Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, November 19, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.
They have quit Little People, Big World. They don’t want to be reality stars.
However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled “Behind The Scenes.”
In the audio...
Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Friday, November 16, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.

They have quit Little People, Big World. They don"t want to be reality stars.

However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled "Behind The Scenes."

In the audio series" second-ever episode, Auj and Jer explain the real reasons for which they quit the show.

They have a whole list, folks.

Some of those reasons are not surprising. Others are.

But they have some very good news for fans who are eager to see them (and their precious baby) on camera again.

Take a look:

1. Auj and Jer have a podcast

Precious roloffs

The second episode is titled “Why We Left the Show.”

2. Jeremy spent about half of his life on Little People, Big World

An embrace for audrey

And, as Audrey explains, the show changed over the years as the television industry evolved.

3. Reality TV became a big thing

Amazing roloff throwback

“The dynamic of the show changed for you guys [once reality TV boomed],” Audrey says. “Because it was no longer in the budget for people to sit in your living room and film all day long.”

4. That meant that the show changed, too

Eye gazing

It became less of a documemtary and focused more on being entertaining in order to remain on the air

5. Of course, the Roloffs were already famous

Jeremy roloff on the insta

They had appeared on major talk shows such as Good Morning America and even Oprah.

6. Audrey shares that quitting the show was always the plan

Audrey jeremy and jackson

“We almost didn’t film our wedding,” she reveals. “We almost made the decision to stop then, five years ago.”

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Friday, November 9, 2018

Jeremy Roloff: Forget Politicians, Only Jesus Can Save You!

Jeremy Roloff does not want to get political

Really, he doesn’t.

But the ex-Little People, Big World star felt a need to speak up this week on Election Day.

With millions and millions of people heading out to their voting locations this past Tuesday, Jeremy took to Instagram and actually discouraged followers from choosing between politicians.

Okay, that’s not entirely true.

But Jeremy definitely did not pull a Taylor Swift and endorse any candidates.

Nor was he one of the many, MANY people who shared their “I Voted” sticker on his social media account.

Instead, Roloff touted the help of his Lord and Savior and suggested that people turn to religion instead of politics if they really want to make a change in their lives.

“The political climate in America is suffocating, no one can deny that,” wrote Jeremy to open his semi-controversial message on November 6, adding by way of reassurance:

“And don’t worry, this isn’t a “political post.” But since it’s vote day, I thought I’d at least acknowledge the chaos.”

It’s more commonly referred to as Election Day, but we’re sorry. Go on, Jeremy…

“As we turn in our ballots today, remember, politics are not our savior, Jesus is,” he wrote, expounding as follows:

“No matter the political lean of your fellow American, treat them with respect. Don’t let your political passion outweigh your human decency.”

Jeremy and his wife, Audrey, have always been very open about their faith and their religion, of course.

The latter recently explained to fans all the lessons that God has taught her over the years.

Along similar lines, this is how Jeremy concluded his Election Day pist:

The tides of cultural morality are just that – tides. But we have a unwavering rock to stand on – the Word of God.

I’m not saying that the answer to measure 101 can be found in Habakkuk; what I’m saying is that we are carrying the name of Christ and His word has a lot to say about how we should conduct ourselves.

We cary His name, so let’s act like it.

Vote, research, stand up for what aches you, but don’t do it at the expense of the real cure – discipleship to Jesus.

It’s an interesting take.

We’re not sure if dedicating one’s life to the teachings of Jesus Christ means you can’t also be politically active, but we at least understand where Jeremy is coming from.

The former TLC star, sadly, will not be returning to Little People, Big World next season.

But he and Audrey have found new forums in which they can express views such as these.

Look for their memoir to be released in early 2019 and for their podcast to even hit your ear buds in the near future.

Find out the name of it HERE!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo Accused of Cultural Appropriation by His Own Fans

As much as we enjoy photos of Jinger Duggar’s family, this latest photo was weird … and controversial.

Jeremy Vuolo shared a strange image of him with baby Felicity and a Native American tipi.

Followers are accusing him of cultural appropriation.

Jeremy Vuolo shared a curious picture on Instagram.

In the snap, he is holding baby Felicity while being obscured by what looks like fog.

Before them is a miniature tipi (also spelled teepee).

“Time for reflection,” Jeremy captioned the post, as if that explained anything.

It’s unclear if he is referring to the presence of a mirror in the photo.

He may have instead meant, on a more serious note, that he’s reflecting upon Native American culture.

Some fans were confused.

“What is this supposed to mean?” one commenter asks.

Others are worried that he’s misusing another culture’s symbols and traditions.

“If there is a deeper meaning behind this post please do share,” another commenter implores.

“If not,” they continue. “Please know that taking elements of another culture (especially one that has been as mistreated as Native Americans).”

That commenter concludes: “and using them flippantly for your own artistic design is completely inappropriate.”

Followers continued to try to figure out what Jeremy’s post was all about.

“I googled it, guys,” one commenter shares. “And some places are saying November is Native American month.”

“Perhaps as ‘Thanksgiving’ comes it’s a moment to reflect on the atrocities inflicted on the first nations people,” another suggested.

That would be very seasonally appropriate, folks. But others were concerned.

“It’s fairly regularly accepted that cultural appropriation is insensitive,” writes another.

“Benefitting from someone else’s culture,” another writes, is “not OK.”

Some jumped to some very different conclusions about Jeremy’s post.

“Why teepee?” one asked bluntly. “Are you racist too?”

Another jumped to a conclusion on the opposite end of the spectrum.

“Are you Native American?” one asked.

“Hard to understand the meaning of the pic,” another noted. “I am Apache though, so if you are that’s great.”

The Apache nation is not known for tipis.

Tipis are sometimes mistakenly attributed to all Native Americans, but were and are in fact unique to people of the Plains region of North America.

(Tipis are still used for some ceremonies, if no longer used for dwellings)

Native American cultures in other regions used different types of dwellings, including elaborate structures.

It’s understandable that people would be on their guard about Native American cultural heritage being misused by white people.

But one follower commented that this is not what is happening.

“Ya’ll, he is in Oklahoma at a Native American history museum,” the commenter writes. “Chill!!!!”

Tipis are often the subject of misunderstanding.

While tipis are conceptually similar to the European lavvu, they are part of a few Native American cultures and are not for anyone else to misuse.

The Native American cultural heritage more likely to be misused are things like war bonnets and terms like “spirit animal.”

But it doesn’t look like Jeremy Vuolo is doing any of that.

We’re happy to call out cultural appropriation or other wrongdoings when we see it. But that’s not what was happening here.

With context, we see that he was practicising cultural appreciation in a museum.

Let’s save our outrage for the people and actions that deserve it.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Ron Jeremy Signs Boobs & Gives Eulogy at Dennis Hof"s Memorial Service

Ron Jeremy got right back to his usual shtick after giving a speech memorializing his late pal and Bunny Ranch owner, Dennis Hof … signing cleavage and cheesin’ with fans. The legendary porn star gave a eulogy Saturday at the Casino Fandango…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff Announce New Podcast Name!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are no longer cast members on Little People, Big World.

But this doesn"t mean you"ve seen or heard the last from the former TLC personalities.

Far from it, in fact.

Aside from penning a memoir and constantly updating their social media feeds, Audrey and Jeremy will be coming out with a podcast.

They announced this big step several weeks ago, but didn"t reveal the name of the planned podcast…. UNTIL NOW!

Audrey has written a lengthy Instagram post in promotion of the endeavor, including with it the highly-anticipated name.

So, what are you waiting for?!? Find out below!

1. Audrey Builds the Hype…

Audrey and jeremy in autumn

She opened the Instagram post that confirmed the name as follows: “As Jer and I were talking about the kind of content that we gravitate to the most, it’s always the behind the scenes stuff. We love when people share the whys and hows of what they do and the struggle behind their success! We want our podcast to feel relatable, real and refreshing. We want it to inspire you, challenge you, relate to you, and defintely make you laugh”

2. Fair Enough. Go On, Auds…

Roloffs near church

“so….we are calling our podcast … BEHIND THE SCENES,” she then announced. Yup, that’s it. Just “Behind the Scenes.” No need for any confusing puns here!

3. Is There an Instagram Page for It Yet?

Happy fourth

Yup. Go ahead and follow @behindthescenespodcast if you so desire.

4. What Can Listeners Expect From It?

They just woke up

Teases Audrey: “We are going to share the messy, honest, unfiltered and not so curated parts of our life. We are going to share the behind the scenes reality of OUR life, AND the lives of the people who inspire us the most!”

5. What Else Can Audrey Say About It?

Jeremy and audrey roloff pic

“We are talking you behind the scenes of our social media feeds, blogs, and ministries. We are going to talk honestly and openly about relationships, family, faith, business and whatever we are learning about, fighting about, or laughing about lately. We’re going to share our failures, struggles, and embarrassing stories.”

6. Come On Over. Be Our Friend.

Happy bday audrey

“We hope this podcast will feel more like an invitation to our dinner table,” continued Audrey. “We’ll share what we are learning, who we are learning from, and our roses and thorns – aka highs and lows – from the week. Think of this podcast as a bunch of bloopers with some truth bombs sprinkled throughout.”

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Jana Duggar: ACTUALLY Dating Jeremy Vuolo"s Brother?!

If you’re a Duggar fan, we certainly don’t need to tell you that Jana Duggar is single.

And if you follow the family closely on social media, then we may not need to tell you about the growing legend of Chuck Vuolo, Jeremy’s hipster brother.

In case you’re unaware, every time Jinger and Jeremy visit his family in Texas, fans absolutely lose their minds over older brother Chuck.

This week, Jeremy posted the above photo in honor of Chuck’s birthday:

“Happy Birthday, big brother! I admire you in so many ways and am grateful to God for you,” Jeremy captioned the pic.

“You’ve already been an amazing uncle to my daughter; I look forward to sharing “’stories of Uncle Chuck’ with her when she’s a bit older. I love you more than I can say. Enjoy the day, bro.”

So we guess Chuck is a bit of a wild card?

Of course, with how squeaky clean Jeremy and his family seem to be “stories of Uncle Chuck” probably include such rebellious behavior as the time he put his lunch money in the collection plate.

Anyway, you may be asking yourself, what does this loose cannon Uncle Chuck have to do with Jana?

Well, you see, Duggar fans are oddly obsessed with the idea of Chuck entering a romantic relationship with Jana Duggar.

It all began when Jeremy posted some pics from a mini family reunion last month.

“Set him up with Jana?” one fan asked.

“I was thinking the same thing too,” echoed another.

“I hope so she’s so sweet!” wrote a third commenter, adding:

“How cute would they be?!” 

Jana courtship rumors surface at the rate of about one per month, and it seems like October will be entirely devoted to Chuck.

Some fans are now convinced that Jana and Chuck are actually courting — and as far as we can tell this is based on nothing other than the fact that they have yet to publicly state that they’re not.

Maybe those fans are onto something.

After all, with this many members of the Duggar family involved, it seems like someone would clear the air and issue some sort of statement.

Of course, it’s much more possible that Jana is still single and everyone involved is just enjoying a little free publicity.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Gets Daddy-Shamed for the Dumbest Reason Ever

Move over, mommy-shaming and fat-shaming.

It’s time to make room for very awful daddy-shaming.

Isn’t that right, Jeremy Roloff

The former Little People, Big World star was on the receiving end of some ridiculous backlash this week after he shared what appears to be a simple and harmless photo of himself and his one-year old daughter, Ember.

The picture was snapped in Nashville and captioned as follows:

Spent a few days in Nashville and now we’re in Franklin, TN. Such a lovely town.

Although it reminds me of Bend – almost too popular to enjoy now! But still, a beautiful town and we always enjoy our time down here.

The people are great and the hospitality is noticed! P.S. If we took a photo with you at some point – tag us so we can see it!

The image itself, meanwhile, simply features Jeremy tossing his infant up in the air:

WHEEEE, right?

Apparently not.

More like, WTH, according to some misguided and cruel trolls.

“Idiot. She’s not a circus act,” one person actually wrote in the comments, while another chimed in with;

Wow. Be careful throwing your kid like that.”

A third person warned the ex-TLC personality about shaken baby syndrome, while a fourth suggested that this move is harmful to “little brains.”

We have no idea what to even say here.

Nearly every parent alive has thrown his or her into the air in this sort of manner.

The kid is never more than, like a foot above the parent’s hands outstretched hands and always falls very easily and comfortably back into place.

(We can’t believe we actually need to spell this out for some people.)

Thankfully, a number of social media users leaped to Jeremy’s defense and called out his critics for being, well… complete morons.

“Accidents can happen doing anything,” explained one individual “Can’t stop living life because ur scared to actually have fun. Most babies like being tossed in the air, so take a seat.”

For the record, Ember is doing just fine.

Jeremy shared plenty of other photos from this same trip, as he and his daughter and wife enjoyed their time visiting Tennessee.

Speaking of that wife, Audrey Roloff can relate to what her husband is now going through.

She’s heard it from followers in the past for the kind of outfits in which she placed Ember and even for the kind of outfit she once wore to the doctor’s office.

We’re not kidding. This actually happened.

Overall, Jeremy and Audrey frequently post pictures of themselves and their child.

They gush over her every chance they get.

They come across as caring and as loving as two parents can possibly be.

Jeremy has not yet responded to this dumb criticism and we hope he never does.

Just enjoy every second you have with that 13-month old bundle of joy, man. She’s precious.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jeremy Piven"s Swear Jokes at Victims" Fundraising Event Weren"t Offensive

Jeremy Piven dropped some cuss words last week in front of what might have been the wrong crowd, but some guests say it certainly wasn’t as shocking as it’s been made out to be. Piven hosted a fundraising gala this past weekend for…


Monday, September 24, 2018

"Hot Felon" Jeremy Meeks" Ex-Wife Walking in First Fashion Show

Jeremy Meeks walked away from his ex-wife and moved onto bigger and better things … and now she’s walkin’ his walk — on her first runway as a fashion model.   Melissa Meeks — who was married to the “hot felon” for 8 years…


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jeremy Calvert to Teen Mom Fans: Leave Farrah Abraham Alone!

Farrah Abraham has a lot of critics, but not very many defenders.

The reasons for this are myriad, of course, as Farrah continues to find ways to f-ck up not only her own existence, but that of her 8-year-old daughter.

Sure, it"s Farrah"s life, and if she wants to star in live-streaming online sex shows instead of a popular reality series, that"s her decision to make.

She would probably find at least some fan support for such choices, were it not for the fact that she"s terrible to everyone in her life, especially her mother and daughter.

But now, Farrah has found an unlikely defender in Leah Messer"s second husband, Jeremy Calvert.

As a result, another star of the franchise is attempting to get Calvert to see the light, and Farrah is proving once again that she doesn"t need to star on a Teen Mom series in order to stir up major drama with the shows" cast. Details:

1. A Problem Like Farrah

Farrah abraham is rendered speechless

Where to begin with Ms. Abraham’s many, many flaws as a mother and member of society? For time’s sake, we’ll just stick to the last couple months of Farrah f-ck ups.

2. Keeping Busy

Farrah abraham og

Yes, it was quite the summer for Farrah, who kicked things off by being arrested for attacking a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel while her daughter was asleep nearby.

3. The Dead Dog Debacle

Farrah abraham and sophia at the vmas

Shortly thereafter, Farrah attempted to show off her comedic chops by making a video in which she encourages Sophia to “prank” a friend by telling the girl her dog has died. Funny stuff!

4. The Boxer

Farrah abrahm boxes in a thong

At the moment, Farrah is preparing or her first “celebrity boxing” match, which mostly consists of charging fans to watch her work out in various stages of undress. Sadly, her career as a nude pugilist may be over before it begins because …

5. Farrah Is Back on Drugs

Farrah abraham tests positive for barbituates freaks the f k out

Come to think of it, we don’t know if she was ever off drugs. Whatever the case, she recently tested positive for barbituates while filming a TV show and then tried to play dumb in hilarious fashion.

6. Farrah Being Farrah

Farrah abraham for mtv

Needless to say, Ms. Abraham is a genius in the art of torpedoing her own public image, but one high-profile defender thinks all the flak Farrah receives is undeserved …

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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green"s Baby Enjoying the Yacht Life

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green’s baby boy is already living in the lap of luxury — the perks of having a billionaire grandpa. The “hot ex-felon” and the Topshop heiress were spotted on a mega yacht Tuesday, off Turkey … and we got our first good…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff: When Will They Have More Kids?!?

Look, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

We know you are very busy these days.

You have a toddler at home and a memoir set to come out and a popular blog to keep writing, but we have a quick question to which we’d love a definitive answer:

When are you having more children?!?!?

We’re kidding, of course. 

Or we’re kidding about the urgency of the answer at least.

But it is a common concern of many celebrity gossip followers to wonder when their favorite couple will have a baby… and then to wonder when this couple will have more babies… and so on and so forth.

With talk online of Audrey being pregnant already with child number-two, the Roloffs told People Magazine this week that they certainly are anxious to expand their family.

They just aren’t certain when this will happen.

“Jer and I definitely want to have more children,” Audrey tells this publication, adding:

“We’ve never really put a number on it, we want to take them one at a time.

“We’ve always envisioned a big family, that’s always been something we’ve talked about from the very beginning.”

“Enough to fill up a sprinter van,” jokes Jeremy.

It’s not difficult to envision Audrey and Jeremy as the parents to many children.

They are a faith-based twosome who seems very dedicated to themselves and to their family.

We’ve never seen a woman gush over her kid the way Audrey has gushed over daughter Ember ever since she was born in September.

Elsewhere in this same interview, Jeremy touched on another aspect of the couple’s future.

He admitted that he talks to his parents constantly about buying the family farm in Oregon.

Interesting, right?

We suppose thia makes some sense, with Matt Roloff moving to Arizona and Amy Roloff perhaps moving away to start a life with boyfriend Chris Marek.

We simply had no idea such a transfer of property was in the works.

For now, however, the main work on which Audrey and Jeremy are focusing in the rollout of their book, “A Love Letter Life: Pursue Creatively, Date Intentionally, Love Faithfully.”

It comes out in April of 2019.

“We believe everyone has a unique love story and we want people to be super stoked to press into their own love story,” Jeremy explained to People of the book’s premise.

“We want readers to prepare more for their marriage than their wedding [day].

“I think social media can paint facades, so [Audrey and I] hope that people will walk away [from the book] knowing that we aren’t perfect, our [dating] relationship wasn’t perfect.

“We learned from our struggles and we came out stronger on the other side.”

Teases Audrey on this same subject:

“I think people will be surprised at how much they don’t know about our love story.”


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Reveals Why He Left Little People, Big World

Jeremy Roloff has finally come clean.

The long-time reality star took fans by surprise last month when he announced that he and wife Audrey Roloff would NOT be returning for future episodes of Little People, Big World.

And why not?

Jeremy didn’t really cite a reason at the time.

He merely said the following:

After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come.

A year ago I made the decision that this season would be our last. It has been an amazing run, and I can’t say thank you enough to all of you who have watched and supported us along the ride…

We will still be supporting the family as they carry the #LPBW torch onward. This is a decision concerning Audrey and me specifically – the show must go on!

As Roloff himself said in this statement, he basically grew up in front of TLC cameras and decided awhile back that it was time for a change.

Perfectly understandable, right?

And Audrey, of course, backed her husband up in a message of her own.

Now, however, as part of an interview with People Magazine, Jeremy has elaborated a bit on his reason for wanting to spread his wings beyond reality TV.

“I think when anyone has done something for 15 years, they reach a point where they kind of ask themselves, ‘How much longer do I want to be doing this?’ And so two years ago I asked myself that question,” Roloff told the publication.

Jeremy went on to say he prayed on the issue and received the full support of his loved ones and has no regrets about the decision.

“It just felt boring almost, you know?” he adds.

“At some point you [need to] build something that you’re proud of. I didn’t build the show, and I’m not saying you need to build something to be proud, I’m just saying it ran its course.

“I feel like now is a great time to leave.”

And Jeremy and Audrey have plenty to keep them busy.

The couple has a book coming out next spring, along with something they did build: blog/company Beating 50 Percent, which defines itself as “a marriage ministry on [a] mission to revive covenant marriages.”

It also sells merchandise.

So it’s not as though these Roloffs will be disappearing entirely; far from it, in fact.

About two years ago, Jeremy’s brother, Jacob Roloff, also quit Little People, Big World.

But he did it in far more dramatic and scandalous fashion, blasting the series and his family members and fake.

Molly Roloff, meanwhile, never really showed any interest in being a cast member.

Back to Audrey and Jeremy, though:

Besides growing their family at some point, the stars also want to purchase land or the family farm.

As for their careers, Jeremy explains that their biggest goal is “to continue sharing our life with people.” He explains:

“We’re trying to inspire love stories.”


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Book Cover: First Inspiring Look!

As previously noted and lamented, Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff are leaving Little People, Big World.

The couple made this announcement about a month ago.

In doing so, however, they also said the following…

“We’re not disappearing. We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works and are eager to continue the work that the Lord has called us to.”

Along these lines, Audrey and Jeremy have gone into more detail about their most immediate upcoming project: a memoir titled A Love Letter Life: Pursue Creatively, Date Intentionally, Love Faithfully.

The couple confirmed this book was in the works several months ago, explaining at the time that the tome would be based on their experience as a faith-based couple.

Said Audrey in March:

The book is essentially our love story. We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story.

The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding

We cant wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.

Fast forward to now and the Roloffs have given an interview to People Magazine in which they share more details about this unique idea.

“We believe everyone has a unique love story and we want people to be super stoked to press into their own love story,” Jeremy tells this publication, adding:

“We want readers to prepare more for their marriage than their wedding [day].

“I think social media can paint facades, so [Audrey and I] hope that people will walk away [from the book] knowing that we aren’t perfect, our [dating] relationship wasn’t perfect.

“We learned from our struggles and we came out stronger on the other side.”

The book comes out in April of 2019…

… and this is your first look at the cover!

Audrey and Jeremy have been married for four years and welcomed a daughter named Ember in September.

They say this memoir will reveal the “raw, never-before shared tales from their own dating journey,” with Jeremy teasing the content as follows:

“[Maintaining a long-distance relationship] was really difficult for us. We did it for three years, and in the book we explain how it started, how we survived it.

“And Audrey almost ended our love story.

“We tell that story and I got emotional when I reread it… There are [also] two other really difficult moments outside of [long] distance that were big challenges and learning curves.”

How intriguing, right?

Jeremy often penned Audrey letters during this time apart, which is where the stars got the title of the book from.

To this day, Audrey and Jeremy try to keep their relationship original, creative, fresh and exciting.

“I think one of the things is realizing that pursuing and dating don’t have to stop when you get married,” says Audrey when explaining how they make their marriage work:

“The subtitle of our book is ‘pursue creatively, date intentionally, love faithfully,’ and we think all of those three things can be true before you’re married and after you’ve been married for 20 years.

“For us, it’s really important to continue pursuing each other in marriage, to continue to look for ways that we can love each other when it’s not convenient, and even when it’s hurtful.”

For more on what you can expect to read in the book, click HERE.

And then let us know: Will you be picking up a copy?


Friday, August 3, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo: Throwing Shade at Derick Dillard on Twitter?!

Just last month, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo welcomed their first child.

In the weeks since, the happy couple has been doting on their daughter and gushing about little Felicity every chance they get.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not making time for the truly important things, like roasting Derick Dillard’s dumb ass on social media.

A little backstory is required in order to fully understand why Jeremy’s seemingly innocent tweet from Monday night is being widely interpreted as anti-Dillard shade.

As you probably know, Derick was fired from Counting On after unapologetically sharing his bigoted views with the world on Twitter.

And it’s not just his former bosses who have taken issue with D-Dill’s big mouth.

There have been rumors that several members of the extended Duggar clan want nothing to do with Derick.

And reports of a feud between Vuolo and Dillard have been especially common in recent weeks.

“Jinger and I are so grateful to TLC for giving us the opportunity to share our lives with all of you!” Jeremy wrote on Twitter before Monday’s Counting On season premiere.

“Tune in this Monday night — July 30th, 9/8C — for the new season of #CountingOn.”

Sounds innocent enough, but it’s not hard to see why many Duggar-watchers took the remark as an extremely subtle jab at Derick.

“Some Dillard shade,” wrote one fan.

Another echoed the sentiment with a reluctant shoutout to Jeremy:

“He’s good at throwing shade in a fundie acceptable way,” the viewer commented.

“I don’t like him, but damn if it ain’t entertaining.”

Dillard has made his distaste for his former home network abundantly clear in the months since he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

He was fired for attacking fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings, and he’s since accused network execs of espousing values that run counter to everything the Duggars stand for.

In that context, it’s a bit easier to see how Jeremy’s public praise for the same folks who gave Derick the ax could as smack talk.

Of course, the big question now is — will Derick respond? 

We sure hope so.

We could really go for a heated Duggar feud.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo: Man, Newborns Really Don"t Sleep, Huh?

Jeremy Vuolo has made a classic first-time father mistake.

Ahead of the birth of his very recent baby, the reality star forgot to catch up on his sleep.


The long-time TLC personality welcomed a daughter into the world alongside wife Jinger Duggar last week, as the couple made the very exciting announcement that Felicity Nicole Vuolo has arrived.

“God is so kind,” Jeremy wrote online, adding of his baby’s name and her measurements:

“Jinger gave birth to Felicity Nicole Vuolo this morning at 4:37 a.m. Felicity weighs 8 lbs and 3 oz, and is 19.5 inches long.”

As you can tell by the photo Jeremy and Jinger provided with this statement, their daughter is absolutely precious and perfect as well.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Well, perhaps she isn’t perfect.

Vuolo has posted his first pair of messages since becoming a parent and both point to the same parental hiccup that afflicts many young men and women:

A lack of sleep!

That darn newborn just keeps waking up hungry and said!

“To sleep, my dear friend and faithful companion. So long, it was a good run. Fondly, Jeremy,” Vuolo wrote as a pretty humorous meme on Monday evening.

He then gave a shout-out to his new best friend:

“Dear coffee, it’s just you and me now. Don’t let me down. Gratefully, Jeremy.”

Fans, of course, were quick to laugh along with Jeremy and also to assure him of two things:

  1. Sleep will come eventually.

  2. Being a father is still worthwhile, even if it means you can barely see straight half of every day.

In his baby announcement, Vuolo confirmed that “mom and baby are healthy, doing great, and resting well,” adding:

“We are very thankful for her safe arrival and look forward to life as parents!”

The stars went public with Jinger’s pregnancy back in January, after 14 months after they became husband and wife.

This was actually a very long time for the couple to wait, at least by the standards of Jinger’s baby-crazy family.

In April, Jinger and Jeremy then told everyone that they were having a girl. Hooray!

“We love thinking forward and realizing that she will have excellent role models in both of her grandmothers, who cannot wait to shower her with love,” the couple stated.

Looking ahead, meanwhile, Jinger will be able to consult with various loved ones about what it’s like to have a baby around the house (and when the heck one finds time to sleep!).

After all, Joy-Anna Duggar welcomed a son named Gideon with husband Austin Forsyth in February of this year.

And then Kendra Caldwell gave birth to a son named Garrett David with husband Joseph Duggar on June 8.

As for when fans can get an inside look at Jinger’s journey to parenthood?

Counting On returns Monday, July 30 at 9/8c on TLC with new episodes.

Click below for a peek at what’s on tap:
