Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tom Cruise: Is He Finally Going to See Suri?!

Tom Cruise gets a lot of hate for a lot of things.

His movies, his strange behavior, his unwavering allegiance to Scientology.

But one thing he does that’s completely indefensible is his apparent refusal to see the daughter he shares with Katie Holmes, precious little Suri Cruise.

(Though that has to do with the Scientology thing, and his last several movies have been ridiculous, so go ahead and hate it all if you want.)

Suri, if you can believe it, is 11 years old now, and she’s lived with Katie since her parents divorced in 2012.

The divorce was quite the scandal, since when Katie left Tom, she also left Scientology, and the church’s rules require members to cut off contact with anyone who leaves the organization.

So Tom seemed to cut off communication with Katie, which sort of makes sense, but several people think he also cut off Suri.

He hasn’t been photographed with her in years, and thanks to a variety of sources, there’s been a running count of the days that have gone by since he last saw her.

As of today, we’re at 1,352 days — that’s over three and a half (alleged) years since he last saw his own kid.

But according to a source who spoke with In Touch, Tom is ready to change his ways.

“Tom has steered clear of Suri because of Katie and didn’t feel he’d be able to come back into Suri’s life until she was in college and away from Katie,” the source explains.

“But now that he’s in hot pursuit of a new wife, he wants Suri back in his life. He misses having a family.”

The source adds that in a recent interview, Tom was asked about Suri and if he thought she’d pursue acting as a career like her parents, and that question stuck with him.

“The reporter’s question triggered something in Tom and made him want to reconnect with Suri even more. It’s happening.”

Does this report sound ridiculous to anyone else?

Not ridiculous in that it sounds fake — we could definitely believe that Tom would think this way.

But his alleged train of thought is what’s just absurd.

His plan was to wait until Suri went off to college to get back in touch with her, really?

He thought he’d just mosey on out of her life when she was eight years old and come back ten years later and everything would be fine?

We can’t imagine that scenario going over well for anyone, nor can we imagine Tom approaching preteen Suri now with positive results.

If Tom really did miss out on these past few years of his daughter’s life, there’s really no easy way to mend that relationship, no matter how badly he wants a family again.

Perhaps at this point it’s best to just dedicate more time to Xenu and soul-search for a clue.
