Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sarah Stage: See Her INSANE Workout at Seven Months Pregnant!

Isn"t it so fun that Sarah Stage is pregnant again?!

Remember, we had such a fun time during her last pregnancy — the one with the mysteriously missing baby bump.

In case you"re not familiar with her, Sarah is a model who"s super into fitness, and during her first pregnancy in 2015, she got a lot of attention for her bump.

Or lack thereof.

Even when she was well into her third trimester, her stomach was tiny, and so many people were sure that her pregnancy was severely unhealthy.

But the haters were wrong: she gave birth to a healthy, good-sized baby boy, and he"s still healthy and thriving today.

It was a wild and crazy ride, and now that Sarah is expecting her second child, it"s happening all over again.

She"s been sharing selfies featuring her bump, which is still barely noticeable at seven months, and she"s been getting all sorts of horrific comments.

But, as she proves in this new video, she"s not letting the hate get her down.

In the video, she shows off her current workout routine, and in her caption, she explains it all — including her opinions on her naysayers.

"#7months pregnant & feeling great," she began. "I"m not sticking to at-home exercises."

She explained that she"s doing a routine from her fitness e-book 2-3 times a week, and that she"s "stopped doing crunches since I"m in my #thirdtrimester."

"Our bodies are truly incredible & I feel blessed to be able to grow another healthy baby inside of me!" she added.

"I choose to stay positive & I represent anyone who has dealt with doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels great to prove ignorant people wrong & even better to know that all you have to do is believe in yourself and trust your own instincts."

And that"s a lovely little message, right?

But still, she still got so many negative comments.

"You aren"t 7 months," one person informed her. "Your tummy would be bigger."

Another theorized that "Her babies must come out small and weird."

"Please do your research with working out this much with being 7 months pregnant," another person wrote. "I"m not trying to be mean but I hope the baby is okay. You"re really really skinny."

But the point is, just like it"s always been, that obviously Sarah knows her body better than we do.

She was this small with her last pregnancy and her son was very healthy, so why do people feel the need to bring her down?

Whatever the reason, go ahead and watch this girl — who, again is seven months pregnant here — show off her workout in the video below:

Sarah stage see her insane workout at seven months pregnant