Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Sisters Already Jealous of Spinoff Show?

For the past two months, the Kardashian clan has been quiet on the persistent rumors about a Kylie Jenner spinoff show, and their silence should have been all the indication we needed that the project is really happening.

Sure enough, it was confirmed yesterday that Life With Kylie will debut this summer on E!, signaling the next major step in the career evolution of social media’s most popular teen automaton.

Of course, the show also signals the beginning of a shift in power within the Kard clan.

News of the Kylie spinoff comes at a time when every week sees new rumors that Keeping Up With the Kardashians is facing cancelation.

It’s almost unheard of for a series that’s experiencing declining ratings to be granted a spinoff, but the Kardashians are a special case.

They’ve proven to have greater longevity than just about any other reality stars in the history of the genre.

And many are interpreting Kylie’s new show as the network’s of showing its faith in the family’s “second generation.”

(In a familial sense, Kendall and Kylie belong to the same generation as Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim, but they’re the children of Instagram as much as they are of Kris Jenner.)

The process of Kylie becoming the new Kim began years ago, but as the star of her own show, Kylie is taking her biggest step yet toward snatching the number one spot away from her iconic sister.

Naturally, Kylie’s ascent has resulted in some mixed feeling amongst her sisters.

“The show has been in talks for months,” a source close to the situation tells People. “The family is excited about it.”

The insider adds that to the surprise of absolutely no one, some of Kylie’s sisters wish they were in her position:

“Overall, everyone is really happy about it,” says the source.

“But of course, there’s some jealousy that comes along with all the attention that Kylie is getting.”

At the end of the day, however, it seems the entire family recognizes that in order for the Kardashian brand to survive, the torch must be passed to Kendall and Kylie:

“Kylie and Kendall really are the next generation,” says the tipster, adding that the KJs are what “keeps the entire family relevant.”

As long as they stay away from pseudo-woke Pepsi commercials, that is.
