Showing posts with label Whitney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitney. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Whitney in "Bring It On" "Memba Her?!

Nikki Bilderback is best known for playing the Rancho Carne High School squad member Whitney — opposite Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku — in the critically acclaimed 2000 cheerleading film “Bring It On.” Guess what she looks like now!


Monday, June 11, 2018

Whitney Cummings Still "Pissed Off" About "Roseanne" Experience

Whitney Cummings can’t hide it … she’s angry about Roseanne Barr and what happened to her former coworkers on “Roseanne” — so much so, it’s hard for her to find the right words. The comedian and former “Roseanne” showrunner sounded like she…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Whitney Houston"s Bible Is For Sale For $95k

A bible Whitney Houston left behind when she moved out of her Newport Beach luxury rental is now being sold by her former landlord … for a whopping $ 95k. Whitney rented the home from 2009-2011. The owner says he found the bible in a box along…


Monday, May 28, 2018

Kanye West Makes an Enemy of Whitney Houston"s Family

Kanye West should just go ahead and pose naked at this point.

Are we dying to see the rapper’s most private of parts? No.

But if the artist is looking to make headlines and garner attention, he’d be far better served at this point to just follow the lead of wife Kim Kardashian

… as opposed to doing all the nauseating nonsense he’s been doing for the last several weeks.

It all started shortly after West confirmed he had a pair of albums coming out this summer.

From there, he returned to Twitter and rambled on and on about making America great again, while making his affectionfor President Donald Trump well known to all.

Then, he said black people chose to be slaves.

We figured this was the lowest point to which Kanye could sink, and some may understandably argue that is remains the case.

However, such an asinine comment was not personal in the way his latest actions are personal.

To what are we referring? 

West actually went ahead recently and paid $ 85,000 for a photo that depicted Whitney Houston’s bathroom on the day she died of a drug overdose.

(The iconic singer’s body was found in the bathtub of her hotel room on February 11, 2012.)

The disturbing snapshot features a sink and vanity area covered in drug-covered spoons and drug paraphernalia.

Why would Kanye want this haunting image?

Because he used it as the cover photo for for Pusha T’s album “DAYTONA.”

Gross, right?

Houston’s cousin, Damon Elliott, certainly thinks so.

“To do something for a publicity stunt to sell records, it’s absolutely disgusting,” Elliott tells People Magazine of the photo, adding:

“It hurt my family and my daughter. It’s petty. It’s tacky.”

Yeah. We can easily see why.

Elliott actually worked with Kanye on a Keyshia Cole track and said he was stunned to learn the musician made this decision.

“I’ve watched the train wreck happening, but I didn’t think he’d go this far in invading someone’s family privacy,” says Elliott, referencing West’s recent rants and raves on social media.

Elliott wants West to apologize and to replace the inappropriate album cover.

And if Kanye ever calls and the two can chat? What would Whitney’s cousin say?

What were you thinking? Did you think this through? And if you did, why did you do this?

Because you’re hurting people. It knocked the wind out of me last night. When someone passes, you try to mourn and move on and remember the good times.

Amen. And… obvious, right?

To everyone except Kanye West.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Pusha T Says Kanye West Paid $85k For Whitney Houston Album Art

Kanye West apparently threw down $ 85k for a photo of Whitney Houston’s drug-ridden bathroom that’ll now be the cover of Pusha T’s new album, “Daytona.” Pusha T told Angie Martinez in an interview Wednesday that his original album art was canned at…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Lorde Shares INSANELY Offensive Post About Whitney Houston!

Lorde is so great, right?

She makes great music, she seems wise beyond her years, she once had a secret Instagram account devoted to reviewing onion rings.

What"s not to love?

Well, here"s at least one thing most people don"t seem to be too crazy about: yesterday Lorde made a post on Instagram that was extremely insensitive.

And it was about the late Whitney Houston, no less.

Has Lorde been canceled?!

Read on to see!

1. So Innocent

Lorde photograph

Lorde has been touring for the past several months, but yesterday she had a day off. To celebrate the occasion, she decided to take a nice, long bath. Sounds fine so far, right?

2. Oh, Honey

Oh honey

But then she posted this on Instagram. And things got bad so fast. Do you see the issue?

3. RIP, Whitney

Whitney houston photograph

She shared a photo of the bathtub with some lyrics from “I Will Always Love You,” the Dolly Parton song that Whitney Houston turned into an iconic ballad. But Whitney drowned in a bathtub. So it’s just not a great reference.

4. Lorde, Sweetie …

Lorde singer

Lorde has never done anything like this, so she likely just didn’t fully consider what she wrote before she posted it — it happens. But still, she got a big reaction out of this.

5. Ouch


We get people being upset, but to say that she’s talentless? That’s a bit of a stretch.

6. "Lord of the Rings"

Lord of the rings

Is this person trying to say she looks like Gollum? We assume that’s what the message is here. Again, not cool.

View Slideshow

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Whitney Cummings Says Blake Griffin Will Win An Oscar

Move over Kobe Bryant … you’re gonna have some company on the “NBA Players with an Academy Award” list … because Whitney Cummings says Blake Griffin is a shoo-in to get one, too. Cummings directed Blake in her new movie, “The Female Brain,” and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Bobby Brown: THIS is Whitney Houston"s Real Cause of Death

The infamous Bobby Brown is speaking out in a new interview with multiple explosive statements.

He says that Whitney Houston’s cause of death was something very different than what is widely believed and reported.

Bobby Brown also has strong words regarding Nick Gordon, who was found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Bobby Brown addresses the late, great Whitney Houston’s tragic death. And he has some controversial thoughts that are contradicted by medical reports.

“I don’t think she died from drugs.”

He says that he believed that she was past that.

“She was really working hard on herself to try to be a sober person and, um [pauses] she was a great woman.”

Alicia Etheredge-Brown, his wife and manager, interjects at this point, clarifying that there were absolutely drugs in Whitney Houston’s system, per the medical examiner’s report.

She and the interviewer sort of guide him into saying that he believes that there were other factors in Whitney’s death

“Just being heart-broken.”

Bobby Brown talks about his charity work.

“Domestic violence is just the worst s–t in the world.”

Absolutely true, though some may be surprised to hear Bobby Brown, in particular, say it.

“We started the Serenity House because women will go through it and think they are wrong like it’s their fault.”

Tragically, many domestic abusers actively seek out women whom they believe are vulnerable to being manipulated into believing that they’re to blame for anything and everything.

“So we’re doing this to build houses like safe havens for women that are being abused to get away from the relationship and get some therapy spiritually and mentally.”

He continues:

“We want to let women know that they don’t have to be scared and stay in that relationship. This isn’t a f–king game. You either are going to be healthy or you’re going to end up dying.”

That’s a very good message. This next line is particularly interesting.

“And I don’t want to see another father or mother have to go through what I went through.”

It’s at this point, if you hadn’t already caught on, that you realize that Bobby Brown isn’t talking about himself — despite his 2003 domestic battery arrest during his marriage to Whitney Houston.

No, Bobby Brown is talking about what his daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, must have suffered before her death.

Nick Gordon was found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death and ordered to pay tens of millions to her estate after being successfully sued.

Bobby Brown is asked about whether or not he believes that Nick Gordon has faced justice yet.

“No, not yet. Because he’s still walking around free.”

The criminal investigation into her death is ongoing.

Bobby Brown reveals what he would consider justice 

“Justice? If he was locked up somewhere where somebody can rape him.”

That is … an upsetting thing to say. There are plenty who believe that Nick Gordon deserves the death penalty, for the alleged domestic violence alone, but wishing sexual assault on someone is another matter.

“That’s just how I feel. He raped me by taking my daughter away.”

Etymology aside, that is absolutely not what rape means in modern English.

You can wish for someone to get a needle in their arm all day and night, folks, but let’s not wish actual rape on anyone. Even if the grim realities of our broken prison system mean that many incarcerated individuals are vulnerable to sexual assault.

When talking about Nick Gordon, whom Bobby Brown — among numerous others — believes to be responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death, it’s important to note his more recent criminal history.

Last summer, Nick Gordon was arrested for kidnapping and domestic assault.

In frightening detail, Nick Gordon’s ex says that she nearly died and only escaped because, her face covered in her own blood, she managed to grab a candlestick and momentarily stun Nick with it.

She says that she then fled to the room of Nick Gordon’s mother for protection, and then went to the police. This was after months of alleged domestic violence that gradually escalated to a near-death experience.

Many, including investigators who are looking into Bobbi Kristina’s death, believe that this arrest may be extremely relevant to Bobbi Kristina’s case.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Pat Houston Calls Christina Aguilera"s Whitney Houston Tribute "Fabulous"

Christina Aguilera’s tribute to Whitney Houston during Sunday’s AMAs was heartfelt, lovely and fabulous … according to Whitney’s sister-in-law. We got Pat Houston at LAX and asked what she thought of folks hating on Christina’s…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Brandy and Monica Wish Whitney Houston a Happy Birthday. Bitter Chaos Ensues.

Brandy Norwood and Monica Brown each jumped on Instagram yesterday to wish Whitney Houston a posthumous happy birthday.

The legendary singer, who died of a drug overdose in 2012, would have been 54 years old on Wednesday.

Why is this noteworthy?

Why are we writing about the seemingly innocent act of two artists acknowledging someone who has a great influence on their career?

Because the birthday wishes devolved into a reignition of an old feud between Brandy and Monica, culminating in the former going off on an angry rant against all haters on Instagram.

We’ll start with Monica’s message in honor of Houston.

It included a black and white photo of the late superstar, along with the following caption:

Happy Heavenly Birthday Nippy … You still inspire many & touch hearts daily… You will forever be the greatest …. You will forever be missed.

monica message

Pretty simple and very sweet.

A few hours later, Brandy shared a collection of photos of herself and Houston, writing a lengthy note alongside it that reads as follows:

Lord have mercy on my soul!!! Happy Born Day Whitney. You live on in me… I can feel your Spirit inside of me and all around me.

My angel, my friend, my fairy God Mother. I love you forever… thank you for trusting me with the torch!!!

I remember every moment with you and I and I will cherish these miraculous moments forever and ever! I love you…. 

brandy and houston

Also pretty simple and very sweet?

Nope, not according to critics who destroyed Brandy for turning Whitney’s birthday into an occasion that celebrates her.

(We’re not sure if we agree with each of the critiques below, but it is rather comical for Brandy to claim Houston passed her the “torch.” Has anyone ever considered Brandy to be the next Whitney Houston?!?)

“There’s a BIG difference in Monica & Brandy’s posts about Whitney today,” wrote one Twitter user. “Only one of them was actually about Whitney.”

Here’s a look at what a few others had to say:

brandy slams

In response to these attacks, Brandy – who starred opposite Houston in a movie version of Cinderella and whose brother starred in the Kim Kardashian sex tape – wrote a long and bitter message to Monica and her supporters.

And we mean LONG and BITTER.

Get comfortable and check it out below:

“Monica needs to really check her evil ass fans.

“It’s so much stuff I can post about the hateful things they say to me… but I will never have time for that. Always thinking something is about her. It’s not!!!!…

“Me and Whitney have nothing to do with anyone but the two of us…we made history and I cared more about being with her than I did about anything else.

“I’m heartbroken that she isn’t here and the things I say about her are my true feelings and based on the things she said to me.

“#Torch is a purpose and it is an understanding to help me get through the fact that she passed period the way she did and passed on my birthday.

“I’m crushed for life because of it. It’s petty for everything that I say about Whitney for someone to have the audacity to think it’s about someone else other than her.”

Brandy went on to suggest Monica stop her fans from attacking her, noting they’re “low key Brand fans anyway” and awesomely adding:

“Come get your hating ass pigeons and put them in their place the way I did for you when the starz was out of place…

“I’m not to be F–ked with today! If this was rap or hip hop you would be praised for speaking your mind but since it’s rnb you have to take the so called high road…

“well because I can rap just look at this as my high road.”

In conclusion, wrote Brandy:

Too real to be fake and because this is my idols birthday, I’m allowed to defend my position in her life and hers in mine. That’s what I have to hold on to.

This is easily our favorite feud of the year, and maybe of the decade.

Whose side are YOU on?!?


Monday, July 31, 2017

Whitney Port Had Her Baby, You Guys!

Hey, remember when we told you that Whitney Port was pregnant?

Well, pregnancy doesn’t last forever — even if it sometimes feels like it does — and she gave birth!

She shared photos and talked all about her adorable little baby. And yes, the former The Hills star tells us his name right away instead of being weirdly coy about baby names.

Whitney Port posted to Instagram before she shared any photos:

“Sorry I’ve been MIA for like a week! I lost my phone. Just kidding!! I made a human!”

Okay, that is a really cute introduction.

“Sonny Sanford Rosenman was born on 7/27/17!!”

Some superstitions make seven lucky number, so three of them in a row is pretty great.

(Also, 27 is three cubed or nine times three, which makes it a very pleasing number even if we don’t attribute any special properties to it)

“Everyone is so happy and healthy and we are home now. I’m going to try my very best to not be one of those moms whose feed is dominated by their baby but I can totally see how difficult it will be not to.”

She’s enamored with her baby and conscientious! How sweet of her.

(But seriously, share baby pics all that you like)

“I am beyond obsessed and in love and wish I could bottle this feeling for all of you out there.”

That feeling is a huge rush of oxytocin, and it’s pretty great.

(Technically, they do bottle it already, but not with especially reliable effects and we don’t know if it’s used recreationally — maybe some day!)

“Check out the blog (link in bio) for more and welcome our little one to the world!!”

It wasn’t until her blog post that she shared photos that we have for you — doesn’t she look amazing for just having given birth? Dang. 

Good for you, Whitney.

(Sure, she probably put on makeup or whatever, but let’s give credit where credit is due, folks)

She also writes about how obsessed with him she is:

“I love him and feel protective over him, but more than anything, I’m just like obsessed. I can’t stop looking at him, or thinking about him when I am in another room.”

That’s healthy.

If more parents felt that way, maybe there’d be fewer babies who die in a hot car every year.

“It’s a bit like getting a toy you really really wanted as a child. There was all the anticipation and build up, and then you open it and you love it.”

If your first thought was that even shiny, new toys can lose their luster, she already thought of that creation.

“Unlike the toy, however, I am obviously never going to get sick of Sonny, and he poops.”

We bet that the defecation part is going to get old soon, though.

“All kidding aside, my heart just grew to accommodate all this extra love I now have to give. I don’t care if this is sappy or trite and I don’t want to say that I love him more than anything ever because I love Timmy and my family. It’s not about loving him more than something else I love. It’s just awesome.”

That’s precious. And we get it.

And don’t worry, she has a picture of little baby Sonny.

He looks like perhaps the most thoroughly swaddled baby that we’ve ever seen in our lives.

He’s also really cute.

We look forward to more photos.

It’s no surprise that she’s sharing photos now that the baby’s born.

Whitney Port’s been perfectly comfortable giving people a look at her life.

For that matter, the photo announcing her pregnancy was one of the most revealing that we’d ever seen.

Hey, if you’re gorgeous, don’t be afraid to show off.

(Don’t be afraid to show off regardless, actually)

It’s not often that we get blasts from the past with The Hills stars living their lives a decade later, but good for you, Whitney.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Chris Soules Disappears From Social Media as Whitney Bischoff Reacts to His Arrest

Yesterday, we reported that former Bachelor contestant Chris Soules was arrested for fleeing the scene of a fatal traffic accident.

In the 24 hours since, each new detail that’s emerged has only made the situation even more tragic.

We now know that Soules knew the victim, a 66-year-old farmer named Kenneth Mosher.

Sources close to the case say Mosher was driving his tractor when he was rear-ended by Soules.

His tractor was reportedly forced into a ditch, and Mosher was killed almost immediately when it flipped over.

Attorneys for Soules say the 35-year-old was not aware that Mosher had passed away when he left the scene.

While the fact that Soules fled and failed to contact authorities may mean serious trouble for the former reality star, authorities say there is no reason to believe that Soules was intoxicated or engaging in distracted driving.

After his arraignment Tuesday morning, Soules was freed on $ 10,000 bond.

He’s seemingly in damage control mode today, having deleted all of his social media accounts.

Those closest to Soules, including two of his former Bachelor franchise co-stars are now speaking out on the situation.

Soules got engaged to Whitney Bischoff following his season on the show, but the relationship was soured after the cameras were turned off, and Bischoff is now engaged to a man named Ricky Angel.

But while she has little contact with Soules these days, she still offered some words of support in a statement issued last night:

“This is a very sad situation,” Bischoff told People magazine. “I’m keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers, especially the victim and his family.”

Former Bachelorette contestant Luke Pell says he became close with Soules due to their ties to the franchise and similar backgrounds.

He offered a statement on Soules current situation yesterday:

“Chris by far is one of my closest friends from the Bachelor family. We’ve got similar backgrounds growing up in small towns and everything so we have a lot in common and relate a lot on our backgrounds,” Luke shared with E! News exclusively.

“I’ve gotten to know Chris and he’s just a great guy that loves people who is very sincere and genuine. That’s what hooks me is that, man, I just hate to hear that such a great person is having to go through a struggle like this.”

He added:

“It’s tough and super unfortunate and [I’m] just sad that it happened.”

Pell is taking some flak for his failure to mention the victim, but he’s right that is in indeed a tragic situation all around.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Whitney Port: Pregnant with First Child!

Move over, Beyonce.

Take a seat, George Clooney.

Sorry for stealing your thunder, Lauren Conrad.

But Whitney Port has come out and announced to the world that she’s pregnant with her first child! Hooray!

For former Hills star and husband Tim Rosenman are both “sooooo excited” for their impending baby, according to the former’s latest Instagram message.

Indeed, Port confirmed this life-altering piece of news with what has to be the most revealing pregnancy announcement photo in the history of Instagram.

Really. We’re not trying to be inappropriate here.

It’s just… it’s just… well… it’s just: take a look at this photo.

“Oh hey! Just standing by the window in my underwear, with a BABY in my belly!!!” the 31-year old reality star captioned the above Instagram photo of herself in a white, rolled up T-shirt and lacy underwear.

Her adorable baby bump is in very clear view.

Port then went from seductive to humorous, writing:

“DM me if you know what I’m supposed to do with this thing for how ever many years I’m supposed to be in charge,

“Check out my blog for a little letter from me & Timmy and for more behind the scenes of this crazy journey!!!! We are sooooo excited!!!!”

In this blog post, Port confessed that she and her husband were “a bit shocked” to discover that they were going to be parents in 2017, but added that she “can’t wait to be a Mom.”

“When two people love each other so much and the love becomes too great to fit inside both people, it spills over into a THIRD person,” Port wrote, adding:

“This is how I am going to explain where babies come from to the little baby that is now growing inside my belly because Timmy and I are PREGNANT!”

She continued:

“I peed on a stick and now I’m going to be a Mom! Timmy and I were a bit shocked, but so excited to begin this journey.  I’ll be posting some videos and pictures along the way, so you guys can be a part of everything. It’s been such an interesting and trying but amazing journey already.

“I can’t wait to share my experience AND learn so much from all of you! I can’t wait to be a Mom, but the fact that there is another person inside there is seriously crazy!”

Port married Rosenman – a former producer on The Hills spin-off The City – in November of 2015.

Her big news arrives about a month after Conrad also announced that she’s expecting her first child.

Can you believe it, Hills fans?

How old do you feel right now?!?


Friday, February 3, 2017

NFL"s Whitney Mercilus" Super Bowl Warning ... Beware the Booty Clubs! (VIDEO)

Houston Texans star Whitney Mercilus is dishing out some advice to the Falcons AND the Patriots — stay out of Houstons legendary booty clubs … until AFTER the big game!!!  Whitney’s great — he says the nightlife in Houston is incredible…


NFL"s Whitney Mercilus" Super Bowl Warning ... Beware the Booty Clubs! (VIDEO)

Houston Texans star Whitney Mercilus is dishing out some advice to the Falcons AND the Patriots — stay out of Houstons legendary booty clubs … until AFTER the big game!!!  Whitney’s great — he says the nightlife in Houston is incredible…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Madonna Boasts About Surviving Prince, Bowie, and Whitney in Acceptance Speech (VIDEO)

Madonna dropped some brutally honest words at Billboard’s Women in Music event, reminding the crowd how much she’s overcome … and how many huge celebs she’s outlived. She was accepting the Woman of the Year trophy when she literally listed off…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Whitney Houston Would Have Turned 53 Years Old Today

The music world has once again stopped to remember Whitney Houston. 

The late and truly great singer would have celebrated her 53rd birthday today.

Tragically, of course, Houston was taken from us far too soon when her body was found in the bathtub of a Beverly Hills hotel in February of 2012.

Despite the singer’s long-time struggle with substance abuse, it remains one of the more shocking deaths in Hollywood history.

Fast forward four and a half years and many musicians still cannot believe Houston is gone.

“#WhitneyHouston U are drawn on my wall becuz there will NEVER be another you VOCALLY! Or STYLE! We love u QUEEN,” wrote Missy Elliott on Twitter this morning.

And she certainly was not lone in paying tribute to Whitney on her birthday.

On Instagram, Jennifer Hudson shared an old photo of the singer, writing as a caption to the image:

“Happy birthday to the greatest Whitney Houston!”

Then there was Tika Sumpter, who co-starred in the movie Sparkle with Houston. Her Instagram message shared the same sentiment as that of Hudson, reading:

“Whitney. The greatest. Miss you.”

Back on Twitter, Paula Abdul retweeted a “We’ll always love you, Whitney Houston” message, to which she added: “Truly & always.” 

Over now to And Jordin Sparks, who also starred in Sparkle and who Tweeted on this occasion:

“Wishing Mama Whitney a Happy Birthday!! I miss you! Thank you so much for your kindness & love.”

About a month after Houston died, officials determined that she passed away from a heart attack brought on by the use of cocaine.

Her death was ruled an “accidental drowning.”

Coroner Chief Craig Harvey said in a news conference that evidence pointed to Whitney as a “chronic” cocaine user and that the traces in her system were “acute,” meaning she took the drug very soon before she died.

Making the story even sadder?

Whitney’s only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, also died of a drug overdose.

Moreover, her body was also found in a bathtub, with this tragedy taking place in January of 2015 at a home she shared with boyfriend Nick Gordon.

Controversy continues to swirl around Bobbi’s death, most notably the role Gordon played either in her drug habit or even in the hours leading up to her passing.

Bobby Brown has gone so far as to even suggest Gordon murdered his daughter.

But we’re not here now to get into any of that.

We’re here to pay tribute to Whitney Houston and the incredible life she led.

Whatever demons surrounded both her and Bobbi, let’s just hope each has now found peace on the other side.


May they rest in peace.

Whitney Houston Would Have Turned 53 Years Old Today

The music world has once again stopped to remember Whitney Houston. 

The late and truly great singer would have celebrated her 53rd birthday today.

Tragically, of course, Houston was taken from us far too soon when her body was found in the bathtub of a Beverly Hills hotel in February of 2012.

Despite the singer’s long-time struggle with substance abuse, it remains one of the more shocking deaths in Hollywood history.

Fast forward four and a half years and many musicians still cannot believe Houston is gone.

“#WhitneyHouston U are drawn on my wall becuz there will NEVER be another you VOCALLY! Or STYLE! We love u QUEEN,” wrote Missy Elliott on Twitter this morning.

And she certainly was not lone in paying tribute to Whitney on her birthday.

On Instagram, Jennifer Hudson shared an old photo of the singer, writing as a caption to the image:

“Happy birthday to the greatest Whitney Houston!”

Then there was Tika Sumpter, who co-starred in the movie Sparkle with Houston. Her Instagram message shared the same sentiment as that of Hudson, reading:

“Whitney. The greatest. Miss you.”

Back on Twitter, Paula Abdul retweeted a “We’ll always love you, Whitney Houston” message, to which she added: “Truly & always.” 

Over now to And Jordin Sparks, who also starred in Sparkle and who Tweeted on this occasion:

“Wishing Mama Whitney a Happy Birthday!! I miss you! Thank you so much for your kindness & love.”

About a month after Houston died, officials determined that she passed away from a heart attack brought on by the use of cocaine.

Her death was ruled an “accidental drowning.”

Coroner Chief Craig Harvey said in a news conference that evidence pointed to Whitney as a “chronic” cocaine user and that the traces in her system were “acute,” meaning she took the drug very soon before she died.

Making the story even sadder?

Whitney’s only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, also died of a drug overdose.

Moreover, her body was also found in a bathtub, with this tragedy taking place in January of 2015 at a home she shared with boyfriend Nick Gordon.

Controversy continues to swirl around Bobbi’s death, most notably the role Gordon played either in her drug habit or even in the hours leading up to her passing.

Bobby Brown has gone so far as to even suggest Gordon murdered his daughter.

But we’re not here now to get into any of that.

We’re here to pay tribute to Whitney Houston and the incredible life she led.

Whatever demons surrounded both her and Bobbi, let’s just hope each has now found peace on the other side.


May they rest in peace.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Bobby Brown: Whitney Houston was Bisexual!

The Bobby Brown Accusation Tour has taken a new and unexpected stop.

Earlier this week, the artist sat down for an interview with 20/20, telling the news program that his daughter’s estranged boyfriend, Nick Gordon, was responsible for her death.

Yes, Brown called Gordon a murderer.

Actually, Brown called Gordon a double murderer.

“I know exactly what happened to my daughter. The same thing that happened to my daughter is what happened to Whitney,” Brown said in the interview, making a clear reference to Gordon by adding:

“There’s only one person who was around on both occasions.”

Now, Brown has moved on from alleging that Nick Gordon is a killer to stating that Whitney Houston was a bisexual.

He even cites a relationship she carried on with Robyn Crawford, the singer’s long-time assistant and close friend.

“I know,” tells Us Weekly of the late star’s romance with Crawford.

“We were married for 14 years. There are some things we talked about that were personal to us.”

Houston and Crawford met way back when they were both teenagers and worked at a community center in East Orange, New Jersey,.

Crawford later became Houston’s assistant and creative director, traveling the world with the iconic artist.

In his new book, Every Little Step, Brown also asserts that Houston was bisexual.

“I’m a man and she was attracted to me!” he tells the tabloid here. 

The rumor of Houston and Crawford carrying on a lesbian affair has been broached in the past, but Brown says Whitney kept it a secret because her family would have been against it.

In 2013, Cissy Houston told Oprah that it “absolutely” would have bothered her if her child was gay.

“I really feel that if Robyn was accepted into Whitney’s life, Whitney would still be alive today,” Brown says. “She didn’t have close friends with her anymore.”

So now Brown is blaming Gordon AND Whitney’s mother for Whitney’s death.

He’s a class act.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bobby Brown Blames Nick Gordon For Deaths of Bobbi Kristina Brown AND Whitney Houston

Last night, 20/20 aired a long-anticipated interview with Bobby Brown, in which the troubled singer opened up about the deaths of his former wife, Whitney Houston, and his only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Ever since Bobbi Kristina passed away nearly one year ago, Brown has maintained that her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, is to blame for her death.

Police have investigated Gordon, but it currently doesn’t look as though he’ll face any criminal charges.

Despite that, Brown’s belief that Gordon is guilty of murder hasn’t wavered.

In fact, in his sit-down with Robin Roberts, Brown doubled-down on his accusations, suggesting that Gordon is at fault not only in the death of Bobbi Kristina, but in the tragic passing of her mother, as well:

“It’s not a mystery to me,” Brown says in the clip above.

“I know exactly what happened to my daughter. The same thing that happened to my daughter is what happened to Whitney.

“There’s only one person who was around on both occasions.”

“You won’t say his name,” Roberts prompts. “Nick Gordon is who you’re referring to.”

“I won’t say his name,” Brown confirms.

The interview is getting a lot of attention online today, not only because of Brown’s allegations against Gordon, but also because of a number of bizarre statements he made to Roberts.

In addition to declaring that he’s slept with both Madonna and Janet Jackson, Brown says that he once had a sexual encounter with a ghost.

“I bought this mansion in Georgia,” Brown says at one point.

“This is was a really, really spooky place … One time I woke, and yeah, a ghost. I was being mounted by a ghost.”

It’s still unclear what exactly happened to Bobbi Kristina that fateful night but at least one thing remains certain:

The Browns remain a very strange and deeply troubled family.