Showing posts with label Forgot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgot. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

Bobby Brown Says He Taught MJ How to Moonwalk But Forgot How to Do It

Bobby Brown can reminisce about teaching Michael Jackson to moonwalk, allegedly … but that’s about it. We got the R&B legend outside the Dream Hotel in Hollywood Thursday night where our photog went looking for a freebie — a dance…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Ariana Grande Tribute Concert: 12 Moments We"ll Never Forgot

Ariana Grande and company didn"t just raise funds for the victims of last month"s terror attack in England at the One Love Manchester concert on June 4.

They also raised spirits and created a number of indelible memories.

From on-stage surprises to emotional performances and speeches, we run down the most special and emotional moments from the unique event below…

1. Here She Is…

Here she is

Grande received a raucous ovation when she came out on the stage to open the show. Manager Scooter Braun introduced his friend and client, telling the crowd that Ariana is the “bravest person [I] know.”

2. Let’s Get It Started

Lets get it started

Marcus Mumford opened up the show with “Timshel.” It was both poignant and appropriate.

3. Here is the Love

Here is the love

Grande joined many of the acts on stage, performing at one point with The Black Eyed Peas for a rendition of their classic “Where is the Love.”

4. Two Friends. One Great Performance.

Ariana grande and miley cyrus on stage

Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus came together as friends and musicians to sing a cover of “Don’t Dream It’s Over.”

5. A Few Words from Bieber

Justin bieber breaks down in manchester delivers inspiring speec

He sang two songs. But Bieber’s moving speech (above) it was truly made an impression.

6. Part of Her

Katy perry delivers powerful performance in manchester watch

Perry delivered a stripped-down, powerful version of her 2012 smash hit “Part of Me.” Watch it here.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

That Time Kendall Jenner Forgot How to Read at the Billboard Awards

Much is written about Kendall Jenner these days, but one fun fact many have long forgotten is that she may or may not know how to read. 

We kid … mostly. This classic 2014 clip will make you wonder!

At the 2014 Billboard Music Awards, the now-21-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star literally forgot what words are on TV.

And with the 2017 BBMAs coming up this Sunday night, what better occasion for us as fans to never let her live this moment down!

Sorry Kendall. All love, seriously.

In fairness, even three years ago, young Kendall was far from the experienced celebrity and polished supermodel that she is today.

To say that things didn"t go as planned when she tried to introduce 5 Seconds of Summer would be an understatement, but nevertheless.

We all have our embarrassing moments, and public speaking is difficult … most of us just aren"t thrown in front of millions to do so.

Was she about to announce One Direction? It sounded like it for a hot second, and given her then-romance Harry Styles? It"s possible.

That, or the teleprompter messed up? She didn"t make any such claim after the fact, so we"re guessing this is all on her lithe shoulders.

Fortunately for (and in spite of) Kendall, 5 Seconds of Summer did eventually come on stage to perform and put her out of her misery.

Naturally, Twitter was watching, and #kendallyouhadonejob began trending before you could say 1D or 5 Seconds of Summer or any band.

These days, the joke is on us, as Kendall has made a wildly successful name for herself, and in her own right, not just as a Kardashian.

Sure, there was the controversial Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad, perhaps the most tone deaf commercial ever green lighted by a brand.

That wasn"t her fault, though … and we don"t suspect it will impact her ability to get work in the future. She is a woman on the up and up.

If this live flub didn"t hurt, what will!?

Kendall jenner can barely read

Thursday, April 27, 2017

16 People Who Forgot They Were Facebook Friends with An Ex


In the following rundown, we share stories of Facebook users who wrote something about their love life or romantic life…

… only to be reminded that their ex-significant other was still their social media friend.


But also: LOL!

Sorry, but you"d laugh at these examples, too, if you weren"t the ones involved in them.

1. Hello?!?


I’m your ex-wife. And I’m RIGHT HERE.

2. It Takes a Liar to Know a Liar

It takes a liar to know a liar

Dammit. Can’t you just go away?

3. Worst Threesome EVER

Worst threesome ever

Hey now! Show some manners! Lay off the goatee!

4. Sledding on His Mattress?

Sledding on his mattress

Can you please go into far more detail about that part of the story?!?

5. Back Away, Slowly, Dude

Back away slowly dude

You may have touched on a sensitive subject here.

6. A Little Grammer Can Go a Long Way

A little grammer can go a long way

It’s, like, too bad, that this person, found this out, the hard, way, don’t, you, agree?

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Kim Jong-Un Drunkenly Planned Executions, Forgot Next Morning

This, folks, is why we should all be grateful that Donald Trump is a teetotaler.

If you only know Kim Jong-Un for his flawless pompadour, hatred of James Franco, and ruthless oppression of millions of his own people,  then you’re about to get your first glimpse of the North Korean dictator’s lighter side.

You see, Kim likes to party.

And there ain’t no party like a Kim Jong-Un party, because a Kim Jong-Un party features blacked-out execution orders.

Yes, according to Tokyo newspaper Shimbun, the Jonger got Stalin-grade wasted back in September and started laying the groundwork to have several of his generals convicted of treason and “disappeared.”

Fortunately, like your plans to totally grab brunch and then go rock-climbing last Sunday, the whole thing was completely forgotten by morning.

We assume that instead of overseeing a firing squad, Kimmy spent the afternoon binge-watching Stranger Things and drinking Gatorade. 

Per the sources who described the incident to Shimbun, Kim got loaded and had the generals summoned to his summer villa for an all-night reprimand sesh.

“That none of you were able to produce not even one military satellite is a misconduct that is commensurate to treason,” Jong-Un reportedly told the generals.

He concluded the boozy all-nighter by forcing them to write confession letters and coyly hinting that they were all to be rubbed out in the morning.

“Be careful about your health because you are all old,” a sh-thoused Kim allegedly slurred, his immaculate coif likely tousled into a fat-Elvis-in-his-second-encore disaster.

Basically, it was like that episode of Mad Men where Don and Peggy spend all night working on the Samsonite campaign, but at the end, Don has Peggy dragged outside and shot.

The generals were marched back to their sleeping quarters where we assume they spent the remainder of the night drafting badass final words.

But in the morning, instead of being blindfolded and offered a Marlboro, the generals were stunned to learn that they were the beneficiaries of a miracle that could only be the work of a loving God or Johnnie Walker.

Kim had apparently forgotten why they were at his home, a fact they probably put together when he sleepily offered to order them an Uber.

“They were relieved because they thought they were going to be purged,” a source was quoted as saying.

“Everyone is showing loyalty out of fear of being executed and no one dares speak against Kim.”

So if you’re in a management position, you may want to take note of Kim’s strategy:

Next time your staff is under-performing, just get loaded and threaten to murder them.

If those jerks from HR get involved, simply inform them you look forward to the sight of their heads on spikes outside your palace.

Be sure to shoot us a thank you when you land that promotion,.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

21 Stars You Definitely Forgot Were on Law & Order

The original Law & Order may be over for now, but there are continuing rumors that the show will be getting a limited run revival on NBC.

Being a procedural drama, they burned through a lot of characters. 

There were a lot of characters, so it meant they went through a lot of talented stars that you will no doubt have forgotten appeared on the show.

Would you like to see the show return? 

Have a look through our gallery of stars you will have forgot about!


1. Sarah Paulson

Sarah paulson

This American Horror Story star got her first on-screen credit in a 1994 episode. She played a young girl who was being investigated for murdering her mother.

2. Ginnifer Goodwin

Ginnifer goodwin

She may be playing a huge role on ABC’s Once Upon A Time, but she had a guest starring role in a 2001 episode as a character named Erica.

3. Laverne Cox

Laverne cox

Cox currently appears on Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black, but she played a character named Minnie many years ago on Law & Order!

4. Idris Elba

Idris elba

He may have worldwide recognition these days, but he didn’t in 2001 when he guest starred on the show.

5. Kerry Washington

Kerry washington

Before she was being handled by Fitz, Kerry Washington appeared in one episode.

6. Leighton Meester

Leighton meester

Before she was a Gossip Girl, she was wowing the cast of Law & Order with her first screen credit.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Jeremy Calvert to Leah Messer: You Forgot Our Daughter in the Car?!

To say the current season of Teen Mom 2 hasn’t portrayed Leah Messer in the most positive light would be a massive understatement.

Just a few episodes into season 7, Leah has already been a source of controversy amongst fans on several occasions.

In the premiere, she was criticized for denying her daughters breakfast while rushing them off to school. 

The following week, her erratic behavior on the show led many viewers to wonder if Leah was back on drugs.

After years of making questionable parenting decisions in front of a national audience, Leah is probably able to shake off online hate from fans.

But after shuttling her kids around while seemingly out of her mind from stress (or worse) on the most recent episode of TM2, Leah is facing criticism from someone with the power to drag her through another painful custody battle.

As we reported yesterday, the episode showed Leah leaving her cat in the car during a lengthy choir recital, thus earning her the ire of angry animal lovers everywhere.

But several fans pointed out on Twitter, there was an even more distressing scene in which Leah seemed to forget her 3-year-old daughter Adalynn in the car.

She quickly remembered that her daughter was still in the car seat and turned around to retrieve her, but not before outraged Twitter uses pointed out her stunning memory lapse to Addy’s father, Jeremy Calvert.

Calvert retweeted one user, who wrote, “Literally thought she forgot her keys or phone maybe… NOT ADDY! #hotmessexpress @Calvert505 you poor guy you!”

It seems to be his way of saying that he’s aware of Leah’s shoddy parenting, and is willing to do what it takes to protect his daughter.

Hopefully Leah’s got her lawyer on speed-dial.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more cringe-worthy moments from the Hot Messer herself.