Showing posts with label Richmond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richmond. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Congressman Cedric Richmond Says Donald Trump is a Racist

The leader of the free world is a racist, and Donald Trump’s history of prejudice against minorities dates back long before he became POTUS … so says Rep. Cedric Richmond.  The U.S. Congressman and Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Donald Trump Is "Irrelevant" & "Bitter" at NFL, Says Congressman Richmond

Here’s Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond going all “Hit ‘Em Up” on Donald Trump – slamming POTUS as a bitter old man who’s “irrelevant” when it comes to the NFL. The diss session started when we asked the Chairman of the Black Caucus…


Donald Trump Is "Irrelevant" & "Bitter" at NFL, Says Congressman Richmond

Here’s Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond going all “Hit ‘Em Up” on Donald Trump – slamming POTUS as a bitter old man who’s “irrelevant” when it comes to the NFL. The diss session started when we asked the Chairman of the Black Caucus…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Congressman Richmond: I Stand with Kaepernick, NFL Blackball Is Unfair

A powerful U.S. congressmen is calling out NFL owners on behalf of Colin Kaepernick – he clearly feels the QB is being punished for speaking his conscience … and “it’s unfair.” TMZ Sports spoke with Cedric Richmond – a democrat from…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Congressman Cedric Richmond Calls Out Trump, NRA, Philando Castile Was Not a Threat to Cops

President Trump and the National Rifle Ass’n are stereotyping all black men as dangerous, and the proof is their silence over the killing of Philando Castile … so says Congressman Cedric Richmond. Richmond was on Capitol Hill Thursday when our…
