Friday, May 19, 2017

That Time Kendall Jenner Forgot How to Read at the Billboard Awards

Much is written about Kendall Jenner these days, but one fun fact many have long forgotten is that she may or may not know how to read. 

We kid … mostly. This classic 2014 clip will make you wonder!

At the 2014 Billboard Music Awards, the now-21-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star literally forgot what words are on TV.

And with the 2017 BBMAs coming up this Sunday night, what better occasion for us as fans to never let her live this moment down!

Sorry Kendall. All love, seriously.

In fairness, even three years ago, young Kendall was far from the experienced celebrity and polished supermodel that she is today.

To say that things didn"t go as planned when she tried to introduce 5 Seconds of Summer would be an understatement, but nevertheless.

We all have our embarrassing moments, and public speaking is difficult … most of us just aren"t thrown in front of millions to do so.

Was she about to announce One Direction? It sounded like it for a hot second, and given her then-romance Harry Styles? It"s possible.

That, or the teleprompter messed up? She didn"t make any such claim after the fact, so we"re guessing this is all on her lithe shoulders.

Fortunately for (and in spite of) Kendall, 5 Seconds of Summer did eventually come on stage to perform and put her out of her misery.

Naturally, Twitter was watching, and #kendallyouhadonejob began trending before you could say 1D or 5 Seconds of Summer or any band.

These days, the joke is on us, as Kendall has made a wildly successful name for herself, and in her own right, not just as a Kardashian.

Sure, there was the controversial Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad, perhaps the most tone deaf commercial ever green lighted by a brand.

That wasn"t her fault, though … and we don"t suspect it will impact her ability to get work in the future. She is a woman on the up and up.

If this live flub didn"t hurt, what will!?

Kendall jenner can barely read