Showing posts with label Laughs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughs. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lifetime Sued You Called Us Ugly for Cheap Laughs!!!

Lifetime pulled a major Scrooge move in one of its heartwarming holiday flicks by taking a real-life family that had nothing to do with the movie and calling ’em ugly … according to the fam, anyway.
Setiam and Katherine Allah are suing the cable channel over a scene in &...
Lifetime Sued You Called Us Ugly for Cheap Laughs!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Priyanka & Nick"s Wedding Big Family Laughs, Traditions ... And Fireworks, Of Course!!!

Breaking News
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are husband and wife — they tied the knot Saturday in a celebration that went for several hours … kicking off with tons of family and booze, and ended with a blast.
The couple walked down the aisle in the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur,...
Priyanka & Nick"s Wedding Big Family Laughs, Traditions ... And Fireworks, Of Course!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Louis C.K. Looking Happy and Chill, Laughs About Comedy Cellar Comeback

Louis C.K. couldn’t look more relaxed and chill than he did Thursday in New York City as he laughed it up with a friend. Louis and his friend were strolling when our photog asked him about his recent comeback gig at the famed Comedy Cellar in NY’s…


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Kawhi Leonard Finally Laughs and It"s Weird

If you’re wondering why Kawhi Leonard is trending on Twitter today … it’s because his laugh is freaking some people out.  The NBA star was officially introduced by the Toronto Raptors at media day on Monday — when the usually serious dude…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Tinashe Laughs At Ben Simmons Hiring Security For Her

Hey fellas, wanna make Tinashe laugh? Well all you gotta do is remind her that 6’10” NBA star Ben Simmons is so scared of her that he’s hiring extra security, because she thinks that’s REALLY funny. We broke the story … sources close to Ben say…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Melania Trump Laughs Off Ivanka"s Claims of Influencing POTUS

After widespread national and international backlash and Melania Trump’s “I don’t really care” controversy, Donald Trump finally retracted his family separation immigration policy.

First Daughter Ivanka Trump has reportedly been claiming credit for influencing her father.

First Lady Melania is, according to this report, not even a little amused.

HollywoodLife reports that Melania was amused at best when Ivanka seemed to claim credit for influencing daddy dearest.

According to their source: “Melania thought it was laughable that Ivanka took credit for changing Donald’s mind about the immigrant family separation policy.”

After massive domestic and international outcry, Trump did walk back his family separation policy … though countless children are still separated from their parents.

“When in truth,” the insider continues. “As far as Melania is aware, she had very little input on the matter at all.”

Which leads to the question of whether Ivanka simply believes that she had more influence, or was just trying to make it appear so for the public.

We don’t know the answer to that. And it’s not clear if Melania does, either.

The source continues, describing the relationship between Trump’s eldest daughter and newest wife.

“Melania really doesn’t care much for Ivanka,” the insider reveals.

Well, neither do plenty of people. Not everyone gets along with their husband’s family.

“She finds her,” the source explains. “To be a little devious and self serving.”

That … certainly matches the Trump brand.

“Melania thinks that Ivanka is very much her father’s daughter,” the insider claims.

The source explains that shade, saying: “And that in essence she always puts her needs first before all others.”

Ivanka spoke out on Twitter after Trump walked back his family separation policy.

“Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,” Ivanka wrote.

“Congress must now act,” Ivanka continued, pivoting the burden from the Executive Branch to the Legislative. “[And] find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values.”

That’ll be the day, right?

“The same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families,” Ivanka’s tweet describes.

“Now that an [Executive Order] has been signed ending family separation at the border,” Ivanka concludes. “It is time to focus on swiftly and safely reuniting the families that have been separated.”

That process has been slow-going, with reports coming out this week of parents being forced to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to fly back the children who were taken from them.

Ivanka allegedly considers herself to have been one of the influences for Trump’s turnaround, which is interesting.

So, remember the “c-ntroversy’ surrounding Samantha Bee’s insult of Ivanka Trump?

The focus, which man perceived to be deliberately manufactured outrage by people seeking revenge for the cancellation of the Roseanne reboot, surrounded Bee’s use of a c-word (it was not “cookie”).

But the actual subject of Samantha Bee’s monologue was about Trump’s controversial immigration policies.

Because Ivanka presented herself as an ally of fellow women during the 2016 campaign, she has repeatedly been a focus for Bee when issues of humans rights and women’s rights come up.

So Bee, when she dropped the c-word, was suggesting that Ivanka actually act like a human rights advocate and influence her father.

Now, this stance by Melania of disliking Ivanka or thinking that she’s ridiculous for claiming undue credit has not been confirmed.

So much about Melania, who speaks less than most First Ladies, is speculation.

But it is certainly easy to imagine conflict and resentment between Melania and Ivanka, and we don’t just mean because of Trump’s creepy comments about Ivanka’s looks.

Though … also because of that.

We don’t know if Ivanka really had any input with Trump.

But the only person we know for sure who has recently exerted influences over Trump (and isn’t a Russian autocrat0 is … Kim Kardashian.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

John O"Hurley Laughs Off Trump"s "Inappropriate" Memorial Day Tweet

John O’Hurley admits (albeit with a chuckle) President Trump’s Memorial Day tweet was inappropriate … but adds America didn’t “hire” him for his decency. We got John leaving Craig’s on Monday night in WeHo and wanted to get his take on…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

TMZ Live: Blac Chyna Laughs Off Kardashian"s Reaction To Stroller Fight

ON TODAY’S SHOW Safaree: Robbery Shocker! Cranberries Singer: Cheerful Before Death Jaime King & Son Attacked In Beverly Hills Suge Knight Leaves Jail For Hospital  


Blac Chyna Laughs Off Kardashians" Reaction to Her Six Flags Stroller Fight

Blac Chyna ain’t sweating her Six Flags fight or any potential custody issues with Rob and the rest of the Kardashians … in fact, it’s all a laughing matter to her. BC was out Wednesday night in L.A. and, of course, was asked about…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Roseanne Barr Laughs at Trump Taking Credit for Her Huge Ratings

Roseanne Barr thinks it’s laughable that President Trump kinda tried taking credit for her massive ratings for the premiere of her revived TV show last week … literally, she LOL’d. We got the sitcom star Monday night at LAX, where our photog…


Roseanne Barr Laughs at Trump Taking Credit for Her Huge Ratings

Roseanne Barr thinks it’s laughable that President Trump kinda tried taking credit for her massive ratings for the premiere of her revived TV show last week … literally, she LOL’d. We got the sitcom star Monday night at LAX, where our photog…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

John Goodman Laughs About Trump"s Call to Roseanne

John Goodman’s happy Roseanne Barr’s happy about getting a congratulatory call from Donald Trump … but the idea of the Prez calling him? That’s a laugh riot. Dan Conner was out in L.A. Thursday, looking way more chipper than the day…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Amy Roloff Laughs Off Break-Up Rumors. Literally!

About a month ago, Amy Roloff shared a cute photo of herself and some loved ones on Instagram.

This photo did not include long-time boyfriend Chris Marek, which prompted speculation over the Internet that Amy and Chris had gone their separate ways.

What does Amy have to say about such chatter?

In an acronym? LOL!

The Little People, Big World star just shared the photo above on both Instagram and Facebook, writing as a caption to the sweet image:

“What a great time we had celebrating a good friend’s 50th birthday. The Laugh In theme was fabulous and such a blast!”

The snapshot, of course, features both her and Marek and makes it clear that the relationship is growing strong.

We never doubted them, of course, but it’s been apparent that at least a handful of social media followers were wondering about the status of Amy and Chris’s romance.

What’s ironic is that many of these same followers don’t even approve of the romance in the first place.

Time and time again, Roloff has posted a picture of her and the real estate agent… only to be bombarded with hate.

Heck, she was even dragged somewhat recently for allegedly living in sin with Marek, simply because some folks out there were under the impression that Amy and Chris were living together.

As far as we know, they are not.

More importantly, though, why would it matter if they were?!?

This is a grown man and a grown woman and they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Amy and Matt Roloff got divorced way, way back in May of 2016 and both have moved way on from each other.

They continue to work together and clearly get along very well, with Amy now dating Chris and Matt now dating Caryn Chandler.

For some reason, however, fans can’t stop talking about the reality stars in sort of bitter terms.

Just consider the final comment below, which was left in response to the original picture on which this article is based:

amy comments

Must we keep associating Amy’s love life with Matt, and vice versa?

Can’t we let these two live their mostly separate lives in peace?

Apparently not, considering a simple throwback photo shared a few weeks ago led to another round of negative comments. Sigh.

Perhaps fans of Little People, Big World are simply bored.

Perhaps they need new episodes to air so they can stop making up rumors and trolling the Internet and conjuring up controversy where there is none.

If this is indeed the case, we only have one thing to say to TLC:

What the heck are you doing over there?!?

Can we get a new season started or what?!?



Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sean Spicer Laughs Off Omarosa"s "Celebrity Big Brother" Gig

Sean Spicer considers Omarosa’s new gig with “Celebrity Big Brother” a laughing matter … and a huge step down!!! We got Trump’s former White House Press Secretary Tuesday in NYC, and asked if he’ll be watching his former colleague on…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

James Carville Laughs Off Trump"s Claim He"d Beat Oprah for President in 2020

James Carville reacted with sounds and not words when he heard President Trump claimed he could beat Oprah’s butt in 2020.  We got the man who engineered Bill Clinton’s White House victory at LAX Tuesday and asked…


Monday, December 25, 2017

R&B Singer Tank Laughs Hard that Mariah Carey Will Perform Again on New Year"s Eve

R&B star Tank could barely contain himself  when he found out Mariah Carey is looking for a little New Year’s Eve redemption. We got Tank at LAX on XMAS Eve, and he chuckled uncontrollably when our photog told him Mariah was invited back…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Cam Newton Laughs at Female Reporter, Is a Moron

Cam Newton just threw the biggest incomplete pass of his life.

Or something to that effect.

During a press conference this afternoon, the Carolina Panthers quarterback was asked a question by Charlotte Observer beat reporter Jourdan Rodrigue about wide receiver Devin Funchess.

She wanted to know Newton"s take on how the University of Michigan product has been embracing the physicality of routes and whether Newton got enjoyment out of that.

Instead, Newton got enjoyment out of the question itself.

Or, to be more sexist and specific, the person asking the question.

"It"s funny to hear a female talk about routes like," he replied, smiling broadly. "It"s funny.""

Thankfully, no one else in the room saw the humor.

Especially not Rodrigue.

"I don"t think it"s "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. I think it"s my job," she later wrote on Twitter.

Did she approach Newton about the diss after the press gathering ended? Yup, and…

"I spoke with him after and it was worse. I chose not to share, because I have an actual job to do today and one he will not keep me from."

The reporter then followed up these Tweets with a more official statement that reads:

"This afternoon, I did my job as an NFL beat writer and asked Cam Newton a question about one of his receivers.

"I was dismayed by his response, which not only belittled me but countless other women before me and beside me who work in similar jobs.

"I sought Mr. Newton out as he left the locker room a few minutes later. He did not apologize for his comments."


Newton has been famously prickly with the press in the past, cutting short his Super Bowl 50 post-game press conference after Carolina lost to Denver, for example.

He won the MVP in 2014.

In a statement, meanwhile, the NFL said "the comments are just plain wrong and disrespectful to the exceptional female reporters and all journalists."

Watch Newton laugh at something no one else finds funny below:

Cam newton laughs at female reporter gets roasted on social medi

Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop" Star Amina Buddafly Laughs Off Danielle Bregoli"s Rap Career

“Cash Me Outside” girl Danielle Bregoli’s rap career is totally impressive to ‘Love and Hip Hop’ star Amina Buddafly, and by impressive we mean … she can’t stop laughing. Amina, herself an R&B singer, was leaving Catch Wednesday night when we…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jason Dent: Big Brother Contestant Laughs About Raping Housemate"s Wife

Big Brother is a show that finds a group of people secluded in the house for the summer as they go to crazy lengths to win some money.

Some of the houseguests seem to forget the show has a 24-hour live feed that viewers actually pay to watch.

The show is no stranger to controversy and has come under fire several times throughout the years for the way the houseguests act. 

On Monday, current head of household, Jason Dent disgusted viewers when he threatened to rape fellow houseguest Kevin Schlehuber’s wife if Kevin ever turned on him in the game. 

“I’m gonna f*** your wife when I get out of here,” Dent said explicitly referencing Schlehuber’s wife as he burst out laughing. 

“And I’m going to tie all your daughters up and make them f***ing watch,” he added.

Fellow houseguest, Alex Ow laughed away as Jason made the comments, presumably because she hates Kevin. 

But still, Alex shut down sexual comments earlier in the season because she alleged that a family member was raped. 

So, what made her change her stance on the whole thing to laugh along with Jason’s despicable comments?

Alex has been gunning to get Kevin out of the game for weeks now, and with Jason as Head of Household, she thought that she was going to get her wish. 

But, Jason did not seem high on the idea of getting rid of Kevin quite yet. And over the last few days on the live feed, a lot of houseguests have been antagonizing the poor man. 

Kevin notoriously tricked his houseguests into thinking he did not accept a temptation to earn $ 25,000. That temptation came with the consequence of Paul Abrahamian entering the game. 

If you’ve been keeping up to date this season, Paul has been dominating the whole game and has managed to stay off the block the whole time.

While people are thinking of short-term targets, he always finds ways to set targets up weeks in advance to ensure his name never comes up as a target. 

The odd thing about Jason’s comments is that they came on the heels of him mostly choosing to defy the majority alliance and do what he thinks is good for his game. 

But comments like the ones above are not good, and they will likely wind him up in hot water when he’s out of the house. Jason found out on a recent episode that his wife was expecting their second child. 

The CBS episodes have indeed shown Jason in a positive light, but it remains to be seen if the backlash will be addressed. 

What do you think of all of the drama?


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Big Brother" Contestant Jason Dent Laughs About Raping Housemate"s Wife

“Big Brother” contestant Jason Dent thinks rape is seriously funny — he went full LOL while talking about having sex with another housemate’s wife … while he forced the guy’s kids to watch. The footage is pretty disturbing … Jason was…
