Monday, April 30, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Shares Graphic Back Surgery Photo

Abby Lee Miller is out of prison.

But she is not out of the woods.

Not when it comes to her health, that is.

As previously reported, the former Dance Moms host has been diagnosed with cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, to be exact), a development that has understandably caused the choreographer to take stock of her life.

She’s expected to still live a long and fruitful one, but this is still a very frightening experience.

On Friday, Miller went ahead and took fans behind the scenes of this experience, a little bit, posting an Instagram photo of her recent back surgery.

(Days before her cancer diagnosis, Miller was rushed to the hospital due to extreme back pain, which was originally determined to be a spine infection.)

“This gives a whole new meaning to being stabbed in the back!” wrote Miller, actually making us laugh with the caption to the photo below.

It’s no secret to any long-time reader of The Hollywood Gossip that we are not huge Abby Lee Miller fans.

But we’re obviously do not wish any actual physical harm or pain on the ex-Lifetime personality.

Last week, for the first time since her Burkitt lymphoma diagnosis, Miller spoke out, releasing a statement along with a hospital bed selfie.

“So much gratitude and love for those who listened, those who looked deeper and those who leapt into action,” Miller said at the time, adding:

“So much more I wish I could say……about how quickly your life can change at the hands of others.

Miller has always been a polarizing figure, due to the way she treated kids in her Dance Moms class, along with their parents.

But messages of support poured forth in response to the caption above and picture below.

Here’s a prime example:

I really really hope you get better. I am praying for you. I believe you will get through this. I haven’t met you and I’ve seen you on TV, but I can clearly see you are a strong caring person. I really hope you feel better.

“Me and all your friends, family and fans are all with you and praying for you. I hope u get better.”

Another fan added:

“We love you Abby. You can do this!”

This has certainly been quite the past year or so for Miller.

After pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud back in 2016, she was sentenced to a year in jail.

In late March, she was then released to a halfway house, where she was expected to serve the remainder of her term.

It’s unclear if she’ll need to go back there in the face of this health issue.

Sources have told MTZ that Miller is apparently “resting comfortably” as she awaits further treatment and will probably need to undergo another spinal surgery whether the tests cancer tests come back positive or not.

We wish her the best.
