Showing posts with label Bish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bish. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Quit Stealing My Spotlight, Bish

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry back in May, the former actress has been the toast of London.

In fact, you could call her the Queen of the British Empire, were it not for the fact that that title is already held by an iconic nonagenarian who doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Of course, barring a series of violent tragedies that would make George R.R. Martin blush, Meghan will never actually be queen, as her husband is third in line for the throne.

Prince William, however, will likely wear the crown one day, which means Kate Middleton will join him as one of the world’s two most visible monarchs.

And if recent reports are to be believed, Kate is very much looking forward to the time when she can steal her spotlight back from Meg.

Yes, the news of Meghan’s pregnancy came just a few months after her wedding, and insiders say Kate feels as though she’s been shoved to the margins.

Of course, patience is Kate’s best-known virtue — she didn’t earn the nickname “Waity” for nothing — but when it comes to reclaiming her spot as the queen bee of Kensington Palace, Kate is not biding her time.

Royal watchers have noticed that the Duchess of Cambridge has been attending more events, posing for more pics, and rocking more daring fashions in recent weeks.

“A couple of years ago, you might have seen her being a little bit timid,” Royal expert Susan E. Kelley recently told Vanity Fair.

“Now, she seems like she’s in a more take-charge position,” Kelley added.

“I’m beginning to see the person who’s going to be queen emerging.”  

Of course, given the timing of Kate’s emboldened stance toward the media, it’s not hard to see why so many have jumped to the conclusion that she’s responding to the increased attention toward Meghan.

Insiders have noted that in many ways, Meg is the ideal royal spouse, having entered the role with years of media experience and a long history of philanthropic work.

British tabloids have described the relationship between Meghan and Kate as a rivalry, but that seems inaccurate.

Even if Kate is stepping her game up in response to the increase in attention toward Meghan, that doesn’t mean she feels threatened by the former Suits star.

It’s entirely possible she welcomes a little friendly competition.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Hurricane Florence: Bring It On, Bish!

As you"ve no doubt heard by now, Hurricane Florence is due to make landfall early Friday morning.

Meteorologists expect the storm to hit the Carolinas at category 4 magnitude, bringing with it devastating storm surges and 140 MPH winds.

For obvious reasons, those living near the coast have been cautioned to evacuate.

Sadly, some are forced to stay put for medical or other reasons.

Then there are those who foolishly look at natural disasters as opportunities to put their badass survival skills to the test and inevitably end up begging for help from the same government organizations who implored them to head for safer territory.

Guess which category Jenelle Evans falls into.

Jump into the gallery below for the stirring saga that is Jenelle vs. Florence …

1. Jenelle Evans Hearts Hurricanes

Jenelle evans hearts hurricanes

Jenelle posted this photo as the Carolinas brace for Hurricane Florence. She captioned the pic “#NewProfilePic #HurricaneFlorence #PrayForNC #PrayForSC” Good to see she has her priorities straight,

2. Give Us the Prayers, Dude!

Pray for jenelle

Despite being wealthy and not having a full-time job, Jenelle Evans doesn’t want to take the basic steps to ensure her family’s safety. She does want you to pray for her, though.

3. Sympathy For the Devil

Jenelle tweets about flo

Yes, Jenelle won’t lift a finger to improve her situation, but she’s been posting tweets like this one to ensure her fans remain deeply worried about her well-being.

4. Be Concerned … But Not TOO Concerned

Jenelle has issues

Jenelle wants the best of both worlds. She wants the attention that comes with being in harm’s way, but if anyone advises her to save herself, she’s quick to assure them there’s no cause for alarm.

5. Jenelle-splaining

Jenelle is safe

When fans started to get serious and warn Jenelle to get the hell out of Dodge, she became irate, which is her response to literally every situation.

6. Angry Evans

Jenelle evans eye roll

“I do not live in the evacuation zone or a flood area,” Jenelle tweeted. “Not sure what county you think I live in.”

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Goes on the ATTACK Against Briana DeJesus: Bish, Be Humble!

The two series that make up the Teen Mom franchise are unique among reality shows, in that the principal cast members spend very little time in one another"s presence.

As such, fans usually have to wait until the annual reunion episodes to see the moms lock horns with their rivals.

But not this year.

No, last night"s episode of Teen Mom 2 cut right to the chase, focusing on some backstage drama that took place at the filming of last season"s reunion show.

Not surprisingly, the ongoing feud between Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus came to a head in a major way, and fans were treated to sort of high drama that usually only comes after the finale.

Here"s a recap of the fireworks that took went off in the hair and makeup room…

1. Briana v. Kailyn

Briana v kailyn

Briana and Kailyn have never gotten along, but based on what we saw last night, their feud has only deteriorated in recent months.

2. Briana Drama

Briana confronts kail

The reunion couldn’t have come at a more contentious time, as Briana had recently taken a controversial trip to Florida with Javi, his son, and his stepson.

3. Sketchy Behavior

Kail has no sh ts to give

Kail was understandably upset that Javi didn’t inform her prior to the trip that he would be sharing a hotel room with Briana while on vacation with her two sons.

4. A Messy Situation

Kailyns not having it

“Could you imagine someone you work with is dating your ex-husband? It’s weird,” Kailyn remarked to her friend. “It’s messy. I don’t think she’s a good person.”

5. DeJesus In Denial?

Briana d pic

For her part, Briana didn’t see any need for drama, remarking, “I want us to all get along and have a good time.”

6. Not Happening

Kailyn lowry on insta

We suppose Briana’s optimism was refreshing, if a tad naive. Not surprisingly, the stuff hit the fan the moment Kail and Bri laid eyes on one another …

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: You Better Watch Yourself, Bish!

We hope Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans are in line to receive some sort of bonus from MTV, because they’ve both gone beyond the call of duty in terms of entertaining Teen Mom 2 fans with a bit of extracurricular drama that’s playing out on social media rather than television.

Of course, when you love your work, you don’t mind taking it home with you, and Jenelle loves nothing more than being a ginormous pain in the ass to her far more level-headed co-stars.

The latest insanity began when David Eason commented on a photo of Leah Messer’s daughters with an unprompted critique of one of the girls’ appearances.

Yes, David thought Leah’s 8-year-old daughter was wearing too much makeup, and for reasons that defy explanation, he decided to say so on Instagram.

Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.

Pretty much everyone who saw the comment reacted with some variation on “WTF is wrong with this guy?” and of course, that caused Jenelle to lose her mind.

Evans not only defended her husband, she went nuclear on his critics, especially Leah, with the batsh-t argument that David had every right to bully a little girl, because that little girl’s mom once said something sort of mean about him on a podcast.

This led Kailyn Lowry to defend Leah by pointing out once again that Jenelle is a hypocritical crazy person who can dish it out, but can’t even come close to taking it.

“Let’s first start by saying that Jenelle creates her own drama and then blames everyone else,” Lowry told Radar Online.

Kail went on to reveal that Jenelle’s temper-tantrum-followed-by-pity-party pattern is one that her co-stars are sadly all too familiar with.

“There have been multiple times over the years where Jenelle will remove herself from set or have a meltdown resulting in not being in pictures or whatever,” Lowry said.

“Then she will throw a fit saying we bully her or didn’t include her.”

Kailyn went on to claim that Jenelle’s alliance with Briana DeJesus has less to do with any rapport between those two and more to do with Evans’ desire to have someone on her side in her ongoing war with 

“When they added a fifth girl who has beef with people, Jenelle immediately ‘has her back,’ which is cool. Do that. But then don’t turn around when Chelsea, Leah, and I have been close the whole time.

“Of course we are going to have each other’s backs,” she added.

Kailyn concluded with a word of warning directed at Jenelle:

“I’m not going to think twice if you talk about their kids,” she wrote. “Keep the kids out of it.” 

Solid advice. Which means we’re guessing Jenelle won’t follow it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders of just how bonkers Jenelle truly is.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Let Me Show You How to Dress, Bish

Depending on which tabloids you believe, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are either bitter rivals or the best of friends.

In all likelihood, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, but where’s the fun in that?

Last week, there were rumors of Kate planning Meghan’s bachelorette party.

We’d say it was a nice gesture that probably helped to make Meg feel welcome, but based on today’s news, we’re starting to think it was a Regina George power move.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Kate has been advising Meghan on royal fashion protocol, which we’re taking to mean she’s going through her the actress’ closet and tossing anything she deems offensively fug.

“Like Kate, expect Meghan to make the occasional nod to her husband’s fashion icon mother,” a royal source tells ET.

“Both Kate and Meghan will no doubt honor Princess Diana with designs that reflect her likes and style.”

The insider says Kate “has also been advising Meghan about royal fashion, what protocol is expected and how she may have to adapt in the future,” adding:

“She has provided Meghan with names of some of the favorite U.K. go-to designers on everything from dresses, coats and the all-important British hat,”

Ah, the Brits love their hats, do they not?

It’s like a hundred years ago, one of them went to the Kentucky Derby and said, “This. But at every formal occasion.”

Fortunately for Meg, the British fixation with fancy chapeaux might help her to avoid a potential crisis of decorum.

We’re talking, of course, about the uproar over Meghan’s messy buns.

We’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. Moving on…

“There is no royal protocol for hairstyle,” the insider tells ET.

“Kate often styles her hair in a casual ponytail at more informal events, and Meghan’s messy bun was an attempt to fit in with the young people she was meeting in a similar casual setting with Prince Harry.”

Yes, the Brits apparently are not thrilled with the sight of Meg’s messy buns.

Clearly, she should’ve stayed in America, where Kim Kardashian broke the internet by spilling champagne all over her ass.

Elsewhere in the pre-royal wedding gossip landscape, Us Weekly is claiming that Meghan’s shady siblings are starting to be a royal pain in the messy buns, and no one knows what to do about it:

“Meghan is really worried about some of these members of her family,” one insider tells the tabloid.

“She hasn’t spoken to them in years. She’s lost sleep over relatives who’ve screwed her over. It’s the one thing she’s struggled with most since meeting Harry, especially after the engagement.” 

Clearly, the only solution here is to round up Meghan’s relatives and have them made into hats.

And that’s how you diplomacy, folks.
