Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Jussie Smollett Mocked in Racist Parody Movie Posters

Jussie Smollett is now the face of racist parody movie posters that have sprung up in Los Angeles in the wake of his alleged attack in Chicago and an unraveling narrative.
At least two posters popped up Monday at a bus station near Fox Studios in Century City, which feature Jussie’s mug...
Jussie Smollett Mocked in Racist Parody Movie Posters

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Mariah Carey‘s former assistant has just fired back at the singer’s blackmail allegation with her own lawsuit, claiming she was the victim of horrible abuse by one of Mariah’s key people, and the singer did nothing about it.
Lianna Azarian claims in a new lawsuit, ...
Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Friday, January 4, 2019

Aaron Schlossberg Sued by Ex-Client ... Your Racist Rant Hurt Our Biz!!!


Aaron Schlossberg is the NYC lawyer who infamously went on a racist rant against restaurant employees for speaking Spanish … and he’s also now the defendant in a lawsuit filed by one of his ex-clients.
Niche Music Group wants Schlossberg to pay for screwing it over, ...
Aaron Schlossberg Sued by Ex-Client ... Your Racist Rant Hurt Our Biz!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

Breaking News
A disgusting, racist depiction of Florida State football coach Willie Taggart being hanged from a tree has triggered a state attorney investigation in Florida … officials have announced. 
The image was posted to Facebook after FSU’s 41-14 loss to Florida this weekend. ...
FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

Breaking News
A disgusting, racist depiction of Florida State football coach Willie Taggart being hanged from a tree has triggered a state attorney investigation in Florida … officials have announced. 
The image was posted to Facebook after FSU’s 41-14 loss to Florida this weekend. ...
FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

Breaking News
A disgusting, racist depiction of Florida State football coach Willie Taggart being hanged from a tree has triggered a state attorney investigation in Florida … officials have announced. 
The image was posted to Facebook after FSU’s 41-14 loss to Florida this weekend. ...
FSU Coach Willie Taggart State Attorney Launches Investigation Over Racist "Hanging" Pic of Coach

Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Don Lemon"s Racist Twitter Troll Won"t Be Charged for Death Threats

The man who made death threats against Don Lemon last year will not have to answer for his harassment, ‘cause prosecutors say he’s too small of a fish … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … prosecutors in NY have declined to file…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

11 Times Megyn Kelly Was Really Very Racist

You won"t believe this, but Megyn Kelly defended the use of blackface during a controversial Today Show segment.

Wait… what"s that you say?

You totally believe it because Megyn Kelly has a history of saying inappropriate things that could best be described as offensive and worst be described as racist

That"s right. She was a mainstay on Fox News for years, no matter how hard NBC worked to try and make us forget her employment history.

Below, we run down the scandal that got Kelly kicked off NBC and compare it to other times in which she said some really awful things about African-Americans:

1. What is Racist?

Megyn kelly sucks

This is the question Kelly actually asked on air, challenging her round table panelists to explain the problem with white people dressing up in blackface for Halloween… apparently unaware of how this type of makeup was used by theater performers in the 19th century to stereotype and mock African-Americans who were being held down in society.

2. Ah, The Good Ole Days…

Megyn kelly pro blackface

“Back when I was a kid, that was OK just as long as you were dressing as a character,” Kelly said stupidly, adding: “Isn’t the whole purpose of Halloween to dress up and pretend you’re someone other than yourself? I feel like it’s so absurd. Who comes up with these rules?”

3. She Did At Least Apologize

Megyn kelly at oscars party

“I want to begin with two words: I’m sorry,” she said at the top of the next day’s show. “You may have heard that yesterday we had a conversation about political correctness and Halloween costumes. … I defended the idea (of blackface), saying that as long it was respectful and part of a Halloween costume, that it seemed OK. Well, I was wrong, and I am sorry.”

4. Continued the Embattled Anchor:

Megyn kelly interview pic

“This past year has been so painful for many people of colo. The country feels so divided and I have no wish to add to that pain and offense. I believe this is a time for more understanding, more love, more sensitivity and honor, and I want to be part of that. Thank you for listening and for helping me listen too.”

5. Too Little, Too Late?

Megyn kelly interview photo

Kelly will be terminated by NBC as a result of these remarks, multiple sources have said. And it doesn’t help that she has made similar comments in the past. To wit…


Megyn kelly in red

During her Fox News days, Kelly got very, very VERY worked up over the idea of black men dressed up as Santa Claus, telling her audience: “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white…Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change. Jesus was a white man, too.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Megyn Kelly Gets Roasted by NBC Colleagues for Racist Comments

Megyn Kelly just reminded the world that she doesn"t know how to google the answers to simple questions. Instead, she asks them on live television.

After a massive backlash, Megyn is super sorry about defending blackface and seems to actually understand the topic.

But despite her apology, it looks like she"s still not off the hook — even with her own colleagues at NBC.

Today panel discusses megyn kelly

News anchors are supposed to report and discuss the news. In general, they really should not be making the news.

But that"s what Megyn did, in the worst way, when she defended blackface Halloween costumes in a discussion with an all-white panel.

She has apologized and explained how the backlash opened her eyes, and NBC"s Today had a group of her own collegues discuss the controersy.

Morgan Radford participated in the discussion along with Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb, and Craig Melvin.

Al Roker says that her internal email is not a sufficient way of saying that she"s sorry.

"The fact is," Roker says. "While she apologized to the staff, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country."

Al roker discusses megyn kelly blackface remarks

Roker explains how, as a black man, this is very personal to him.

"This is history going back to the 1830s minstrel shows to demean and to denigrate a race," Roker says. "It was not right."

"I am old enough to have lived through Amos ‘n’ Andy, where you had people in blackface playing two black characters, magnifying the worst stereotypes about black men."

He refers to nightmarish caricatures of black men, performed by white men, that were used as weapons to ridicule real black people.

"And that," he explains. "Is what the problem is. That is what the issue is."

Craig melvin discusses megyn kelly apology

Craig Melvin doesn"t mince words when he talks about Megyn"s segment.

He calls her defense of blackface both "stupid" and "indenfensible."

There are people in this world who might understandably not realize the historical implications of blackface.

A millionaire television anchor who can and should read up on any controversial topics that she plans to address on television has no such excuse.

Melvin also points out the fact that Jim Crow laws are named for a blackface minstrel character, a fact we mentioned recently when discussing whiteface.

Megyn kelly pro blackface

Despite reports of an alleged feud, Savannah Guthrie clearly felt uneasy about throwing a colleague under the bus.

"It is uncomfortable, obviously," Guthrie says. "Because Megyn is a colleague at NBC News."

But it is that working relationship that made it so vital for NBC to have a panel discuss Megyn"s controversial remarks.

For the public, it"s about education and illumination of an important topic.

For NBC, and we don"t mean to sound cynical, it"s about making it clear that the organization as a whole does not defend blackface.

Morgan radford speaks on megyn kelly

Roker and Melvin both made excellent points, which you can see and hear in the video that we"ve attached.

But it was Morgan Radford who arguably put the best spin on this situation.

She acknowledged the historical weight of blackface while also presenting Megyn"s words as a "learning moment."

Megyn, Radford says, "really gifted us the opportunity to have this conversation and a public discourse."

"We now have the courage and we have the platform to have conversations like this," Radford notes.

She says that these talks are important "even when they’re uncomfortable because we can see they’re still necessary."

Megyn kelly comments about santa revisited

It probably does not help that Megyn Kelly has a history of making wildly controversial remarks about race.

She made these comments primarily while working at Fox News, where white nationalists like Tucker Carlson thrive.

Megyn may be best known for having claimed that Santa Claus, a fictional character based upon a Turkish man, is white. As if she had met him.

She also claimed that Jesus, a Middle Eastern Jewish man, was a white man.

Her suggestion that blackface was acceptable when she was growing up — in the 1970s — dredged all of that back up.

Megyn kelly as today anchor

But, as we said, Megyn did apologize, first in an email to colleagues and then to her viewers.

"The history of blackface in our culture is abhorrent; the wounds too deep," Megyn acknowledges.

"I’ve never been a ‘pc’ kind of person," she says. "But I understand that we do need to be more sensitive in this day and age."

In general, labels like politically correct are useless, and hurled around by people who want to dismiss any struggles that are not their own.

It appears that Megyn is learning a little more about the world.

We wish that she, as the highest paid television anchor on the planet despite her ratings, would actively educate herself before getting backlash.

Megyn kelly roasted for racist comments by nbc colleagues

Rep. Eric Swalwell Says President Trump"s Nationalist Boast Has Racist Implications

President Trump was dead-on when he said calling himself a “nationalist” is old-fashioned, but the old era he’s referring to is called Nazi Germany … according to Congressman Eric Swalwell. Rep. Swalwell was on TMZ Live talking about Trump…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Megyn Kelly Defends Blackface, Asks: What is Racist?

Oh, crazy, desperate, race-baiting, ignorant Megyn Kelly…

… how we’ve missed you!

The formerly controversial Fox News host moved over to NBC at the outset of 2018, determined to shed her polarizing reputation and settle in as a harmless and happy morning personality.

She wanted to be the next Kelly Ripa, basically.

The thing is, though, there’s already a Kelly Ripa on television — and Kelly quickly learned that you can’t go from ranting and raving about the plight of the rich white person on Fox to casually discussing makeup and paleo recipes on NBC.

Viewers do not forget.

So, with her Today Show ratings dwindling, Kelly has returned to what she does best:

Making really dumb, close-minded and misguided statements.

She sided with Brett Kavanaugh a few weeks ago, for example, arguing that the Supreme Court justice nominee was innocent of sexual misconduct simply because he said so.

And now Kelly is here to wonder why people dressing in blackface is such a big deal.

“I have to give you a fair warning, I’m a little fired up about Halloween costumes this morning,” Kelly said on Tuesday to open a segment.

“I mean, truly, political correctness has gone amok. There are strict rules on what you may and may not wear by someone who thinks is the boss of you.”

“Isn’t the whole purpose of Halloween to dress up and pretend you’re someone other than yourself?” she continued. “I feel like it’s so absurd. Who comes up with these rules?”

What rules, you may be wondering?

Receiving flak for painting one’s face black for a costume, Kelly used as a major example.

“What is racist?” she actually asked.

“You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid, that was OK just as long as you were dressing as a character.”

For the record:

Blackface was a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-black performers to represent a caricature of a black person in the 19th century.

It contributed to the spread of racial stereotypes such as the “happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation” or the “dandified coon” and it was very offensive to African-Americans.

It was stereotypical and insulting and a reminder to African-Americans that they were viewed as a lesser other by those who wore it.

This really isn’t complicated.

But Kelly brought up Real Housewives of New York cast member Luann de Lesseps to try and prove her point.

Luann faced backlash in April when she attended a Halloween party dressed as legendary singer Diana Ross.

de Lesseps said soon afterward that she understood the criticism and apologized for it. But Kelly doesn’t comprehend why she had to do so.

“People said that that was racist! And I don’t know, like, I thought, like, ‘Who doesn’t love Diana Ross?"” said Kelly, adding:

“She wants to look like Diana Ross for one day. I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween. It’s not like she’s walking around [wearing blackface] in general.”

Patton Oswalt spoke for most of the free world when he responded to Kelly’s viewpoint as follows:

oswalt tweet

It seems hard to believe that Kelly herself believes this one.

But we’re pretty sure we know what’s going on here:

She’s auditioning for a return to Fox.

Someone is clearly yearning to be employed by a company that will appreciate her racist views.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Congressman Cedric Richmond Says Donald Trump is a Racist

The leader of the free world is a racist, and Donald Trump’s history of prejudice against minorities dates back long before he became POTUS … so says Rep. Cedric Richmond.  The U.S. Congressman and Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Paul Pierce Scuffles with Security and Calls Them Racist at McGregor Fight

Former Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce got into it with a security guard Saturday night at UFC 229 in Vegas. Paul was trying to get to the first floor of the arena when apparently a security guard questioned if he had a ticket to be in the…


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pete Davidson: Chevy Chase Is a Racist Douchebag!

If you’re under the age of 30, there’s a very good chance that the name Chevy Chase doesn’t mean much of anything to you — and with good reason.

While he was once thought to be one of the country’s top comedic talents, much of Chase’s work has not aged well, and he’s repeatedly torpedoed his own career with bigoted remarks and other acts of supreme douchebaggery.

Though he’s attempted to revive his career several times in recent years, those efforts have proven ill-fated, largely as a result of the fact that Chase’s co-stars tend to find him insufferable.

Chase likely sees this as a result of jealousy over his self-appointed status as a comedy legend, when in reality, it’s simply a consequence of the fact that people prefer not to work with racist jackasses.

(See the incident in which Chase hurled racial slurs at Donald Glover on the set of Community for evidence of how much this guy sucks.)

At this point, it seems Chase has all but given up on making a comeback and has instead opted to burn every bridge between himself and the people who cursed us all by making Chevy Chase famous. 

Chase got his start on Saturday Night Live, and many were shocked this week when he decided to attack the show for its decline in quality.

“First of all, between you and me and a lamppost,” Chase recently told The Washington Post.

“Jeez, I don’t want to put down Lorne [Michaels] or the cast … But I’ll just say, maybe off the record, I’m amazed that Lorne has gone so low,” he added.

“I had to watch a little of it,” he said of the show. “And I just couldn’t f–king believe it.” 

Now, ragging on SNL is a fun activity that we should all engage in as regularly as possible, but a former cast member attacking the current cast with such vitriol is a violation of an unwritten law among performers.

For a while there, it looked as though no one would push back against Chase, but thankfully, Pete Davidson eventually rose to the challenge.

Yes, folks, Pete is more than just Ariana Grande’s fiance.

He’s also one of the more outspoken SNL cast members, and he’s having none of Chevy’s nonsense.

Davidson sat down with Howard Stern this week, and he really let loose on the topic of Chase.

“He’s a f–king douchebag,” Davidson said.

“F–k Chevy Chase. He’s just a genuinely bad, racist person and I don’t like him. He’s a putz.”

Davidson added:

“It’s disrespectful to Lorne, too, a guy who gave you a career … No matter how big you get, you can’t forget what that guy did for you.”

Now, to be clear, Pete Davidson is a better person than Chevy Chase by every measure.

But can we dispense with this notion that Lorne Michaels is some unassailable comedy god and SNL is his flawless gift to the world?

Go ahead and watch a full episode from any point in the show’s 4,300 years on the air, and you’ll find that it’s always been mostly unwatchable.

It’s true of Chevy’s cast, and Pete’s, and it goes quadruple for the Joe Piscopo days.

That said, Kanye is gonna be on this week, so we’ll totally be watching.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: I"m Not Racist! Please Watch Me on Teen Mom OG!

Like it or not, Cheyenne Floyd has joined the cast of Teen Mom OG.

And, as it turns out, most people don’t seem to like it.

This is for many reasons.

One, Cheyenne is already kind of celebrity from appearing on other MTV reality shows like Are You the One? and The Challenge.

Does she really need to be on a third show?

Two, she gave birth to her daughter when she was 24 years old, so she is not nor has she ever been a teen mom.

And since that’s the title of the show, it seems like one of the most basic requirements for the main cast members.

Three, the show is called Teen Mom OG, with the “OG” standing for “Original Girls.”

Up until last season, the cast consisted of Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, Maci Bookout, and Farrah Abraham, all girls from the first season of 16 and Pregnant and all girls who have been the Teen Moms from very first episode of the franchise.

Sure, Farrah got herself fired, but still, lots of fans thought the show would be just fine going forward with only Maci, Amber, and Catelynn.

Adding anyone else would take the OG out of Teen Mom OG, and that’s just not cool.

Still, it seems like MTV got super into the five girl format of Teen Mom 2 since Briana joined that show, and so they went and added two new cast members.

That’s how we have not only Cheyenne starring on the show when the season premieres on October 1st, but also Bristol Palin.

What did we do to deserve this?

And on top of all those other reasons why so many people don’t want to see Cheyenne, there’s still a great big one left …

Remember those super weird racist tweets of hers?

She posted them several years ago, but they resurfaced earlier this summer when reports began circulating that she’d be joining the show.

One from 2011 read “My mom said I can’t see The Help, she knows I already have a problem white people.”

Later, she followed that one up with “Last night I saw it and I wanted to kill every white person I saw.”

A few months later, she retweeted a friend who wrote that she and another friend “are the only nazi-loving, black power-having, ‘kill-a-white-baby-if-I-could’ people i can accept and adore.”

It goes without saying that tweeting about killing people, and specifically babies, is not great, no matter what race these imagined murder victims happen to be.

Since MTV hadn’t announced the big news about Cheyenne at that point, there was some speculation that they’d just let her go quietly without having to make a big statement about it.

But since they made the news official earlier this month, clearly they’re still going through with it.

And now, at long last, Cheyenne is speaking out about those infamous tweets.

In a written statement she shared in an Instagram Live post, she explained that “As a mom of a baby, with a biracial Dad and a member of a new blended mix-raced family, I am so sorry that these messages resurfaced and they do not represent me at all.”

“They came from a shared social media account (with many users), during my teenage/college years,” she continued.

“Although I didn’t write them, they were in poor taste and hurtful.”

She finished things out with “Through this experience I have grown up so much and thank God everyday for the woman I am becoming.”

So … hmm.

It’s kind of hard to imagine a teenage girl sharing a Twitter account with many other people, because who does that?

And even if that’s true, her friend still tagged her specifically in the tweet about killing white babies, and by the wording of the tweet, it’s very clear she wasn’t talking about a group of people.

It’s also interesting that she kept quiet about the scandal until she officially became a Teen Mom, isn’t it?

In another post, Cheyenne wrote “I know I was not a teen mom, as did MTV when the reached out to me.”

“As a young mom, I have had to overcome many struggles and face similar issues. It was my hope that my willingness to do the show and share my personal life and struggles could possibly help someone else.”

She said that she also wants “to bring awareness to my daughter’s medical condition, which has very little funding and research.”

(Her daughter has VLCAD deficiency, a condition that makes her body incapable of breaking down certain fats into energy, and it can be serious.)

That’s fine, we guess, but the whole situation is still pretty weird.

But, like we said, she’s going to be on the show whether we like it or not.

Guess we’ll see how everything turns out soon enough!


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Don Cheadle Says He Doesn"t Believe Serena Cartoonist, You Know It"s Racist!

Don Cheadle isn’t buying the Herald Sun’s explanation for its Serena Williams cartoon one bit … telling TMZ Sports the newspaper DEFINITELY knows the drawing is racist as hell. “I don’t believe them,” the ‘Avengers’ actor says. “They have their…


Racist Serena Cartoon, Newspaper Doubles Down and Attacks "PC" Critics

We’re NOT racist, you’re too sensitive — that’s how an Australian newspaper is handling criticism of their Serena Williams cartoon … and now they’ve REPRINTED IT on their cover.  The Herald Sun ran the headline, “Welcome To PC World” –…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Stars Blast Cartoonist for "Racist, Sexist" Depiction of Serena Williams

Serena Williams may not have another U.S. Open title to add to her trophy case at home.

But the greatest tennis player in women’s history has the support of many celebrities in Hollywood, that’s for certain.

Allow us to explain…

On Saturday evening, Williams fell in the final round of the U.S. Open, losing in two sets to Naomi Osaka.

But the match was very unfortunately marred by three penalties assessed to Serena in that final set by chair umpire Carlos Ramos.

First, he warned Serena about being actively coached by her coach, who was sitting in Williams’ official box in the stands.

Then, he rewarded a point to Osaka after Serena smashed her racquet in frustration.

Finally, he rewarded an entire game to Osaka after Serena told Ramos – while sitting in her seat on the sideline, in between games – that he was a “thief” for taking away the aforementioned point.

This was an unprecendented move by a chair umpire in a Grand Slam Final.

It led to a lot of outrage online.

There were those who believe Serena did NOT deserve such a harsh punishment, along with those who felt terrible on behalf of Osaka, whose first-ever major tournament victory has been overshadowed by this controversy.

And there were those who thought Serena acted inappropriately and immaturely and deserved to be docked that game.

It’s safe to say that cartoon Mark Knight falls into this second camp.

The artist posted to Twitter on Monday a drawing he made that appeared in the Australian newspaper The Herald Sun.

It depicts the 36-year-old tennis star as an angry baby jumping all over her tennis racquet — and it has prompted quite a string of responses by quite a number of celebrities.

“Well done on reducing one of the greatest sportswomen alive to racist and sexist tropes and turning a second great sportswoman into a faceless prop,” J.K. Rowling Tweeted, for example.

Added actress Cynthia Erivo:

“This reprehensible and racist. It also warps the actual event and misses the point of what actually happened @Knightcartoons.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. Yet another white guy disrespecting a black woman because you still don’t see us as multi dimensional human beings.”

It certainly is fair to ask at least one question, no matter where you stand on Serena’s recent actions:

Why is Serena’s opponent in this cartoon white and blonde?

Why has Knight chosen to contrast Williams with someone that comes across thos way?

Osaka is of Haitian and Japanese descent.

It’s therefore difficult to read into Knight’s above depiction as anything but, yes, racist.

“Hey @Knightcartoons just change your name to KKK Cartoons … Racist piece of s—t!” wrote Kathy Griffin.

Considering how often male players smash their racquets and how loudly they berate umpires without repercussion, many supporters of both Serena and humanity in general believe Ramos acted out of a sexist impuluses on Saturday.

“Women are treated differently in most arenas of life,” wrote former tenns champion Billie Jean King in an op-ed in The Washington Post, adding:

“This is especially true for women of color. And what played out on the court yesterday happens far too often.”

We tend to agree.

But even if you don’t, can we all agree that this cartoon is disgusting?


Monday, September 10, 2018

J.K. Rowling Blasts "Racist" Serena Williams Newspaper Cartoon

This is not good.  A newspaper in Australia is catching A LOT of heat over a cartoon that was trying to spoof Serena Williams’ incident at the U.S. Open — because it’s racist as hell.  The cartoon — drawn by Mark Knight (editorial…
