Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

Melania Trump Laughs Off Ivanka"s Claims of Influencing POTUS

After widespread national and international backlash and Melania Trump’s “I don’t really care” controversy, Donald Trump finally retracted his family separation immigration policy.

First Daughter Ivanka Trump has reportedly been claiming credit for influencing her father.

First Lady Melania is, according to this report, not even a little amused.

HollywoodLife reports that Melania was amused at best when Ivanka seemed to claim credit for influencing daddy dearest.

According to their source: “Melania thought it was laughable that Ivanka took credit for changing Donald’s mind about the immigrant family separation policy.”

After massive domestic and international outcry, Trump did walk back his family separation policy … though countless children are still separated from their parents.

“When in truth,” the insider continues. “As far as Melania is aware, she had very little input on the matter at all.”

Which leads to the question of whether Ivanka simply believes that she had more influence, or was just trying to make it appear so for the public.

We don’t know the answer to that. And it’s not clear if Melania does, either.

The source continues, describing the relationship between Trump’s eldest daughter and newest wife.

“Melania really doesn’t care much for Ivanka,” the insider reveals.

Well, neither do plenty of people. Not everyone gets along with their husband’s family.

“She finds her,” the source explains. “To be a little devious and self serving.”

That … certainly matches the Trump brand.

“Melania thinks that Ivanka is very much her father’s daughter,” the insider claims.

The source explains that shade, saying: “And that in essence she always puts her needs first before all others.”

Ivanka spoke out on Twitter after Trump walked back his family separation policy.

“Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,” Ivanka wrote.

“Congress must now act,” Ivanka continued, pivoting the burden from the Executive Branch to the Legislative. “[And] find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values.”

That’ll be the day, right?

“The same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families,” Ivanka’s tweet describes.

“Now that an [Executive Order] has been signed ending family separation at the border,” Ivanka concludes. “It is time to focus on swiftly and safely reuniting the families that have been separated.”

That process has been slow-going, with reports coming out this week of parents being forced to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to fly back the children who were taken from them.

Ivanka allegedly considers herself to have been one of the influences for Trump’s turnaround, which is interesting.

So, remember the “c-ntroversy’ surrounding Samantha Bee’s insult of Ivanka Trump?

The focus, which man perceived to be deliberately manufactured outrage by people seeking revenge for the cancellation of the Roseanne reboot, surrounded Bee’s use of a c-word (it was not “cookie”).

But the actual subject of Samantha Bee’s monologue was about Trump’s controversial immigration policies.

Because Ivanka presented herself as an ally of fellow women during the 2016 campaign, she has repeatedly been a focus for Bee when issues of humans rights and women’s rights come up.

So Bee, when she dropped the c-word, was suggesting that Ivanka actually act like a human rights advocate and influence her father.

Now, this stance by Melania of disliking Ivanka or thinking that she’s ridiculous for claiming undue credit has not been confirmed.

So much about Melania, who speaks less than most First Ladies, is speculation.

But it is certainly easy to imagine conflict and resentment between Melania and Ivanka, and we don’t just mean because of Trump’s creepy comments about Ivanka’s looks.

Though … also because of that.

We don’t know if Ivanka really had any input with Trump.

But the only person we know for sure who has recently exerted influences over Trump (and isn’t a Russian autocrat0 is … Kim Kardashian.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Donald Trump"s Brother Says POTUS is a "Great Sportsman"

Was Donald Trump REALLY a baller athlete growing up … or was it all just a bunch of fake news?? TMZ Sports spoke with Donald’s younger bro, Robert, about POTUS’ skills on the field … and he admits that while he’s a good athlete himself,…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

POTUS Interrupts Bachelor in Paradise, Incurs Viewer Wrath

It"s been a rough few decades weeks for Donald Trump.

First, the country wondered whether he was racist because he didn"t denounce the violent, hate-filled words and actions of White Supremacists in Virginia.

Then, he made an embarrassing spelling error – twice! – on Twitter.

On Monday night, though, the President hit rock bottom.

Because he a vague escalation of the war in Afghanistan, with no defined objection or clear path to victory? Maybe, to some.

But ABC interrupted the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise to air this primetime address…and viewers were PISSED!

1. Not My President

Not my president

THIS is my President.

2. Excuse Me, But…

Excuse me but




And you called yourself a man of the people? For shame.

4. We Have One Question, ABC

We have one question abc


5. R U Kidding?

R u kidding

One face. One thousand words.

6. I Didn’t Think I Could Hate Him Any More

I didnt think i could hate him any more

I was wrong.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Peyton Manning Might Not Get Reggie Wayne"s POTUS Vote

If Peyton Manning runs for President … he’s gonna have to WORK to get Reggie Wayne’s vote.  With rumblings that Manning could transition into politics, we asked the QB’s former Indianapolis Colts teammate if he’d pull the lever for the guy…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Responds to Donald Trump Transgender Ban: WTF, POTUS?

Back in February, Caitlyn Jenner asked Donald Trump to call her.

The reality star was angry that the President rolled back federal guidelines at the time that said transgender students could use public school bathrooms and locker rooms matching their chosen gender identity.

This seemed especially galling because Trump had previously come out in favor of the guidelines.

On the campaign trail, he also spoke out in defense of the LGBT community, saying such things as the following, after that awful shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando:

“As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me!”

Fast forward to this morning and Trump announcing on Twitter that transgender individuals would no longer be permitted to serve in the U.S. military.

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” the Commander-in-Chief wrote, explaining:

“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming. Victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.

“Thank you.”

many trump tweets

In response to this decree, many stars came out swinging against Trump, even harder than usual.

“We should be grateful to the people who wish to serve, not turn our backs on them. Banning transgender people is hurtful, baseless and wrong,” Tweeted Ellen DeGeneres.

And Demi Lovato:

“I just want to tell the transgender community that I love you and you ARE supported no matter what.#ProtectTransTroops.” 

And Judd Apatow: 

“One by one he will f-ck over every segment of the population he made a promise to except Russia, bankers and big oil.Get ready-you’re next.”

Many who follow the celebrity gossip world, however, were looking to Jenner for her reply to the situation.

She’s the best known transgender person in Hollywood, after all.

Thus far, Caitlyn has kept it pretty simple and pretty factual, simply Tweeting the following at the President:

“There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them?”

Caitlyn Jenner v Trump

Trump has not yet said whether he will actually remove these 15,000 individuals from the armed forces.

But his Tweets certainly imply as much.

Which is just… it’s astounding, really.

While on The View recently, Jenner said she’s been reaching out to members of Trump’s administration to “help them” on LGBTQ issues.

She added that she had really hoped Trump would be a “bit more outspoken” in his support of the LGBTQ community, considering all he said during the election, but Jenner said she thought “it’s a lot of the people around him” who are affecting the President.

Does she still feel this way?

We can’t imagine so.

On July 16, meanwhile, Jenner actually said she may run for a seat in the California senate.

“Over the next six months or so I gotta find out where I can do a better job,” Jenner said on a radio show, adding:

“Can I do a better job from the outside working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to talking to anybody, or are you better off from the inside?”

We’ll be curious to see if Jenner really does enter the world of politics.

But we need not wonder any longer whether she’ll enter the world of the armed forces. She isn’t allowed to.


Friday, January 20, 2017

President Donald Trump & Melania Take Over POTUS & FLOTUS Twitter (PHOTOS)

Twitter’s official POTUS and FLOTUS handles have changed profile images to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.  Twitter made the switch almost immediately after Trump was sworn in as the 45th Prez. Meanwhile, the…


Watch Donald Trump Get Sworn in as 45th POTUS (LIVE STREAM)

Donald Trump is getting sworn in Friday as the 45th President of the United States at the U.S. Capitol … and we’re live streaming the ceremony. Trump is set to place his hand on the Good Book and take the Presidential Oath at noon, EST — and, of…


Watch Donald Trump Get Sworn in as 45th POTUS (LIVE STREAM)

Donald Trump is getting sworn in Friday as the 45th President of the United States at the U.S. Capitol … and we’re live streaming the ceremony. Trump is set to place his hand on the Good Book and take the Presidential Oath at noon, EST — and, of…
