Showing posts with label Quit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quit. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.
They have quit Little People, Big World. They don’t want to be reality stars.
However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled “Behind The Scenes.”
In the audio...
Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Friday, November 16, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff drove a metaphorical dagger through the hearts of fans.

They have quit Little People, Big World. They don"t want to be reality stars.

However, Audrey and Jeremy do have a new podcast, titled "Behind The Scenes."

In the audio series" second-ever episode, Auj and Jer explain the real reasons for which they quit the show.

They have a whole list, folks.

Some of those reasons are not surprising. Others are.

But they have some very good news for fans who are eager to see them (and their precious baby) on camera again.

Take a look:

1. Auj and Jer have a podcast

Precious roloffs

The second episode is titled “Why We Left the Show.”

2. Jeremy spent about half of his life on Little People, Big World

An embrace for audrey

And, as Audrey explains, the show changed over the years as the television industry evolved.

3. Reality TV became a big thing

Amazing roloff throwback

“The dynamic of the show changed for you guys [once reality TV boomed],” Audrey says. “Because it was no longer in the budget for people to sit in your living room and film all day long.”

4. That meant that the show changed, too

Eye gazing

It became less of a documemtary and focused more on being entertaining in order to remain on the air

5. Of course, the Roloffs were already famous

Jeremy roloff on the insta

They had appeared on major talk shows such as Good Morning America and even Oprah.

6. Audrey shares that quitting the show was always the plan

Audrey jeremy and jackson

“We almost didn’t film our wedding,” she reveals. “We almost made the decision to stop then, five years ago.”

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Quit Stealing My Spotlight, Bish

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry back in May, the former actress has been the toast of London.

In fact, you could call her the Queen of the British Empire, were it not for the fact that that title is already held by an iconic nonagenarian who doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Of course, barring a series of violent tragedies that would make George R.R. Martin blush, Meghan will never actually be queen, as her husband is third in line for the throne.

Prince William, however, will likely wear the crown one day, which means Kate Middleton will join him as one of the world’s two most visible monarchs.

And if recent reports are to be believed, Kate is very much looking forward to the time when she can steal her spotlight back from Meg.

Yes, the news of Meghan’s pregnancy came just a few months after her wedding, and insiders say Kate feels as though she’s been shoved to the margins.

Of course, patience is Kate’s best-known virtue — she didn’t earn the nickname “Waity” for nothing — but when it comes to reclaiming her spot as the queen bee of Kensington Palace, Kate is not biding her time.

Royal watchers have noticed that the Duchess of Cambridge has been attending more events, posing for more pics, and rocking more daring fashions in recent weeks.

“A couple of years ago, you might have seen her being a little bit timid,” Royal expert Susan E. Kelley recently told Vanity Fair.

“Now, she seems like she’s in a more take-charge position,” Kelley added.

“I’m beginning to see the person who’s going to be queen emerging.”  

Of course, given the timing of Kate’s emboldened stance toward the media, it’s not hard to see why so many have jumped to the conclusion that she’s responding to the increased attention toward Meghan.

Insiders have noted that in many ways, Meg is the ideal royal spouse, having entered the role with years of media experience and a long history of philanthropic work.

British tabloids have described the relationship between Meghan and Kate as a rivalry, but that seems inaccurate.

Even if Kate is stepping her game up in response to the increase in attention toward Meghan, that doesn’t mean she feels threatened by the former Suits star.

It’s entirely possible she welcomes a little friendly competition.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driving Royal Staffers to Quit with Her Diva Demands?

While rumors say that Kate Middleton resents Meghan Markle stealing her spotlight, it turns out that Meghan has gotten on the last nerve of others in the Palace.

Meghan and Harry lost three of their employees in a very short time.

A report says that Meghan may be causing this “stampede” with her insistence on following her own path instead of royal protocol.

According to a report by the Sunday Express, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s household has lost yet another staffer.

Samantha Cohen was the couple’s private secretary.

She has now departed from the post.

She was preceded in that job by Edward Lane Fox, who also left that position by his own choice.

And on Saturday, someone walked out who worked even more closely with Meghan.

Meghan Markle’s personal assistant was known only by “Melissa.”

Melissa has spent the past six months at Kensington Palace with Meghan.

Among her duties was having a very direct role in key elements of preparing for the Royal Wedding in May of this year. 

Well, Melissa has now reportedly resigned.

Some have interpreted the loss of three members of the Royal couple’s staff as a sign that something is wrong.

According to how a source characterized matters to the Sunday Express, this is very unusual.

“To lose one member of the household could happen to anyone,” the insider admits.

Two is happenstance. But three?

“To lose three in a few months is starting to look like a stampede,” the source says.

Maybe that is a little dramatic, but that does seem like a lot of turnaround for one couple’s household, right?

So … what’s sending these staffers running for the hills?

Allegedly, Meghan Markle’s independent attitude is driving away the household staff.

As an actress, Meghan was a public figure long before she began dating Prince Harry.

And, like most humans, she has a personal sense of style.

She remains dedicated to that style even as a duchess, and is resistant to certain Royal traditions that would dictate how she should dress.

Meghan wants to dress like herself.

She doesn’t feel a need to be dressed in outfits that are virtually identical to those worn by Duchess Kate.

We are meant to believe that Meghan’s sense of autonomy is viewed as “tiresome” by household staffers.

In June, Meghan wore an off-the-shoulder blush colored Caroline Herrera gown to attend the Trooping of the Colour event.

(Gosh, Britain has goofy names for things)

She has also worn purses whose straps cross the body rather than a simple clutch.

Additionally, Meghan didn’t wear pantyhose for the engagement announcement.

All of that is beautiful and even stylish, but flies in the face of stuffy Royal traditions.

We’re not sure what to make of these reports.

Meghan seems to be a genuinely likeable person.

The narrative that she’s “difficult” and resistant to conforming to expectations is tempting, because she’s an American, but that doesn’t mean that it’s true.

And it’s difficult to imagine that Meghan and Harry’s secretaries are so personally offended that Meghan’s formal attire isn’t boring enough that they quit.

There can be real drama surrounding the Royal Family.

But that doesn’t mean that every story has a scandal just beneath the surface.

Sometimes, people just quit.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Lil Xan: I Don"t Want to End Up Like Mac Miller But I Can"t Quit Drugs!

It’s a frightening time for young celebrities, as an epidemic of addiction and substance abuse is claiming lives in Hollywood at an astonishing rate.

Over the course of the past year, a number of promising lives have been lost or forever changed by opioids and other prescription pills, and it seems that there’s no solution to the problem in sight.

In July, Demi Lovato’s near-fatal overdose left fans praying for the singer’s recovery.

(Lovato recently celebrated 90 days of sobriety.)

The death of Mac Miller in September stunned the hip-hop world and left many of his fellow artists thinking twice about lyrics and lifestyles that glorify substance abuse.

One such artist is Lil Xan.

Xan is so steeped in modern hip-hop drug culture that his stage name is a reference to his former substance of choice.

The 23-year-old recently opened up to TMZ in a surprisingly candid new interview in which he discusses his conflicted feelings toward drugs and the music that glorifies them.

The rapper says he’s kicked his addiction to Xanax, but is still “weaning” himself away from other pills.

In the interview, Xan reveals that he sold drugs before making it big in music.

But he also insists he was a drug dealer with a conscience and quit dealing when the often-fatal Fentanyl hit the scene.

“My friends were taking it; they were puking. I was like I can’t … I’m out the game,” Xan says of his decision to retire from dealing and focus on music.

Xan says that like Demi, he’s capable of long periods of sobriety, but notes that he is currently off the wagon.

“I relapsed, and that’s common … Any other addict would understand that sh-t just happens,” he tells TMZ.

“You just relapse. You don’t want to. It’s a process. You need treatment and help, and sometimes that doesn’t even help.”

“It has to come from within. That’s what I’ve learned,” Xan says.

“I’ve gone periods of like six months clean of everything. And that was because of me. I wanted to be clean.”

When the interviewer states that Xan is “clean now,” he corrects her:

“I’m not completely clean. Off Xanax, yes, but I’m still weaning off Norcos [a brand of codeine-based painkiller],” he says.

Xan says he is currently not in rehab, but is living in seclusion “in the forest.”

He adds that he plans to remain in hiding until the release of his upcoming album, which he has described as a tribute to his “hero,” Mac Miller.

We wish Lil Xan all the best in his recovery.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Anfisa and Jorge Nava: We Quit 90 Day Fiance!

In September, Jorge Nava reported to prison to begin serving his 2.5 year sentence.

His wife, Anfisa, is still free and continues to be a full-time student.

But she has shared some news that will break the hearts of many fans: she and Jorge are done with 90 Day Fiance.

Anfisa Nava has clearly been working out, and she took to Instagram to show off the results.

You can see those results for yourself in the gif below. Her fans and followers sure noticed.

“Oh wow, your transition from first seeing you on 90 Day Fiance has been phenomenal,” a fan commented.

That comment continued: “I hope they bring you and Jorge back next season.”

Anfisa, however, had some crushing news.

“Nope, we are done,” she wrote, adding a smiling emoji.

Though her followers had been commenting on slender and surprisingly buff body, her revelation caught their attention.

“That makes me sad that u won’t be back on the show,” wrote a fan.

The fan continued, saying that they would “miss u guys much.”

“Why are you guys done??” asked another follower.

That follower continued: “You two are one of my favorite couples!”

We talked about this possibility earlier this year, in the aftermath of the initial arrest and especially after Jorge’s sentencing.

Anfisa and Jorge are one of the most talked-about couples in the 90 Day Fiance franchise.

Why? In part, because they’re still together — which was seriously questioned for a while.

In part because Anfisa is hot (let’s not pretend that people don’t follow some couples more than others because of that; get real)

And in part because they are heavily controversial.

One is a gold digger and the other is, well, a pot grower who lied about his wealth to score a much hotter bride.

Their relationship seemed toxic for so long — they were openly hostile to each other.

But we cautioned months ago that they might stop appearing on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

Why? Because Jorge is in prison.

While it’s true that some television shows have interviewed prisoners and aired the footage, that doesn’t really work well for reality shows.

It’s hard to do a show about a married couple when one is behind bars.

Anfisa is believed to be relying at least partially upon YouTube revenue — though that is uncunfirmed — while Jorge is away.

In a recent YouTube video, she seemed to throw her embattled husband under the proverbial bus.

“In my opinion, Jorge is an adult and he really should take responsibility for his actions,” Anfisa said.

“And,” she continued. “Whatever is going on now, he brought upon himself.”

Interestingly, many would blame a corrupt legal system that makes a plant perfectly legal on one side of an imaginary line and heavily illegal on the other.

“And I think I don’t deserve to be in this situation,” Anfisa said. “And I don’t deserve to hear all this negativity from all these people.”

It’s true that Anfisa wasn’t the one who was caught in Arizona transporting a massive amount of marijuana.

Some found that line a little coldhearted, especially coming from the guy’s wife.

But perhaps she is trying to avoid making excuses for him and instead focusing on hoping that he gets out a few months early.

2.5 years may be a relatively short prison sentence, but it’s a long time. Especially for a married couple.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Jen Harley and Ronnie Magro Seriously Can"t Quit Each Other

It seems very possible that Jen Harley recently pounded Ronnie Ortiz-Magro in the face.

Despite this allegation, however, the troubled reality stars continue to pound each other.

In the bedroom, we mean.

Just a few days ago, Ronnie shared a close-up of his face and his left eye, both of which appeared to be battered and bruised.

Along with this disturbing image, the veteran Jersey Shore cast member wrote as a caption:

“Sorry for lying to my friends and family. Sometimes u love people so much [you’re] willing to lie and the hurt the people that love u the most to protect.”

Translation: Harley beat the crap out of me again.

Right? How else were we meant to interpret this message and this picture?

A few months prior to Ronnie’s apparent assault reveal, he had been dragged down the street from a car that Harley was driving./


And just a short time before this ridiculous incident, Harley was banned from a Las Vegas hotel after she (allegedly) got physical with Ronnie on a different occasion.

And these altercations followed an ugly exchange between Ronnie and Harley on social media, as documented below.

Simply put, these two do NOT belong together…

Shortly after Ronnie shared the back eye picture, Jen replied to a fan on social media who asked about her having future contact with her baby daddy, writing:

“No I will never speak to him again. I’ve kept my mouth shut for to (sic) long.”

That was on Friday.

On Saturday, Harley and Ronnie were spotted out and about, chilling with friends on a boat.

The MTV star himself posted clips aboard the boat of him and Harley, the latter of whom was donning a pink fluoro bikini, as you can see in the first picture in this article above.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, the effed up twosome was in Florida, celebrating Harley’s birthday with a handful of loved ones.

On Sunday, Jen shared a series of text messages between her and Ortiz-Magro on Instagram, saying along with them: “the truth about the Black eye lol.”

“I’ll fix it baby,” a message allegedly from Ronnie reads, assing:

“U want me to post something say that I reacted out of anger and that it was a double sided incendet (sic) and we are working at making things better so we are never back in that situation again.”

“Lmfao. Nahhhh so it look like your so scared of me you had too,” Harley responded, adding that Ortiz-Magro made her “wanna puke right now.”

We can’t figure these two out, that’s for certain.

But we do know they have a six-month old daughter at home and better shape the hecl up for her sake.

Harley and Ortiz-Magro, who started dating in July 2017, have documented their tumultuous relationship on social media and on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

You can tune in each Thursday night to see how this awful relationship plays out.

Just consider yourself warned:

It will be funny at first and then, once you realize they are parents of a baby girl, it will be downright nauseating and awful to witness.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jen Harley: Ronnie Magro Needs to Quit Jersey Shore NOW!

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you’re probably well aware that the relationship between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley is far from healthy.

Ron is prone to fits of anger (or “ron-pages,” if you prefer), but for the most part, fans have piled the bulk of the blame on Jen — and for good reason.

After all, this is the woman who dragged Ron in her car during an argument, leaving him badly injured.

The cause of the altercation was Jen’s previous batsh-t behavior, which includes disappearing with their daughter and sending Ron on a mad search across Las Vegas, like he was stuck in some completely non-funny version of The Hangover.

Needless to say, Jen and Ron have a lot of problems.

In fact, it sounds as though there are only two paths forward for little Ariana’s parents at this point:

They can either break up or begin therapy and commit themselves to the hard work of tearing their relationship down to its foundations and beginning anew.

Of course, Jen doesn’t see it that way.

She thinks the solution to her many romantic problems is easy and obvious:

According to Jen, it’s all Ron’s fault, and he can fix everything by simply quitting Jersey Shore.

Cutting off one’s sole source of income shortly after welcoming a child may sound foolish, but Jen explained the brilliance behind her plan while she was bored on a recent flight and decided to host an Instagram AMA:

“So bored! Another 2 hours left!! Entertain me! Ask away, be nice,” Jen wrote.

Fans were quick to oblige, and while most of the questions were along the lines of “WTF is your deal?” some offered more nuanced inquiries:

“I know you won’t answer this but how do you like being on Jersey Shore,” one fan asked.

“Honestly the show has been the route [sic] to all our problems,” Jen answered.

“Would you want Ron to quit JS to make ur relationship better and peaceful?” another asked.

Ronnie and Jen Harley

“DUH,” Jen replied, in not-at-all-obnoxious fashion.

In case there was any doubt about Jen’s distaste for the show that made her (in)famous, she went on to make it quite clear that she’s not a fan:

“How do you feel seeing yourself on Jersey Shore?” another follower asked.

“I legit do not watch the show.”

Hmm … you might want to tune in this week, Jen.

The show will give you an idea as to why total strangers cross the street when they see you approaching.

Just a thought.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tony Ferguson, "I Quit Drinking, Turned My Life Around"

UFC star Tony Ferguson says he’s a new, sober man — telling TMZ Sports he’s cut alcohol out of his life and has “completely turned my life around.” Tony says he made the life changes to expedite his recovery from the devastating knee injury he…


Sunday, August 26, 2018

UFC Announcer Blasts Nate Diaz, Quit Bitching, "Bow" To Dana White

The most famous Octagon announcer in MMA history is sick and tired of Nate Diaz’s antics, telling the Stockton superstar to stop complaining and start fighting already. We got Bruce Buffer out in L.A. and he didn’t mince words ……


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Bethenny Frankel: Will She Quit The Real Housewives?!?!?

Bethenny Frankel may star on a reality show.

She may even be the most famous Bravo reality star of all-time.

But the Skinnygirl entrepreneur was hit with a dose of actual reality just a few weeks ago when her long-time boyfriend, Dennis Shields, died of an accidental drug overdose.

As cliche as it may sound, this tragedy has understandably put things in perspective for Frankel.

And sources now say she may make a drastic decision in the wake of this loss.

Scroll down to find out what we mean and also to learn what Bethenny"s fellow Housewives have been saying about her of late…

1. Her History on the Show

Ny housewives

Frankel was hired as a Housewife in 2010 and starred on the program’s first four seasons. She then left for her own spinoff and returned in 2014 in time for Season 7.

2. Her History with Dennis Shields

Dennis shields and bethenny frankel sited in new york city

Frankel and Shields started dating in 2016. The romance was up and it was down, but it was also serious enough that marriage was at least a topic of conversation at times.

3. And Then Shields Died

Bethenny frankel strikes a pose

On August 10, Shields was found dead in his New York City apartment.

4. Bethenny Pays Tribute

Dennis shields and cookie

Frankel shared the above photo on Instagram after Shields passed away and wrote: “Rest In Peace my sweet babies who gave me endless unconditional love.”

5. So… Now What?

Bethenny frankel in green

Now Frankel may move on, realizing that a life spent stirring up fake drama for the sake of ratings is no life at all. “Bethenny has spent over a decade fighting and partying on the Real Housewives,” a source tells Radar. “Everything she did was to make herself famous. She even had her wedding televised! But after the death of her boyfriend, she’s telling friends that she’s going to quit the show.”

6. Yes, It’s All Fake. And That Has Taken Its Toll.

Bethenny frankel with a hat

“She’s sick, absolutely sick of spending hours thinking up things to say to upstage other cast members… And of rehearsing nasty ‘zingers,"” adds this insider.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Did He Really QUIT Jersey Shore?!

We’re just one day away from the return of Jersey Shore: Family Reunion, and in keeping with tradition, it seems there’s so much drama that no camera crew can keep pace.

And not surprisingly, much of it centers around the mascot for ‘roid rage himself, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

As you may recall from the first iteration of JSFV, agro Magro is pretty much “spiraling” non-stop these days.

Ronnie has broken up with Jen Harley about a dozen times in the months since they welcomed a daughter together.

Each split has been uglier than the last, and at one point, Harley dragged Ronnie with her car during a particularly intense fight.

Unable to restrain his rage, Ronnie got in a fight with a random fan while the show was filming in Vegas.

In recent weeks, Ronnie has largely been absent as his castmates continued to promote the show at various events, including Monday night’s 2018 VMAs.

Magro has also been uncharacteristically quiet on social media in recent weeks.

All of this sparked rumors that Ronnie quit Jersey Shore, possibly as a result of a legal battle with Harley.

Last night, Ron-Ron took to Instagram to finally address those reports.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with Ariana

“Everyone keeps asking where I’ve been, why wasn’t I at the VMAs or other ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ events with my lovely castmates,” he wrote.

“I’ve chosen to take some time off to be a father to my beautiful daughter,” Magro added.

“I’ve got to experience everything in my life thankfully because of ‘Jersey Shore’ and my fans, [but] there’s nothing that can replace the feeling of being a father.”

From there, Ronnie assured fans that all is well in Seaside Heights:

“Thank you for all the love and support, and no, I have not quit ‘Jersey Shore,"” he continued. “

“I am just choosing to take time so I can watch my daughter grow and be apart of [her] life…and be an amazing father. I rather be there for her in person than have to watch her grow through text messages and Instagram posts.”

Ronnie concluded the post with a touching tribute to his daughter:

“I can give her everything in the world, but if I can’t give her a relationship or a bond, than all of this is for nothing at the end of the day.”

And just so there’s no doubt about his involvement with the show, he tossed in a bunch of promotional hashtags, like “#PremiereThisJerzDay”

So there you have it.

Despite numerous reports to the contrary Rahn has not stahpped, nor does he have any intention of stahpping.

So mix up a batch of Ron-Ron juice and bust out your Sammi Sweetheart sex doll, because the stuff is about to hit the fan yet again.


Audrey Roloff: Is THIS Why She Quit Little People, Big World?

You can always trust Audrey Roloff to keep it real.

The now-former Little People, Big World has talked at length in the past about her early breastfeeding challenge, her bouts of postpartum depression and how she relies on her faith in all aspects of her life.

But what about the filming of the show itself?

What has it been like to have a cameraman essentially follow you around at all times?

In the wake of Audrey and Jeremy Roloff announcing they will not be returning to Little People, Big World, Audrey recently spoke to Jenna Kutcher on the Goal Digger podcast and perhaps shed some light on why the couple decided to walk away.

Scroll down and then click around for the revealing details…

1. Audrey and Jeremy Confirmed in July 2018 That They Are Leaving LPBW

Happy mommy and daughter

This is what Audrey wrote on Instagram after her husband first broke the news: “This past season was our last season of filming for Little People Big World. I know it’s been a shorter run for me(for Jeremy it’s been 14 years!), but I’ve shared some pretty big life moments on #LPBW – getting engaged, our wedding day, the launch of @beating50, 3 moves, a remodel, finding out we were having a baby girl, and becoming a new mom! I and so thankful for the encouragement, kindness, and support that each of you have shown to our family. We are forever grateful for the run we’ve had, but excited to focus on what we feel the Lord is calling us too! You guys are the most loyal fans. Thank you for respecting our decision. And thanks to TLC for putting up with us.”

2. She Concluded:

Roloffs and daughter

“Mostly, I am so proud of my husband who has grown up in the public eye and yet remained grounded, wise, and steadfast in his faith. This decision is one that I respect him for immensely. ‘Here’s hail to the rest of the road!’ I love you Farmer. Psalm 20:7.”

3. But Why?!?

Loving daughter time

Jeremy had said the decision to depart was made about a year ago, but neither he nor Audrey delved into the reasons WHY the couple had arrived at this major decision.

4. It’s Been a Big Change So Far

Roloffs near church

“Segueing away from the cameras [has] been a big shift for us,” Audrey admitted on the podcast. “But we are really excited about just being able to really press into writing and speaking and creating and just devoting all of our efforts in the things that we feel the Lord has called us to, and also raising a family away from the cameras.”

5. Audrey Met Jeremy on a Blind Date

Pure joy

She confesses here that she didn’t really understand what she was getting into when she first met her husband. And the whole reality show thing didn’t really affect her at first.

6. Why Was This the Case?

Roloffs say cheese

Because, Roloff explains, “during our long distance relationships, I sort of was around the cameras but not too much.” It wasn’t until her wedding day that Audrey got “thrust into it” all.

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