Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Jealous of Kylie Jenner"s Success?

Difficult as it is to believe,  Kylie Jenner may soon be a billionaire.

Yes, Kylie’s cosmetics line is so wildly popular that she could soon join the ranks of Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and the guy who’s banging Amber Heard.

Obviously, it’s beyond impressive for Kylie to be joining such an elite old boys’ club as a 20-year-old woman, but as Taylor Swift reminded us before she became a vengeance-obsessed Shakespeare character, haters are always gonna hate.

And sometimes, the haters can be found within your own immediate family.

Rumors of a rivalry between Kim Kardashian and Kylie have been circulating for years and it’s not hard to see why the public might get the impression that these two are less than close.

Not only has Kylie arguably taken Kim’s place as the most popular Kardashian (at least on social media), they don’t seem to be as close with one another as they are with their other sisters.

Now, an insider tells In Touch that Kylie’s latest success deepened the divide between the two sisters.

“Kim is privately jealous over Kylie’s success because she always thought she’d be the first Kardashian billionaire,” says the source. There’s a real rivalry between the Kardashian girls.”

It’s worth noting that Kylie isn’t a billionaire yet.

In fact, her company has yet to top $ 400 million in annual sales.

But the cosmetics line is also only 18 months old, and experts estimate that if sales continue at their current pace, Kylie will be worth $ 1 billion by the time she’s 25.

Conversely, Kim’s popularity seems to have peaked.

Of course, Kim was also the first to make a name for herself and she reportedly (and rightfully) feels that none of her sisters would be household names if she hadn’t climbed the mountain first.

“When Keeping Up With the Kardashians first started, all eyes were on Kim, and Kylie was a lesser presence because she was so young,” says the insider.

“Now Kim is feeling the competition, and it bothers her. She’s told those close to her that the Kardashian brand wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for her.”

It’s something every family goes through.

The younger siblings come into their own as the older generation creeps toward middle age.

Then the lip kits become more popular, just as everyone starts to forget about the older sister’s sex tape.

Okay, maybe it’s not something every family goes through.
