Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian: ANYone Would Be a Better President Than Donald Trump!

Kim Kardashian rarely uses her platform to speak on issues affecting society.

She typically just uses it to push her beauty line or show off her cleavage.

But if Donald Trump has proven anything over the first few months of his Presidency, it’s that we aren’t living in normal times right now.

And this is what has prompted Kardashian to abnormally offer her opinion on the state of her country; and specifically the man leading it.

“We’ve worked so hard to get where we were and to have so many things that we were so proud of in our country, to just literally revert backwards is the most frustrating thing,” Kardashian tells Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, adding:

“Every single day when you can’t really believe what’s going on, the next day it’s something else even more crazy and tragic.”

It’s true.

One day, Trump is banning transgender individuals from the miltary.

The next day, he’s defending White Supremacists.

The day after that, he’s using Hurricane Harvey as an excuse to pat himself on the back, prior to announcing a tax plan that will only benefit the wealthy.

It’s a lot to keep track of.

And it all sucks, Kardashian believes.

“Anyone can run the U.S. better,” Kim tells the publication. “My daughter would be better.”

For the record, Kim’s daughter is four years old.

Over the years, Kardashian has selectively discussed pressing political topics.

In June of 2016, she slammed the Senate for failing to pass gun control legislation.

She’s also an outspoken advocate of gay marriage.

“Sometimes I feel like I want to speak out more about political issues,” she says here.

“You have to be really careful about what you say because a lot of things can be taken in the wrong context and I always want to be respectful, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Or you could try to affect change and not concern yourself with the feelings of certain people?

This isn’t the time to slam Kardashian, however.

She’s already facing backlash for dressing up like Jackie Kennedy and she earns our props in this case for taking a stand against Trump.

“It’s really scary, the world that we’re living in now,” she says. “And when you did feel safe at home, now with Trump in presidency, you just don’t feel safe any more.”

Kim, of course, suffered her own frightening incident when she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris.

But she says it’s not herself for whom she’s concerned these days; it’s her kids.

“Life scares me, just thinking of all the things that can go wrong,” she says.

“When you’re a mom you turn into this maniac that just thinks anything and everything can go wrong.”
