Showing posts with label Insanely. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insanely. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Conor McGregor Gets Insanely Realistic Mural Outside L.A. Irish Pub

Conor McGregor’s world domination continues. If $ 50-100 million and an escort from Drake weren’t enough, the UFC superstar now has an epic mural outside an Irish pub … 5,000 miles from Dublin.  Jonas Never — the street artist behind the…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Matt Barnes Gets Insanely Real Tupac Tattoo On Right Hand

All eyez are on Matt Barnes’ right hand … ‘cause the ex-NBA baller just got the most insane Tupac tattoo!! The artwork is crazy real … and the story of how Barnes got it is even more wild. The former Laker — who’s tatted all over — was…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Lorde Shares INSANELY Offensive Post About Whitney Houston!

Lorde is so great, right?

She makes great music, she seems wise beyond her years, she once had a secret Instagram account devoted to reviewing onion rings.

What"s not to love?

Well, here"s at least one thing most people don"t seem to be too crazy about: yesterday Lorde made a post on Instagram that was extremely insensitive.

And it was about the late Whitney Houston, no less.

Has Lorde been canceled?!

Read on to see!

1. So Innocent

Lorde photograph

Lorde has been touring for the past several months, but yesterday she had a day off. To celebrate the occasion, she decided to take a nice, long bath. Sounds fine so far, right?

2. Oh, Honey

Oh honey

But then she posted this on Instagram. And things got bad so fast. Do you see the issue?

3. RIP, Whitney

Whitney houston photograph

She shared a photo of the bathtub with some lyrics from “I Will Always Love You,” the Dolly Parton song that Whitney Houston turned into an iconic ballad. But Whitney drowned in a bathtub. So it’s just not a great reference.

4. Lorde, Sweetie …

Lorde singer

Lorde has never done anything like this, so she likely just didn’t fully consider what she wrote before she posted it — it happens. But still, she got a big reaction out of this.

5. Ouch


We get people being upset, but to say that she’s talentless? That’s a bit of a stretch.

6. "Lord of the Rings"

Lord of the rings

Is this person trying to say she looks like Gollum? We assume that’s what the message is here. Again, not cool.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Flosses Another Insanely Expensive Watch

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before …  Floyd Mayweather hit up a crazy expensive restaurant sporting a crazy expensive watch — and couldn’t wait to show off his jewelry on camera! This time, Floyd — surrounded by his TMT bodyguards –…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Meghan Markle: Bullied With INSANELY Racist Tweet!

In just three months, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be married, and the royal family will have another new member.

In many obvious ways, of course, Meghan differs from her predecessors and future in-laws.

She’s American; she’s divorced; she’s an actress, and she’s black.

Despite the fact that we’re living in an age in which billionaires are launching cars into space for fun, the planet is still populated by troglodytes, so that last fact is throwing the global moron elite for a loop.

Speaking of troglodytes (we promise we’ll get back to Meghan momentarily), you may have heard about Cheddar Man, the oldest skeleton ever discovered in the UK, who researchers now believe had dark skin.

This reminder that human life originated in Africa had outraged some very vocal bigots, including alt-right GOP congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, who decided to put his racism on display over the weekend.

Nehlen is looking to unseat Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and it seems he thought getting permanently suspended from Twitter would be a good way to kick off his campaign.

Over the weekend, Nehlen tweeted an image in which Meghan’s face was superimposed over that of the reconstructed Cheddar Man.

Apparently, he thought this was some sort of droll commentary on race and modern Britain.

Not surprisingly, the entire planet disagreed.

Meghan’s former Suits co-star Patrick J. Adams fired off a number of scathing tweets, in which he referred to Nehlen as “a sad and sick man with no sense of shame or class.”

“Get a life,” Adams tweeted.

“And don’t go anywhere near MM – she’s got more power, strength, honour and compassion in her fingernail than you’ll ever know in this lifetime. Way above your weight class.”

It seems the head honchos at Twitter agreed with Adams’ assessment, as Nehlen has been permanently booted from the popular social media platform:

“While we normally do not comment on individual accounts, I can confirm that we have permanently suspended this account for repeated violations of our terms of service,” a statement from the site reads.

Sadly, banning one racist troll from Twitter is like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound, and Meghan probably has more of this sort of treatment in store.

This has been your Monday reminder that everything is terrible. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sean McVay"s Insanely Hot GF Hits Maui In Bikini

Sean McVay had a GREAT first season with the Rams.  He’s having an even better off-season.  The 32-year-old wonder coach flew to Hawaii for a little R&R with his insanely smokin’ hot girlfriend Veronika Khomyn … and the…


Sunday, July 30, 2017

NFL Players Sued Over Insanely Expensive Bill at Hollywood Club

How’s this for embarrassing — 2 NFL players racked up a $ 10,000 bill at a Hollywood nightclub … only to have their credit cards DECLINED, this according to a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports.  Player #1 is Detroit Lions defensive tackle…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Cyle Larin DUI Arrest Video Shows Insanely Dangerous Driving

TMZ Sports has obtained the Cyle Larin DUI arrest video — which shows the soccer star speeding down an Orlando street on the wrong side of the road. It’s a miracle no one was hurt.  Larin — the #1 overall pick in the 2015 MLS Draft — was…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

D’Angelo Russell"s New Lady Friend ... Is Insanely Hot (PHOTO GALLERY)

D’Angelo Russell is the best young player in the NBA … as in playa, playa, play on playa, ‘cause the dude’s got a brand new lady love, and she’s absolutely surface-of-the-sun hot. The Lakers star is dating 25-year-old Janay Bankston,…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Adriana Lima Hits Patriots Game ... Joins Insanely Hot Group of Wives & GFs (PHOTOS)

Julian Edelman’s quasi-girlfriend, Adriana Lima, attended her first Patriots playoffs game this weekend … and fit right in with the ridiculously good lookin’ group of W.A.G.s.  First, the Edelman-Lima situation (or EdeLima) … our…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Man Dresses as Insanely Long CVS Receipt, Wins Halloween

There are few mysteries in life as confounding as this one:

Why does CVS issue ridiculously long receipts for every single purchase? Especially after claiming back in 2013 that it would stop doing so?

We now have an answer:

It has all been a build-up so that a man named Jeremy Schneider could dress as a 12-foot long CVS receipt for Halloween and win the holiday forever.

As you can see in the video above, however, Jeremy does more than merely dress up as a CVS receipt.

He enters an actual CVS location and gets handed an actual receipt by an employee there.

An employee who can’t help but crack up over what she sees in front of her, of course.

And, yes, the receipt is as hilariously and pointlessly long as always.

Here is a photo of Schneider earning the 2016 Halloween Champion crown. A job very well done by him, we must say.

The previous contender for this honor was a 10-year old boy who went to school late last week dressed as Donald Trump’s hair.

Yes, just his hair. Complete with a giant Make America Great Again baseball cap on top of this amazing creation:

On the flip side, the person who came in last place for Best Halloween Costume of 2016 also came in first place for Most Disgraceful and Racist Halloween Costume of 2016.

Congratulations? We guess?

We refer, of course, to the person who attended a University of Wisconsin football game dressed as Donald Trump, carrying a noose that he placed around the neck of a friend in a Barack Obama mask.

We’re not kidding.

This really happened:

Thank goodness there are enough celebrities out there who donned enough fun and zany costumes this year to distract us from such political nonsense.

Check out the best celebrity Halloween costumes from this year below:


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Dana White -- McGregor Fine Is Insanely Stupid ... What a Bunch of Morons! (VIDEO)

Las Vegas NEEDS Conor McGregor … Conor McGregor does NOT NEED Las Vegas … so says Dana White. 


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Insanely Jealous! Forbids Kanye to Tour!

Everything may appear hunky dory between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on social media, but insiders say their marriage is crumbling.

We’ve been hearing divorce rumors for some time now, but a new report claims that Kim has forbidden Kanye from touring this year because she wants him home with her.

“Kim wants Kanye to stay home or travel only with her because she is sick of him not being around,” a family insider tells Radar.

Kanye released his album “The Life of Pablo” in February, and the normal protocol is to tour and promote the music.

Plus, Kanye could probably use the cash, as he admitted to being $ 53 million in debt earlier this year.

“Though touring pays very well, she would rather Kanye be with her than making big bucks on the road,” explains the source.

So far, ‘Ye has only one performance schedule for New York next month.

The source adds that Kim fears Kanye might cheat while on the road, because musicians are kinda known to do that.

But where are these insidious thoughts coming from?

The source points to Kim’s sister Khloe, who has been cheated on by soon-to-be-ex-husband Lamar Odom.

“Khloe says passive aggressive things to Kim like, ‘Well, I wouldn’t want him doing that, but that’s on you,’” says the source. “She makes her feel even more insecure.”

Naturally, this is all hearsay, and this “source” better watch his or her back, because Kimye is getting sick of all the trash talking.

The pair have reportedly threatened a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a bodyguard who did some blabbing about Kanye’s jealous temper earlier this year.

“The West family will no longer tolerate the spreading and selling of fake stories in a desperate, transparent and shameless attempt for publicity at their expense,” a rep for the couple told Us Weekly.

And on that note, for the record, we here at THG fully admit we don’t know if any of this is true. We’re just saying what they said.

Love you, Kim and Kanye! 😀

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bar Refaeli: Pregnant Model Flaunts INSANELY Flat Stomach!

Bar Refaeli is five months pregnant, but if it weren’t for the hashtag on her latest Instagram photo, there’s no way you would ever know that:

The 30-year-old model and mom-to-be posted the above image with a caption reading, “My girl was craving some vitamin D #5months.”

Refaeli is used to getting a lot of attention for her selfies, but usually for the simple reasons that she’s a model with a couple million followers.

Now, she’s in a situation that brings to mind the predicament of fellow model Sarah Stage, whose taut baby bump photos earned her heaps of online criticism.

Eventually, Stage gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy, so maybe the Internet will just chill this time and not attack Bar for putting her babies health at risk like they did with Sarah.

Just kidding! It’s 2016; you really think people are gonna pass up the opportunity to get outraged?

Before you rush over to Bar’s IG page to start talking trash, however, please bear in mind that every pregnancy is deifferent.

Besides, it’s still relatively early in the game. She still has her third trimester to go, and we’re sure that eventually Bar will belly up.

In the meantime, you have our sincerest apologies for that awful pun.