Showing posts with label Jealous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jealous. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Dave Chappelle Explains Why He Backs MD Governor Hopeful Ben Jealous

Dave Chappelle says his backing of Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous is NOT a political Hollywood ploy … ‘cause he’s just doing what he thinks is right. We got the comedian out Sunday in Forestville, MD, where he was making calls on…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shannon Beador: JEALOUS of Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter?

Viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County watched Shannon Beador flip out on anyone and everyone in sight.

While Shannon did apologize, it really pulled into focus how unfriendly she has been towards the two newest cast members.

Is Shannon jealous of Emily and Gina? Kelly Dodd has a theory. …

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 01

When asked who is the biggest buzzkill, Kelly Dodd reluctantly names Shannon.

"I have to say, Shannon is the best, the most fun, I hang out with her the most," Kelly begins.

"But she can just take it down," Kelly says, snapping.

The implication here is that Shannon can turn an otherwise enjoyable time into a miserable one if she"s in the right mood.

Kelly clearly doesn"t mean it as an insult, just as a fact.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 02

A new caller asks Kelly why it seems that Shannon is initially unfriendly to newer members of the RHOC cast.

The caller speculates that perhaps Shannon is jealous of these women.

"Shannon"s not jealous of anyone," Kelly quickly states.

Kelly explains Shannon"s apparent cold shoulder: "It just takes her a long time to warm up to people."

"I mean, not everybody has to like everyone," Kelly reasons.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 03

Kelly wants to make it clear that there"s a difference between being slow to make friends and being a stone cold b–ch.

"But Shannon is such a great person once you get to know and meet her," Kelly insists.

You know what? That"s not surprising to hear.

Kelly continues: "She"s just an awesome, awesome person."

Shannon"s recently aired outburst in Jamaica was the exception, not the rule.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 04

Andy then comments about how it"s been a real treat to watch Kelly and Shannon"s relationship develop.

The two of them are now real friends. 

Once upon a time, Shannon didn"t really give Kelly the time of day.

Now, things have really changed.

"I just talked to her tonight," Kelly mentions as an example.

Shannon beador apologizes

Earlier in October, Shannon explained why she didn"t start to instantly become friends with Emily or Gina or other new Housewives.

"I will admit," Shannon says. "Because I will own my part — that I don’t like change."

"When two new girls come in and they’re almost half my age, it’s like, OK …" she explains.

"We don’t have that much in common," Shannon reasons. "So you get to a point where you have to prioritize."

"I have a business, I have three kids on my own, and I’m going through things that are taking up my time," she points out.

"So," Shannon asks. "Should I put those aside so I can spend time with a 32-year-old?"

Shannon beador on poker night

First of all, shout-out to Shannon Beador for making a lot of us feel young by thinking she can"t even relate to a woman in her thirties.

Yes, Gina Kirschenheiter is in her thirties — she"s 34, not 32, but that"s all the same to Shannon.

Emily Simpson, for the record, is about 20 years older than that.

But Shannon wasn"t only citing age.

For the most part, she just has a lot on her plate.

And, as Kelly says, she doesn"t make friends instantly.

Shannon beador jealous of emily simpson and gina kirschenheiter

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Goes Off on 50 Cent, Calls Him a Broke, Jealous Snitch

Floyd Mayweather didn’t just throw shade at 50 Cent – he threw EVERYTHING at the rapper … including a piping hot bag of dirty laundry. The on-again, off-again beef between the 2 is firmly back on, after Floyd shared a message on social media…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Justin Bieber: Dating Model Just to Make Selena Gomez Jealous?!

The whole world knew it was bound to happen, but we suppose that doesn’t make Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s latest breakup any less painful for the principles involved.

Which means we’re in for yet another round of competitive pettiness delivered by two wealthy and beautiful young people who could be putting all their time and money to more productive use by doing literally anything else.

And this time, there are innocent bystanders being dragged into the mix.

Baskin Champion may sound like a winner at this year’s Westminster Dog Show, she’s actually a 22-year-old model and the latest pawn in Justin and Selena’s game.

It seems the Biebs has been spotted out and about with Baskin several times in recent weeks, but he’s apparently less concerned with bedding the beauty (although we’re sure that happened, too) and more interested in making Selena jealous.

“He knows everything he’s doing is going to get out,” a source close to the situation assures E! News.

“[Gomez is] off having fun with her friends and so he’s showing that he can still go out and have fun too. And to be honest, I’m sure there’s a part of him that wants to make Selena a bit jealous!”

The insider says Justin has a long history of messing with Selena’s mind:

“This seems like right out of the old Justin’s textbook! He was very manipulative with her emotions the last time and did stuff like this a lot,” the source claims.

Yeesh. Sounds like the sort of douchey behavior with which Bieber’s name was once, sadly, synonymous.

Beginning to look like those who feared that Justin and Selena would revert back to their unhealthiest selves by giving their relationship another go were on to something.

As for Ms. Gomez, she’s said to be struggling in the wake of the split, but apparently, in some ways, she’s finding life easier post-Justin.

We already knew that Selena’s mom doesn’t like Bieber, and it seems many of her friends have similar feelings.

As a result, the singer is being widely praised for cutting ties with Justin yet again:

“They think he’s a bad influence on her and she becomes really dependent on him,” the source says.

“She’s so generous and loyal and puts 100 percent of herself into everything, including her relationships, which isn’t always the healthiest.”

The insider claims that Selena’s main strategy these days is simply to avoid news about Justin as much as possible:

“The thing with Justin and Selena is that when they’re together, they’re together, when they’re apart, they’re apart. As in, they’re no longer attached at the hip,” the tipster claims.

As for Justin’s apparent hookup with Ms. Champion, well, Selena may not have much to worry about on that score.

The source says that while Baskin may have left a concert hand-in-hand with Justin earlier this week, it was apparently all for show, as the relationship is based on “nothing more” than friendly flirting.

“Justin’s been friends with her for a while. They know each other through mutual friends,”

Sigh. Seems like a lot of work just to mess with your emotionally fragile ex.

Stars – they’re just as petty as the rest of us!


Kylie Jenner to Critics: You"re Just Jealous of My Body!

Kylie Jenner does not care what you think.

The 20-year old new mother shocked many fans on Instagram two days ago when she snapped a selfie.

This on its own, of course, is the opposite of shocking.

It’s only shocking when Jenner goes an hour or two without snapping a selfie.

However, this self-portrait featured Kylie in a waist trainer, a ridiculously stupid and completely useless piece of apparel that she and her sisters have pushed on the public for years.

The siblings get paid to pretend as if this item helps them lose weight, setting a horrible example for followers around the world and proving they only care about money.

We’ve slammed, bashed and mocked the Kardashians for waist training for years.

But Kylie has now taken this bad role modeling to a new low, considering she gave birth six weeks ago and is trying to tell folks that using a frickin waist trainer will help them shed pregnancy weight.

Just consider her caption to the following image…

my girl @premadonna87 hooked me up with the @waistgangsociety snap back package. #ad waistgang has the BEST quality snap back products.

make sure you get your package & follow @waistgangsociety to join & keep up the journey together. tag us in photos, and head over to NOW!

Use code (Kylie) for an exclusive discount & I can keep up with your progress. #waistgangsociety #waistgang #fitness #whatwaist

A Texas-based OGBYN told Us Weekly afterward that this garment “puts harmful compression to the abdomen. It has a temporary result that is no different than anything too tight around skin.”

In other words: it doesn’t work. D’uh!

Jenner may be proud of her post-baby body right now, but she achieved nothing of substance with this asinine waist trainer.

We’re not the only ones to state this opinion, but Radar Online claims Jenner only has one message for her critics.

Kylie has been getting so much hate from everyone over the fact that she is ashamed about how fat she got while pregnant,” an insider tells this gossip website, adding:

“Honestly, she couldn’t really care less what people think.

“She believes that everyone is just jealous that she is able to get so skinny so fast and they are not!”

Yup. That’s totally it.

That’s always the case when a celebrity is criticized; haters must be jealous, right?

What other explanation could one ever have for thinking badly of a star and/or her actions?!?

Jenner, of course, disappeared from the spotlight during her pregnancy.

Numerous reports suggested that she was embarrassed about the pounds she packed on, assuming she would receive flak for it because she’s made a living by sharing so many sultry selfies.

Kylie basically based her self-worth on her appearance, which is very unfortunate.

She then gave birth on February 1 and reportedly became immediately obsessed with regaining her bikini body.

“Kylie really believes that she needs to have a hot body for her job and it’s really sad how much emphasis she is putting on this,” Radar concludes.

We agree. It’s totally sad.

But if she wants to actually accomplish this goal, we have one a piece of advice for her:

Take off the dang waist trainer!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kate Middleton: Jealous of Meghan Markle?

With the revelation that, in all likelihoods, Kate Middleton won’t take part in Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry in any special role, rumors are heating up that the Duchess is harboring some ill feelings towards her brother-in-law’s fiancee.

And Kate is reportedly straight-up jealous of this American actress who’s waltzing across the pond and into the royal family.

Is there more royal drama brewing?

Almost everyone was overjoyed when they heard that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got engaged.

(Not, perhaps, the millions of women who grew up dreaming of marrying Prince Harry, though perhaps being grownups gave them the sense of perspective to be happy for the couple)

Though Meghan’s Suits costars are sad to see her go, they’re obviously happy for her.

And though the couple’s having to jump through a few more hoops — as Meghan Markle is divorced and also an American — Harry’s family has been overjoyed at the news.

But … is Kate Middleton sharing in her husband’s happiness for the newly engaged couple?

Or is she jealous of the “shiny, new royal,” and remembering how it’s been years since she made waves as a commoner marrying into the royal family?

Celebrity Insider recently wrote about Duchess Kate being resentful of being “pushed out of the spotlight” by Meghan Markle.

See it from her perspective, folks:

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton was pregnant with baby number 3.

(Something that we’d already pieced together for you a few weeks earlier, based upon a number of very telling clues)

That’s welcome news, especially in the endless hellscape of 2017 where every day’s news brings fresh nightmares to haunt us all.

Even then, Meghan Markle — who was, officially, only dating Prince Harry at the time — kept her name in headlines, while people almost seemed to grow bored of the news of Kate’s pregnancy.

And keep in mind that Kate Middleton has particularly difficult pregnancies and morning sickness so bad that she sometimes requires hospitalization, so it’s not like this one’s easy just because it’s her third time at it.

(Yes, the morning sickness that one errant report claimed was cured by Meghan Markle’s home remedy, as if Meghan Markle is some kind of witch who can accomplish what the best doctors in the world cannot)

Celebrity Insider also points out that, though Kate is from a wealthy British family, Meghan Markle seems like such a natural in front of the cameras — for a very good reason:

“Kate was never trained to pose in front of cameras or speak before crowds in a way that can compare to the Suits actress.”

Kate Middleton is due in, what, March or April?

(Again, due dates are fickle things — a March due date can lead to an April baby. Sometimes, the reverse is true)

Well, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding date is in May.

Those are two big British royal family events, practically back-to-back.

Kate will, by this point, be a mother of three dealing with a newborn and two very young children and still recovering from childbirth.

Meghan Markle will be the blushing bride and newest member of the family, breaking barriers as a divorced American woman of color.

It’s clear that there is a lot of potential for resentment.

Ultimately, though, we think that this speculation might be putting words in the Duchess of Cambridge’s mouth.

(Or, at least, thoughts in her head)

There hasn’t been any actual indication that Kate Middleton feels that way.

In fact, Duchess Kate has expressed joy in public statements. Of course she’d be happy for Harry and Meghan!

And we’re talking about royals, not Kardashians — if anything, Kate is probably happy to catch a small break from tabloid gossip.

She might not really know Meghan Markle, but you don’t have to be joined-at-the-hip childhood friends with your brother-in-law’s fiancee to be happy that they’re getting married.

Speculation is fine, folks, but we shouldn’t let our imaginations run wild.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Meek Mill"s Lawyers Say Judge is a Jealous, Failed Actress

Meek Mill’s been fighting an uphill battle with the judge who sent him back to prison since day one, because she’s a failed actress taking her anger out on the famous rapper … so claim sources close to the rapper. TMZ has learned Meek’s…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Jealous of Joy-Anna"s Baby News?

As we reported earlier this week, Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Many fans were surprised by the news, not only because Joy-Anna is just 19 and has been married for only three months, but also because the pregnancy represents a significant break from Duggar tradition.

Typically, when two Duggar daughters are recently married (which is pretty much always the case these days) the one to wed first is the one to get pregnant first.

But Joy-Anna skipped the line, so to speak, announcing her pregnancy despite the fact that Jinger Duggar, who married six months before her, remains childless.

There’s been talk that Joy-Anna got pregnant before marriage and that her family moved her wedding up in order to avoid a scandal, but that’s a conversation for another time.

Most Duggar fans have been busy wishing Joy-Anna and husband Austin Forsyth all the best as they start their family together.

But some have expressed concerns for Jinger.

Like all Duggar women, Jinger has spoken excitedly about having children, and most thought she would have made a pregnancy announcement by now.

Since the use of birth control is frowned upon in the Duggar clan, many fans are now speculating that Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo are having trouble conceiving.

“Doubt she’s using BC. My guess is they are trying but might be having issues,” a Duggar fan recently wrote on Facebook.

“Statistically 1 to 2 in every 10 women deal with infertility problems. There are 9 duggar girls, so at least one of them is bound to struggle and so far the other 3 married ones seem to get pregnant quite easily,” 

“I’d feel really bad if they had infertility issues in that family. You know J’chelle [Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar] would think they were cursed by God,” commented another.

Many have pointed out that on a recent Counting On after-show, Jim Bob predicted that Joy-Anna would be the next to announce baby news, even though Jinger has been married much longer.

The prescient comment led many to believe that Jim Bob is aware Jinger is having trouble conceiving.

If Jinger is struggling with conception issues, her difficulty is likely only compounded by the fact that it’s all taking place on the public stage.

Unfortunately for her, the downside of your parents making a commodity of your private life is that the public’s interest rarely ends when the cameras are turned off.

Watch Counting On online for more form reality TV’s most famous family.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Jealous of Kylie Jenner"s Success?

Difficult as it is to believe,  Kylie Jenner may soon be a billionaire.

Yes, Kylie’s cosmetics line is so wildly popular that she could soon join the ranks of Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and the guy who’s banging Amber Heard.

Obviously, it’s beyond impressive for Kylie to be joining such an elite old boys’ club as a 20-year-old woman, but as Taylor Swift reminded us before she became a vengeance-obsessed Shakespeare character, haters are always gonna hate.

And sometimes, the haters can be found within your own immediate family.

Rumors of a rivalry between Kim Kardashian and Kylie have been circulating for years and it’s not hard to see why the public might get the impression that these two are less than close.

Not only has Kylie arguably taken Kim’s place as the most popular Kardashian (at least on social media), they don’t seem to be as close with one another as they are with their other sisters.

Now, an insider tells In Touch that Kylie’s latest success deepened the divide between the two sisters.

“Kim is privately jealous over Kylie’s success because she always thought she’d be the first Kardashian billionaire,” says the source. There’s a real rivalry between the Kardashian girls.”

It’s worth noting that Kylie isn’t a billionaire yet.

In fact, her company has yet to top $ 400 million in annual sales.

But the cosmetics line is also only 18 months old, and experts estimate that if sales continue at their current pace, Kylie will be worth $ 1 billion by the time she’s 25.

Conversely, Kim’s popularity seems to have peaked.

Of course, Kim was also the first to make a name for herself and she reportedly (and rightfully) feels that none of her sisters would be household names if she hadn’t climbed the mountain first.

“When Keeping Up With the Kardashians first started, all eyes were on Kim, and Kylie was a lesser presence because she was so young,” says the insider.

“Now Kim is feeling the competition, and it bothers her. She’s told those close to her that the Kardashian brand wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for her.”

It’s something every family goes through.

The younger siblings come into their own as the older generation creeps toward middle age.

Then the lip kits become more popular, just as everyone starts to forget about the older sister’s sex tape.

Okay, maybe it’s not something every family goes through.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Drake: Jealous of Rihanna-Hassan Jameel Relationship?

No need to engage in any of that past life-regression hypnosis nonsense.

We already know you weren’t the best person in your previous incarnations.

Because if you were, you would’ve come back as Rihanna.

Sure there are richer, more famous, and even more talented celebrities, but no one on Earth can match Queen RiRi’s genius for living well.

Sometimes, she overshadows massive parade floats with her bikini body at the Crop Over festival.

Sometimes, she messes with the world’s most famous athletes in the middle of the NBA Finals just for the fun of it.

In everything she does, Rihanna has spent years living the good life in a way that even most of her fellow famous millionaires can only imagine.

And though it may have once seemed impossible, the 29-year-old music icon has stepped her game up once again.

Back in June, we learned that Rihanna is dating Hassan Jameel, a billionaire Saudi billionaire, whom she’d been seeing on the sly for several months.

Insiders say RiRi is head over heels, and it seems the situation has riled one of her most high-profile exes.

Rihanna dated Drake twice in the past few years.

Both times, it ended badly, but it seems Drizzy is still holding a torch for his most famous ex.

“Drake has always had a thing for Rihanna, and still does,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“They’ve hooked up and tried dating numerous times over the past, but it’s never worked out to be a permanent thing, and that’s something he regrets to this day.”

The insider says Drake recently sent a sly message to Rihanna via Instagram, posting a photo in which he’s rocking a pair of socks from her fashion line.

“The socks photo was his way of ruffling Rihanna’s feathers, and letting her know he’s still out there and thinking of her,” the source claims.

The insider adds that Drake is well aware that he and Rihanna do not have a future together, but that’s not enough to stop him from lusting after her:

“If they did try to date again it would likely never work out because it’s all about the passion and sex with them, and when every day life starts to creep in they inevitably start drifting apart,” says the source.

“But that doesn’t stop Drake lusting after her, and he can’t help thinking that Rihanna could be the one that got away.”

Fortunately for Drizzy, there’s big money in radio-friendly breakup ballads.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Is Her Daughter Too Jealous of Her New Baby?!

These days, Chelsea Houska, Teen Mom 2"s greatest treasure, is a mother to two precious kids: her daughter, Aubree, and little baby Watson.

And all three of them, along with Chelsea"s husband, Cole DeBoer, are just as cute as cute can be.

As we"ve seen on the show, Chelsea and Aubree have always been super close, and when Cole joined the family, he really stepped up as a father figure to Aubree.

But back in January, Watson entered the picture.

And as we learn in this new sneak peek for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2, his birth changed things up quite a bit.

In the clip, we see Chelsea cruising around with Aubree and Watson in the backseat, and she tells Aubree that she needs to talk to her.

"Your attitude has been so bad lately and so negative, and I don"t even understand why," she says. "Why do you think you"ve been so, like, crabby?"

"Maybe I"m just tired sometimes but I don"t feel it," Aubree suggests.

At that Chelsea says that maybe she should try taking some naps, "because I don"t even know what to do. Why did you just start thinking that you don"t have to listen anymore?"

Precious little Aubree starts to shut down, but then Chelsea says that "I think things changed after Watson was born. That"s when you started being crabby."

And it all makes sense, doesn"t it?

Aubree was Chelsea"s only child for a very long time, so jealousy would be a totally normal thing when Watson came along, right?

Wrong, actually.

"It"s just because that he"s so cute and when I have to go to bed you guys get to be with him and I have to be trying to go to sleep," she explains.

"You get to have fun with him while I"m just sleeping and bored."

So she"s not jealous of her new little brother, she"s jealous that Chelsea and Cole get to stay up with him while she has to go to bed?

If that"s not the sweetest thing we"ve ever heard …

After that, Chelsea launches in to the classic "you"re the kid, we"re the parents, so you have to listen to us" speech, and Aubree agrees that she has to start listening more.

But still, this may be one of the cutest Teen Mom 2 clips of all time.

See Chelsea and Aubree"s darling conversation in the video below:

Chelsea houska is her daughter too jealous of her new baby

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Jealous of Kylie Jenner, Demanding KUWTK Pay Raise?!

Once upon a time, if you’d have asked us who the most popular member of the Kardashian family is, we’d look at you like you were dumb.

Because, obviously, Kim built that whole entire empire on her back.

(Literally, ha.)

But these days, that question would be a little tougher to answer.

While Kim is still incredibly famous, her sisters have been coming in hot for years now.

Khloe Kardashian has a solid fan base, as does Kendall Jenner with her modeling career.

Rob … well, people like to see what’s going on in his messy life, and there are plenty of Keeping Up with the Kardashians fans who respect Kourtney for being (mostly) natural at 38 years old.

And then there’s Kylie.

Someway, somehow, the littlest Jenner managed to work herself and her over-inflated lips into our hearts. Or at least into our gossip feeds.

These days, many, if not most, people are more likely to keep up with Kylie than Kim — she’s just fresher, and a little bit trashier.

She’s more fun.

And according to a new report from Radar Online, that cuts Kim like a knife.

A source claims that Kim recently threw a great big fit and “told Kris that she was spending way too much time on Kylie and her show and that she needed to snap out of it and focus on her.”

Sounds charming, right?

You haven’t heard the half of it yet.

“Kim told Kris that she deserved more money for the show after all of her drama, and the fact that her trying to have another baby was going to be a big story line too,” the source continues.

Yeah, Kim did bring a lot of drama last season, but last season the ratings were way, way down — so down that there was serious talk of canceling the show.

Still, she doesn’t care.

“Kim knows the ratings are down, but so what?” the source says.

“She is still the star of the show and if it was going to continue it had to be on her terms. Which meant more money for her and Kanye and her kids.”

According to this report, “None of her sisters got the raise Kim got,” and “Rob definitely did not.”

Even though Kourtney’s onging drama with Scott Disick was a big part of this season, as was Khloe’s various issues?

“Kim’s raise is just another big family fight, where everyone knows that Kris plays favorites with her and the rest of the kids just get pushed to the side.”

“It really causes a lot of hurt feelings,” the source concludes. “But Kim only cares about Kim.”

If Kim really is so jealous and selfish that she’s willing to cause so many issues in her family, then maybe she should also start caring about being a better human being?

Just a thought.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Gervonta Davis Says Adrien Broner Is Jealous of Me, Demands Fight

Enough talk … boxing champ Gervonta “Tank” Davis says he’s ready shut Adrien Broner’s mouth with his fists.  Broner WENT OFF on the undefeated 22-year-old fighter earlier this week in an n-word laden, homophobic tirade … and even blasted…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Sisters Already Jealous of Spinoff Show?

For the past two months, the Kardashian clan has been quiet on the persistent rumors about a Kylie Jenner spinoff show, and their silence should have been all the indication we needed that the project is really happening.

Sure enough, it was confirmed yesterday that Life With Kylie will debut this summer on E!, signaling the next major step in the career evolution of social media’s most popular teen automaton.

Of course, the show also signals the beginning of a shift in power within the Kard clan.

News of the Kylie spinoff comes at a time when every week sees new rumors that Keeping Up With the Kardashians is facing cancelation.

It’s almost unheard of for a series that’s experiencing declining ratings to be granted a spinoff, but the Kardashians are a special case.

They’ve proven to have greater longevity than just about any other reality stars in the history of the genre.

And many are interpreting Kylie’s new show as the network’s of showing its faith in the family’s “second generation.”

(In a familial sense, Kendall and Kylie belong to the same generation as Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim, but they’re the children of Instagram as much as they are of Kris Jenner.)

The process of Kylie becoming the new Kim began years ago, but as the star of her own show, Kylie is taking her biggest step yet toward snatching the number one spot away from her iconic sister.

Naturally, Kylie’s ascent has resulted in some mixed feeling amongst her sisters.

“The show has been in talks for months,” a source close to the situation tells People. “The family is excited about it.”

The insider adds that to the surprise of absolutely no one, some of Kylie’s sisters wish they were in her position:

“Overall, everyone is really happy about it,” says the source.

“But of course, there’s some jealousy that comes along with all the attention that Kylie is getting.”

At the end of the day, however, it seems the entire family recognizes that in order for the Kardashian brand to survive, the torch must be passed to Kendall and Kylie:

“Kylie and Kendall really are the next generation,” says the tipster, adding that the KJs are what “keeps the entire family relevant.”

As long as they stay away from pseudo-woke Pepsi commercials, that is.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tarek El Moussa: So Jealous of Christina"s New Boyfriend(s)!

Flip or Flop star Tarek El Moussa puts on a good front with his public statements, but he is reportedly super jealous of estranged wife.

Or the dude or dudes dating Christina, to be more accurate.

While we’re past the point of Tarek joking about raping her – or stories to that effect – there’s still bad blood between the HGTV stars.

The house-flipping tandem loves to state publicly that both really happy raising kids and working together, even if they’re not married.

Or, in the case of Tarek specifically, that he had been battling some very serious medical ailments years ago that he’s never disclosed.

Until now, for unknown reasons.

One can speculate, cynically but not implausibly, that every move they make is designed to distract fans from a less delightful reality.

Such as all those recent indications of Christina El Moussa dating a new man, and Tarek throwing jealous $ h!t-fits over it, for example.

Christina and Nate Thompson of the Anaheim Ducks (pictured above) have been an alleged item ever since she went to one of his games.

That was last week.

Granted, attending an NHL game in your own town/county does not mean you’re dating a player, and Christina’s rep denies that they are.

However, insiders insist that they are, and that Tarek – who was pissed at Christina dating Gary Anderson before – is move livid now.

“Tarek was mad about Gary because he knew the guy and he felt betrayed,” says a source of Christina’s dalliances with the contractor.

“If it turns out to be true,” however, “Tarek is even angrier about Nate” for the reverse reason, “because he has no connection to him.”

Then there’s this hilarious inside scoop:

“This hockey guy is much closer in age to Christina, so it would be something else Tarek would really have to make a major adjustment with.”

Tarek, for the record, is 35 years old.

Christina is 33; Nate is … wait for it:

He’s 32 years old! Cougar bait!!!!

Obviously, we have a hard time believing that plays into Tarek’s alleged reaction to the news, but we can see him as a jealous type.

This is, after all, the guy who stormed out of his house packing heat following a blowout fight that preceded the demise of their marriage.

The El Moussas both sought to downplay that incident, but clearly there are tensions between the couple on the verge of boiling over.

Parents of two small children, the El Moussas have pledged to put them first, but this kind of thing threatens their ability to live up to that.

Christina confirmed that her relationship with Gary Anderson – who witnessed the aforementioned Tarek meltdown – was over last month.

“Having a relationship is the farthest thing from my mind right now,” she said, after the split that followed the even-more public split. 

“It’s not even on my radar,” she added. 

If she’s telling the truth, that would make sense about focusing on work and family, and Tarek wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Right? Or would he get jealous of the mere notion that Christina El Moussa’s revenge body might be held against someone else at any point?

Unclear. But she is looking good …


Tony Raines: Madison Channing Walls" Ex Jealous of Javi Marroquin?

Real World alum Tony Raines opened up about his ex-girlfriend, Madison Channing Walls, dating Teen Mom 2 cast member Javi Marroquin.

Is he concerned about it?

Tony says he wishes Madison, the mother of his child, only the best. He’s open about how the new romance gives him pause, though.

“For me, it was really sudden, but with Madison, we have a really, really good relationship,” Raines told E! News of Walls dating Marroquin.

“Things were rocky for a long time but we co-parent so well and she’s just awesome with [our daughter] Harper. I’m really thankful for that.”

I find it kind of interesting … I’m really happy for her.”

Hmm. “Interesting” is an … interesting word choice.

The Louisiana native was Madison’s roommate on The Real World: Skeletons and is familiar with the other members of the MTV family.

In other words, the Teen Mom 2 star is on his radar.

Their parallel lives offer both reassurances and red flags.

Marroquin’s personal life and relationship with ex-wife Kailyn Lowry, with whom he also shares a child, has played out on TV like his own.

“I’ve seen Javi a few times on the show and as far as I can tell, you know, he’s a military guy and that’s awesome,” Tony said of Javi.

“I see how he is with his children and that’s very commendable,” Raines adds, echoing a familiar sentiment about Marroquin.

“So, I’m pretty excited for Madison,” he reiterates. “I think she deserves a good guy and happiness and all that good stuff.”

“I think with this [relationship] the sky is the limit for them.”

If it sounds like there’s a “but” coming, though … 

Raines admits he thinks about how his kid will be impacted by this, and not all of his thoughts on the topic are positive or all that optimistic.

“If I have to see another guy potentially help raise my daughter and it’s on TV, it’s in the public eye, I don’t know how I’m going to feel about that.”

“This will be the third guy that Madison has introduced to Harper within a year,” he adds. “I’m her dad so we’ve got to talk about this.”

Tony continued, “They call it reality television for a reason!”

“It’s no make believe… He might come home from work and pick her up and it’s filmed, and he’s picking her up in the air and he goes to kiss her.”

“I’m like, ‘Whoa, man.’ I might jump through the screen!”

“That’s my only concern,” Raines said. “That’s my only worry. I don’t know if that’s childish or petty of me but that’s my only thing with it.”

Tony says he believes Javi would get it, 100 percent.

“Eventually if they do work out, I’m sure I’ll get to meet him and stuff,” he said. “I think he would side with me on that [regarding] his son.”

“If I was dating [Kailyn Lowry] or something and his son was going to be coming into my life I’m sure he would feel the same way I feel.”

“There’s no bitterness there toward that guy; it’s just the situation,” he reiterated. “It’s just a little tough when you have babies involved.”

Madison confirmed she is dating Javi earlier this month, saying, “Javi and I are definitely together. We are definitely boyfriend and girlfriend.”

The Real World: Skeletons alum made the first move, direct messaging Marroquin on Instagram after fans noted their similar life situations.

Walls and Raines share daughter Harper, 13 months, so his comment that this is already her third boyfriend since they split was eye-opening.

Javi is on at least his second new relationship since divorcing Kailyn, having dated (and introduced Lincoln, 3, to) Cassie Bucka last year.

While Kailyn is pissed about Javi dating her, according to reports, he says they’re doing their best to put the past behind them and go forward.

“We’ve put everything behind us to raise our son the right way,” Javi said after fans started dragging his ex, saying they should move on too.  

Wishful thinking or the first step of a long journey?


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tomi Lahren Suspension ... Her Side Says Glenn Beck Was Jealous, His Says She"s a Traitor

Tomi Lahren is either a sellout who betrayed the people with whom she works or just so successful her boss is lashing out at her in envy … these are the 2 sides of the coin in Tomi’s suspension saga. TheBlaze honcho Glenn Beck benched Tomi for a…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Angelina Jolie: So Very Jealous of Amal Clooney!

In her first interview since since filing for divorce from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie only had very nice things to say about her estranged husband.

Jolie even referred to Pitt as a wonderful father while speaking last month to the BBC.

But a new report suggests that Jolie isn’t about to gush in a similar manner over Amal Clooney, not based on how Angelina truly feels about George’s better half.

According to Life & Style insiders, Pitt and Clooney may be long-time, close friends who have worked on multiple movies together…

… but they were scarcely on speaking terms just a few months ago as a result of Jolie’s beef with the successful human rights attorney.

“Angie couldn’t stand being around Amal,” an insider explains, looking back on the days of when the two couples would hang out.

“Not because Amal was unkind or rude, but solely because Angie was filled with envy.”

Jolie, who doesn’t have the best reputation on the planet, made no secret of her jealousy either, this same source claims.

Angelina reportedly refused to see the Clooneys, while making negative comments about Amal to mutual friends.

“Angelina would even knock Amal’s looks and fashion sense,” the tabloid writes. “Amal seemed to ignore it, but George didn’t want to sit by and watch his wife get cut down.”

The relationship (or lackthereof) between their wives affected the actors.

“Brad wouldn’t stand up to Angie,” the magazine claims, which led to the stars simply not spending a lot of time together.

Way back in 2011, Jolie spoke to Marie Claire about her lack of true pals. Especially those of the same gender.

“I have few girlfriends, I just… I stay at home a lot,” she told the publication. “I’m just not very social.”

This doesn’t exactly come as earth-shattering news.

Jolie, of course, stunned the universe when she filed to divorce Pitt in September.

She cited “irreconcilable differences” at the time, but it didn’t take long for the Internet to speculate over the actual basis for the split.

Many reports claimed that Jolie thought Pitt was a bad father, specifically referencing an incident on board a private airplane in which he got into an argument with 15-year old son Maddox.

The FBI investigated this confrontation and did not find any evidence of physical abuse on Pitt’s part.

Since then, the sides have traded barbs through their lawyers, but have said very little about each other in public.

“I don’t want to say very much about that, except to say it was a very difficult time,” Jolie said in the BBC interview from last month.

She added at the time:

“We are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it.”

We hope that ends up being true.

We just doubt George and Amal will be spending any future holidays with Brad and Angelina.
