Showing posts with label Michele. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michele. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Draya Michele Rocks the "Ultimate" Thong Bikini

Here’s Draya Michele setting the Miami pool scene on fire … with a bikini that looks like it was made from the things the Ultimate Warrior used to tie to his arms.  Don’t get it twisted, we’re not complaining … not even a little bit. …


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lea Michele Shows Off Her Engagement Ring and Her Fiance

Lea Michele knows NOTHING sweetens up your cup of coffee like a massive diamond ring on the hand that’s holding it. The “Glee” grad was strolling around NYC Tuesday with her new treasure — as in her fiance, Zandy Reich … the guy who gave her…


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lea Michele: I"m Engaged! Check Out My HUGE Ring!

Lea Michele is singing a very happy tune right about now.

The happiest of her life, we’d have to imagine.


Because the former Glee star is engaged!!!!!!

The 31-year old confirmed this very exciting piece of news via Instagram on Saturday, announcing that she had accepted the proposal from boyfriend Zandy Reich.

She did so by writing the word “Yes” alongside a diamond ring emoji.

Oh, and also by including a photo of her own diamond ring…

… which is MASSIVE!

An insider tells E! News that Reich popped the major question to his girlfriend with a four-carat elongated, radiant-cut ring, which he personally designed with Leor Yerushalmi and The Jewelers of Las Vegas.

The couple has been together since July.

Asked about her relationship with Reich, who serves as the president of clothing brand AYR, Michele said the following last year to People Magazine:

“When I’m not working, I’m at home with my cat, with my family, with my boyfriend, with the people that I love – and that’s how I reset, and that’s how I center myself.

“It’s so important to tune out the noise and the unnecessary, and just focus on the people that you love because they know you better than anyone.”

And also:

“I’m very happy and I think that you can tell. I don’t really talk a lot about my personal life, but I’m also the kind of person where I always say, ‘You will see how happy I am just by looking at my face.’

“I can’t hide it.”

Michele and her fiance keep a mostly low profile, but here’s a photo of them on Instagram:

Michele previously dated Glee co-star Cory Monteith, who passed on July 13, 2013,

She has also been linked to iZombie actor Robert Buckley and Matthew Paetz.

Reich is not in entertainment, however.

He’s businessman who has spent years working in finance and fashion, including his most recent position at All Year Round. 

The very lucky young man graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics from University of Pennsylvania and also attended UPenn’s prestigious Wharton School of Business.

We don’t know when Michele will get married.

But we do know the singer/actress will reunite with Glee castmate Darren Criss for their joint LMDC Tour in the near future.

The nine-city schedule kicks off May 30 in Nashville and includes stops in Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Washington D.C., Indianapolis, Columbus, Easton, Newark and Toronto.

We send our very best wishes to the lovebirds.

They seem sincerely happy together.



Monday, April 23, 2018

Draya Michele Wedgies Out In Miami During Hot Beach Shoot

With her NFL fiance heading to D.C. in a few months, Draya Michele is soaking up all the Miami sun she can take while she’s got the chance!  The former ‘Basketball Wives’ star hit the sand in South Beach looking smokin’ hot — and posed for a…


Draya Michele Wedgies Out In Miami During Hot Beach Shoot

With her NFL fiance heading to D.C. in a few months, Draya Michele is soaking up all the Miami sun she can take while she’s got the chance!  The former ‘Basketball Wives’ star hit the sand in South Beach looking smokin’ hot — and posed for a…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Lea Michele Goes Topless for Her Bed Series!

Lea Michele is talented and beautiful and she has a powerful fanbase that transcends her work on Scream Queens or even on Glee.

One thing that she shares with her fans — the ones who follow her, anyway — is the occasional set of photos from her Bed Series. And it looks like she’s ramping up the quality … and risque elements.

Because in these three new photos, Lea Michele is completely topless. Good for her! And, you know, good for the people who see them.

Lea Michele has been doing her Bed Series for a while now.

Most of the photos have been taken by a friend, though you can see a considerable upgrade in picture quality in the images below — so it looks like she made good on her suggestion from early in the summer to make some of the images professional.

Lea Michele’s no stranger to taking off her clothes for photos.

Lea Michelle showed off her butt in a skimpy one-piece.

She spoke at the time about her body and her health. For a long time, Lea Michele seemed very unhappy with her appearance after she skyrocketed to fame.

She used to pose distinctively on the red carpet, hunching her shoulders forward to emphasize her collarbones. Collarbones look great, don’t get us wrong, but the fact that she was doing that spoke to … underlying issues regarding her body image.

She’s doing much better now.

Lea Michele posed naked for Women’s Health, and she was fully naked for that — even if her pose provided all of the necessary censorship.

She’s a beautiful actress, and she always has been.

And just this year, Lea Michele welcomed 2017 with a nude photo. She was so nude, in fact, that she had to do a little editing to keep things up to her standards.

She looks great!

This photo (and the next one, but not the third one for reasons that should be obvious) is captioned “Bed Series // Boyfriend Jeans.”

She looks great, and we’ll talk about that in a moment (the next photo, maybe because the pose is so natural, is perhaps our favorite).

Some wonder what motivates Lea Michele to take nudes.

Part of it is certainly her new relationship with her body — because, earlier in her Glee-induced fame, Lea had body image issues.

It’s possible that part of it is just to remind people that she’s also beautiful and sexy. That’s totally valid.

She’s played less sexual characters on both Glee and Scream Queens, and most actors live in fear of getting typecast.

You can imagine a casting director glancing through Instagram and going “wait, she could play the” … whatever. The Bond Girl or the sexy vampire whatever ludicrously young love interest they decide to give Tom Cruise in whatever film he decided to ruin next.

Plus, you know, these pics are pretty artsy.

She’s just a hair away from breaking Instagram’s rools.

Get it? Just a hair? Because … never mind.

We like that these posts are titled “Boyfriend Jeans” because it’s good for people to be reminded that Lea Michele does in fact have a boyfriend.

She and Zandy Reich are clearly enamored with each other. We’re not suggesting that these are actually his jeans — boyfriend jeans are usually just super comfortable jeans.

It’s so good that Lea Michele is happy.

Of course, she still eulogizes Cory Monteith every year. That’s probably not going to change any time soon.

Cory will always be a part of Lea — part of her heart and part of her story. Personally and in the eyes of the public.

But she can have a love life, too.

This photo currently has no caption, but was apparently captioned “Bed Series // Happy” when it was first posted.

Needless to say, she’s definitely not wearing jeans, boyfriend or otherwise.

And we imagine that the pillow is there less for censorship and more to prevent the motion of jumping on the bed from being painful (you know that it hurts to jump with boobs, folks).

Like we said, it looks like these photographs were taken by a professional. Not just anyone can capture a non-blurry photo of someone in midair like that.

As always, these photos of Lea Michele make us eager for more.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Lea Michele Posts Tribute to Cory Monteith, Four Years Later

Cory Monteith’s death in a Vancouver hotel room will never not be hard. He wasn’t just an actor with a beautiful voice and a winning smile. He was also a person with people who loved him, and their hearts still ache with how much they miss him.

As she has since the first anniversary of Cory Monteith’s passing, Lea Michele honored his memory on social media with a touching photo tribute.

Actually, with two. …

We first saw Cory Monteith in a no-lines role on Stargate Atlantis and later in a minor speaking role on Stargate SG-1, but he will always be known for his breakout role on Glee.

And as hard as the death of any celebrity can be, the very sudden passing of a young actor on a show that draws millions and millions of teenage and tween fans had a massive emotional impact that rocked the Glee fandom and beyond.

It shocked the world.

But obviously, no one felt Cory’s tragic death more acutely than Lea Michele.

That the Scream Queens star continues to post tributes to him on the anniversaries of his death as well as his posthumous birthdays speaks to how close their bond was.

And to how inseparable the two are in the minds of their fans.

This year, four years after Cory Monteith’s tragic passing, Lea Michele shared this photo on Instagram:

On Instagram, her heartfelt caption is short and sweet.

“4 years and it still feels like yesterday.. love you more C.”

On Twitter, she shared a version of the photo with way more glare, and included the words:

“Hard to believe it’s been 4 years… We miss you C… love you more.”

After both lines, she included a heart emoji.

A lot of people, celebrities and otherwise, repost photos and words.

Lea Michele figured that the honoring Cory warranted some originality and a touch of extra effort.

We’re inclined to agree.

Cory Monteith had champagne and heroin in his system when he died.

The medical examiner described the cause of death as “mixed drug toxicity.”

Cory’d had a history of drug use but also a history of periods of sobriety.

He’d been to rehab earlier in 2013 before his death.

It’s been speculated that, though long-time users can develop increasingly higher tolerances for familiar drugs, he may have overdosed on a quantity of heroin that he’d previously believed to be safe.

Tolerance to drugs doesn’t remain fixed, and if he’d recently been sober for an extended period, his body might have been less prepared for a dose of that quantity.

There’s no upside to that story, which has now become familiar to a frightening number of people thanks to the opioid epidemic.

But Cory Monteith should be remembered for his talent, his charm.

And, of course, for the way that his work — on Glee and elsewhere — touched his fans and made him so very memorable.

Lea Michele will never forget him for precisely who he was.

And she won’t let fans forget, either.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Lea Michele In Hawaii (PHOTO GALLERY)

Lea Michele let loose in Hawaii, stretching out on a paddle board while rocking a one piece swimsuit like a total pro. The actress was in Maui Friday and to say she looks relaxed would be an understatement. Sure beats working.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Melania Meets Michele, All of Twitter Makes the Same Joke

It"s difficult to get the Internet to agree on anything.

Coke or Pepsi? Shiny legs or paint-covered legs? Trump or Clinton? It"s an ongoing debate out there.

But all of Twitter came together in the hours after Melania Trump visited Michelle Obama at the White House, sharing photos from their interactions and basically making the same exact joke.

Remember when Melania Trump plagiarized portions of her Republican National Convention Speech from Obama"s Democratic National Convention speech four years earlier?

As you can see below, the Internet never forgets…

1. Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself!

Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself

We just assume that game is coming next.

2. This is Awkward

This is awkward

But at least they have one thing in common!

3. So… Much… Welcoming

So much welcoming

At least they both have good manners.

4. But Who is Rubber and Who is Glue?

But who is rubber and who is glue

That’s the question we really want to know.

5. She Can Also Read Minds

She can also read minds

Let’s hope Melania uses this power only for good as First Lady.

6. Hi, I’m Michelle…

Hi im michelle

[Forehead Slap] We have a long way to go here.

View Slideshow

Monday, August 1, 2016

Lea Michele: Nude for Women"s Health!

Lea Michele is giving fans around the world a major reason to sing a very gleeful song this week.

Specifically male fans, we should say.

Why? Because the actress isn’t just featured on the latest cover of Women’s Health.

She’s featured on the latest cover of Women’s Health while wearing nothing but her birthday suit.

For real. For serious. Michelle is 100%, totally and completely naked for the U.K. version of this publication.

While celebrity gossip websites may sometimes say that as an exaggeration, referring to someone as “nude” even when they are covering most of her body with a sheet or something, that is not the case here.

Nope. See the uncensored photo for yourself by clicking below.

Lea Michelle is very much naked, people!

And while many readers out there may be pouring over every inch of the gorgeous star’s body for sexual reasons, they may be surprisingly touched by something they find there.

Is that a tattoo near her rear end? And does it sat “Finn?”

Yes and yes.

Finn, of course, is the name of the character Michele’s late boyfriend, Cory Monteith, played on the hit show on which the stars met, Glee.

Michele has gotten a number tattoos as a tribute to her former love, including his jersey number-five and their last words to each other:

“I love you more. If you say so…”

Michele still thinks about Monteith often, of course, but she’s come a long way from her darkest days.

“Right now, I feel physically in my best shape, and emotionally in my best place…I’m not perfect,” she tells the magazine, adding:

“I’m not trying to represent myself as being some perfect girl, but I love myself, flaws and all.”

This is a great attitude for Michele to possess, but she still have some very tough times.

“I have down days. I accept those days as much as the happy ones,” she admits.

How does she move past the doldrums?

Michele says she makes “some macaroni cheese, calls my mom, pours a glass of red wine and watches some reality television. There’s nothing that can’t fix.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Lea Michele and Robert Buckley: New Couple Alert!

It hasn’t taken Lea Michele long to find a new man.

Just over two months after she split from Matthew Paetz, the gorgeous and talented young actress has moved on…

… to a very familiar face.

If you’re a fan of The CW, that is.

Multiple outlets confirm that Michele is dating Robert Buckley, a very handsome actor likely best known for his former role on One Tree Hill and is current role on iZombie.

Michele, of course, is best known for her role as Rachel Berry on Glee; although she’s coming off a starring turn on Scream Queens and also has an impressive Broadway resume.

The stars were recently spotted getting close and comfortable during a dinner date at Milo & Olive in Santa Monica, California.

“They were interlocked the whole time they were sitting at the counter, like arms wrapped around each other at their seats and rubbing each other’s backs,” an witness told Us Weekly, adding of Michele and Buckley:

“At one point…they had either just kissed or were super close talking.”

Yeah. We’d call that dating, alright!

Michele and Buckley are in the “new” stages of romance, an insider adds, explaining that they have numerous mutual friends.

They’ve also been Liking one another’s posts on Instagram, so you know things are getting serious!

Michele, of course, was dating Glee co-star Cory Monteith at the time of his tragic death in 2013.

She still pays homage to Monteith on the July anniversary of his passing nearly every year.

“She is working on new music and has an album coming out that she is really trying hard to concentrate all her time on,” a source recently told E! News.

Well, not all her time, it now seems.

She has a very handsome excuse to get away from the studio on occasion.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lea Michele and Matthew Paetz: It"s Over!

Forgive Lea Michele if she’s singing a sad tune these days.

But at least the former Glee star has a very good excuse.

According to People Magazine, Michele has split from Matthew Paetz.

The break up took place earlier this month and it’s unclear which side initiated the split.

But a source tells People that Michele is getting through this difficult period by leaning on those closest to her.

Lea is surrounded by her friends, who have rallied around her and support her,” says an insider close to the former couple.

“She’s doing fine, focusing on her work, her music and her album.”

Paetz and Michele met on the set of her “On My Way” music video in April 2014.

He was the actress’ first boyfriend after the trafic death of her Glee costar Cory Monteith in 2013 from a heroin overdose.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kendall Jenner, Lea Michele & More: Star Sightings 12.09.15

Kendall Jenner wore a fuzzy-wuzzy jacket on her plane ride home to Los Angeles, while Lea Michele wore a gorgeous, for-fitting Michael Kors dress to The Hollywood Reporter"s Women in Entertainment breakfast, alongside Lena Dunham and Kris Jenner.  

Gwyneth Paltrow presented her friend, Rob Lowe with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and Mariah Carey brought down the house in New York with her bad-ass Christmas jingles.

See what else your favorite celebs were up to.


1. Kendall Jenner Lands at LAX

Kendall jenner lands at lax

Kendall Jenner arrives at LAX on December 8th, 2015.

2. Gabrielle Carteris, Jason George, Anna Faris: 22nd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations

Gabrielle carteris jason george anna faris 22nd annual screen ac

Gabrielle Carteris, Jason George, Anna Faris onstage during the 22nd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards nominations announcement held at Silver Screen Theater at the Pacific Design Center on December 9, 2015 in West Hollywood, California.

3. Mariah Carey Performs at Beacon Theatre

Mariah carey performs at beacon theatre

Mariah Carey performs at the Mariah Carey Second Annual ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ Concert at Beacon Theatre on December 8, 2015 in New York City.

4. Lena Dunham: The Hollywood Reporter’s Annual Women In Entertainment

Lena dunham the hollywood reporters annual women in entertainmen

Lena Dunham arrives at The Hollywood Reporter’s Annual Women In Entertainment Breakfast at Milk Studios on December 9, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.

5. Joe Jonas Lands at LAX

Joe jonas lands at lax

Joe Jonas lands at LAX in Los Angeles, CA on December 8th, 2015

6. Josh Harnett: ‘Penny Dreadful’ Set

Josh harnett penny dreadful set

Josh Harnett is seen filming ‘Penny Dreadful’ in Dublin City Centre in Dublin, Ireland on December 9th, 2015.

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Draya Michele -- Desert Commando ... Who Needs Bottoms? (PHOTOS)


0911_Draya-Michele-underwear_INSTAGRAMDraya Michele got everyone hooked into the greatest game of hide-and-please-don’t-seek … EVER.

Orlando Scandrick‘s fiancée (last we checked, anyway) wigged out and posed … seemingly bottomless for a bikini photo shoot in a desert somewhere.

We know — what kind of bikini model ditches her bikini bottom? The answer, sadly, is one who just wants you to THINK she’s flashing her bits.

Yeah, Draya revealed she was not getting back to nature, and instead she was just wearing super micro swimwear. Not that anyone’s complaining, 


For more sports stories, check out!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lea Michele & Emma Roberts Show Off Their Scream Queens Bond In Bondage Pilates Class!

That looks… fun.

Lea Michele and Emma Roberts may both star in the upcoming horror series Scream Queens, but that’s not their only relation.

Because as it turns out, they’re totally besties now as well!

[ Video: Scream Queen‘s Opening Credits Are Campy/Scary Fun! ]

And Emma and Lea are so close that they’re comfortable doing whatever kind of pilates this is in front of one another! LOLz!!!

Lea shared the pic to Twitter on Thursday, gushing:

“Just two besties hanging out! @RobertsEmma love you so much! @romneypilates”

We’re so down with this pairing!

We just hope their newfound friendship means they’ll both stick around for Season Two!

[Image via Lea Michele/Twitter.]