Thursday, April 27, 2017

16 People Who Forgot They Were Facebook Friends with An Ex


In the following rundown, we share stories of Facebook users who wrote something about their love life or romantic life…

… only to be reminded that their ex-significant other was still their social media friend.


But also: LOL!

Sorry, but you"d laugh at these examples, too, if you weren"t the ones involved in them.

1. Hello?!?


I’m your ex-wife. And I’m RIGHT HERE.

2. It Takes a Liar to Know a Liar

It takes a liar to know a liar

Dammit. Can’t you just go away?

3. Worst Threesome EVER

Worst threesome ever

Hey now! Show some manners! Lay off the goatee!

4. Sledding on His Mattress?

Sledding on his mattress

Can you please go into far more detail about that part of the story?!?

5. Back Away, Slowly, Dude

Back away slowly dude

You may have touched on a sensitive subject here.

6. A Little Grammer Can Go a Long Way

A little grammer can go a long way

It’s, like, too bad, that this person, found this out, the hard, way, don’t, you, agree?

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