Monday, April 30, 2018

Kanye West Praises His Hero Emma Gonzalez, Who Swerves Him Hard

Recently, Kanye West has praised Donald Trump. But not all of his political statements fall in line with what his fellow “MAGA” enthusiasts would like to see.

Kanye recently tweeted that Parkland shooting survivor and gun control activist Emma Gonzalez is his hero.

Emma responded indirectly with a hard swerve … in a very classy way. Take a look.

Kanye West seems so proud of his “MAGA” hat.

Sure, his family doesn’t like it and his friends and fans feel betrayed, but he and Trump have the same “dragon energy’ so …

We guess that we know that Kanye’s priorities have always been himself and whatever whims he might have.

But as Kanye’s newly acquired pro-Trump fans are learning … he can be all over the place.

For example, Kanye tweeted this:

Kanye West Tweets About Emma Gonzalez

“My hero Emma Gonzalez,” he writes.

Emma Gonzalez is, of course, one of the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that claimed 17 innocent lives.

Since surviving that horrible shooting, she has become an outspoken advocate for gun control regulations to try to prevent further senseless tragedies.

Because of this, she has become the target of hate and even the subject of multiple deranged conspiracy theories.

(Since the Sandy Hook shooting, it has become increasingly common for far right conspiracy theorists to refer to mass shootings as “false flag” operations or hoaxes staged by the government or Illuminati or whatever)

It is an understatement to say that Kanye’s admiration for Emma is not entirely in keeping with the Trump agenda.

Emma Gonzales Tweets About James Shaw Jr.

Emma responded indirectly, copying Kanye’s statement to name her own hero: James Shaw Jr.

Shaw disarmed the shooter at the Waffle House shooting in April, using her bare hands (and getting severe burns) to save the lives of every single survivor.

Since then, Shaw has dismissed the idea that he is a hero, and has used his newfound platform to raise money for the families of the victims who died that day.

He is certainly worthy of praise and admiration.

And it was an intensely classy way for Emma to redirect attention brought on by Kanye to someone whose heroism she admires.

(Yes, she swerved him, and yes, we are aware that the term swerve in this context comes from Kanye’s own lyrics)

But Kanye had still more to say about Emma.

“Inspired by Emma,” he wrote under this selfie.

Some who saw this wondered if Kanye is talking about genuine inspiration, or if he is referring to the similarities between his haircut and Emma’s.

(It is worth noting, by the way, that Emma’s haircut is not a feminist statement or an expression of her sexuality — she’s bi — but just a practical choice for Florida’s hellish swamp climate)

Kanye being Kanye, he is probably being sincere.

That’s honestly nice of him, though as the world as seen recently as Kanye compares himself and Trump to dragons, Kanye’s admiration does not always mean that he shares their views.

It may be that Kanye admires Emma’s fight and her passion — as so many do.

That doesn’t mean that he treasures his signed “MAGA” hat any less.

Kanye’s Twitter activity recently has been bizarre, to the point where his wife, Kim Kardashian, has been using her powerful social media platform to defend him.

Kanye’s friends who loathe Trump may agree to disagree with Kanye and patiently explain things when they come up … but a lot of his fans feel betrayed.

This is the man who slammed George W. Bush for his inexcusable inaction during Hurricane Katrina.

It’s hard for them to understand why Kanye would admire a man who is beloved by white nationalists and whose campaign and administration have been filled with racism.

But perhaps they’ll take comfort in the knowledge that Kanye still has a ton of admiration for a lot of worthy people, like Emma.
