Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

T.I."s Melania Trump Look-alike Reports New Death Threat, Police Investigating

T.I.’s Melania Trump look-alike is dealing with a brand new death threat … one so frightening, it’s pushed her over the edge and now police are involved. Melanie Marden went to the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station Sunday night to report an…


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Melania Trump Look-alike Stripper Melanie Marden Getting Death Threats

The woman playing the role of Melania Trump and T.I.’s personal lap dancer in the rapper’s salacious video has no regrets taking the gig, despite getting a bunch of death threats.  Melanie Marden tells TMZ … her life has…


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Obama Cabinet Member Julian Castro Says T.I. Should Leave Melania Out of Trump Beef

There are better ways to voice your displeasure for President Trump than by dragging the First Lady through the mud, and T.I. has gone waaaay too far … so says former Barack Obama cabinet member Julian Castro.  We got the former…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

T.I."s Melania Trump Look-alike Stripper Video Pisses Off Her Office

8:20 AM PT — Stephanie Grisham has elaborated on her initial tweet by releasing a statement, saying, “Like it or not, she is the First Lady and this is the White House. It’s disrespectful and disgusting to portray her this way simply because of…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Gina Gershon Impersonates Melania Trump in Sneak Peak of Trump Family Special

Is that Gina Gershon or Melania Trump??? Gina gave us a spot-on impression of the First Lady in NYC Tuesday during a preview of The 1st Annual Trump Family Special. And, you gotta see the video!!! Not only does Gina LOOK like Melania, she’s…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Melania Trump Backs LeBron James After President"s Derogatory Tweet

Melania Trump’s not going to bat for her husband after his derogatory and utterly disrespectful tweet Friday night … and is instead lending her support to LeBron James. Scoreboard? FLOTUS addressed Donald Trump calling both LeBron and Don Lemon…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Melania Trump Mocked by Woman Arrested for Statue of Liberty Protest

The woman who was arrested for scaling the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day to protest President Trump’s immigration policy is at it again, and this time her target’s Melania. Patricia Okoumou showed up for her court hearing Friday in Manhattan…


Melania Trump Mocked by Woman Arrested for Statue of Liberty Protest

The woman who was arrested for scaling the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day to protest President Trump’s immigration policy is at it again, and this time her target’s Melania. Patricia Okoumou showed up for her court hearing Friday in Manhattan…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Melania Trump Laughs Off Ivanka"s Claims of Influencing POTUS

After widespread national and international backlash and Melania Trump’s “I don’t really care” controversy, Donald Trump finally retracted his family separation immigration policy.

First Daughter Ivanka Trump has reportedly been claiming credit for influencing her father.

First Lady Melania is, according to this report, not even a little amused.

HollywoodLife reports that Melania was amused at best when Ivanka seemed to claim credit for influencing daddy dearest.

According to their source: “Melania thought it was laughable that Ivanka took credit for changing Donald’s mind about the immigrant family separation policy.”

After massive domestic and international outcry, Trump did walk back his family separation policy … though countless children are still separated from their parents.

“When in truth,” the insider continues. “As far as Melania is aware, she had very little input on the matter at all.”

Which leads to the question of whether Ivanka simply believes that she had more influence, or was just trying to make it appear so for the public.

We don’t know the answer to that. And it’s not clear if Melania does, either.

The source continues, describing the relationship between Trump’s eldest daughter and newest wife.

“Melania really doesn’t care much for Ivanka,” the insider reveals.

Well, neither do plenty of people. Not everyone gets along with their husband’s family.

“She finds her,” the source explains. “To be a little devious and self serving.”

That … certainly matches the Trump brand.

“Melania thinks that Ivanka is very much her father’s daughter,” the insider claims.

The source explains that shade, saying: “And that in essence she always puts her needs first before all others.”

Ivanka spoke out on Twitter after Trump walked back his family separation policy.

“Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,” Ivanka wrote.

“Congress must now act,” Ivanka continued, pivoting the burden from the Executive Branch to the Legislative. “[And] find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values.”

That’ll be the day, right?

“The same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families,” Ivanka’s tweet describes.

“Now that an [Executive Order] has been signed ending family separation at the border,” Ivanka concludes. “It is time to focus on swiftly and safely reuniting the families that have been separated.”

That process has been slow-going, with reports coming out this week of parents being forced to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to fly back the children who were taken from them.

Ivanka allegedly considers herself to have been one of the influences for Trump’s turnaround, which is interesting.

So, remember the “c-ntroversy’ surrounding Samantha Bee’s insult of Ivanka Trump?

The focus, which man perceived to be deliberately manufactured outrage by people seeking revenge for the cancellation of the Roseanne reboot, surrounded Bee’s use of a c-word (it was not “cookie”).

But the actual subject of Samantha Bee’s monologue was about Trump’s controversial immigration policies.

Because Ivanka presented herself as an ally of fellow women during the 2016 campaign, she has repeatedly been a focus for Bee when issues of humans rights and women’s rights come up.

So Bee, when she dropped the c-word, was suggesting that Ivanka actually act like a human rights advocate and influence her father.

Now, this stance by Melania of disliking Ivanka or thinking that she’s ridiculous for claiming undue credit has not been confirmed.

So much about Melania, who speaks less than most First Ladies, is speculation.

But it is certainly easy to imagine conflict and resentment between Melania and Ivanka, and we don’t just mean because of Trump’s creepy comments about Ivanka’s looks.

Though … also because of that.

We don’t know if Ivanka really had any input with Trump.

But the only person we know for sure who has recently exerted influences over Trump (and isn’t a Russian autocrat0 is … Kim Kardashian.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Melania Trump Visits Second Child Detention Site Without Controversy

Melania Trump just made it as clear as black and white … she’s NOT about to get caught in another wardrobe firestorm en route to her second trip to the border. The First Lady touched down in Tuscon Thursday dressed to the nines — and this…


Friday, June 22, 2018

Moby says Melania Trump"s Coat Proves Detachment to Human Suffering

Moby would like to give Melania Trump the benefit of the doubt after she wore a tone-deaf coat on her way to visit immigrant children held at detention centers … but the legendary producer just can’t bring himself to do that based…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Melania Trump Wears "I Really Don"t Care, Do U?" Jacket ... WTF?!?!

Are we living, not in the real world, but in a heavy-handed political cartoon? Because it’s looking that way.

Melania Trump went to visit one of the children internment facilities that her husband’s administration has been using to hold immigrant parents separately from their parents.

But some people feel that she really didn’t care. They think that because she wore a jacket stating, in massive letters, that she really didn’t care.

When Melania Trump landed in McAllen, Texas, she was not wearing this olive green bomber jacket.

She then went to visit one of the facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border where multiple immigrant children have been held by the Trump Administration’s child-separation policy.

When the First Lady then boarded her plane at Andrews Air Force Base, she was wearing this jacket.

On the back, in massive bold white lettering that no camera could possibly miss, was a clear message:

“I really don’t care. Do U?”

(Here’s a clearer look at the jacket’s words — it’s not an uncommon sight on Instagram models)

This is … positively surreal.

See, while an Instagram model might show off a sassy jacket for whatever reason, the context of the First Lady’s visit is not.

She was visiting an internment camp that holds children that her husband’s policy has separated from their parents as they are all detained.

While some of the detained unlawfully crossed the border (a federal misdemeanor, not unlike using the American flag in advertising) and others arrived to seek asylum, which is legal, the humanitarian issue was that children were being kept in cages.

Yes, cages. While ICE contacted news outlets to inform them that they objected to the characterization of the fenced-in enclosures that held innocent children as “cages,” even ICE admitted that it was not inaccurate.

While within the facility, Melania asked “How can I help to reunite these children with their families as quickly as possible?”

Only her husband, or Congress, can make that happen right now.

(Yes, she signed a homemade flag while she was there. Sure)

So … it is positively surreal that she would wear this jacket — which she notably donned while leaving, where cameras were sure to catch her, as she is always photographed while bording planes — after this visit.

The First Lady has been using her clothing choices to speak in photos for years, dating back to the pink bow following Trump’s “grab ‘em by the p–sy” controversy.

Is this a signal to the press and the world that she doesn’t care about the plight of thousands of innocent children who are frightened and caged?

Actually … we don’t think so.

Various analysts have spoken up.

Don’t get us wrong, everyone is bewildered. But many suspect that this wildly unsubtle message was not directed at the children or even at the news media.

It is believed that Melania intended this jacket — or perhaps the controversy that it created — as a message for her husband, Donald Trump.

There is nothing about this story that is not bizarre, but there is also nothing about the Trump family that is not strange and unsettling.

Is she trying to make Trump look (somehow) worse while maintaining plausible deniability over it?

We can only guess at her motives.

But Melania is known for being extremely deliberate with all of her fashion choices. It defies belief that this was an exception.

Particularly when that would mean that she just happened to grab this jacket to wear after spending time in Texas … on the Summer Solstice.

(We checked, and today it got into the eighties in McAllen, Texas … that is not jacket weather)

Stephanie Grisham, Melania’s spokesperson, was dismissive of questions.

“It’s a jacket,” she claimed, as if that should be the end of the conversation.

“There was no hidden message,” Grisham insists.

“After today’s important visit to Texas,” Grisham reportedly said. “I hope this isn’t what the media is going to choose to focus on.”

We’re not sure what about Melania’s photo-op to visit a building where her husband’s administration is warehousing children is supposed to be the focus of conversation.

But Melania threw whatever that was out the window when she told the world that she doesn’t really care about any of that.


Melania Trump Wears Tone-Deaf "I Really Don"t Care" Jacket During Border Trip

Melania Trump’s getting destroyed on social media for wearing what most would consider a tone-deaf jacket … considering she wore it on her way to visit child detention centers in Texas. As she boarded the plane Thursday in D.C., Melania was…


Melania Trump Makes Surprise Trip to Texas Border Detention Center

Melania Trump unexpectedly showed up to a border facility to get a firsthand look at what’s going on … and offer a lending hand in reuniting children with their parents. The First Lady arrived at a child detention center Thursday in Texas and…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

TMZ Live: Peter Fonda We Should Rip Trump"s Kid From Melania!

ON TODAY’S SHOW XXXTentacion: Riot Breaks Out At Memorial Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: $ 16 Mil Condo Travis Barker: Terrifying Health Scare  Waffle House Hero: I Want A White House Invite! 


Peter Fonda Says Separate Melania from Barron, Then Maybe Trump Will Get It

Peter Fonda’s so fired up about the children in detention camps he might have just crossed a dangerous line … by suggesting Melania Trump should be separated from her child. The Oscar winner said, “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

J Lo, Kim Kardashian and Hailey Baldwin Join Melania Trump On Maxim Hot 100 List

What do Cardi B and Hailey Baldwin have in common with Melania Trump, Kim Kardashian and J Lo? If you’re thinking a hot ass … you’re close because they’ve all landed on 2018’s Maxim Hot 100 list. This year’s annual list covers a lot of ground…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Melania Trump: Is She Preparing to Divorce Donald Trump?

Trump continues to “enjoy’ historic unpopularity, both at home and abroad. And by at home, we don’t just mean in America — we mean in his family.

Yes, Melania hates what her life has become. And she has reportedly decided that it would “Be Best” if she and her son Barron leave the White House for New York.

How is she doing? What is she thinking? Is this just a prelude to the first Presidential divorce? An insider speaks out.

An inside source tells InTouch Weekly about Melania Trump’s thoughts about Trump, her marriage, and her plans for the future.

What with everything related to Trump but particularly his affair with Stormy Daniels, Melania feels humiliation “on a daily basis.”

This insider assures the world that Melania has enough sense to have at least thought about leaving Trump.

“She’s been tempted to bolt.”

During all of this, she “has been put through hell.”

Melania never wanted to be First Lady and she never imagined that it would happen. No one really thought that Trump could be awarded the Presidency, Melania included.

“This is not the life she wants, plain and simple.”

But it sounds like Melania has made her peace with her new life.

“While Donald embarrasses her constantly, she has her own agenda.”

That agenda has to do with establishing a legacy of which her descendants can be proud. Because, frankly, Trump isn’t going to do that.

“She wants to go down in history as a first lady of quiet grace.”

Yeah, neither quiet nor grace are words that come to mind when one thinks of her husband.

But she sees her endurance and what some might characterize as silent suffering as part of her image.

“Like Jackie Kennedy, who put up with a lot but stayed the course.”

“She’s playing the game.”

It almost sounds like this is about branding, really.

But for those hoping that Melania is planning to leave Trump, it sounds like she may be too honorable to break her word.

“She promised Donald she would stay married to him as long as he was president.”

That does not preclude her from divorcing him after he leaves office, whether he’s voted out in 2020 or impeached and removed from office some time before that.

(Though, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the justice system works very slowly and Congress works even more so — we are halfway into 2018, and many have their doubts that an impeachment and removal can happen in the remaining year and a half)

But given that promise, it may be that no one, short of those separated from their families by Trump’s callous policies or those who fear that his rhetoric and actiions will lead to their deaths, fears a Trump reelection more than Melania.

This source confirms that Melania absolutely did not see his 2016 win coming.

“The last thing she ever expected was for Donald to become president of the United States.”

Her surprise is understandable. Many democracies are based more directly upon the will of the people.

The Founding Fathers imagined a Jeffersonian world in which the intellectual elite resided in sizable estates while dockworkers and traders filled cities, and so they believed that the electoral system would be a safeguard against catastrophic mistakes.

They were imperfect men and their estimation of the future was similarly imperfect.

However, Melania has begun to grow accustomed to her role as First Lady.

“But she’s starting to like the respect she’s attained.”

But since she and Barron are now in New York, costing New York taxpayers $ 100,000 a day, she may not be accustomed to her role in the White House.

She and Trump reportedly do not share a bedroom, at the White House or in New York.

Some reports out of the White House have suggested that Trump’s fixation with the media, leakers, and praise has made him extremely hostile towards his employees.

When someone is in a bad mood, sometimes the best thing to do is avoid them. That may be what Melania is doing.

Or maybe she just wants to avoid her lying, cheating husband.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Donald Trump Says Melania is Recovering "Really Well" After Surgery

Good news for Melania Trump … she’s recovering “really well” after undergoing kidney surgery on Monday … this according to her husband, Donald Trump. Melania underwent an embolization procedure at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Melania Trump Hospitalized for Kidney Surgery

Melania Trump is hospitalized, and will be for several days, after having surgery Monday morning on her kidney. The First Lady had a procedure called embolization done at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Embolization is considered a…
