Showing posts with label Seven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seven. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Seven Seconds" Star Clare-Hope Ashitey Says U.S. Race Relations Worse than England

Clare-Hope Ashitey — star of the new Netflix drama “Seven Seconds” — is addressing the issue of race in America … by pointing out the vast differences between the U.S. and her homeland. We got the English actress at LAX Friday, and she tells us…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Seven of Nine on "Star Trek: Voyager" "Memba Her?!

Jeri Ryan is best known for playing the smoking hot cyborg Seven of Nine — opposite Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran — in the ’90s sci-fi television show ‘Star Trek: Voyager.’ Guess what she looks like now! 


Seven of Nine on "Star Trek: Voyager" "Memba Her?!

Jeri Ryan is best known for playing the smoking hot cyborg Seven of Nine — opposite Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran — in the ’90s sci-fi television show ‘Star Trek: Voyager.’ Guess what she looks like now! 


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Share Throwback Pic from SEVEN Years Ago!

Audrey Roloff is past her due date. In fact, she could go into labor at any moment. This has to be at the front of Audrey and Jeremy’s minds.

But they’re still taking time to celebrate anniversaries, big and small. Even the anniversary of a photograph being taken — seven years ago.

Jeremy Roloff shared the throwback photo, and what’s shocking about it is that they haven’t changed. … Except for their hair.

Audrey and Jeremy have really, really good hair. As we’ve mentioned.

We’re so glad that these two have each other.

For one thing, they’re super in love.

Not everyone would be on board to be a reality star, but Audrey signed right up.

Admittedly it helps her business and her heavily Christian blogging, but that’s still an enormous amount of pressure.

We’re talking about a woman who’s been body-shamed for her pregnancy photos, if “body-shamed” is even the right word for it.

But through all of that visibility and backlash and other social pressure from countless stranger they’ll never meet, Audrey and Jeremy are still together.

They go back more than seven years, folks, because this throwback is from before they were even officially dating.

Here’s that throwback photo.

Do any of you look this unchanged from how you looked seven years ago?

We’ll show you what Jeremy’s caption for this photo was in a moment.

On top of the fact that they look like this photo could have been taken in 2015 instead of in 2010, look at how cozy they look together.

They weren’t quite dating at the time, just documenting their time together — as Jeremy describes below.

Again, look at them now:

Jeremy’s hair is in a bun and Audrey’s looks like she takes a little better care of it now.

Here was Jeremy’s caption:

“This is right where Auj and I took our first official photo seven years ago.”

We’re still not over that.

“We weren’t quite dating yet, but I told her I wanted to get a photo of us to document our summer. We were treading lightly, nervous that the wrong word might derail what we had going.”

Clearly, things went well.

“It was brilliant – slow, nerving, exciting, and real – a relationship that was growing it’s roots.”

And look where they are now — married and with a baby on the way!

“I knew I had to get this photo, so I set up my tripod, set the timer, and boom … we timestamped the moment and filed it away unsure of what was to come of us.”

Awwww, remember cameras that weren’t part of your phone! Adorable.

“Now we stand here seven years later taking a similar photo, about to do the same thing with our daughter! #beating50percent #stayingido #journeyofjerandauj”

We’re sure that there will be lots of pictures of their little baby.

(We sure hope so!)

Matt Roloff is certainly excited to meet his second grandbaby, since he’s already such a proud grandpa about his first.

Not every grandparent gets two grandbabies in the same year, you know.

But, any day now — any hours, really — that baby’s coming. We can hardly contain our excitement.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sarah Stage: See Her INSANE Workout at Seven Months Pregnant!

Isn"t it so fun that Sarah Stage is pregnant again?!

Remember, we had such a fun time during her last pregnancy — the one with the mysteriously missing baby bump.

In case you"re not familiar with her, Sarah is a model who"s super into fitness, and during her first pregnancy in 2015, she got a lot of attention for her bump.

Or lack thereof.

Even when she was well into her third trimester, her stomach was tiny, and so many people were sure that her pregnancy was severely unhealthy.

But the haters were wrong: she gave birth to a healthy, good-sized baby boy, and he"s still healthy and thriving today.

It was a wild and crazy ride, and now that Sarah is expecting her second child, it"s happening all over again.

She"s been sharing selfies featuring her bump, which is still barely noticeable at seven months, and she"s been getting all sorts of horrific comments.

But, as she proves in this new video, she"s not letting the hate get her down.

In the video, she shows off her current workout routine, and in her caption, she explains it all — including her opinions on her naysayers.

"#7months pregnant & feeling great," she began. "I"m not sticking to at-home exercises."

She explained that she"s doing a routine from her fitness e-book 2-3 times a week, and that she"s "stopped doing crunches since I"m in my #thirdtrimester."

"Our bodies are truly incredible & I feel blessed to be able to grow another healthy baby inside of me!" she added.

"I choose to stay positive & I represent anyone who has dealt with doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels great to prove ignorant people wrong & even better to know that all you have to do is believe in yourself and trust your own instincts."

And that"s a lovely little message, right?

But still, she still got so many negative comments.

"You aren"t 7 months," one person informed her. "Your tummy would be bigger."

Another theorized that "Her babies must come out small and weird."

"Please do your research with working out this much with being 7 months pregnant," another person wrote. "I"m not trying to be mean but I hope the baby is okay. You"re really really skinny."

But the point is, just like it"s always been, that obviously Sarah knows her body better than we do.

She was this small with her last pregnancy and her son was very healthy, so why do people feel the need to bring her down?

Whatever the reason, go ahead and watch this girl — who, again is seven months pregnant here — show off her workout in the video below:

Sarah stage see her insane workout at seven months pregnant

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Gets Matching Tattoos with Boyfriend of Seven Months

Ariel Winter does what she wants. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

If she wants to wear a bikini, she’ll wear one. If she wants to move out of her mother’s house at the tender age of 14, boom, it’s done.

She’s not afraid to follow her heart or her speak her mind, and those are admirable traits to have.

Except Ariel’s latest move … well, it seems a little impulsive, even for her.

OK, so she’s been dating her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, since November, right? So she’s been with the guy for about seven months.

She’s gotten a lot of criticism for dating him — at 29, he’s ten years older than her. She’s also been judged quite a bit for moving him into her house already.

It’s pretty fair for people to be concerned about the situation, since she’s so young and so intent on moving at lightening speed.

And it’s pretty fair for people to side-eye the hell out of her latest move.

Yesterday evening, Ariel asked her Twitter followers for “tattoo ideas,” and shortly after, she and Levi headed out to get tattoos.

Matching tattoos. Two sets of them.

The first is a heart — Ariel has one half of it and Levi has the other, so when they put their hands together their tattoos make a full heart, get it?

“Me n bae,” she captioned the photo on Snapchat. Because she’s 19 years old.

For the second round of lovers’ tats, Ariel and Levi got a cheese wedge and a jar of peanut butter, for reasons unbeknownst to us.

“Peanut butter and cheese with my love,” she captioned that one.

It’s cute, we guess, for those obnoxious trendy little tattoos the kids are into these days.

For example, Kylie Jenner is the same age as Ariel, and she’s gotten tiny little tattoos for both Tyga and Travis Scott.

But remember the good old days when couples would wait years to get get tattoos together, if they even got them at all?

Remember when people thought it was unlucky to get tattoos like these?

Those were the days.

Ariel can do as she pleases, of course, and if she’s happy with Levi and with having two new tiny little tattoos on her hand, then we’re happy for her.

And we hope that the two of them have a lifetime of happiness together with their peanut butter and cheese tattoos.

It’s just … it’s not going to hurt anything to slow down a little, girl.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Seven Western Kentucky University Football Players Charged In Fraternity Attack

Several members of the Western Kentucky University football team were hit with criminal charges for attacking a guy at a fraternity house in March and are now suspended from the team. TMZ Sports broke the story … a group of WKU football players…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

"RHONY" Star Sonja Morgan Lists Her NYC Townhouse, Take SEVEN! (PHOTO GALLERY)

Sonja Morgan isn’t giving up on selling her NYC home, ‘cause if it at first you don’t succeed … get that sucker back on the market! Real estate sources tell TMZ the ‘RHONY’ star just privately listed her notorious 5 story Manhattan home and is…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Robert Vaughn Dies; Magnificent Seven, Man From U.N.C.L.E Actor Was 83

Robert Vaughn, the actor best known for his roles in the classic Western The Magnificent Seven and the 1960s NBC spy series The Man From U.N.C.L.E has passed away.

Vaughn’s manager confirmed the news today in a press release:

“Mr. Vaughn passed away with his family around him,” the statement read.

Sources say Vaughn had recently been diagnosed with Leukemia.

Though best known for his work on such beloved TV series as Gunsmoke, Father Knows Best, Wagon Train, The Rifleman and The Dick Van Dyke Show, Vaughn also racked up more than 200 film credits over the course of his more than 60-year career.

Film fans will remember his roles in The Magnificent Seven,  Bullitt and The Young Philadelphians, for which he was nominated for an Academy ward for Best Supporting Actor.

Directing and casting agents knew that Vaughn was fully able to laugh at his image as an icon of cool, which led to winking, stunt-casting roles in such recent comedies as the Chris Rock-produced Pootie Tang and the Trey parker and Matt Stone vehicle BASEketball.

He continued to work until the end of his life with roles on the UK series Hustle and Coronation Street.

Born in New York City, Vaughn moved to the West Coast for college when he was in his teens.

In the 1970s, he went back to school and earned a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.

His dissertation, “Only Victims: A Study of Show Business Blacklisting,” was publsshed in 1972.

Vaughn’s acclaimed memoir, A Fortunate Life, was published in 2009.

Tributes to Vaughn from fans and colleagues have made his name a trending topic on social media in the hours since word of his death went public:

Oh no. Robert Vaughn, such a fine actor, one of the best Columbo villains (no higher praise than that) & an utterly charming man, has died.” – Stephen Fry

“So sorry to hear the news about Robert Vaughn.” – Sir Roger Moore

“RIP Napoleon Solo! The great Robert Vaughn was the coolest guy on TV when I was a kid. Superb in Bullitt, The Magnificent Seven & many more.” – Edgar Wright

“#RIPRobertVaughn. The last of the Magnificent Seven, dead. YOUR SYMBOLISM IS LIKE A SLEDGEHAMMER, 2016.” – Patton Oswalt

Vaughn is survived by his wife, Linda Staab, and two daughters.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Man Arrested For Hiding Seven Grams of Cocaine in His ... UGH

There’s really no good place to hide drugs on your person, as this entails possessing drugs on your person and having reason to hide them.

Still … this guy:

Meet Joshua Hare.

When you’re naked in a parking lot, and you’re about to be arrested by the cops with 7.2 grams of cocaine, you find ways to improvise.

Limited, but creative ways.

Police officers in Swindon, UK, uncovered the aforementioned narcotics hidden in the 24-year-old’s foreskin, according to media reports.

Yes. His foreskin.

This all went down June 17 when police were called to a furniture store after a man was shouting and disturbing customers in the parking lot.

When officers arrived, the naked Hare ran around and put up a bit of a struggle before being restrained, taken into custody and hospitalized.

He actually did a good job concealing his drugs, for a time. But while in custody, a baggie containing white powder began to “emerge.”

If you know what we mean.

Hare’s attorney, Nick Redhead, told the court that his client has a troubled past, substance abuse problems and mental health issues.

Redhead says he suffered kidney issues when in custody earlier this year after being arrested for aggravated taking of a vehicle without consent.

“He fell into a coma and thought he was going to die,” Redhead said. “The damage to him as such is he is a high risk of killing himself.”

No one wants that. At all.

Hare clearly needs help, however, and he pleaded guilty to both the drug charge and failing to surrender to bail, according to reports.

It’s always difficult when it comes to punishments fitting the crime for someone who may be suffering from addiction and mental problems.

Redhead hoped that officials would be lenient when sentencing his client for the offense, and received mixed results in that department.

As punishment, the court activated the 12-week suspended sentence he had been given in May for the previous vehicular theft charge.

Hare was also fined $ 151.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Woman Eats Own Hair For Seven Years, Doctors Remove 14-Pound Hairball From Stomach

A UK woman who suffered unexplained abdominal pain for months is feeling better after a 14-pound hairball was removed from her stomach.

That’ll do it.

Woman in the Hospital

Sophie Cox, 23, said that the giant ball of hair removed from her body had built up over seven years of compulsively eating her tresses.


Six years ago, Cox was first diagnosed with trichotillomania, a condition where sufferers endure a compulsive urge to pull out their hair.

Moreover, she has trichophagia, in which a person feels an urge to eat their own hair. All of a sudden, your health issues aren’t so bad.

Cox said when she was stressed out she found comfort from plucking strands of hair and eating them during the day, according to reports.

She thought it was harmless … until it wasn’t.

When she got pregnant in 2014, Cox suffered serious stomach pains and kept losing weight at a time when she should be gaining it.

That was the first warning sight. Then two months after her daughter was born, the pain was so excruciating, it left her doubled in agony.

“By October 2015, I couldn’t eat without vomiting and my stomach would swell up,” she said. “I’d lost [84 pounds] in two years.”

“I dropped six dress sizes, taking me to a size 12.” 

Doctors had no clue what was wrong with her, but tested Cox for gallstones and stomach cancer. She, fortunately, had neither.

Finally, when Cox underwent an endoscopy last November, medical professionals figured out what was cause her discomfort.

This insanely giant hairball:

Ball au Hair

“When they showed me the scan I was speechless. It looked like something from a horror film,” she said, reflecting on her ordeal.

“The specialist hadn’t seen anything like it in 30 years. It was too big to break down in my stomach, leaving me malnourished and dehydrated.”

Even worse?

Having to wait five months to have it removed, due to various favors, including the scheduling of an elaborate, six-hour operation.

The hairball, or “trichobezoar,” was eventually taken out, and “I felt instantly better when I woke up, even though I was sore and groggy.”

“It was disgusting.”

Yes. Indeed it was.

“I cried with relief that it was gone,” Cox says, admitting that she has a problem and is being monitored to ensure no new hairballs develop.

She is on a list to receive treatment to help determine the underlying causes of the conditions that resulted in this experience.

“I’m just so thankful the hairball was found before it was too late,” she said, and a good thing too, for her sake and her child’s. 

“Now I can get on with being a hands-on mum.”

Friday, June 24, 2016

Josh Waring: Slapped With SEVEN Charges!

The news for Josh Waring just got incredibly more dim. 

Earlier this week, The Real Housewives of Orange County star was arrested for attempted murder. 

And while that’s a hefty charge, it’s not like anyone didn’t see this coming. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you probably already knew that he’s a troubled young man. 

He shot at a man and then fled the scene in his vehicle. 

The thing that made it all the more shocking was that he didn’t drive away in his own car. 

Instead, he opted for a stolen BMW SUV. He then proceeded to cause a traffic accident and closed off the chase by attempting to run off on foot. 

He was not giving in. 

Now, new details have emerged about the charges that Lauri Peterson’s son is facing. 

Waring appeared in the Costa Mesa Jail courtroom yesterday morning. 

According to an Orange County Superior Court public information officer, Waring did NOT state a plea. 

Lauri’s worst nightmares are totally coming true about her son. 

He was slapped with three counts of attempted murder, three counts personal use of a firearm and once count of inflicting great bodily injury. 

There’s also word that there was a previous disturbance between Waring and his victim, Daniel Lopez. 

“Apparently there had been a previous confrontation between [Waring] and the occupants of that residence earlier, and he had returned,” Costa Mesa police Lt. Paul Beckman said. 

“At about 1:30 a.m. my husband was still awake and heard people out in the street screaming and cussing,” a woman who lives across the street from the sober living facility The Way Home said of the dangerous altercation.

“He came back in and just said he wasn’t going to deal with this.”

We wish Daniel a speedy recovery!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Matt Baier: I Do NOT Have Seven Kids!

Just when it looked like things were finally beginning to fall into place for Amber Portwood, we come to find out she’s involved with one of the shadiest Teen Mom dudes in the history of the franchise.

And if you watch Teen Mom online, or even keep up with the tabloid drama surrounding its troubled cast members, you know that’s no small feat.

The suspicions began when we learned that Matt Baier might have seven children by as many as five different women.

Shortly thereafter, word spread that Baier has eight kids by six different women. 

Amber has defended Baier in interviews, dismissing his rampant deadbeat dad-ness as a series of unfortunate “mistakes.”

Now, Baier is speaking out for himself and setting the record straight with regard to just how many kids he’s not supporting.

“I have five children [ranging in age from 13 to 25], and all of them have come from long-term relationships,” Baier tells In Touch

“There are not seven child support cases against me – that is completely not true. I paid child support for all my kids,” Baier explains.

“I have an arrangement where I pay for education and a few other things. [However,] I don’t have to pay for two of my girls because they have been emancipated…Amber has met them and everyone gets along.”

As for Baier’s relationship with Gary Shirley, who was the first to publicly accuse him of keeping multiple children a secret, Matt says that’s water under the bridge.

“When he brought up the accusations, I was very hurt,” says Matt. “But since then, Gary’s been very apologetic. He looked me in the eyes and said, ‘I’m sorry.’”

He adds that his relationship with Amber has never been stronger.

“It’s sad that people are coming up with these crazy stories. Amber and I have a healthy relationship. We have no secrets from each other.”

Sigh. Something tells us there’s some major drama ahead for these two.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Seven Skeletons in Matt Baier"s Closet

Monday night on MTV’s Teen Mom O.G., a whole lot of drama went down with the fab four, but Matt Baier’s past took center stage …

When Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 6 got underway, Gary Shirley decided to do some sleuthing and dropped a BOMB on Amber.

Those who watch Teen Mom online know that Amber Portwood’s fiance is much older and started off as … a fan. It’s a tad unconventional.

Well, there may be more to it than that, too. According to Gary’s detective work, Matt Baier has a lot of kids. We’re talking a lot a lot.

Not two, not three. Amber’s fiance has seven children from five different women, and Shirley is a little uneasy about this fact.

“He moved to Indiana for some girl, but he has seven kids at home that he probably ain’t seeing like he should,” Gary complained.

“And then he wants to come and father my kid? Man, come on.”

Amber’s response: “You should talk to me, or you should talk to him before you do something like this in front of the cameras.”

“Everybody in the world will think something else. Now I’m gonna have to prove, in front of millions of people. This is ridiculous.”

Maybe so about how Gary handled it, but are his facts wrong?

Matt Baier clammed up pretty quickly, then told the MTV staff to “Get the f–k out of my house. Get your s–t, and don’t come back.”

MTV aired audio from inside Amber’s house after the camera crew got the boot, and Portwood definitely didn’t let him off the hook.

“If you have that many kids, then you’re a deadbeat father. I don’t know about half that s–t. I thought I did,” she tore into her fiance.

“F–k with me, and watch what happens to your life.”

The next day, Amber broke down crying to an MTV producer, “I wanna believe the man who I’ve been with,” she explained.

“But if it’s true, then I’m just gonna look like a naive little girl, and it breaks my heart. ‘Cause I don’t love a lot of people, and I love him.”

“But if it is true, I’m gonna feel really stupid.”

“I’m breaking,” she added. “I just want my kid, and I just wanna be happy with her. I don’t even care about anything else.”

To be continued, though it doesn’t look like Amber and Matt have called it quits, and they’re still on track for an October wedding.

No word on how Gary feels about that.

Elsewhere, Tyler Baltierra’s mom began to notice signs that Catelynn Lowell might be suffering from postpartum depression.

Cate denied that she is, saying “That’s just ridiculous, I think. No, I definitely don’t have postpartum. I would know, for sure.”

“I’ve struggled with depression – I know what that feels like. And I’m on antidepressants. Sometimes, I just need a break.”

Tyler ended up agreeing to spend more time with their baby girl Nova, so hopefully Cate will get the breaks she deserves.

Down in Farrah Abraham Land, she decided to let her parents take care of Sophia while she was in England on business.

Sounds nice, yes? Well, naturally, this rapidly devolved into a situation in which Farrah threatened to exile her mom and dad:

“It seems like there’s something plotted against me, so that when I’m gone, people can just do whatever the f–k they want.”

Fortunately, Abraham’s therapist got real:

“I wonder if your life would be a little easier, for all involved, if you didn’t have such high standards. A more realistic set of expectations.

“They are forfeiting jobs and moving across the country to support you,” she told Farrah. “Why can you not focus on that?”

(Because she’s Farrah. Obviously.)

Finally, Ryan Edwards and Maci Bookout got along better than ever at Bentley’s birthday party, and it’s all because … Ryan is single.

“He’s completely different when he has a girlfriend,” Maci said. “We take a family picture of the three of us every year on [Bentley’s] birthday.”

“We don’t have one from last year because Shelby wouldn’t let him, and got mad about it. We just need to find Ryan a girlfriend who’s cool.”

Gotta love Ryan Edwards, though. Why?

He still talks to Shelby, and sort of wants her, but won’t tell Maci about this situation “’cause I think it’ll just cause drama.” 

Instead, he will tell … MTV cameras.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Your Fiance Has SEVEN KIDS!

“Her fiancé has seven kids and she don’t even know about this,” Gary Shirley, Amber Portwood"s ex, boldly yet casually declares on Teen Mom: OG.


In the first Teen Mom Season 5 trailer, there was no doubt about the fact that the OGs are all facing their share of adversity this coming season.

(Okay, maybe not Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell, who remain the most perfect couple EVER, but that"s a tangent for another time.)

But look, it"s always a rough road for Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley, and this snippet from the new season, kicking off January 4, shows it.

Gare-Bear is seen telling his attorney the alleged fact above about Baier, Amber"s fiance, just before the camera cuts to her yelling at Shirley.

“I’ve been with this man over a year, I think I know him,” Portwood says, defending her man whose romance with her has been suspect at best.

Still, “we are very happy,” she told MTV News of her partner.

“I’ve never felt this way about somebody else in my life.”

Matt Baier popped the question last November, as fans who watch Teen Mom online likely remember. A year later, they are going strong.

The single mom shares daughter Leah, 6, with Shirley, but requests legal joint custody of their little girl – a big step up – this season.

“I’ve been out for three years and I’m sober,” she says.

“I want joint custody of my daughter.”

Given that she"s been in prison, while Gary Shirley and Kristina Anderson got married and are chilling at home making babies of their own?

That could be a tall order for Ambs.

Gary shirley to amber portwood your fiance has seven kids