Showing posts with label Bitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitter. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Alienation of Affection Lawsuit Sees Bitter Husband Awarded $8.8 Million From Wife"s Lover

In a stunning case, a jilted husband exploited an archaic law to sue the man who had an affair with his wife — and won.

What is truly shocking is how well it worked. The court awarded him an $ 8.8 million judgment, most of which is punitive.

This story and this case is sensational and even ridiculous — but it"s also more troubling than it may sound.

A man named Keith King sued Francisco Huizar III, whom his wife had been seeing for 16 months.

Of the $ 8.8 million that the judge awarded to King in damages, only $ 2.2 were over allegedly tangible losses — because King claims that his company lost money and a valuable employee in the process.

That employee being his wife, Danielle Swords.

King sued Huizar for criminal conversation, alienation of affection, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and assault and battery.

"Criminal conversation" is essentially a legalese euphemism for extramarital sex acts.

The allegations of "assault and battery" are … well, based upon something that happened later.

A little over five years after Danielle Swords married Keith King, she met Huizar at a bike show for her husband"s company, King BMX Stunt Shows.

According to allegations made by King"s attorneys, Huizar "pursued" Swords, which eventually led to him renting a home near her.

From there, the two enjoyed spa days and hotel visits and, you know, normal affair stuff. Please don"t cheat on your spouse, folks.

Apparently King first noticed that his wife was exchanging inappropriate texts with Huizar. If he learned that by going through her private messages without permission, that is a huge red flag.

King has hotel reciepts and call logs that he says support his claims about Huizar.

King"s 33-year-old wife Danielle Swords says that their marriage was already in trouble when Huizar came along, but King disagrees, and lays the blame at the feet of Huizar.

Swords eventually separated from King, moving into an apartment of her own.

When Keith went there, he was apparently "shocked" to see Huizar there with her.

It appears that he freaked out, and Swords recorded a video of him whining "that"s my wife!"

Under other circumstances, one might choose to feel sorry for the guy. As it is, he used the incident to accuse Huizar of assault and battery.

From footage that Swords herself recorded, it looks like all that Huizar did was keep King from entering an apartment where he was not welcome.

Here is why this is serious.

Alienation of Affection laws essentially treat women as property instead of as independent human beings who can make their own choices.

Most states do no have "alienation of affection" laws still on the books, because it"s 2018 and most of us agree that women are people.

But North Carolina still has this law on the books. And so do Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah.

Huizar is going to appeal the judgment (paying isn"t even an option, of course), and hopefully, his case"s appeals could get his barbaric law thrown out.

If you"re wondering why so many feel disgust and contempt towards King and not for Swords, who cheated, even though cheating is bad … listen to the way that he talks about her.

Speaking to Inside Edition, King s

"If she had been in a car accident," King says. "And I walked up on the car accident and saw her dead in the car, that"s what it felt like to me."

That is a very creepy comparison. Especially considering that she is a person who is alive and well, but just decided that she didn"t want to be married to him.

"I felt like I had just witnessed her die," King says.

If he feels that the mother of his child only has any value if she"s still "his," it"s no surprise that he dedicated his time and resources to exacting revenge upon the man she prefers in court.

We definitely think that Swords should have not had an affair and instead separated before taking up with Huizar.

But, at the same time, we hope that Huizar"s appeal is successful. The court"s judgment may have followed the law, but the law is dehumanizing to consenting adults and should be overturned or abolished.

Alienation of affection lawsuit sees bitter husband awarded 88 d

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lamar Odom: Khloe Kardashian Will Be a Great Mom! I"m Not Bitter!

It"s just a couple more months now until the latest Kardashian spawn is born … can you even stand it?!

Khloe Kardashian is all set to give birth in April to what will surely be a super, super adorable baby, and we could not possibly be more excited about it.

You know who probably could be a little more excited though?

Lamar Odom.

Like, it makes sense that he"s not jumping for joy for his ex-wife and her pregnancy, obviously, and we wouldn"t expect him to be, but still, if he"s going to be weird about it, he doesn"t have to talk about it.

And yet …

Lamar did an interview with Access, and the full thing will air on Monday, but in the meantime, we have this little sneak peek of the part where he talked about Khloe.

When asked about the pregnancy, he said "To tell the truth it couldn"t happen to a better person. I was really happy for her."

"I know if she could take care of a grown man for four years the way she took care of me," he added, "I know she could take care of a baby."

One of the interviewers said that she thought Khloe was going to be a great mother, and Lamar was quick to agree, repeating that Khloe took care of him for years, so he"d know.

He also said "That"s going to be one spoiled ass baby."

Next he was asked about his happiest memories with Khloe, and he revealed that getting married was one of his best memories — that, and "us just trying to make a baby."

Aww, Lamar.

Naturally that led to a segment of Keeping Up with the Kardashians that aired last year, the one where Khloe said that she "fake tried" to get pregnant with Lamar because she knew it would be a bad idea to bring a baby into that situation.

"That was hurtful," he said, "but I mean I was going through some things at the time so I didn"t really take it too personal."

It"s not that he says anything bad in this interview or anything — not like that shady little remark in his last interview, the one about all the NBA players Khloe"s dated.

But would it be too much to ask for him to stop talking about her altogether?

It"s awkward, it"s sad, and it seems pretty clear that he"s not into reliving it all, which is perfectly fair.

Perhaps it"s time for him to tell his people to shut down this kind of talk. It really doesn"t do anyone any favors.

Check out Lamar and feel all these feelings by watching the video below:

Lamar odom khloe kardashian will be a great mom im not bitter

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Donald Trump Is "Irrelevant" & "Bitter" at NFL, Says Congressman Richmond

Here’s Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond going all “Hit ‘Em Up” on Donald Trump – slamming POTUS as a bitter old man who’s “irrelevant” when it comes to the NFL. The diss session started when we asked the Chairman of the Black Caucus…


Donald Trump Is "Irrelevant" & "Bitter" at NFL, Says Congressman Richmond

Here’s Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond going all “Hit ‘Em Up” on Donald Trump – slamming POTUS as a bitter old man who’s “irrelevant” when it comes to the NFL. The diss session started when we asked the Chairman of the Black Caucus…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jim Carrey Ends Bitter Legal Battle with Ex-GF"s Mom and Husband

Jim Carrey’s long, drawn out legal war over his ex-girlfriend’s death won’t end in a courtroom, because the lawsuits filed by Jim and her family have been dismissed … TMZ has learned. As we reported … Cathriona White’s mother and estranged…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Kyrie Irving: I Won"t Be Bitter If LeBron Doesn"t Pick Me for All-Star Team

With LeBron James and Steph Curry picking the teams for the NBA All-Star game, we asked Kyrie Irving if he’d be upset if his old teammate didn’t pick him first.  Ya gotta see what Kyrie says when we spotted him at Delilah in West…


Kyrie Irving: I Won"t Be Bitter If LeBron Doesn"t Pick Me for All-Star Team

With LeBron James and Steph Curry picking the teams for the NBA All-Star game, we asked Kyrie Irving if he’d be upset if his old teammate didn’t pick him first.  Ya gotta see what Kyrie says when we spotted him at Delilah in West…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Jacob Roloff: Writing a New, Bitter Tell-All?

Jacob Roloff is the “black sheep” of the Roloff family.

Matt and Amy’s youngest son isn’t much of a troublemaker, but his family’s rise to fame on Little People, Big World hasn’t sat well with him. He was even estranged from his parents for a while, there.

But … is he writing a second tell-all? That’s sure what it sounds like, and if that’s the case, we can kiss our dreams of a Roloff reunion goodbye.

We’ve talked about the possibility that Jacob Roloff might return to Little People, Big World.

This would be a huge, huge deal — because the series is probably Jacob’s biggest point of contention with his parents.

He’s blasted his family’s series as being “fake.”

A couple of years ago, he accused them of having forced him to appear on Little People, Big World without pay.

(Which is a legitimate gripe, folks)

That was a huge deal, and he became estranged from them. Which was a loss for the show, sure, but a bigger loss for the Roloff family.

And, quite frankly, for Jacob.

Jacob Roloff’s been spending time with his mom, though, and fans are hopeful that the fence-mending that he’s been up to will amount to a total reconciliation and a return to the series.

But … it’s sure not looking that way.

Though we’ve mentioned them before, we want to remind you of some of Jacob Roloff’s own words from Instagram.

“An update: Izzy and I have for several months been working towards bringing all of our creative aspirations to fruition. So far, I’m happy to report, it is going quite well.”

Izzy is his girlfriend, in case that’s slipped your mind.

“I’m working on this next piece of writing, considerably longer than Verbing, called Out To See, and Izzy is working on a poetry book (among other things) with her own art, watercolor, and photography sprinkled in for good measure.”

That’s all fine and well, but they’re also working on something together.

“On top of that, we have a joint project that we are keeping top secret for a little while longer, but will hopefully get to express to you folks by the turn of the new year. We are working away, and I can’t very well contain my excitement!”

But he’s still keeping it a secret.

Here is where his (admittedly, understandable) bitterness comes into play.

“I wanted this book to be something I might have wanted when I was a kid, growing up surrounded by one way of life with no room to stretch or explore, as it pertains to religion, at least.”

That’s an important quote.

As much as we adore the Roloffs, Jacob might have good reason for his unhappiness.

Growing up on a farm in a rustic way of life, in isolation, means limited opportunity to grow and become a person.

It’s a fine way to retire if that’s the sort of life that you want to live, as Matt Roloff clearly did.

But, though we’re certain that Matt and Amy didn’t mean anything malicious by it, Jacob feels that he was cheated out of other opportunities.

Particularly, he says, when it comes to religion. Meaning that he wishes that his family’s brand of Christianity hadn’t been the only form of faith to which he was exposed while growing up.

(Which doesn’t bode well for his relationship with his deeply devout sister-in-law, Audrey Roloff, what with her line about this “twisted” generation)

Still, faith is a very personal choice, and no one — try as they might — should get to make that for you.

RadarOnline reports that Jacob Roloff is indeed writing a second tell-all.

Jacob Roloff seems to be trying to quash that rumor, as he says that this is not about the past:

“I wanted it to be clear that this is not a dive into the past but a contemplation on my present situation, my thoughts, and what I expect going in to the immediate future. It’s about me going Out To See a different way of life, and never being able to return the same again. (Inspired by Tomás Garretón’s song of the same title.)”

Still, our past informs our present, so it’s not clear how one can talk about the present without references to the past.

We suppose that only time will tell how much of a tell-all this ends up being. Jacob might even reveal more than he intended to.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison: A Complicated, Bitter History

When the news first broke that Hugh Hefner had died, our first thought was to wonder what Kendra Wilkinson had to say

Our second thought was of Holly Madison and her long, very complicated history with Hef.

A lot of people have bitter relationships with an ex, but this was … much more involved than that.

Starting at the age of 20, Holly Madison became one of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends, moving into the Playboy Mansion in 2001.

This relationship would last for seven years.

During that time, Holly Madison became a reality star on on the E! series, The Girls Next Door.

She costarred with Kendra Wilkinson, who went from being her frenemy to her full-blown enemy after she parted ways with Hef.

During her relationship, though, on camera and on the surface, everything seemed great for Holly Madison.

Holly has since revealed that she was miserable and suffering throughout. 

In her book, Down The Rabbit Hole, Holly Madison describes her experience within the Playboy Mansion as anything but idyllic.

First of all, her initial impression was that being Hef’s “girlfriend” wouldn’t involve having sex with him.

We don’t know exactly how she came to believe that, but she learned that it was not the case.

Her first night having sex with Hugh Hefner apparently involved his other “girlfriends” arranged around him while he, by her description, used marijuana and masturbated while pornography played on two large televisions in the room.

Hef even allegedly offered Holly quaaludes, which he referred to as “thigh-openers.”

Now, some of that may sound like a little much (seriously, who needs porn playing on two different televisions? And the bit about the quaaludes offer is creepy), but that’s all fine for consenting adults.

What’s definitely not fine is the competitive culture in the Playboy Mansion that Holly says that Hef actively encouraged and fostered, where the girlfriends competed with each other for his favor.

What’s worse is that Hef allegedly made a habit of reducing his girlfriends to tears by talking down to them and being genuinely hurtful.

(Some have pointed out that a common abuse tactic is to dress people down with emotional abuse so that people try harder to please you and so that your praise has more impact)

There’s nothing wrong with polyamory, and plenty of people have healthy relationships despite massive age differences. But what Holly Madison describes having experienced doesn’t sound healthy in the slightest.

Critics point out that Holly Madison must have been pretty good in that “competitive culture,” because she spent a lot of her seven years in the mansion as Hef’s “#1” girlfriend.

Others point out that Holly had sought a marriage to Hef and children with him, and that his refusal to marry her and his physical inability to father children with her made her feel rejected.

They say that the rejection made her bitter, and that this is why she has since blasted Hugh Hefner and her time in the Mansion.

Hugh himself accused Holly of having simply fabricated her negative experiences in order to cling to fame.

And, obviously, Holly’s criticisms of that time are the primary source of her long-standing feud with Kendra Wilkinson.

Overall, Holly Madison isn’t the only voice that’s spoken out to criticize Hugh Hefner.

His decision to buy a plot beside Marilyn Monroe is widely regarded as, well, super creepy.

Especially considering that Hef launched his magazine after purchasing nude photos that Marilyn had taken when she was a broke teenager. He published them without giving Marilyn herself a cent.

At the time, she worried that it would ruin her career.

Plus, there’s the fact that, despite Hef’s verbal push for racial equality and gay rights, so much of Playboy was dominated by blonde white women who catered to male consumers.

Holly Madison didn’t make Hugh Hefner controversial. She just added her voice and very intimate knowledge of him to a chorus.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

19 Most Bitter Breakups in Hollywood History

Some breakups are pretty amicable and the two parties remain friends.

But others? Well…. others are less than amicable.

Click through the following photos and stories to remember the splits that resulted in anger, bitterness and many mean social media posts:

1. Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris

Taylor swift and calvin harris

Their breakup was a shocker and it obviously hurt Calvin just how quickly she moved on from him with Tom Hiddleston.

2. Johnny Depp & Amber Heard

Johnny depp and amber heard

This relationship came to a conclusion when Johnny allegedly struck Amber with a cell phone.

3. Kailyn Lory & Javi Marroquin

Javi marroquin and kailyn lowry star magazines annual hollywood

There were constant arguments between this couple on Teen Mom 2, but Javi being deployed seemed to be the final straw.

4. Madonna & Sean Penn

Madonna and sean penn

You know your relationship isn’t going well when there’s a nickname for it. The Poison Penns was a hilarious one.

5. Matt Damon & Minnie Driver

Matt damon and minnie driver

Remember Matt Damon announced in an interview that he was single and he failed to let Minnie Driver know? Talk about awkward.

6. Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries

Kim kardashian and kris humphries

After a 72-day marriage, Kris Humphries felt that Kim had exploited their relationship for money and ratings. Was he right?

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Brandy and Monica Wish Whitney Houston a Happy Birthday. Bitter Chaos Ensues.

Brandy Norwood and Monica Brown each jumped on Instagram yesterday to wish Whitney Houston a posthumous happy birthday.

The legendary singer, who died of a drug overdose in 2012, would have been 54 years old on Wednesday.

Why is this noteworthy?

Why are we writing about the seemingly innocent act of two artists acknowledging someone who has a great influence on their career?

Because the birthday wishes devolved into a reignition of an old feud between Brandy and Monica, culminating in the former going off on an angry rant against all haters on Instagram.

We’ll start with Monica’s message in honor of Houston.

It included a black and white photo of the late superstar, along with the following caption:

Happy Heavenly Birthday Nippy … You still inspire many & touch hearts daily… You will forever be the greatest …. You will forever be missed.

monica message

Pretty simple and very sweet.

A few hours later, Brandy shared a collection of photos of herself and Houston, writing a lengthy note alongside it that reads as follows:

Lord have mercy on my soul!!! Happy Born Day Whitney. You live on in me… I can feel your Spirit inside of me and all around me.

My angel, my friend, my fairy God Mother. I love you forever… thank you for trusting me with the torch!!!

I remember every moment with you and I and I will cherish these miraculous moments forever and ever! I love you…. 

brandy and houston

Also pretty simple and very sweet?

Nope, not according to critics who destroyed Brandy for turning Whitney’s birthday into an occasion that celebrates her.

(We’re not sure if we agree with each of the critiques below, but it is rather comical for Brandy to claim Houston passed her the “torch.” Has anyone ever considered Brandy to be the next Whitney Houston?!?)

“There’s a BIG difference in Monica & Brandy’s posts about Whitney today,” wrote one Twitter user. “Only one of them was actually about Whitney.”

Here’s a look at what a few others had to say:

brandy slams

In response to these attacks, Brandy – who starred opposite Houston in a movie version of Cinderella and whose brother starred in the Kim Kardashian sex tape – wrote a long and bitter message to Monica and her supporters.

And we mean LONG and BITTER.

Get comfortable and check it out below:

“Monica needs to really check her evil ass fans.

“It’s so much stuff I can post about the hateful things they say to me… but I will never have time for that. Always thinking something is about her. It’s not!!!!…

“Me and Whitney have nothing to do with anyone but the two of us…we made history and I cared more about being with her than I did about anything else.

“I’m heartbroken that she isn’t here and the things I say about her are my true feelings and based on the things she said to me.

“#Torch is a purpose and it is an understanding to help me get through the fact that she passed period the way she did and passed on my birthday.

“I’m crushed for life because of it. It’s petty for everything that I say about Whitney for someone to have the audacity to think it’s about someone else other than her.”

Brandy went on to suggest Monica stop her fans from attacking her, noting they’re “low key Brand fans anyway” and awesomely adding:

“Come get your hating ass pigeons and put them in their place the way I did for you when the starz was out of place…

“I’m not to be F–ked with today! If this was rap or hip hop you would be praised for speaking your mind but since it’s rnb you have to take the so called high road…

“well because I can rap just look at this as my high road.”

In conclusion, wrote Brandy:

Too real to be fake and because this is my idols birthday, I’m allowed to defend my position in her life and hers in mine. That’s what I have to hold on to.

This is easily our favorite feud of the year, and maybe of the decade.

Whose side are YOU on?!?


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ex-Kermit Puppeteer Steve Whitmire Made Him a "Bitter, Depressed" Frog ... Says Cheryl Henson

Kermit the Frog always said it wasn’t easy being green, but it’s the blues that got his longtime puppeteer, Steve Whitmire, fired … according to Jim Henson’s daughter. Cheryl Henson ripped Whitmire’s on-the-job performance, saying he was…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger Slam "Bitter Grub Worms," Gush Over Engagement

Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger aren’t about the let the stupid, insensitive, ignorant, angry and mean trolls on the Internet ruin their engagement.

Or, to use the comedian’s language, they aren’t about to let a bunch of “bitter grub words” affect their happiness these days.

Last week, Oswalt announced that he and Salenger were engaged, following a few months of dating.

The news came as a surprise to many, considering the stars had only just revealed their romance to the public by walking the red carpet of the Baby Driver premiere in Los Angeles.

It also came as a surprise because Oswalt tragically lost his wife, Michelle McNamara, last April.

At the age of 46, she died of an accidental prescription drug overdose, leaving Oswalt alone to raise their eight-year old daughter.

On many occasions since, Oswalt wrote gut-wrenching posts about his grief and pain and overall mental state; these posts were as raw and candid as it can get.

But Oswalt has managed to expand his heart and is willing to love once again, a development that is great for the mental health of the star and for the long-term well-being of his child.

However, it’s apparently unacceptable to idiots on the Internet who have managed to take Oswalt to task for daring to get engaged so soon after the death of his wife.

In a subsequent Facebook post, Oswalt doesn’t bother to engage these trolls on their immature level.

But it does acknowledge their criticism, while linking to a recent article by a widower who Oswalt says sums up his situation in perfect, heartwarming, emotional fashion.

“This is so amazing. And SO well-written,” Oswalt wrote of a post by a blogger named Erica Roman, adding:

“I expected some bitter grub worms to weigh in (anonymously, always always always) with their much-needed opinions when I announced my engagement last week.

“And I decided to ignore them.”

Concluded Oswalt, along with a link to the article in question:

But yeah, I felt this rage. And Erica articulated it better than I could have ever hoped. So there you go. Thank you, Erica.

Roman, who became a widow at the age of 27, blasted Oswalt’s critics in her viral post.

“You aren’t entitled to an opinion,” she says, explaining:

“You don’t get to comment on the choices of a widower while you sit happily next to your own living spouse. You didn’t have to stand and watch your mundane morning turn into your absolute worst nightmare.

“Go back to scrolling Facebook and keep your ignorance to yourself.”

As Oswalt notes: perfect.

Salenger, meanwhile, acknowledged that most people have been “lovely” to her and her famous fiance, but also linked to Roman’s article and wrote the following:

“I am grateful to be the one who helps him climb out of the depths of grief and find some joy again. And most of all… Alice is happy and feels loved,” wrote the actress, concluding:

“I have waited 47 years to find true love. Creating our family unit while honoring the brilliant gift Michelle has given me will be my life’s goal and happiness.

“I am deeply in love with both Patton and Alice and very much looking forward to a beautiful happy life having adventures together.”

Salenger is a Harvard-educated actress who starred in Disney’s The Journey of Natty Gan at the age of 15.

She has an array of television and movies credits on her resume, including Hollywood Heights, Lake Placid; and she has done voiceover work for cartoons such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

(Oswalt may be the universe’s foremost authority on all things Star Wars.)

We wish this couple nothing but the absolute best.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Regis Philbin: Kelly Ripa Is Bitter!

Regis Philbin departedLive! with Regis and Kelly back in 2011, but his friendship with co-host, Kelly Ripa has not been the same since. 

In a new interview with Larry King, the 85-year-old opened up about his strained friendship with Ripa, who seemed to think his departure was linked to her. 

When quizzed by King whether he remained in contact with Kelly, Philbin replied, “Not really, no.”

King pressed further to get closer to the cause of the breakdown in their relationship. 

“She got very offended when I left. She thought I was leaving because of her,” Philbin revealed.

“I was leaving because I was getting older and that wasn’t right for me anymore.”

Regis did feel like his exit was taken personally by his co-star. 

“That was 11 years ago, and I…” 

In the above clip, you can hear Larry stepping in with, “Haven’t heard?” 

Regis agreed that he had not heard from her. 

Another talking point for the duo was whether Philbin had been asked back as a guest host. He revealed that he was “never once” asked back. 

He then went on to speculate on what his potential involvement could be. 

“I don’t know. How often would it be? Would it be every night? Every day?” said Philbin.

“I do miss it. There are times when I really miss it and wish I’d never stopped. But, you know, I just figured it was time to let go.”

As you probably already know, Regis is not the only co-host who has a broken relationship with Kelly. 

Michael Strahan succeeded Philbin in 2012, but made headlines in April 2016 when he announced he was leaving the show to defect to Good Morning America. 

The animosity between Ripa and Strahan appeared to stem from Ripa not being made aware of Strahan’s departure in advance.

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below! 


Monday, September 5, 2016

Olivia Munn: Jealous, Bitter at JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers!

It looks like Olivia Munn isn’t a huge fan of JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers, the brother of Munn’s boyfriend, NFL star Aaron Rodgers.

But not for the reason you might think.

The actress has been dating Aaron Rodgers since early 2014, and as documented on this season of The Bachelorette, doesn’t like Jordan.

The younger Rodgers’ relationship with Brittany Farrar – a friend of Munn and Aaron Rodgers – is believed to be responsible for the animosity.

Well, in addition to not liking Jordan because he’s a douche who screwed over her friend, now she’s reportedly upset for another reason:

Because she has no ring yet!

“Let’s be clear here, Olivia has been waiting for almost a full year and it Aaron hasn’t proposed,” a source close to Munn said this week.

“She’s privately quite bitter and is starting to think it will never happen,” adds the insider, and she blames The Bachelorette star as well as Aaron. 

How does Jordan fit into all this?

Because, Munn’s theory goes, “Aaron’s so scarred by this rift with his brother and the last thing he’ll want to do is follow in his footsteps.”

Yes … according to this, Aaron Rodgers is so jaded by the feud with his younger sibling that he won’t propose to his girlfriend as a result.

Makes perfect, absolute sense.

On the season finale of the The Bachelorette, JoJo Fletcher got engaged to Aaron’s younger brother, and somewhat surprisingly, still is.

The Bachelorette spoilers predicted a prompt demise of the couple, which may still happen, but they sure are defying the odds thus far.

As for why the 36-year-old Munn cares whatsoever about what Jordan and JoJo do? The insider says it all goes back to her upbringing.

Olivia “surrounds herself with a gang of really successful girls who all got out of Oklahoma at the same time and made something of themselves.”

But she’s also “old-fashioned.”

Despite making a great career for herself in Hollywood, “a dream of hers to be proposed to,” and she’s waited long enough in her mind.

Moreover, she wants the Packers quarterback “to be mature and opt for a commitment … he’s not gonna do a lot better than her.”

“It isn’t fair to her to keep her waiting. But what Olivia will not do is force an ultimatum or, God forbid, propose herself.”

God forbid.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

18 Most Bitter Breakups in Hollywood History

Some breakups are pretty amicable and the two parties remain friends.

Then there"s the ones that just don"t go down well and both parties throw jabs at one another on social media. 

It can get pretty tiring. 

We"ve compiled a list of some of the most bitter celebrity breakups in Hollywood history below:

1. Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris

Taylor swift and calvin harris

Their breakup was a shocker and it obviously hurt Calvin just how quickly she moved on from him with Tom Hiddleston.

2. Johnny Depp & Amber Heard

Johnny depp and amber heard

This relationship came to a conclusion when Johnny allegedly struck Amber with a cell phone.

3. Kailyn Lory & Javi Marroquin

Javi marroquin and kailyn lowry star magazines annual hollywood

There were constant arguments between this couple on Teen Mom 2, but Javi being deployed seemed to be the final straw.

4. Madonna & Sean Penn

Madonna and sean penn

You know your relationship isn’t going well when there’s a nickname for it. The Poison Penns was a hilarious one.

5. Matt Damon & Minnie Driver

Matt damon and minnie driver

Remember Matt Damon announced in an interview that he was single and he failed to let Minnie Driver know? Talk about awkward.

6. Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries

Kim kardashian and kris humphries

After a 72-day marriage, Kris Humphries felt that Kim had exploited their relationship for money and ratings. Was he right?

View Slideshow

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Bachelorette: Is She Still Bitter Over Ben?

JoJo Fletcher is ready to turn heartbreak into her big break.

Those who are set to watch The Bachelorette online or on television when it kicks off Season 13 on May 23 are likely wondering what state of mind Fletcher will be in.

Considering she advanced so far on the previous Bachelor season, only to be cast aside from Ben Higgins, it would be understandable for Fletcher to harbor some resentment.


What say you to that possibility, Chris Harrison?

“Obviously she had her heart broken with Ben,” Harrison told E! News at KIIS FM’s Wango Tango over the weekend.

But he then added of the gorgeous reality star:

“You know what’s really cool? The fact that the wasn’t really bitter about what happened with Ben.

“And she actually kind of used that as a bar that was set of ‘This is what I’m looking for, I know this exists."”

Based on a few of The Bachelorette spoilers that have come out, we know that Fletcher does narrow down her field of suitors to a quartet at some point.

But will one of them get down on a knee and propose?

This, we cannot confirm.

Harrison does say, however, that when JoJo walked into the mansion to meet her 26 aspiring husbands on the first evening of filming, she was quite clear about what she was looking for in a mate.

“She was very particular and very specific about this guy is going to have to be pretty phenomenal, as good as Ben was, to capture my heart,” he previewed.

Will JoJo Fletcher find true love?

Will a former Bachelor return to woo her, as has been teased?

Will we see the most exciting Rose Ceremony in Bachelorette history?

These questions will start to be answered on May 23 on ABC at 8/7c. We can’t wait!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Brooks Ayers and Jim Marchese: Still Bitter, Planning Tells-Alls

“It’s a small universe for husbands who are abused by Bravo!”

Those are the words of a disgruntled Housewives husband who blames his storyline on “editing.”

Jim Marchese does not give a rootin’ tootin fig about what Andy Cohen and Co. think of his idea: A gathering of tell-alls from disgruntled former Housewives stars.

On November 10th, Amber Marchese confirmed to People Magazine that she and Jim wouldn’t be returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Brooks Ayers recently reached out to Jim about shopping a tell-all after admitting that he had faked cancer treatment documents.

“Basically he and I connected on Twitter,” Jim told Radar Online.  “He started retweeting some things, and we talked on the phone in the last two weeks.”

“He was interested in talking about ideas for a book.”

Prior to their Twitter meet-cute, the two men had never met.

“It was really the fist time we spoke,” Jim said. “It was more introducing each other because he doesn’t watch New Jersey and I don’t watch OC.”

Ayers joins a list of jilted househusband, one which I would love to see.

“It’s funny because he’s not the first one to reach out to me: But he’s the first one to make it public on Twitter,” Jim continued.

“To put it this way, pretty much every disgruntled Bravo husband or housewife has reached out, so I have struck quite a cord with the community because apparently not everyone drinks the Kool-Aid.”
