Monday, April 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: You Better Watch Yourself, Bish!

We hope Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans are in line to receive some sort of bonus from MTV, because they’ve both gone beyond the call of duty in terms of entertaining Teen Mom 2 fans with a bit of extracurricular drama that’s playing out on social media rather than television.

Of course, when you love your work, you don’t mind taking it home with you, and Jenelle loves nothing more than being a ginormous pain in the ass to her far more level-headed co-stars.

The latest insanity began when David Eason commented on a photo of Leah Messer’s daughters with an unprompted critique of one of the girls’ appearances.

Yes, David thought Leah’s 8-year-old daughter was wearing too much makeup, and for reasons that defy explanation, he decided to say so on Instagram.

Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.

Pretty much everyone who saw the comment reacted with some variation on “WTF is wrong with this guy?” and of course, that caused Jenelle to lose her mind.

Evans not only defended her husband, she went nuclear on his critics, especially Leah, with the batsh-t argument that David had every right to bully a little girl, because that little girl’s mom once said something sort of mean about him on a podcast.

This led Kailyn Lowry to defend Leah by pointing out once again that Jenelle is a hypocritical crazy person who can dish it out, but can’t even come close to taking it.

“Let’s first start by saying that Jenelle creates her own drama and then blames everyone else,” Lowry told Radar Online.

Kail went on to reveal that Jenelle’s temper-tantrum-followed-by-pity-party pattern is one that her co-stars are sadly all too familiar with.

“There have been multiple times over the years where Jenelle will remove herself from set or have a meltdown resulting in not being in pictures or whatever,” Lowry said.

“Then she will throw a fit saying we bully her or didn’t include her.”

Kailyn went on to claim that Jenelle’s alliance with Briana DeJesus has less to do with any rapport between those two and more to do with Evans’ desire to have someone on her side in her ongoing war with 

“When they added a fifth girl who has beef with people, Jenelle immediately ‘has her back,’ which is cool. Do that. But then don’t turn around when Chelsea, Leah, and I have been close the whole time.

“Of course we are going to have each other’s backs,” she added.

Kailyn concluded with a word of warning directed at Jenelle:

“I’m not going to think twice if you talk about their kids,” she wrote. “Keep the kids out of it.” 

Solid advice. Which means we’re guessing Jenelle won’t follow it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders of just how bonkers Jenelle truly is.
