindsay Shookus

Well, folks, it looks like everyone’s favorite SNL power couple has called it quits.

No, not Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande. No, not Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson. Okay, maybe “everyone’s favorite” was a bit of an exaggeration …

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus

There, that’s the one.

Yes, after just over a year of dating, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up.

Rumblings of a split began over the weekend, when Affleck was spotted on a date with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model.

And today, reps for the actor confirmed that he and Shookus have decided to go their separate ways.

Ben and Shookus

“They are still very amicable and have stayed friends,” a source tells E! News.

“They both tried to make it work, but the distance just proved to be too much for them right now,” the insider adds.

“Family comes first for them both.”

Yes, it’s the usual boilerplate nonsense, and as expected, it isn’t fooling anyone.

We all know what really happened here. 

And it’s exactly what we all predicted from the very start of this relationship:

Lindsay is a smart, successful career woman in her late thirties.

She has a child, and those who know her best hold her in high esteem, both as a mom and a TV producer.

She makes sense as a partner for a rich, divorced dad in his mid-forties.

Which is exactly why Ben had to kick her to the curb.

Look, on a long enough timeline, Affleck is eventually gonna Affleck.

He probably woke up one day and remembered that he’s Batman and could easily be banging Playboy models in their early twenties.

Then he went out and did exactly that — possibly getting hammered first in celebration of his newfound freedom.

We all know a guy like Ben:

He recognizes that he needs to change, and he makes occasional half-hearted attempts at progress, but those are quickly abandoned in favor of the behaviors that keep dragging him down.

We suppose it’s to his credit that he keeps trying, but maybe he should sort some things out by himself before he enters another serious relationship.

Poor Lindsay probably never knew that she was more attractive to Ben as an idea than as a person.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Try to Bury Breakup Rumors with PDA Pic

In a little over a week, sweet baby Stormi Webster will turn 6 months old. Yes, really.

In the mean time, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott just had their GQ cover, but they’re not limiting their PDA to magazines. They’re also cozying up on social media.

After rumors of the two breaking up after a massive fight, this may be an effort to silence those stories.

Kylie Jenner used her social media savvy to build her brand — and an (almost) billion-dollar makeup empire.

But Travis Scott is no stranger to social media. He even still uses Snapchat!

And it was on Snapchat that the rapper shared a cuddly PDA photo of him with Kylie.

The black-and-white photo is simply captioned “first ferdi.”

While Ferdi can be short for Ferdinand, in this context, it is simply slang for “a very cute-ass boy.” We’re not joking.

Kylie Jenner Cuddles with Travis Scott on Snapchat

Recently, Kylie and Travis were reportedly in a heated argument.

It was said to have started while the two were having dinner, with the young couple leaving dinner in a huff after only 45 minutes.

According to eyewitnesses, the situation seemed to have deteriorated further once they returned to the hotel room, because Travis apparently left the hotel room in a hurry.

In fact, it was even speculated that Kylie had kicked Travis out for the night, but that was purely speculation.

A lot of people have felt that the couple who conceived just weeks after they began dating and whom many believe are only together because of Stormi are just not a great match.

So, are they trying (and failing) to make it work just to remain together for Stormi’s sake?

As part of her interview for their recent GQ cover, Kylie wrote that it is “normal” for them to get “in a little fight” from time to time

“When we fight, it’s usually just because we’ve been away from each other for too long and we didn’t see each other for, like, two weeks,” Kylie explains.

That sounds pretty toxic. Isn’t absence supposed to make the heart grow fonder?

“And we have Stormi now,” Kylie says. “And I can’t travel with her. She’s too young. So it’s harder to see each other.”

So, usually, Kylie stays at home with Stormi while Travis goes on tour to rap, and apparently to do his best DoodleBob impression.

If this very normal dynamic between the two of them is really causing them to fight, then it probably speaks to deeper, underlying issues, right?

We don’t know what these arguments are about on the surface.

But couples who argue a lot — and we cannot stress enough that, no matter what you saw or heard on teen dramas, that is not healthy — tend to have unspoken reasons for disagreements.

Maybe it’s just Kylie missing Travis or vice-versa.

Or maybe it’s Kylie resenting that her life has been totally transformed while Travis goes on tour whenever he wants to.

Kylie continues to avoid showing her baby’s face in order to punish fans who made up rumors about her having a different baby daddy.

Being a celebrity and a parent can lead to a lot of difficult choices, including how much exposure — if any — a baby should receive.

But Kylie and Travis may feel, as many fans believe, that they are obligated to stay together for Stormi’s sake.

Being a parent comes with a host of obligations, but staying in a toxic relationship is not one of them.

Sure, this sweet, cuddly photo that they shared might mean that they’ve made nice … but, realistically, how long is that going to last?


Monday, July 16, 2018

G-Eazy Dodges Questions About Halsey Breakup

G-Eazy is taking the silent route when it comes to his failed relationship with singer Halsey. We got Gerald at LAX Sunday where he looked like he was in a chipper mood until our camera guy started asking about his ex. The two broke up abruptly a…


G-Eazy Dodges Questions About Halsey Breakup

G-Eazy is taking the silent route when it comes to his failed relationship with singer Halsey. We got Gerald at LAX Sunday where he looked like he was in a chipper mood until our camera guy started asking about his ex. The two broke up abruptly a…


Miley Cyrus-Liam Hemsworth Breakup Rumors Swirl Amidst Instagram Drama

If you love Miley Cyrus to the point that you follow all the social media fan pages devoted to all the latest gossip on the singer’s personal life, then you may have caught wind of a startling rumor over the weekend.

Several such outlets breathlessly exclaimed that Miley and Liam Hemsworth have broken up yet again.

And this time, they claimed, their source was not some bogus insider, but Miley herself, who seemed to have broken the news on her Instagram page.

If you read beyond the headlines, however, you may have found that while Cyrus has engaged in some very unusual activity on social media recently, it would require quite a leap in logic to conclude that she’s trying to send a low-key message about her love life.

Yes, Miley deleted every photo of Liam Hemsworth from her Instagram page.

But she also deleted all other content from her account and changed her profile pic to a plain black background.

Miley also blacked out her Twitter avatar, but she did not delete her tweets.

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why some fans would take this is a sign that something is amiss in Miley’s personal life.

But in all likelihood, the move has more to do with her professional life.

It appears that Miley is participating in a recent and somewhat annoying trend in self-promotion.

You see, lately, celebs have been drumming up interest in upcoming projects not by teasing their new work with tweets and Instagram pics, but by deleting (or archiving) all of the content on their pages.

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik have both taken that approach to drumming up interest in upcoming releases.

Back in April, rumors of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds getting divorced began to circulate non-stop as a result of Blake’s decision to remove all content from her Instagram page and unfollow her husband.

It was later revealed that Blake did all this to promote the release of her upcoming film A Simple Favor.

Miley Cyrus: Blank IG

(Side note: that movie still hasn’t come out yet, so we’re thinking Blake jumped the gun a bit in terms of promotional stunts.)

Not surprisingly, Miley fans are losing their minds trying to figure out what’s next for the eccentric songstress:

“The fact that she’s [deleting] all her 2013-14 posts already and is still deleting is HUGE. We are getting a proper era? Building hype?” one Cyrus enthusiast tweeted.

Yes, the world of mainstream pop music stans is a fascinating one.

Only in 2018 could a 25-year-old artist with only 5 non-Disney studio albums to her name be credited as the architect of multiple musical “eras.”

But hey, you’ve gotta hand it to her — if Miley’s goal was to drum up interest in her new music, mission accomplished!


Amy Roloff Breaks Silence on Chris Marek Breakup Rumors

A couple of weeks ago, Little People, Big World star Amy Roloff actually defended her ex-husband, Matt Roloff. Things between the two of them seemed better.

But ever since boyfriend Chris Marek was conspicuously absent from her Fourth of July photos, fans have worried that things between Amy and her love are worse.

Fortunately, Amy has found a gentle way to lay those rumors to rest.

“This guy!” Amy Roloff writes under this cozy photo of her with Chris, quashing breakup rumors without ever having to acknowledge them.

Amy’s post continues, as she gushes: “What a fun time at his family reunion picnic yesterday!”

Attending a family reunion with someone is usually a big deal — if you’re both adults, anyway. It’s like a magnified version of introducing someone to your parents.

“Yes they loved my Oregon Bounty,” Amy writes. “Marion Berry loaf and Hazelnut cookies and Lemon cookies from Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen.”

If you don’t love Amy Roloff at her shameless product placement on social media, you don’t deserve her the rest of the time.

“Woohoo!” Amy says. “I was excited about that and being with him.”

“So excited for you,” one fan commented. “You found a very nice person. Your family is awesome.”

“So cute what a great couple!” another fan exclaimed. “You guys look great!”

Someone else decided to ask an impertinent question, writing: “Will you guys get married?”

Don’t be pushy, folks.

“Love the fact that ure much happier now. Best of luck. Been watching the series for years,” another fan commented.

Some fans also wrote to Amy that her description of the food that she brought to his reunion really sounded appetizing.

Amy has international fans, and some asked if her products were available in the UK or in Australia. We’re sure that she was heartened to see these messages.

Others offered some unsolicited advice on how Amy should get along with Matt and let go of her anger.

That’s all fine and well … if she asks for your opinion. If you’re not her friend or her therapist, what business do you have giving her life advice?

It seems that, no matter what Amy does, some commenters will never be satisfied.

Just because two people are dating doesn’t mean that they have to attend every single event together or be in every photo together.

For reference, see: what your parents told you when you wanted to bring a date on your family vacation in high school.

So Chirs didn’t have to appear in pics with Amy on Independence Day. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love Amy — or America.

If Amy had addressed the rumors, that would have seemed confrontational to fans — and might have seemed to lend legitimacy to them.

Instead, Amy just found a way to shut them down without addressing them.

And she included a little product integration in the process.

Fans are happy to see Amy with Chris for a lot of reasons — and some of them just didn’t like Matt. Or, at least, they didn’t like the way that he treated her.

We all recently saw Matt portray Amy as being dumb, so that kind of insulting behavior is fresh on the minds of fans.

Of course, there are also some trolls who like to give Amy a hard time about her relationshipw ith Chris.

They seem to be “convinced” that Chris is just using Amy for fame.

The reality is probably that these trolls are suspicious of a man who would date a little person because they are projecting their own bigotry onto him.

We’re glad to hear that Amy and Chris had a good time at the reunion.


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Halsey Breaks Down During Concert After Breakup with G-Eazy

Halsey broke down — sort of — during a performance Friday night, and given the song it has all the markings of an emotional toll taken by her breakup with G-Eazy. Halsey performed at the Common Ground Music Festival in Lansing, Michigan, and…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Chris Hardwick and Chloe Dykstra Texts Show She Wanted to Reconcile After Breakup

Chris Hardwick severed ties with Chloe Dykstra in a lengthy text chronicling major issues in their relationship, and she pleaded to talk to him afterward to no avail … even months later. According to the text messages — obtained by TMZ — Chris…


Chris Hardwick and Chloe Dykstra Texts Show She Wanted to Reconcile After Breakup

Chris Hardwick severed ties with Chloe Dykstra in a lengthy text chronicling major issues in their relationship, and she pleaded to talk to him afterward to no avail … even months later. According to the text messages — obtained by TMZ — Chris…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Hints Strongly at Tristan Thomspon Break-Up

That’s it! We can finally call it!

The relationship between Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson is finally, mercifully over.

At least we think this is something that could happen in the near future.

The reality star kind of spoken out on her turbulent and controversial romance with the basketball player, leaving a quote on her Instagram account that appears to address their future.

And if you interpret this quote as we do, then it’s a bleaker future than the one Thompson’s Cavs face in the NBA Playoffs, as they try to rally from a three games to two deficit.

“Something you’ve been praying for is about to happen for you,” Khloe says in this message, adding:

“You’ve had enough lessons. You’ve been patient long enough.

“You’ve remained strong though many trials and challenges. Nothing broke you. You’re still here standing strong.

“Now is the time for you to start receiving.”

Let’s break these lines down one-by-one, shall we?

Something Khloe has been praying for is about to happen.

Such as… the break-up from the man who was caught cheating on her in April with multiple women?

You’ve had enough lessons. You’ve been patient long enough.

Such as… Khloe was cheated on by ex-husband Lamar Odom and now by Thompson and the time for learning from these hardships is over and having the patience to see if these men will change is a useless exercise?

You’ve remained strong though many trials and challenges. Nothing broke you. You’re still here standing strong.

Such as… Khloe has kept her head up and kept a positive attitude, despite this infidelity taking place while she was pregnant, and she’s still here. Stronger than ever before.

Now is the time for you to start receiving.

Such as… screw giving second and third and fourth chances. It’s time to put myself first for a change!

Over the past few weeks, contrasting reports have filled the Internet when it comes to Tristan and Khloe.

There’s an insider who alleges Kardashian wants to marry Thompson still, along with sources telling Us Weekly that the stars are “fully back together.”

(And it’s true that Khloe and Thompson were spotted at lunch a few weeks ago, and also that she attended one of his basketball games shortly afterward.)

But then there are claims that Khloe is preparing to leave Cleveland in the near future and settle in back in Los Angeles with her daughter, presumably without Thompson.

It’s hard to know where things stand at the moment.

Tristan will have a lot more time to spend with his baby mama and his second child if/when the Cavs get eliminated from the playoffs.

Will this be a good thing for the relationship because he and Khloe will have a chance to sit and actually has things out?

Or a terrible thing because seeing Thompson’s cheating face will just make Kardashian angrier and angrier on a daily basis?

We really have no idea.

But if you analyze Kardashian’s Instagram Story message above like we did, this romance has about as much of a chance of working out in the long run as LeBron James has us being on the Cavs next season.

Perhaps it’s time for Khloe and LeBron to both move on.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Matt Roloff Breaks Silence on Caryn Chandler Break-Up Rumors

Matt Roloff is very sorry, ladies.

He has some news to break that you may find to be unfortunate.

And that is this: The Little People, Big World star is not single and, therefore, is not ready to mingle.

Fans across the Internet have been wondering about Roloff’s relationship status for several days now, ever since he news broke that Caryn Chandler is no longer employed by Roloff Farms.

For those unaware, Caryn is Matt’s girlfriend.

She has been for about a year now and she met Matt because she managed his property and his business for many years before that.

(This is also why there’s constant tension between Caryn and Amy Roloff; the two were friends prior to her divorce from Matt and Caryn’s subsequent romance with him.)

HOWEVER, multiple outlets reported last week that Chander is no longer employed by Matt, leading to one of two possibilities:

  1. She has been fired because she and Matt have broken up and it would be too weird if they kept working together.

  2. They are engaged, or about to be engaged, and felt a need to wholly separate their work from their personal lives.

So that’s the background at work here.

It should help readers understand Matt’s response to a comment on Facebook yesterday.

“Where’s Caryn? Did you guys break up?” a follower asked in response to a photo of Matt on vacation in Mexico, seemingly by himself.

“We did not break up,” Roloff said in response to the speculation.

So… there you go, we guess?

We can return to the opposite kind of speculation now? The kind that involves wondering whether or not Matt and Caryn are engaged?

We’re happy to wonder about that more exciting possibility instead, but we can’t help thinking that Matt’s reply was lacking in… something, right?

He didn’t make some joke about these break-up rumors nor did he say anything nice about Chandler and their relationship.

He just gave the most straightforward answer possible, which still makes us think something is off here. Perhaps the pair are just on a break?

Maybe Caryn just needs space?

We’re not judging at all. We’re just curious.

On a recent episode of Little People, Big World, Caryn admitted that she would be willing to leave the farm the moment her boyfriend’s ex-wife told her to do so.

She meant this out of respect for Amy, not out of any kind of bitterness.

She very much understands how awkward everything is here.

“I don’t want to invade anyone’s space, and the moment Amy doesn’t want me coming around anymore, I won’t,” Chandler told the cameras.

Along those lines, as documented below, Matt has been considering a major change in his life.

Read all about it here:


Monday, May 7, 2018

Blac Chyna and YBN Almighty Jay: Breakup Caused by Pregnancy Rumors?

Early last week, rumors were circulating that Blac Chyna was pregnant with YBN Almighty Jay’s baby.

Now, however, some cryptic but not-too-subtle posts on social media by YBN Almighty Jay have fans asking if the two of them have broken up.

Did the pregnancy rumors lead these two to part ways?

Even fans were shocked by the recent pregnancy rumors.

At 18, YBN Almighty Jay is just too young to be a father. And Blac Chyna is still fighting her last baby daddy in court.

But the new rumor is just that these two have broken up. And this rumor doesn’t come out of nowhere.

The Shade Room writes:

“Oop! #YBNAlmightyJay was in #ZoeyDollaz IG live comments saying he’s a “free man” and he “cut her off.””

Take a look at this image that they shared.

YBN Almighty Jay hints at breakup

Sure enough, that appears to show YBN Almighty Jay writing:

“I cut her off bro.”

Then people see him write this:

“I’m a free man.”

Now, he doesn’t say Blac Chyna’s name, but most people, upon seeing those words, very naturally jumped to the conclusion that the two have split.

Did breakup rumors end their relationship?

It’s possible.

But it is also looking like YBN Almighty Jay may have been talking about someone else entirely.

Just a couple of hours after The Shade Room posted that screencap, YBN Almighty Jay responded to what must have been an outpouring of questions from fans and friends.

His response was indirect, and was just a photo of him and Chyna snuggling on a couch. (That photo up top, folks)

His caption was simple: three emojis.

The first of a red heart. The second of a lock. The third of a key.

It seems self-evident that he is saying that Chyna still has his heart on lock.

Some may suggest that he started to break up with her but that he’s staying with her for the baby.

But a source tells HollywoodLife that Blac Chyna isn’t pregnant. Not with YBN Almighty Jay’s baby or anyone else’s.

“Blac is not pregnant but she loves letting people think she is.”

Classic Chyna.

“She lives for this kind of attention.”

That … certainly matches her brand.

“She knows it’s driving Ro​b crazy, so she’s going to keep this rumor going for as long as she can.”

It is reported that Rob Kardashian is furious over the pregnancy rumors. And so is Tyga, apparently.

Then the source continues and begins to share some TMI about the couple.

“Plus, the rumors are a huge turn on for her and her boyfriend.”

Honestly? That’s not something that we ever needed to know.

“He loves fantasizing about getting her pregnant, so any chance she gets to play into it she’ll take.”

That’s an odd fetish at any age, but mind-boggling at 18.

But that’s their business.

So is everything about their sex life, for that matter.
