Showing posts with label Bond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bond. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Friday, November 16, 2018

Diddy Had Unbreakable Bond with Kim Porter Even After Breakup

Diddy is destroyed over the death of his ex, Kim Porter … because even though they broke up years ago they were still a very tight family.  Sources close to Diddy say he never stopped interacting with Kim, despite breaking up way back in…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Jon Gosselin and Hannah Bond While Cheering Kate"s Least Favorite Team!

While former reality star Jon Gosselin celebrates Hannah’s freedom from Kate, they’re doing plenty of father-daughter activities to make up for lost time.

In their latest photo, Jon and his 14-year-old daughter are cheering on their favorite football team.

And there’s something about this photo that might just make Kate pop a gasket.

A few days ago, Jon Gosselin happily posted a banner for the Philadelphia Eagles on his Instagram, captioning the photo: “Let’s go Eagles!”

If you’re not familiar with them, the Eagles are a football team — they actually won the Super Bowl this year.

Jon has since shared another photo, this time of him with his 14-year-old daughter, Hannah.

Both sporting Eagles shirts, they spent some father-daughter time at the P.J. Whelihan’s Pub and Restaurant.

Here is the sweet photo that he shared with fans and followers:

“We are Back!!!” Jon captioned the pic. “GO BIRDS!!!!!”

To make sure that there was no confusion over where his sports bread is buttered, Jon included the hashtag: “#philadelphiaeagles”

(Hey, not everyone has an easy time reading print on shirts)

Hannah Gosselin has deleted her Instagram while her parents wage a somewhat quiet war in the courts.

Hannah is at the center of things, and that court battle may be over the fact that Kate Gosselin can’t stand to see Hannah go free.

Unlike Kate, a lot of Jon’s fans and followers were thrilled to see the two get to spend some father-daughter time.

Fans flooded the comments under Jon’s photo.

“So happy for the 2 of you,” one writes. “I’ve been with you guys since the beginning and I’m glad to see you so happy.”

“Thank goodness she lives with you!” exclaims another. “Anybody would look less stressed after leaving a house where you’re constantly under ones thumb and berated. You both look great!”

“Father daughter moment!” cheers another. “I hope you get to make many memories with your daughter! All your kids look a lot like you.”

Another writes what many fans hope and pray to see: “I hope you get custody of Collin too.”

Not everyone made their comments all about Kate and how great it is that Hannah is breathing free hair for the first time in her life.

“You both look so happy!!” writes one cheery fan. “Hope she is enjoying school.”

Last month, Jon shared a photo of Hannah headed off to school.

“Great picture of you and Hannah,” comments a sports enthusiast. “No hard feelings, but I’m a Green Bay Packer. However, I do have respect for your team nevertheless.”

“She has gotten so big,” writes another. “They all have. My niece loved your show when she was little.”

Just a quick tip — when a girl is 14, it’s time to stop saying she has gotten so big. Use words like tall and mature.

Kate definitely has some sports opinions, but she’s no fan of the Eagles — even though they’re the Gosselin family’s hometown team.

During the 2018 Superbowl, Kate focused on the best part of sports season (the food) instead of on the Eagles or the Patriots.

“I am celebrating our food spread this year. Isn’t it festive?” Kate wrote on Instagram.

Kate explained: “I don’t like either team, so we are watching and eating and celebrating but I couldn’t care less who wins. #SuperBowl2018 #Whatever# BetterLuckNextYear.”

It is possible that Hannah supporting her father’s preferred team is intended as a subtle rub against Kate’s disdain for them.

Or maybe she and her father just have similar taste in sports teams.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Eunice Gayson, the First Bond Girl, Dies at 90

Eunice Gayson — best known for being the James Bond franchise’s very first Bond girl — has died … according to producers of the famous film series. The British actress — who played Sylvia Trench alongside Sean Connery in the 1962 spy movie that…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Daniel Craig Starts Filming New James Bond Movie Just "For the Money"

Well, whadya know? Daniel Craig is on set, in the role he swore he’d rather slash his wrists than play again — Bond. James Bond.   Daniel was in Cardona, Spain Tuesday for what appears to be the start of filming for his fifth…


Daniel Craig Starts Filming New James Bond Movie Just "For the Money"

Well, whadya know? Daniel Craig is on set, in the role he swore he’d rather slash his wrists than play again — Bond. James Bond.   Daniel was in Cardona, Spain Tuesday for what appears to be the start of filming for his fifth…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Bond Girl Izabella Scorupco"s New $6.4M House Oddly Includes Trespasser

Izabella Scorupco – the main Bond chick in “GoldenEye” — got way more than she bargained for when she bought a multi-million dollar crib … a freakin’ trespasser. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Izabella recently bought a sick…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Sets Sail on Baller Thailand Vacation, I"m James Bond!

Floyd Mayweather’s larger-than-life Asia trip has docked in Phuket, Thailand … and the retired boxer’s soakin’ in the sun like the big-money boss that he is — on a frickin’ yacht!! Floyd’s retirement vaca has taken him through China, Russia and…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rapper & Grandma Form Unlikely Bond Over Words with Friends

As an aspiring rapper, 22-year old Spencer Sleyon has likely been involved in many rap battles.

But the young New York resident has reached viral fame thanks to a different kind of battle:

The one he has engaged in often via Words with Friends… with an 81-year old named Rosalind Guttman.

The latter is a resident of Florida and the Internet is going bat $ hit bananas over Spencer and Rosalind finally meeting face-to-face, following over 300 installments of their online Words with Friends contests.

Ready to get to know the people at the center of this most unlikely of friendships?

Scroll down to learn their inspiring story…

1. Say Hi to Roz and Spencer

Say hi to roz and spencer

The 22-year oldand 81-year old started talking in earnest after Roz used the word “Phat” while playing Words with Friends, which is essentially the same as Scrabble and which enables one to do battle against folks one knows… or against total strangers.

2. A Phat Friendship

A phat friendship

“I was like, yo, how do you know that word?” Sleyon asked Roz, making the first real contact between the pair outside of the game. They soon got to talking often, while continuing to go at it on Words with Friends.

3. How Many Times Have They Played?

How many times have they played

Over 300, Spencer estimates. That’s about once every other day, starting from last summer up through this late fall.

4. Who’s Winning Overall?

Whos winning overall

It’s sort of close, but Spencer does want the world to know he’s put in front at the moment. Look at those stats, though!

5. After All This Time…

After all this time

…. Spencer and Roz have finally met! The former touched down in Florida and, as you can see above, gave a giant hug to his online pal.

6. How Did This Happen?

How did this happen

The meeting was up by a pastor in Manhattan who knew Spencer and learned of his unexpected friendship with Roz. “I’m all for just experiencing stuff, I was like ‘yeah,"” Sleyon said when asked if he wanted to meet Roz. “I love random occurrences, I thought it was cool I was able to befriend her.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

DMX Violates Tax Evasion Bail Bond and Jail Looms

DMX went to visit his family … and he could go to jail as a result. The rapper is out on bail in his tax evasion case, and one of the conditions was that he must give the judge a heads-up if he blows out of town. He left New York to see…


Friday, July 14, 2017

DMX Released from Jail After Posting $500k Bond

DMX is out of jail … posting $ 500k bond after he was charged with multiple counts of tax evasion. Nicholas Biase, a spokesman for the U.S. District Attorney’s Office, tells TMZ … the rapper pled not guilty to 14 counts of tax evasion. He…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Paddington Bear Creator Michael Bond Passes Away at 91

You can be aware of something your whole life without knowing anything about its creator.

Paddington Bear’s creator, Michael Bond, has died at age 91.

He passed away at home after a brief illness.

On December 24th, 1956, Michael Bond noticed a lonely-looking stuffed bear sitting on a shelf.

On impulse, he bought it for his wife.

Inspired, he wrote A Bear Called Paddington in just 10 days.

On October 13th, 1958, that book was published.

But that was only the beginning.

Paddington Bear’s adventures in books have been ongoing.

The last story about the marmalade-loving bear, titled Paddington’s Finest Hour, came out in April.

It’s not uncommon for authors to keep publishing until their dying days.

Needless to say, it’s very rare for an author to continue writing for 61 years.

Not to mention having such a degree of success and a cultural impact that spans the globe.

Michael Bond had an Order Of The British Empire, which is like an Order of Merlin from Harry Potter, except real.

(I was a kid when Harry Potter came out and there are a lot of things that I thought were wizard things that turned out to just be British)

The Duke of Cambridge himself presented Bond with the award in an Investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

This was only two years ago.

HarperCollins issued a statement about Michael Bond’s passing:

“It is with great sadness that we announce that Michael Bond, CBE, the creator of one of Britain’s best-loved children’s characters, Paddington, died at home yesterday aged 91 following a short illness.”

Michael Bond’s own daughter, Karen Jankel, also spoke about her late father:

“It’s a shock to everybody. For me, he was the most wonderful father you can imagine, so obviously our loss is personal.”

Of course.

So many people think of their favorite singers or actors or writers with regard to their art, celebrity status, and creations.

It’s too easy to forget that they’re real people with families and personal relationships that have nothing to do with their craft.

Karen, however, seems very aware of her father’s global cultural impact, and her statement includes a nod to that:

“But it’s wonderful that he’s left the legacy of his books and Paddington that will live on for ever, which is really very special.”

“The whole world is lucky to have had him … Paddington himself is so real to all of us. He’s still a part of our family and we’re very lucky.”

We can’t imagine how hard it is to to tailor your response to fans while you’re still grieving.

Karen Jankel continues, honoring her father’s work.

“For him, writing was his life. It was wonderful he could continue writing until the end,” she said. “Because … Paddington and his other characters were so real to him, he became alive to everybody else.”

But she doesn’t leave out his character.

“You can tell just by reading his books what a lovely person he was. I never came across anybody who disliked my father. He was one of those people that people instinctively warmed to and he was as funny as a person and delightful as he was in his writing and as a father”

That is incredibly touching.

A lot of people grew up with Paddington Bear, and most of them are old enough to appreciate the joy that this man’s creation brought them as children.

Future children will enjoy Paddington Bear all the same — that’s the magic of creating a legacy like that.


Paddington Bear Creator Michael Bond Dead at 91

Michael Bond — the creator of the cuddly Paddington Bear that sparked a series of famous children’s books — has died. Bond’s publisher HarperCollins announced the author died Tuesday in his home following a short illness. Bond’s first book in 1958…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Former Bond Girl Jane Seymour Remembers Roger Moore (PHOTO)

Jane Seymour remembers Roger Moore less as a kick-ass 007, and more as the funny, thoughtful guy who helped her through her first leading role, as a Bond girl. Hours after the iconic James Bond died … Seymour said, “Roger taught me what a movie…


Roger Moore Dies; Beloved James Bond Star Was 89

Roger Moore, the veteran actor best known for portraying James Bond on the big screen in the 1970s and 1980s, died in Switzerland on Tuesday.

He was 89 years old.

According to the star’s children, who released a statement confirming their father’s death on Twitter, Moore lost his life to a “short but brave battle with cancer.”

Reads the opening of this statement, which was written by Moore’s three kids and shared on Moore’s official social media account:

“With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are all devastated.”

It continues:

The love with which he was surrounded in his final days was so great it cannot be quantified in words alone.

We know our own love and admiration will be magnified many times over, across the world, by people who knew him for his films, his television shows and his passionate work for UNICEF which he considered to be his greatest achievement.

And it concluded as follows:

The affection our father felt whenever he walked on to a stage or in front of a camera buoyed him hugely and kept him busy working into his 90th year, through to his last appearance in November 2016 on stage at London’s Royal Festival Hall.

The capacity crowd cheered him on and off stage, shaking the very foundation of the building just a short distance from where he was born.

Thank you Pops for being you, and for being so very special to so many people.

moore statement

A private funeral for Moore will be held in Monaco.

The death comes nearly a year after Moore lost his stepdaughter Christina Knudsen to cancer. She was 47 years old at the time.

Moore took over the iconic character of James Bond in 1973’s Live and Let Die.

Overall, he played Agent 007 seven times (more than any other actor), concluding with his role in A View to a Kill in 1985.

His James Bond resume is comprised in total by the following films:

– Live and Let Die (1973)

– The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)

– The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

– Moonraker (1979)

– For Your Eyes Only (1981)

– Octopussy (1983)

– A View to a Kill (1985)

On the television side, Moore was best known for the shows Persuaders and The Saint.

But it’s as Bond (James Bond) that Moore will be most fondly remembered.

“Anyone watching could sense that Moore’s Bond cared more about the gadgets and the girls than the mission,” Jason Horowitz wrote for the Washington Post, adding:

“Moore seemed to know that trying to control the mission was futile. You just had to go with it and smile…

“In Moore’s movies, there is none of the realistic grit or psychological tension bookended by [Sean] Connery and Daniel Craig, or the trying-too-hard of Pierce Brosnan and Timothy Dalton.

“Who else but Moore could accidentally inhale some treasure out of a belly dancer’s belly button, make a funny face and then get into a fist/karate-chop fight?

“Sure, he sometimes missed the face of a guy who nevertheless went flying from the phantom punch.

“But once you bought in, that was a whole lot better than watching the expensive explosions that have destroyed many latter-day Bond movies.”

Moore became a Goodwill Ambassador in 1991 and eventually became as loved and respected for his work with children’s charities as for his work on the big screen.

We send our condolences to his friends, family members and loved ones.

May Roger Moore rest in peace.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Steve Francis Violates Bond in DWI Case ... Ordered to Wear Ankle Monitor

Steve Francis is the new Lindsay Lohan — ‘cause he was just ordered to wear an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet after violating the terms of his bond.  The trouble all stems from the ex-NBA star’s drunk driving arrest back in November — when…


Steve Francis Violates Bond in DWI Case ... Ordered to Wear Ankle Monitor

Steve Francis is the new Lindsay Lohan — ‘cause he was just ordered to wear an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet after violating the terms of his bond.  The trouble all stems from the ex-NBA star’s drunk driving arrest back in November — when…


Friday, February 19, 2016

Kim Zolciak and Daughter Bond Over Waist Training, Suck a Whole Lot

You know what they say, right?

A family that waist trains together stays together?

No, really, Brielle Zolciak really does say this in the caption of her latest Instagram photo.

It features Brielle and her sort of famous mother, Kim Zolciak, both donning the totally absurd “weight loss” apparatus made famous by Kim Kardashian and her family.

“family that #waisttrains together stays together,” Brielle writes. “loving our @waistgangsociety comic shaper thanks @premadonna87 for hooking us up!!..

“order yours now from mother & maughter slayageeee we slay!! use code ( Briellekim ) for a special discount.”

We are obligated to now point out that a waist trainer does not help one lose an ounce of weight.

All of these celebrities are being paid a lot of money to endorse a product that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

They are atrocious role models for young women around the world. Please be aware of this.

Brielle Zolciak has been sharing more and more selfies and bikini photos in recent weeks, doing all she can to make like her reality star of a mother.

She suddenly has over 651,000 followers, so she’s doing something right.

And that something typically involves her wearing very little clothing.

Here is a look, meanwhile, at the Kardashian sisters and the way they have espoused the nonsense of waist training over the years.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lea Michele & Emma Roberts Show Off Their Scream Queens Bond In Bondage Pilates Class!

That looks… fun.

Lea Michele and Emma Roberts may both star in the upcoming horror series Scream Queens, but that’s not their only relation.

Because as it turns out, they’re totally besties now as well!

[ Video: Scream Queen‘s Opening Credits Are Campy/Scary Fun! ]

And Emma and Lea are so close that they’re comfortable doing whatever kind of pilates this is in front of one another! LOLz!!!

Lea shared the pic to Twitter on Thursday, gushing:

“Just two besties hanging out! @RobertsEmma love you so much! @romneypilates”

We’re so down with this pairing!

We just hope their newfound friendship means they’ll both stick around for Season Two!

[Image via Lea Michele/Twitter.]