Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Chelsea Houska is a Bad Mom!

Jenelle Evans is no stranger to fighting.

It’s basically her number one pastime.

She fights with her mom, she fights with her boyfriends, she fights with her toddler when he just won’t sit still, be quiet and behave like your average two-year-old.

She fights with her boyfriends’ new girlfriends, with her friends, with strangers on the internet …

Basically, if you are around Jenelle at all, either physically or virtually, there’s a good chance she will fight you.

And we’re seeing that now, thanks to her brand new feud with Randy Houska.

Randy is Chelsea Houska’s father, and he’s a lovable guy. He’s definitely one of the best grandparents in the Teen Mom franchise.

We love him because he’s always been so supportive of Chelsea, in whatever way she needs, and it’s such a nice contrast to some of the other moms’ relationships with their parents.

Also, we love him because he’s a bit of a gossip.

He frequently comments on big Teen Mom stories on Twitter, and he often live-tweets episodes of Teen Mom 2.

He did it for this week’s episode … and that’s how he made the unfortunate mistake of crossing Jenelle.

Randy, along with the rest of us, watched Jenelle get into a screaming match with her mother, Barbara, right in front of Jace and some other kids.

It was uncomfortable to watch, to say the least.

“It is good to scream at each other in front of kids,” Randy tweeted about the situation. “It teaches them great things.”

When Jenelle saw the tweet, she reasonably responded with “Hey fat f-ck, I am so sick of you commenting on my life. Go tend to your own family. You don’t know a f-cking thing I’ve been through.”

She added the middle finger emoji, because Jenelle is nothing if not classy.

When a follower told her to chill, she wrote “I don’t give two sh-ts anymore. Not any other parent comments about me negatively except Randy. Nothing positive, EVER.”

If he doesn’t say anything positive, then maybe she needs to consider that she doesn’t give him a lot to work with?

“If my mom wasn’t involved then there wouldn’t be issues, anger or tension,” she added. “The love and compassion would be the vibes.”

… Is she seriously trying to say that she only yells when her mother is involved? Because that’s the biggest fib of all the fibs.

Jenelle has deleted her tweets about Randy, but don’t think it’s because she realized how awful she was being.

Because, in a new interview with Radar Online, she doubled down on her criticism of Randy.

“I wish he would stop,” she said. “He doesn’t know me or what I have to deal with when it comes to my mom.”

“Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

She keeps failing to realize that Randy had an excellent point with his tweet — it’s awful how much Jenelle and Barbara fight and scream in front of Jace.

But instead of saying anything like that, she decided to lash out in the worst way.

“He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored, since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7 … then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson was born,” she said.

Hold up.

Did Jenelle seriously just bring Aubree into her feud with Randy? Why would she ever think that’s a good idea? Ever?

Chelsea has complained about how her scenes are being edited this season, and she’s made it clear that she’s very upset with how MTV has made it look like she’s ignoring Aubree.

Instead of acting like that’s true, even sarcastically, Jenelle should sympathize with her — after all, no one has complained about MTV editing more than she has.

But we have to remember, this is Jenelle Evans we’re talking about. We can’t expect her to make sense.

In the interview, she insisted that “The only time I’m angry is if my mom comes around.”

“I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks, but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book.”

“Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored … his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family,” she added.

“He just makes it look like I’m psycho. He never has anything nice to say and I don’t say a damn thing about him. I don’t get it.”

Poor Jenelle even said that Randy “ruined” a date night with David Eason because he was “making me cry because I was so upset by him making these comments over the years.”

She claims that her MTV producer texted her “telling me he was extremely sorry for Randy’s actions and agreed it was wrong and will be reaching out to him about his behavior.”

Yeah, we’re sure that happened.

Even with all the feuding between the Teen Mom cast members that has happened over the years, it’s very, very rare for someone to bring up one of the children, for any reason.

It’s just not done.

And although Chelsea hasn’t directly commented on Jenelle’s accusations about Aubree, she did make a pretty telling move on Twitter.

After Jenelle’s interview was published, someone tweeted to her “The fact that you are proud of yourself for dragging Aubree, a child, into your argument is sad. You really are pathetic.”

Chelsea liked that tweet.

We’d advise Jenelle to do better, but, well, you know. If she hasn’t done better by now …
