Showing posts with label Stomach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stomach. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner Flashes Flat Stomach, Wants You to Forget She Was Ever Pregnant

Kylie Jenner seems to love her daughter.

We’re not about to say otherwise.

But that doesn’t mean the reality star loved being pregnant with her daughter.

In fact, Kylie seems to be going out of her way these days to try and make Instagram followers forget she ever had a human being growing inside of her.

As was the case with sisters Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian before her, Jenner is focused on one thing and one thing only in the weeks after giving birth.

The well-being of little Stormi?

We guess so.

Okay, fine. So Kylie is focused on two things:

  1. The well-being of little Stormi.

  2. Regaining that sleek bikini body that earned her so many fans on the Internet.

This has been made evident again and again, most notably when Kylie shared a throwback bathing suit photo and captioned it “summer goals.”

On Wednesday, meanwhile, Jenner shared a few new pictures of herself on Instagram.

The first, above, features a smirking Kylie giving fans just a quick glimpse of her stomach.

It was shared just two months after she welcomed Stormi into the world, which is both impressive and depressing.

Impressive, because she must have worked hard in order to slim down this quickly.

Depressing, because she and her family care way too much about losing weight, setting an awful example for other young women and new mothers around the world.

We’ve said this many times before.

It’s not worth rehashing the same points over and over.

But even Travis Scott was apparently down with Kylie’s body before she went back into the gym and went on a crazy diet.

An earlier report claimed Scott was all about banging his baby mama long before she shed so many pounds.

Nevertheless: insiders have told People Magazine that the 20-year old wants to be a “really hot young mom.”

These same sources say the Kylie Cosmetics mogul has been “super determined to get back to her pre-pregnancy body.”

That much is obvious, wouldn’t you agree?

In conclusion, this publication writes that fans should expect to see A LOT more skin from Kylie as the weeks and months go on.

Her plan is to “flaunt her progress more and more,” which comes as no surprise to anyone remotely familiar with her family.

And, just to be clear, we don’t fault Kylie for wanting to look good.

We aren’t trying to tell her what to do or how to live.

If she wants to work out and cut down on the calories and feel secure again when she looks in a mirror… hey, go for it! We get it.

We simply object to the way she makes this weight loss goal both so public and seem so important while making it so public.

Not only are there more important things in life, but Kylie seems unaware that most people do not have access to personal chefs or trainers.

They cannot accomplish what she is able to accomplish in such a short period of time.

So maybe she should stop and realize that this flaunting of her progress is just making others feel bad about themselves.

Rant over.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Corey Feldman Stabbed in the Stomach

Corey Feldman is hospitalized after he says a total stranger stabbed him in the abdomen and then escaped. Corey says he was sitting in his car Tuesday night in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley — with a security guard — when 3 men approached the car. He…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

UFC"s Khabib Nurmagomedov Punches A Guy In The Stomach, Then Hugs Him

Here’s a video of terrifying UFC destroyer Khabib Nurmagomedov punching an average dude in the stomach super freakin’ hard … but don’t worry, the guy actually ASKED him to. Now, why this dude wanted to get popped in the guts by a guy who wrestles…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Julianne Hough"s Tropical Honeymoon Is A Whole Lot To Stomach

This picture of Julianne Hough proves two things … her husband, Brooks Laich, is one helluva photographer — and she’s got some of the hardest abs in Hollywood. Truth is you don’t have to be a good photographer when you’re shooting Jules in…


Monday, July 11, 2016

Woman Eats Own Hair For Seven Years, Doctors Remove 14-Pound Hairball From Stomach

A UK woman who suffered unexplained abdominal pain for months is feeling better after a 14-pound hairball was removed from her stomach.

That’ll do it.

Woman in the Hospital

Sophie Cox, 23, said that the giant ball of hair removed from her body had built up over seven years of compulsively eating her tresses.


Six years ago, Cox was first diagnosed with trichotillomania, a condition where sufferers endure a compulsive urge to pull out their hair.

Moreover, she has trichophagia, in which a person feels an urge to eat their own hair. All of a sudden, your health issues aren’t so bad.

Cox said when she was stressed out she found comfort from plucking strands of hair and eating them during the day, according to reports.

She thought it was harmless … until it wasn’t.

When she got pregnant in 2014, Cox suffered serious stomach pains and kept losing weight at a time when she should be gaining it.

That was the first warning sight. Then two months after her daughter was born, the pain was so excruciating, it left her doubled in agony.

“By October 2015, I couldn’t eat without vomiting and my stomach would swell up,” she said. “I’d lost [84 pounds] in two years.”

“I dropped six dress sizes, taking me to a size 12.” 

Doctors had no clue what was wrong with her, but tested Cox for gallstones and stomach cancer. She, fortunately, had neither.

Finally, when Cox underwent an endoscopy last November, medical professionals figured out what was cause her discomfort.

This insanely giant hairball:

Ball au Hair

“When they showed me the scan I was speechless. It looked like something from a horror film,” she said, reflecting on her ordeal.

“The specialist hadn’t seen anything like it in 30 years. It was too big to break down in my stomach, leaving me malnourished and dehydrated.”

Even worse?

Having to wait five months to have it removed, due to various favors, including the scheduling of an elaborate, six-hour operation.

The hairball, or “trichobezoar,” was eventually taken out, and “I felt instantly better when I woke up, even though I was sore and groggy.”

“It was disgusting.”

Yes. Indeed it was.

“I cried with relief that it was gone,” Cox says, admitting that she has a problem and is being monitored to ensure no new hairballs develop.

She is on a list to receive treatment to help determine the underlying causes of the conditions that resulted in this experience.

“I’m just so thankful the hairball was found before it was too late,” she said, and a good thing too, for her sake and her child’s. 

“Now I can get on with being a hands-on mum.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kate Middleton Covers Her Stomach With Purse, Must Be Pregnant

She’s been holding purses over her stomach region for years, but for some reason she’s believed to be hiding a baby bump this time.

OK! Magazine speculates that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her third child, because at the Order of the Garter ceremony on June 13th, she wore a red coat by Catherine Walker and covered her stomach with an Alexander McQueen clutch.

Those are the only two pieces of evidence OK! presents, and they’re not very convincing.

If we’re going to guess whether or not Catherine is pregnant, her clothes are not reliable enough to judge from.  

On Sunday, she wore a form-fitting Roksanda dress to The Patron’s Lunch in London.  

In fact, a bold pink stripe across her stomach would be enough to highlight any sort of bump.

Alas, it did not.  She looked like her regular, super-thin self and showed no signs of fatigue or nausea throughout the entire event.  

Catherine has been at public events since June 10th (yesterday she and Prince William made their debut at Royal Ascot), and looked wonderful.

With her last two pregnancies, Catherine suffered from morning sickness so debilitating, it left her bed-ridden.  Things got so bad when she was pregnant with Prince George that she had to be hospitalized in December 2012.

Yes, close friends and even Catherine’s uncle Gary Goldsmith have said that the Cambridges will definitely have at least one more child, but going off coats and strategically placed clutches will get you nowhere.

“I don’t think [William and Kate will] stop at two,” Goldsmith, who is Carole Middleton’s younger brother, told HELLO!

Additionally, In Touch claims that William and Catherine are going to couple’s therapy because their marriage has allegedly hit a rough patch.

“Their issues are on an even bigger scale, and they’re constantly arguing at the moment about the pressure Kate is under, William’s attitude about it and how to raise their kids,” a source claimed.

“They’re going through a very rocky patch.” 

They look happy to me.

Friday, May 27, 2016

7-Year Old Punches Thief in Stomach, Tries to Thwart Robbery

A seven-year old boy is being hailed on the Internet as a hero this week after he tried to thwart an armed robbery by punching the assailant in the stomach.


The incident took place last Friday evening, May 20, at a GameStop in Silver Spring, Maryland.

The unnamed child and his parents were shopping for a Yoshi doll when two robbers wearing hoodies and masks entered the store.

One of these bad men reached for the boy…. and he responded by slugging the man in the stomach, according to surveillance video released by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department. 

You can check it out below.

Neither the boy nor his parents have been identified.

However, the father was impressed by his son’s reaction, as potentially dangerous as it could have been.

“He punched him,” the dad bragged to The Washington Post. “Two left hooks while holding the Yoshi doll.”

In spite the seven-year old’s attempt, the assailant did succeed in forcing him to go with his parents to another part of the establishment.

The child proceeded to get on the floor, his dad wrapped his arms around him and the boy’s mother.

“I’m just grateful we were together, as a family, at that moment,” the man said.

“It was a terrifying situation. You just want to grab them and hold them tight to you, and you want it to end, quickly.”

The robbers, who are still on the loose, stole an undisclosed amount of cash and some personal property before running out of the store’s front door, according to NBC Washington.

Check out the video here:

7 year old punches thief in stomach tries to thwart robbery

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bar Refaeli: Pregnant Model Flaunts INSANELY Flat Stomach!

Bar Refaeli is five months pregnant, but if it weren’t for the hashtag on her latest Instagram photo, there’s no way you would ever know that:

The 30-year-old model and mom-to-be posted the above image with a caption reading, “My girl was craving some vitamin D #5months.”

Refaeli is used to getting a lot of attention for her selfies, but usually for the simple reasons that she’s a model with a couple million followers.

Now, she’s in a situation that brings to mind the predicament of fellow model Sarah Stage, whose taut baby bump photos earned her heaps of online criticism.

Eventually, Stage gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy, so maybe the Internet will just chill this time and not attack Bar for putting her babies health at risk like they did with Sarah.

Just kidding! It’s 2016; you really think people are gonna pass up the opportunity to get outraged?

Before you rush over to Bar’s IG page to start talking trash, however, please bear in mind that every pregnancy is deifferent.

Besides, it’s still relatively early in the game. She still has her third trimester to go, and we’re sure that eventually Bar will belly up.

In the meantime, you have our sincerest apologies for that awful pun.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner Shows Off Stomach, Fuels Eating Disorder Chatter

Kylie Jenner just can’t win.

The 18-year old gets slammed any time she shares a social media photo that highlights her cleavage… and she also gets in trouble online any time she covers that cleavage up.

The supposedly single reality star took to Snapchat over the weekend and posted a couple selfies that appeared to have been taken first thing in the morning.

We’re basing this theory on Kylie’s messy hair.

But it doesn’t appear as it most followers were focused on Jenner’s hair. Or her chest. Or her arms. Or her hands.

Instead, they looked at both of these images and called out Kylie for possessing such a flat stomach.

Some especially took note of her prominent ribcage in the first picture and wondered whether or not Jenner has an eating disorder.

“Seriously!!! Ugh. Let’s cause thousands of cases of anorexia,” wrote one critic in response.

Look, there are PLENTY of reasons to make fun of Kylie Jenner.

She thinks 30 is too old an age to have kids, for one thing.

But she is not giving anyone an eating disorder because she is flaunting her tummy in these photographs.

This is someone who flaunts her body all the frickin time and who belongs to a family that endlessly talks about weight loss.

Half-sister Kim Kardashian is doing far, far more damage to young women and new mothers by constantly mentioning her absolute need these days to shed her pregnancy pounds.

In conclusion: the Jenners and Kardashians are terrible role models.

But not because they sometimes show off their flat stomachs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2 Recap: Like Butterflies Heating Up Your Stomach

On The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2, Ben Higgins’ quest to narrow down the field of aspiring trophy wives vying for his love continued.

If you want to know who has the inside track, The Bachelor spoilers can shed some light on that topic right now. If you don’t … continue!

Picking up where the premiere left off, The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2 saw a couple of interesting group dates by series standards.

First, there was a sojourn to a local high school to take part in a heated competition for the Bachelor High Homecoming Queen crown.

The girls faced off in science, geography, athletics, and bobbing for apples, which was even more awkward than it sounds if that’s possible.

Mandi won the title – and one-on-one time Ben. Jennifer and Ben also shared a kiss, which Lace in particular was not too happy ’bout.

Caila got the evening’s first one-on-one date, while Olivia got upset about that, and Lace? She tried her darndest to monopolize Ben.

Ben kissed JoJo before his big date with Caila … and Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, who chose to “Ride Along” with the duo on their date.

It was actually pretty funny, but things got real after Kevin and Cube left as Ben talked about his past relationships and his fear of failure.

That kind of raw emotional moment doesn’t come along every season, people. J/K! The writers and editors have it down to a science.

On the second group date, more lucky ladies went to a so-called Love Lab to run tests on whether they and Ben had a chance at love.

This included passing a sniff test – stripping them all down to their underwear to see what kind of natural scents the women give off.

Olivia got the highest score, and later on, Ben and Olivia kissed, so perhaps the Love Lab is onto something. Do we smell a keeper?

To quote Olivia herself, “This kiss was beyond worth the wait … It was magical … Butterflies. Heat in my stomach … area.” Damn, girl.

She got the group date rose. Lace got upset again and cried. Fortunately, she too received a rose at the ceremony and is moving on.

That’s all she wrote folks. You can watch The Bachelor online to see the carnage for yourself. The remaining field as it stands now:

In: Jami Letain, Rachel Tchen, Jen Saviano, Lauren Bushnell, Mandi Kremer, Lace Morris, Amber James, Becca Tilley, Olivia Caridi, Lauren Himle, Emily Ferguson, Haley Ferguson, Jubilee Sharpe, Leah Block, Caila Quinn, Amanda Stanton, JoJo Fletcher, Shushanna Mkrtychyan

Out: Lauren Barr, Sam Passmore, Jackie Dion

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Britney Spears Stomach Update: It"s Very Flat!

Oops, folks. 

Britney Spears has done it again.

The pop music superstar has once more reminded fans that she has a body that refuses to age, showing off her 34-year old figure in a brand new selfie.

On Monday, the mother of two turned her cellphone camera toward the mirror and flaunted her very taut tummy in a gray sweater crop top.

“Long day recording…now it’s facial time!” Spears Tweeted as a caption to the image.

Perhaps it could also be cheeseburger time for Britney. She could clearly go for one or two… dozen.

Britney recently also showed off two things other than her body:

Her love for Adele and her ballet moves, both in the same fun video.

In other exciting Britney news, the artist has confirmed she’s working on a new studio album.

No word yet on when it will drop, but let’s hope we’ll all be celebrating more than a cute selfie in 2016.

Let’s all hope we’ll be celebrating a new Britney Spears record!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Shows Off Super Slim Stomach

With Lamar Odom on the road to recovery, the Kardashians and Jenners can return to what they do most:

Pose for revealing photos on Instagram.

Over the weekend, for example, Kylie Jenner showed off a self-described dope new haircut, and now Kourtney Kardashian is here with a look at her super slim body.

“Working out is one of the only things that helps when I’m feeling anxious,” Kourtney wrote as a caption, likely making a reference to last week’s Odom situation.

Kardashian’s former brother-in-law, Odom fell unconscious after partying for days at a brothel in Nevada.

He was rushed to the hospital and remained in a coma for multiple days after tests revealed foreign substances in his system, including cocaine.

All of the Kardashians rushed to be by Lamar’s side, with Khloe refusing to leave until her estranged husband is fully on the mend.

Meanwhile, Kourtney was faced with an issue regarding her estranged ex as well, with Scott Disick checking into rehab for alcohol abuse last week.

Let’s hope Disick and Odom both overcome their personal demons and, for the sake of their children at the very least, both live long and healthy lives.

And let’s hope Kourtney Kardashian keep posing with very few layers of clothing on!