Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Conners Cast: Roseanne Deserved to Be Killed Off!

If you watched the series premiere of The Conners Tuesday night (for now, we’ll table the debate about whether this really qualifies as a new series), then you know the show wasted no time in addressing the absence of its former title character.

As many predicted, Roseanne Conner died of an opioid overdose, a decision the sitcom’s writers and producers made in response to the real-world actions of the woman who created and portrayed her.

Back in May, Roseanne Barr’s offensive tweet about former Obama staffer Valerie Jarrett prompted the swift cancellation of her eponymous show.

Just weeks later, however, ABC announced a Roseanne spinoff, which would focus on John Goodman and Laurie Metcalfe’s characters, as well as the Conners’ three adult children.

(The absence of a long-forgotten fourth Conner kid — born at the tail-end of the original series’ run — was explained away in Roseanne’s revival season.)

The question of how to dispatch with one of the most iconic sitcom characters of the past 30 years was no doubt a difficult one for the show’s writers to grapple with.

Fortunately, the final episodes that featured Barr offered the opportunity for a poignant resolution.

In keeping with Roseanne’s tradition of addressing the taboo topics faced by working-class Americans, Barr’s character struggled with an opioid addiction last season.

So when the time came to kill her off, an overdose seemed like the most obvious solution, both for the sake of continuity and for the chance to grapple with the kind of tragedy that’s affecting more and more Americans each year.

While the debut episode of The Conners saw a dip in ratings, it was well received by critics.

Predictably, however, the real Roseanne took to Twitter to denounce the decision to kill her character as “disrespectful,” at one point railing:

“I ain’t dead yet, bitches!”

On Wednesday, two of the actors who portray Roseanne’s children — Lecy Goranson and Michael Fishman — appeared on Good Morning America to discuss the obvious anger of their TV mom:

“We really miss Roseanne and love her very much, you know and her spirit is still very much with us, so we understand that she’s hurting right now and she’s in pain and she’s always with us,” said Goranson.

“Hopefully, we can see her and kind of remedy some of this at some point in time, I hope.”

“The tone of the way she passed away was related to last season, and I think you listen to our producers, they really wanted to take a real crisis that’s happening in our country and find a way to give voice to that,” added Fishman.

“I know that the reaction to that is going to be different to different people, but what we’ve always tried to do is tackle big topics and try to be honest about them.”

It remains to be seen if audiences will warm up to The Conners the same way they embraced the revival of Roseanne.

But whatever the case, you can bet Lanford, Illinois’ most famous mom will not be tuning in.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Connors Premiere: How They Killed Off Roseanne

In May of this year, Roseanne Barr"s outspoken racism got her fired from her own show.

Fortunately, the rest of the cast, crew, and production team were saved when ABC confirmed a Roseanne spinoff, The Connors.

As you can see in this clip from The Connors premiere, they killed off Roseanne"s character. Here"s how:

The connors premiere screencap 01

On Tuesday, October 16, The Connors premiered.

There, viewers learned that Roseanne — the character — has died.

At first, the Connors simply believed that her cause of death had been a heart attack. That is the simplest way to kill off a character of her age.

She fell victim, writers and producers decided, to an opioid overdose.

As the family grieves, they remark on odd things that anyone who"s lost an immediate family member has noted — like the custom of bringing food to those who are in mourning.

(Note that while Roseanne may have died, that cringey laugh track remains)

Roseanne flips out

Obviously, no actual Roseannes were harmed during the filming of this episode.

Dan — John Goodman"s character — was particularly upset to learn that she had died of an overdose.

He had personally flushed her pain pills following her knee surgery, fearing that they might be misused or fall into the wrong hand.

In his quest to find someone to blame, he targeted the woman whose name was on the pill bottle.

But he learned that it wasn"t so simple — Roseanne had stashed pill bottles from multiple sources all over the house.

John goodman on the connors

Beyond this, the episode covered the Connor family trying to figure out how to exist with their new normal.

Part of that simply meant performing tasks that Roseanne herself used to do.

Dan assumed the role of someone to whom people come to talk, so it was to Dan that Mark came out as gay.

(Dan did a good job, saying that he just wished that Mark had felt comfortable telling him sooner)

In the mean time, Jackie spends the entire time trying to fill in for Roseanne around the house, but it"s really because she"s not prepared to say goodbye to her late friend.

The connors premiere screencap 02

The episode ends with the family sitting around the table.

There isn"t the usual laughter, but they"re all happy.

It is also revealed that Dan has been sleeping on the couch since Roseanne"s overdose, but he finally returns to his bed.

Honestly, that"s a very realistic struggle for people who are grieving.

And grappling with an unexpected opioid overdose is an all too real struggle for Americans.

Roseanne barr cackles

The Connors" premiere ratings were reportedly steady with the finale of Roseanne.

(And that"s an incomplete sample of viewers — think of how many people have yet to watch the episode on their DVRs)

Some reviewers went ahead and wrote that The Connors is exactly the sort of revival that ABC should have aired last year.

This show, many viewers agree, has more of the spirit of the original series.

Too much of that lone revival season of Roseanne felt like a betrayal of what the show had always represented.

The connors premiere screencap 03

In the end, plenty of people who would never have tuned in to the Roseanne revival would happily watch The Connors.

Similarly, plenty of people who watched the Roseanne revival because they wanted to cheer on a fellow Trump supporter are boycotting this series.

So far, it appears that the ratings are evening out. We hope that they remain strong.

When Roseanne was canceled, it left hundreds of people suddenly without jobs — people who hadn"t been looking for a new production job because Season 2 was already a sure thing.

If nothing else, we"re glad that The Connors is keeping those people employed for another television cycle. And perhaps, for many more.

The connor premiere how they killed off roseanne

Here"s How Roseanne Barr"s Character on "The Conners" Dies

Spoiler alert … Roseanne Barr’s character on “The Conners” was killed off by an opioid overdose.  The series premiere of the ‘Roseanne’ spin-off jumped right into Barr’s death … with writers wrapping up her storyline a…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Norm MacDonald Bashes #MeToo, Defends Louis C.K., Roseanne Barr

Well, folks, it turns out there’s more to Norm MacDonald than just live-tweeting play-by-play updates of whatever sporting event he happens to be watching at the moment.

It seems he also has other interests, such as pissing off the entirety of Twitter and torpedoing his own career.

Norm MacDonald

Despite the fact that his post-SNL television career has consisted of one flop after another, Norm is giving TV another shot with a new Netflix talk show.

And apparently, he’s dying to keep his cancelation streak going because dude just shot himself in the foot about a dozen times in a single interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Norm was asked a series of softball questions with very easy answers and he managed to strike out on each one.

Asked about the #MeToo movement, MacDonald had this to say:

Norm MacDonald Image

“I’m happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit. It used to be, ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’

“And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?’ Like, that Chris Hardwick guy I really thought got the blunt end of the stick there.”

As you may recall, Hardwick was accused of abuse by his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Dykstra.

Though no one really knows what went on in that relationship aside from those two, old Norm decided to take that leap for reasons that defy logic.

From there, Norm expressed some concerns about the perceived excesses of #MeToo:

“I do think that at some point it will end with a completely innocent person of prominence sticking a gun in his head and ending it. That’s my guess,” he said.

That led to a lengthy discussion of Roseanne Barr’s racism and Louis C.K.’s habit of masturbating in front of unsuspecting women.

“And Roseanne was so broken up [after her show’s reboot was canceled] that I got Louis to call her, even though Roseanne was very hard on Louis before that. But she was just so broken and just crying constantly,” MacDonald said.

“There are very few people that have gone through what they have, losing everything in a day. Of course, people will go, ‘What about the victims?’

“But you know what? The victims didn’t have to go through that.”

Yep. He went there.

Now, it’s worth pointing out that in no way did Louis C.K. or Roseanne lose everything.

In fact, they both enjoy lives of almost unimaginable wealth and privilege.

Comedians like to think of themselves as some sort of secret society that’s too dark and impenetrable for the rest of the world to ever understand, so Norm probably equates their inability to continue performing with death, or some such pretentious BS.

You’d think if MacDonald really feels that strongly about practicing his craft he’d be more careful about not stepping on landmines the week that his new show premieres.

But who knows, maybe this is some sort of Andy Kaufman-esque performance art piece and the whole world is too dumb to realize Norm’s not just being an assh-le.

We kid, Norm is definitely just being an assh-le.


Norm Macdonald Defends Louis C.K. and Roseanne Barr, Bashes #MeToo Movement

Norm Macdonald is no friend of the #MeToo movement … and the comedian is tired of seeing showbiz types like Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K. having their careers ruined by scandals.  Norm says he’s happy the #MeToo movement has “slowed down” ……


Monday, September 3, 2018

Roseanne Barr Says She"ll Bring Peace to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The words “Roseanne” and “peace” are rarely used in the same sentence — but they were today. We got Roseanne Monday at LAX as she was leaving town, and she seems to think she can do what so many before her found elusive or just plain hopeless ……


Roseanne Barr Says She"s Moving to Israel

Roseanne Barr is throwing in the towel and leaving the U.S. Barr appeared on Rabbi Shmuley’s podcast and said she’s headed for Israel … first she says for a few months to study, but then she talks about a full-on move — “I have an opportunity to…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Tim Allen Defends Roseanne Barr, Asks Very Dumb Question About Comedian"s Firing

Tim Allen just doesn’t understand.

Speaking Thursday at the Television Critics Association’s press tour, the veteran actor basically asked those in attendance was simple question:

Can’t someone just be overtly racist in public without suffering consequences in this country?!?

Allen spoke on the topic of Roseanne Barr’s firing by ABC with journalists at the aforementioned gathering, with his remarks generating both headlines and many raised eyebrows.

(Barr, of course, was let go by the network and had her revived sitcom canceled after she referred to an African-American political advisor as an “ape.”)

“I go away back with Rosie and that’s not the Rosie I know,” Allen said, expounding about his friend and her situation as follows:

“She was the most diverse and tolerant woman I’ve ever known for a long time. Whatever got in her head, isn’t the Roseanne I know.”

Allen then expressed sympathy and shock for the ways of the world, especially when it comes to supposedly funny people who dare to utter controversial statements.

“It’s a very icy time. I’m a veteran comedian for 38 years and I’ve never seen it, like Lenny Bruce said at the Purple Onion, ‘We’ve gone backwards.’ There are things you can’t say. There are things you shouldn’t say.

“Who makes up these rules? And as a stand-up comic, it’s a dangerous position to be in because I like pushing buttons. It’s unfortunate.”

Who makes up these rules?

We can answer that ridiculous inquiry, Tim.

In Roseanne’s case, ABC executies made up the so-called “rules.”

Roseanne was an employee who was fired by her employer for actions the latter deemed inappropriate and/or actions it felt no longer made her a worthwhile employee.

It’s that simple.

People get fired from their jobs everday. Roseanne is just one of those people.

Allen is one of the few outspoken Republicans in Hollywood.

In May of 2017, he said he was “stunned” by the cancelation of the sitcom on which he starred, Last Man Standing, hinting strongly that he thinks it was yanked off the air due to his Conservative views.

(It has ran for six seasons at the time and ratings had been falling for years.)

Allen also once compared life in Hollywood for a Republican to life in Nazi Germany for Jewish people.

He’s back in the news now because FOX has actually brought back Last Man Standing, hoping it finds a similarly impressive audience to the one Roseanne enjoyed before the network axed that show’s comeback.

As for Barr?

She has oscillated between being regretful for her actions and blaming others for taking them out of context.

She recently swore to Sean Hannity that she is not racist and she has received support from non-Tim Allen celebrities as well.

“Roseanne Barr is my sister in comedy and she is my universal sister and what I won’t do… is throw her away for making a mistake,” Mo’Nique told KTLA last Friday, July 27, adding at the time:

“We’ve all said and done things, baby, that we wish we could take back… but when you’re in the public eye, you can’t.

Said Barr to Fox News the day before that:

“I’ve apologized a lot. It’s been two months. I’ve apologized and explained and asked for forgiveness.”

Oh, well, if it’s been two months… nevermind then!

All automatically gets forgiven after 60 days, right?




Saturday, July 28, 2018

David Spade Mum on Whether He"ll Ever Open for Roseanne Again

David Spade had nice things to say about Roseanne … that is until our photog asked if he’d ever work with her again. We got David Friday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and at first he was chatty … how he opened for Roseanne back in the day,…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Roseanne Barr Keeps Trying to Claim She Isn"t Racist

Roseanne Barr sat down and spoke with Sean Hannity on Fox News on Thursday night.

We understand if you shudder at the mere reading of that sentence.

The comedian was on hand, of course, to discuss how her reputation has plummeted to an all-time low following a Tweet she wrote several weeks ago that compared former President Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an "ape."

Jarrett, of course, is African-American, although Roseanne has previously alleged she didn"t know this.

In the wake of this heinous comment, which wasn"t exactly the first time Barr came across as insensitive to other races or ethnicities, ABC canceled the revival of her sitcom.

It has since announced that a spinoff centered around her character"s fictional family, The Conners, will premiere in the fall.

(Presumably, the new sitcom will focus on this family reacting to the death of the Roseanne character.)

Speaking to Hannity, Roseanne was at times contrite; at times defensive; and at times defiant.

"I made a mistake, obviously. It cost me everything. My life"s work, everything. I made a mistake and I paid the price for it," she said early in the interview.

Barr went on to say that the Tweet was never meant to be "political" in any way, firing back at critics who dared to call her racist.

"Everyone started saying I was a racist, which is like the worst thing you can call a Jewish person, especially someone like me, who grew up with Holocaust survivors," she said, continuing:

"And because of that fact, I took a vow to my religion to my god that I would always fight extremism on either side, right or left."

If this has been the case, Roseanne has had an unusual way of fighting said extremism.

Barr told Hannity she felt she was "fighting the right by being really left," referring to her 2012 run for the presidency as a socialist candidate and added:

"Then I slowly woke up and both extremes are not where my values are. My values are in the middle," she said.

Later in the chat, Roseanne expressed interest in speaking to Jarrett… or maybe working out a way to find a “teachable moment” in an encounter with her.

“I’d want her to hear my voice, that I am so sorry,” she said.

Jarrett, previously, has said she has no real interest in hearing from Barr.

Also previously, Roseanne had chalked up her Tweet to stupidity, not racism.

Do you think Roseanne deserves forgiveness? Or does she just totally suck and should go away as quickly as humanly possible?

Take a look and a listen to her interview with Hannity right here if it will help you decide.

Roseanne barr keeps trying to claim she isnt racist

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Roseanne Barr Wants a Sit-Down with Valerie Jarrett in the Nude

Roseanne Barr wants to hash things out with Valerie Jarrett once and for all, but she doesn’t want anything to come between them … like clothing. Roseanne was at LAX Wednesday morning when we asked her about the new content she’s working on with…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Roseanne Says "F**k Racism" Four Times While Preparing for Her New Show

If the goal of Roseanne’s new show wasn’t already evident … it should be after watching this. Roseanne’s son, Jake Pentland, just shared another vid of his mom preparing to put out her own content, and this time instead of attempting to…


Roseanne Says "F**k Racism" Four Times While Preparing for Her New Show

If the goal of Roseanne’s new show wasn’t already evident … it should be after watching this. Roseanne’s son, Jake Pentland, just shared another vid of his mom preparing to put out her own content, and this time instead of attempting to…


Roseanne Barr on Valerie Jarrett: I Thought the B-tch Was White!

You know what, folks?

We"re starting to think that Roseanne Barr may be a tad bit unhinged.

What? That"s not exactly a groundbreaking statement? 

Okay, fine. Fair enough.

Many people likely believed this as soon as Barr referred to former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett as ape, something Roseanne Tweeted that prompted the cancelation of her sitcom.

Others may have believed it after Roseanne ranted and raved in response to this cancelation.

And still others may have believed this after Roseanne said people only dislike her because she"s Jewish.

Now, meanwhile, anyone NOT convinced has another reason to question Barr"s mental capacity.

Late Thursday night, a NSFW video of the 65-year-old comedian was posted to her official YouTube page.

In the brief clip, which we"ve shared above, Barr looks rather disordered and distressed as she smokes a cigarette.

She also argues with a male producer about the editing of a previous video, one that was evidently spliced together from multiple shoots and showed Roseanne wearing different outfits.

Soon, the irritated actress/comedian brings up the since-deleted tweet in which she likened Jarrett, an African-American ex-advisor to President Obama, to an “ape.”

Screams Roseanne:

“I’m trying to talk about Iran! I’m trying to talk about Valerie Jarrett about the Iran deal. That’s what my tweet was about."

“I thought the bitch was white!” she then says, growing even louder. “Goddamnit, I thought the bitch was white. F-ck!”

This really is quite the minute-plus of footage.

In the past, Roseanne tried to defend herself in a somewhat more reserved manner.

“I’m not a racist, I never was & I never will be,” she tweeted in May, for example, adding back then:

“One stupid joke in a lifetime of fighting 4 civil rights 4 all minorities, against networks, studios, at the expense of my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER b taken from me.”

Also in June, Barr gave a tearful interview on Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s podcast.

"I have to face that it hurt people,” she said.

“When you hurt people even unwillingly there’s no excuse. I don’t want to run off and blather on with excuses. But I apologize to anyone who thought, or felt offended and who thought that I meant something that I, in fact, did not mean.

"It was my own ignorance, and there’s no excuse for that ignorance. I definitely feel remorse. I’ve lost everything. And I regretted it before I lost everything."

ABC has given the green light to The Connors, a spinoff sitcom that, we presume, will center around the death of Roseanne"s long-running character.

Check out Barr"s ridiculous video above.

Roseanne barr posts unhinged video defense of valerie jarrett tw

Roseanne Barr Doing Her Own Talk Show

Roseanne Barr is launching a new talk show where she gets to call all the shots, and that “I thought the bitch was white” rant is a sneak peek of what’s to come … TMZ has learned. Barr’s been holed up in her son Jake Pentland’s Full Moon &…


Roseanne says Valerie Jarrett Comment Wasn"t Racist, "I Thought the Bitch Was White!"

Roseanne Barr let out a primal scream with her latest explanation of the racist tweet targeted at Valerie Jarrett … “I THOUGHT THE BITCH WAS WHITE!!!!!” Roseanne was being interviewed about her comment, comparing former Obama White House staffer…


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Arsenio Hall Says Forgiving Roseanne Is Everyone"s Own Call

Arsenio Hall says that if there were a comedy college, he and Roseanne Barr would’ve graduated from the same class, but he’s sure got a funny way of dealing with her recent racist tweet. We got Arsenio at the Laugh Factory in WeHo Thursday…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

TMZ Live: Roseanne I Have A New TV Offer!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Blac Chyna: New BF Is 19-Year-Old Boxer! Katharine McPhee & David Foster Engaged! Kevin Spacey: Costar Says He Got ‘Handsy’ On Set Amber Heard Under Fire For Immigration Tweet   


Roseanne Barr: I"m Coming Back to YOUR TV! ... If I Feel Like It

In May, Roseanne Barr got her own show cancelled after one of her especially racist tweets went viral.

Roseanne lashed out, ranting and raving and blaming anything and everything but herself. Now, however, she’s ready to have a much calmer conversation.

But she’s also teasing — or perhaps threatening — a comeback. In fact, she claims that she has already received multiple offers.

In an interview with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, Roseanne Barr speaks about her actions and what the future may hold for her.

“Inside every bad thing is a good thing waiting to happen,” Roseanne says.

Many would suggest that the anticipated good thing in this case is the spin-off, The Connors, which ABC has confirmed.

“And I feel very excited,” Roseanne continues. “Because I’ve already been offered so many things.”

Racism may get you fired if enough people raise their voices about it. But it can also get you elected to the highest office in the land.

“And I almost already accepted one really good offer to go back on TV,” Roseanne threatens. “And I might do it.”

Roseanne adds that nothing is set in stone just yet, saying: “But we’ll see.”

Roseanne also reveals that she did not demand any financial compensation from ABC when she gave the go-ahead for them to make The Connors.

“I thought signing off of my own life’s work and asking for nothing in return, I thought that was a penance,” Roseanne explains.

“Sometimes you ask people what do you think should be done to you,” Roseanne says. “Knowing what you’ve done wrong.”

Here, the context is that she is speaking with Rabbi Boteach about her Jewish faith.

“And it seems,” Roseanne remarks. “That people always know what should be done to them.”

We might question that, but the context of the conversation here is within the paradigm of Judaism and that’s a little outside our lane.

“I just knew that was the right thing and I want to do the right thing because I’ve lived my life,” Roseanne says. “Most part of it, to do the right thing for all people, not just Jews.”

“It’s really hard to say this, but I didn’t mean what they think I meant. I don’t want to run off and blather on with excuses, but I apologize to anyone who thought, or felt offended and who thought that I meant something that I, in fact, did not mean. It was my own ignorance, and there’s no excuse for that ignorance.”

“I definitely feel remorse… I’m a lot of things, I’m a loud mouth and all that stuff, but I’m not stupid, for God’s sake. I never would have wittingly called any black person…a monkey.”

It is so easy to imagine someone accidentally making a racist comparison when they did not realize that their statement was racially charged.

The problem, of course, is that Roseanne has a long history of making horrifying, inflammatory statements.

In fact, Valerie Jarrett isn’t even the first black woman who worked in the Obama Administration about whom Roseanne has made racist statements.

And then there are her other tweets.

Earlier this year, Roseanne tweeted a conspiracy theory that claimed that Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg had made a nazi salute at a March For Our Lives rally. He had not, of course, but that’s hardly the point.

Honestly, Roseanne’s persistent belief in conspiracy theories makes some wonder if one of her alleged job offers is to appear on InfoWars alongside Alex Jones.

Based upon her Twitter activity, it appears that she genuinely believes that Donald Trump is conducting secret arrests (using secret courts) of countless celebrity Illuminati child-molesters.

These celebs, so the theory goes, aren’t put in jail, but allowed to appear to lead their lives while closely monitored by Trump’s people.

Seriously, some of these folks believed that Chrissy Teigen’s bizarre flight at the end of 2017 was somehow evidence of this.

Even in recent weeks, Roseanne has tweeted stories about secret child-molestation bunkers being found, demanding to know why the news wasn’t covering it.

(The answer is: because it isn’t true)

Roseanne has spoken about her Jewish faith, even blaming her show’s cancellation on antisemitism.

She has also tweeted about “Jewish mind control.” The conspiracy theory community is full of actual antisemitism.

The frustrating thing about Roseanne Barr is that she can seem so likeable at times. But only being a good person part of the time is not really enough.

Does Roseanne deserve yet another chance at a comeback?

Even people who despise her and her racist statements aren’t all going to agree.


Roseanne Barr Says She Got New TV Offer She Might Accept

Roseanne Barr says things are not all bad for her after her racist tweet got her fired from her own show … she says TV offers are coming in and there’s one that has intrigued her. Barr appeared again on Rabbi Shmuley’s podcast and told him she…
